With Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate's western Switch release date rapidly approaching, Capcom has announced that it will be offering a free demo for those eager enough to get stuck into the action early. The best news? It's available tomorrow.
No extra details were shared about the demo - such as all of the lovely things you'll be able to get up to - but if it's anything like the Japanese version you'll get access to 14 different weapons, three fighting styles, and three monsters to challenge.
Just in case you'd somehow forgotten, the full release is scheduled to hit Switch on 28th August, acting as an expansion to Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS. Capcom also recently revealed that the Breath of the Wild DLC package made available in Japan will be available for the western counterpart, too, allowing you to dress up as Link for yet another adventure.
On a scale from 1 to 'oh my googly goodness', how excited are you for this latest Monster Hunter release? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 82
Great! I wish more developers made demos...
Nice one, Capcom. This is actually a pretty good move.
I wonder if the demo will allow online multiplayer.
@Kimyonaakuma I know right? It would definitely make me buy more games. As well as saving me from regretting some purchases as well though. So I guess it's a two way street lol.
Nice, although MH is a series I've never been able to get into personally, I really appreciate that it exists.
I try again and again to get into Monster Hunter but it never seems to click. I really need to stop buying those games.
I'm assuming it's the same content as the Japanese demo for XX.
I'm looking forward to having MH on switch, even if it is a port of an old 3ds game; it's got local multi-player!
For anyone trying the demo who has never played MH, keep in mind that MH demos have not usually done a great job of explaining how the game works. If you are interested in the game watch some tutorials by gaijin hunter or Arekz
Monster Hunter World was the first MH game that I was fully able to get into, sunk over 200 hours into it so far. Curious to give this demo a shot as I'm hoping i'll be able to go back to a version without all the user friendly features that World added!
Yes, to echo @tedko above, the demo will showcase the mechanics of the game - the movement, attacking, fighting vs a monster etc - but MH is about SO much more, so if you think you quite like it, but 'its boring' or 'not a lot to it' - this is literally just a small part of a much bigger, deeper game!
Time to delete my JP demo and download this one!
Sweet! I wasn't sure about double-dipping on this one, until I read that you'll be able to transfer your save data from the 3DS version. That makes it a lot more attractive.
Answer: Oh my googly goodness out of oh my googly goodness.
Okay! Iam all over this Awesome free demo but I and everyone really wants to know if it will have Online 4 player co-op? In the demo which is a must so we can at least play with people online and fully enjoy catching and killing all kinds of Monsters from smallest to biggest and with ur trusty felon sidekick cat friend Meowwwwww Lol Monster Hunter Generations X here I come!!!!!!
I'm gonna check it out, but I doubt I'll like it sadly. I didn't enjoy any previous attempt at Monster Hunter either, much as I'd like to enjoy the series.
@siouxrunner15 no online but it does a low a couch co-op with up to four switch consoles.
Brilliant news. The demo (not time limited is it?) Will satiate my hunger for the gane until I get it.
Just please, please Capcom... I think there's a physical, which I'm glad for but don't make me download over half the game as well.
Just wish they would add native chat as online is so annoying without.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! Im absolutely over the moon!!! Cannot wait.
Another demo to add to my backlog. And, yes, I do have a demo backlog
It's cool but I'll skip. We're about two weeks from release. I'll wait to play it at this point. If I download the demo, I'll just want to play more when I can't!
Awesome! I have never played the monster hunter games and was a little nervous to fork for the complete game without knowing if it was my cup of tea.
A demo is always welcome!! In fact, free stuff is always welcome.
And just like that... thousands of potential buyers get turned off of MH forever.
I mean, I get that many people are excited, but that gameplay video doesn't do the game many favours. The gameplay feels dated (especially with all the loading times) and the graphics are, well, on a 3DS level.
Great. I will try it out for myself. Wanna see if MHW on the X has spoiled/soured me to shun a “lesser” experience on the Switch. But, if it’s good, I’ll do it.
Here we go!!!
Awesome! I'll give it a try!
Demos are great.
This is awesome. But not at all as awesome as something else finally happening tomorrow. Cold and hot. Cucco pet included. I hate embargoes.
