One company supporting the Switch since its inception which has perhaps been overlooked from time to time is Telltale Games. During an interview with Eurogamer at Gamescom this week, Telltale's executive producer for The Walking Dead - Brodie Anderson - admit their reliable but aging game engine had let players down in recent years and explained how the current transitional phase was an important step for the company:
I will say we certainly, I think, have let players down in the past a little bit, just in terms of our engine's technology…We're always pleased to innovate and maybe in the previous season we didn't do enough of that.
As noted by Eurogamer, Telltale’s output has slowed in 2018, with The Walking Dead finale being the only new season launched. In contrast, 2017 saw close to 20 episodes arrive across five different franchises.
There hasn't been as many products in the marketplace this year compared to previous which has allowed us to focus more and move to more of working on one game at a time with a dedicated team.
Anderson went on to explain how handling multiple IP and developing several story-driven game series all at once resulted in the quality of experiences dropping:
We know we ran a little hot in previous years and weren't able to fully deliver the experiences we may have wanted to, so that was important to focus in on a polished quality experience players love. We took that to heart before the development of this season and this team is excited about it.
With the development teams within Telltale focused on fewer projects now, hopefully, the company can sort out its game engine troubles and see a return to form.
Have you been enjoying Telltale’s Games as much as you once did? Have you noticed any change in the quality of the experiences over time? Do you agree they’ve been handling too many series at once? Is a drastic engine overhaul in need? Tell us below.
Comments 45
Yeah, they NEED to go back to Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey Island. Those games are what made them popular, along with Bone, Back to the Future, Strong Bad's Game for Cool People, and Wallace & Gromit (aside from that less-than-stellar last episode), not the garbage they make today.
Strong Bad's game was for attractive people.
i never will understand the appeal of telltale "games". games are the last thing i would ever call them anyway.
has the final season of the walking dead even been released yet on the EU eShop? I can't find it
Telltale games are amazing. An nothing wrong with the current engine. Hope they keep up the good work.
@dethmart not yet
Telltale games is a company that couldn't quite keep pace with its own success. They rapidly changed from a handful of people peddling an ancient genre from a bench at conventions to a major partner for established, story-driven IP.
As an independent developer on a tight budget releasing the Strongbad games and the Sam and Max series, fans were more than willing to forgive their engine's shortcomings.
But when they started to pick up much more lucrative contracts after establishing themselves as the forerunners in the genre, they just weren't ready with the equipment and/or personnel to make a AAA game and it showed. I applaud them for turning down potentially lucrative contracts they could easily have cash-grabbed and continued at their former level of quality to focus on their engine. And I hope they can stay afloat and independent long enough to update their stuff and use the money from their larger properties to create better games, perhaps even hearkening back to the humor and excellent writing of their earlier material.
They've got a daunting task ahead of them - no one is designing quality engines with the point-and-click games in mind. But hopefully, by taking a step back and focusing their efforts on creating a better platform for the future, they can continue to advance the genre. What they've been able to do with the little they had to work with was nothing short of incredible.
@dethmart it's releasing this week, on the 28th
Got Batman on the switch, couldn't get past 1 fight scene in the third chapter. Just crashed the game and didn't save my progress.
Really enjoyable experience up till then. Won't be buying those games again on switch until they patch performance issues. As was invested in story and now feel let down
I quite like Telltale. But I will admit that they are something of a one trick pony. It's a trick I like a lot, but still pretty much their only move.
I gave up on Telltale years ago, not because of their useless game engine, but because they don't make games anymore. A Telltale "game" involves pushing up on the stick or pressing X to advance to the next QTE or cutscene.
They used to make adventures, proper point and click type games. Those days are long gone, and to be frank, if I just want to watch a story on my TV screen, I'll watch Netflix.
@KingdomHeartsFan They're switching to Unity which really isn't a good thing. Unity runs like garbage on the Switch and even struggles on the PS4 too. They should have opted for UE4, but of course, that would have cost them more money.
Have yet to play any on Switch. They’ve always been cheaper on PS4– I got Tales from the Borderlands for $1.50 and then a bunch for PS+ and between $5-10 in sales. I love their games and would love to play them on Switch if they’re ever cheap enough
@Wanjia I think you are mixing up Telltale with Travelers Tale.
@Wanjia I’m sorry, never knew about the jurassic park game. I learned something today😃
@Wanjia The problem lies within the fact that the ex-CEO was unwilling to change the Telltale engine to something better. I'm not sure why though, maybe he was proud of it or something. (Note that the new CEO is the source of all the better decisions Telltale has made recently)
@KingdomHeartsFan I'm pretty sure the Telltale Engine is worse than Unity.
Unity seems to run bad on Switch (or so i've heard), but Telltale Engine runs bad in all consoles and i'm pretty sure PC too.
@Tourer145 had similar issue i ended up installing it on internal memory and had no issues, think it was the same exact spot
@Almighty-Koz @tourer145 Rather disconcerting to hear these issues with the Switch release of BATMAN - S1. Can I ask if either of you had the cart version
I am pondering picking this up physical after I previously bought the game Day 1 on Steam but had nothing but issues with how the game ran on my Laptop and gave up.
The last thing I want to do is throw more money at this game on another platform, years later, only to encounter yet more issues.