No need for a demo here. As long as Capcom continues to make reasonable business decisions (such as localizing Monster Hunter XX) then I'm going to support those decisions with a purchase. Now how about porting that Devil May Cry collection to the Switch, Capcom? I'm will to buy it. Dragon's Dogma? Disney Afternoon Collection?
so much loading screens!
@thesilverbrick The first time I tried playing MH4, I went about 20 hours before I got bored. The second time I tried playing it, I only went about 6 hours or so.
The third time I started playing it, I played it for about 600 hours within a year.
Monster Hunter works in mysterious ways o.o
@K1LLERBEAN Yes, but much MUCH less actual loading time than you have to sit through in Monster Hunter World xD
Big Monster Hunter fan and not a graphics whore but.....why does this have to be so darn ugly? It's jagged and really really awful to look at. I don't think I could sit for hours on end looking at such an eyesore. Tri on Wii looked FAR better than this and I sunk 240 hours into that game. From the animation to the character design to the music, everything in Tri was just dripping with quality and you could really sense the enthusiasm of the team behind it. This....just looks like a lazy port to me. Did they do any anti-aliasing at all or literally just slap a 3DS game on a Switch cartridge and call it a day?
@The_Mysteron We must be looking at different games. I would go watch Digital Foundry's video on the MHGU demo, where they praise the hell out of the graphics.
@PhilKenSebben are u trolling or is an anouncement for zelda port coming tommorow?
I've been waiting for this. I loved MHU3 on Wii U, but skipped MH4 due to not playing 3DS too often. Definitely trying the demo tomorrow.
As I figured Capcom would since they've done that with past MH's and MHXX's Switch demo in Japan. I "may" download it since it'll be in English, but other than battling the hardest monster with the default bow character, who's not loaded out to my favorite playstyle btw, I could just as well wait for the full game. If I can demo the multiplayer, that would also give me a reason to download the demo.
I’ll try it out.
I'm so glad demos are becoming a thing again... on console anyway.
@thesilverbrick Ya know I had the same problem. So I went back and played Tri on the Wii as it's the most simplified version of the MH style. Excluding World. It really clicked since it was just the basic package. Playing the games that followed allowed me to just add a bit here and there to what I already knew. What at first I thought was a slog of a game has become one of my favorite series.
@The_Mysteron it's a port from the 3DS game. The graphics are round about what you should expect. Please stop using lazy developers/lazy port line that is the fashion these days. People have no idea what the developers put into the software but go around accusing them of being lazy.
Also let's have a look at trii on Wii. Come on dude. You know fall well it doesn't look better
@Gen0neD It really could be argued that World is the lesser experience compared to Gen. Ultimate. I've seen more than one person say they ran out of things to do in World but, that will almost never be the case with Gen. Ultimate. There's almost too much to do.
@JaxonH I thought by now you would have finished learning Japanese and played this already? 😆 Though I'm guessing productivity will be down in Switchworld in September. Anybody of import at your job not own a Switch yet? That built in tournament mode in SSBU is sure going to come in handy for you guys.
I'll download this and play it once but I already know it's not my thing.
We're gonna battle for promotions, raises and overtime. Its gonna get brutal.
No one else to play with online and language kinda left me playing other games and never finishing MHXX. I made progress but I'm just gonna reimport my Gen save and start out fresh in G rank for Gen Ultimate.
This time my bro is totally hooked from World and counting down the days with me.
MH Gen Ult in 13 days, Valkyria Chronicles 4 the month after, and Mega Man 11, The World Ends With You and Dark Souls the month after that. Some good stuff on the way
I pre-purchased & downloaded this game as soon as pre-purchases went live on the US eshop, but I'll still download the demo. I loved MH3U on Wii U but have never owned a 3DS, so I haven't ever played MH4 or MHG. So excited for this game!
@Djgoa Not a troll, and it's not a Zelda announcement, but it does have some Zelda throw ins. Think how Skyrim had some Zelda extras. Cant say anything else, other then I'm excited to discuss it tomorrow.
sweet I think I enjoyed the JP demo enough to buy the game but an english version to better confirm will be welcomed
nice! finally i will be able to understand what is going on and see what the rest of the demo had that i couldn't understand, the japanese demo was always a language barrier for me imo.
@chardir are you serious? a demo backlog? how the hell is something like that possible lol
@PhilKenSebben awesome i wait with excitement. Im hoping its not darksouls related.