Oh please. We all know WII U was a very weak system and wasn't selling. Switch is selling and they know it. So will you try to deny it and won't release any game on that hardware that sells as well? So this is what we get. A game from them. They know how to tell a story so people won't be that mad to them. WE all know.... it's business and money is involved. now with that said
Never really been a fan of Telltale's visual style or the more "interactive movie" kind of gameplay they generally have either. Not saying the quality isn't there but it just isn't to my tastes as either an artist or gamer.
My experience with their games has been subpar to say the least. It would be one thing if the story or dialogue in them was any good, but they're not.
I really liked the Telltale Games, and bought all Strong Bad and Tales of Monkey Island Episodes on WiiWare, and the two Sam&Max collections on Wii retail. I even bought some Wii C.S.I. game because it had Telltale on the box (but I never really played it). Almost got Back to the Future for Wii as well, but I already switched over to Wii U at the time.
Anyway, even back then all of their games had performance issues, but I shrugged it off because I loved the games, and they were HD/PC games ported to Wii. Cramming some of those graphically advanced games complete with voice acting into a 40MB WiiWare title was a miracle in itself.
I don't care much for Minecraft Story Mode, Walking Dead, and Batman, even though these are probably their most popular series.
@Lroy the last update fixed the issue in that chapter, since then i have replayed the game with a cousin of mine who is a huge batman fan, this required me to redownload the game and i forgot to put it on the internal memory and we played the whole game with no like to mention i now have a 500gb sandisk microsd card, and the one before was a generic 120gb card from some Chinese company so maybe that was the issue. either way id say get the game digitally cause its a fun game and worth keeping i have played my ps4 version several times to change outcomes in the second game.
@dethmart It will release this week in the EU alongside Season One. On August 28th or 29th, can't remember off the top of my head. Either of those dates is right anyway.
I'm perfectly happy with how the last season of the Walking Dead looks on my Switch. The darker two-tones approach to distant elements in the background looks really slick IMHO, I love what they're doing with the art style there. As for performance, I'm happy with only 30FPS on Switch, since that's more cinematic that way anyway.
Life is Strange/Dontnod came along and essentially blew Telltale away completely. I'm sure when some Franchise of interest comes along, I'll try them again. Can we please have BTTF Season 2?
Like others in this list I preferred their earlier games, like Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People and the Sam and Max titles. Hopefully they will revisit this style of games.
@Lroy yes I have the cart as got for only £17 on release.
Tried a few times to get past but got annoyed and gave up
Would be better if they games worth playing.
last good one was Back to the future.
Telltalleee <3 <3 <3 <3
@Almighty-Koz Thank you for informing me that a patch has fixed the issue mentioned by others here. I prefer physical over digital if I have the choice, especially as the game seems to be at least £10 cheaper on cart.
@Tourer145 Sounds as though it may have been fixed. Might be worth updating the game and trying again sometime?
The only thing that was a let down imo was the story of season 3. It was garbage.
@RetiredR yeah fates had some pretty fun maps and a bad story and awakening was boring with few good maps however Echoes was near masterpiece with fun maps good cutscenes and a really good story it also cut phoenix and that dating sim garbage so don't count fire emblem out yet here's hoping Three houses is good
Hey, a wolf among us is a good game also. I like batman, back to the future. I've played minecraft storymode. I am interested in guardians of the galaxy also.
i'm a big fan of telltales, no matter what i'll support them, their games are little gems.
still hoping they work out all their troubles with the engine,
would be great if we get guardians of the galaxy this year, or twd new frontier
oh man, the wolf among us was such a masterpiece.
I really hope they return to the Sam & Max series one day, it is one of my faves.
I thought they were out of business. I'm glad they are still hanging in there though. Good to hear they are finally taking things back to their roots and doing quality stuff. Good luck to them.
I'm all for telltale games being more choices and fewer puzzles, I really like it. If anything, more QTE action sequences like in Batman, and maybe make them optional for group audiences. What I would like is just more content that isn't on a linear track. If I finish a telltale series, I want to know that my experience has been significantly different from others. It's very distracting to watch the tension in a scene evaporate after provoking a character because the linear story says it's time to move on.
You don't say.
The "Telltale engine" could be improved sure, but that's not what fans are let down by.
It's that Telltale games, by now, are quite famous for their use of "the illusion of choice".
The games give you a bunch of choices, they even tell you your choices are important, but it's all lies, at the end of the story, none of them really matter.
You can never really save someone with your choices, if someone is scripted to die or leave, the best your choices effect is when and how it happens, you can never actually stop it.
I just had an issue with Batman crashing on Switch, causing me to have to replay chunks of gaming, or even my decisions not carrying over properly episode to episode. I got through it all, and still enjoyed the game, but it could've been a lot less messy.
I'm not sure what happened to Telltale. Strongbad, Sam & Max, Wallace & Grommit, Monkey Island. These guys were a force....amazing....and then....nothing they came out with since seems even worthwhile...
So telltale developed the CSI games... explains why they are actually decent games. Not for everybody, but for fans of the show, they were serviceable fluff and completely playable.
Ehh, could never get into any Telltale game past BTTF. The Walking Dead felt too much like a barely interactive movie.
Give us ports of BTTF, Sam & Max or new games in these series. And fix the friggin' engine for S&M season 1 on pc.
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