Is this one in anyway user friendly. Last time I tried a monster hunter was on PSP. Just couldn't get on with it....I liked stories on 3DS though!
@JaxonH Those are all Switch games right? Good thing I don't see you on here too much anymore, you'd spend all your time arguing w/ people who say Switch doesn't have any games besides Wii ports. (I'm one of those people, but we won't go there.)
If Capcom keeps making different MH games on Switch and PS4/5 I can see a lot of people becoming like your brother and playing both. Most people will probably like 1 type more than the other but still play both.
I just finished up NNK2 and traded it in to Amazon, they just received it and are supposed to give me $26 for it, I bought it for only $35 on Newegg, and I'll put that towards $46 DQXI. After that I'll figure out what to do about XC2. Still have to finish up HZD and Mario & Rabbids. I feel like I still game enough, but nothing compared to you.
Ya I'm done arguing with people. They can say whatecer they want. I'm having a blast with this system (and the ports are a Godsend, get em portable and play games I missed). So I dont care what anyone else thinks or says. Wont make me suddenly start having less fun
For those new to the series, Arekkz Gaming (well received Monster Hunter expert on YouTube) made an "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Monster Hunter". It's made specifically for the World version, but it gives fantastic insight into the history of Monster Hunter and it's mechanics. Check it out if you haven't!
I cant wait to see Monsters like Amatsu, Akantor, Shagaru Magala, Nakarkos and so many more in higher quality!! C:
@The_Mysteron : It really does look like a 3DS game being rendered at 1080p, for better and for worse. I was really unimpressed with the Japanese XX demo. The graphics were frequently quite poor in parts, which is particularly irritating as Capcom are demanding AU$99.95 for this in Australia (as opposed to AU$59.95 for the 3DS game).
I'll be grabbing it as I skipped Generations (and Stories) in anticipation of something like this, and I'm glad that I waited as I'm not a big Monster Hunter fan. I've played a bit of 3 Ultimate, but I think that this is the sort of experience that would really benefit from co-op. The lack of split screen multiplayer is disappointing considering that it's basically an upressed 3DS game.
Time to find out for sure if I've truly been spoiled by all of MH:World's QoL improvements...
@TeslaChippie Maybe I haven't tried it enough. Genuinely interested to hear from others - on paper, I should love Monster Hunter. I tried MH3 on 3DS multiple times and just couldn't get into it. I'm super tempted by both this, and MHW for PC, but am a bit afraid to drop the cash on a full price title that I couldn't get into in the past.
@Djgoa Forbes leaked it, so its safe: https://www.theverge.com/2018/8/15/17693840/diablo-3-switch-port-eternal-collection-2018-release-date-blizzard
Cant speak for you or anyone else, but I cant wait. Glad it's the Eternal edition and all on a cart.
My fav game of all time. Mate u have made my night thabk u
@PhilKenSebben that is interesting article. Hopefully this is a sign blizzard will bring more games to us...
@roadrunner343 It's definitely not for everyone, so no pressure. However, you should definitely give this demo a try! MH4 improved a lot over MH3, and MHGU is an evolution of those improvements.
That said, MH:World is still indisputably the most beginner friendly game the series has ever had, and of course it looks better. This comes at a cost of content though (It took me just under 200 hours to complete everything in World, whereas MHGU could last you over 1000 if you get into it enough to want to finish every quest).
I've only played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on 3DS, but it didn't really connect with me. But I will probably try the demo for this one.
@siouxrunner15 yes
Exactly what it needed. I was gonna pass on this one until I saw some gameplay and reviews, even then I kinda need to play it to get it. Not enough demos on the system, and I feel like they can really make the difference. I didn't plan on playing Octopath until I played that 3-hour sample, after that it was a pre-order.
A "free" Demo? Has anybody ever heard of a Demo to be paid for...?
I'm not sure I'll buy this as my backlog is just getting bigger and bigger, but definitely going to try the demo. I enjoyed MH3 on the 3DS but ultimately didn't get hooked on it - but the 3DS' controls had a lot to do with that. It seemed like a pretty solid game that was just a little too "big" for the 3DS. So, theoretically perfect for the Switch. It's at least worth giving the demo a shot.
Yep... I defo paid £300 odd quid for a Switch to play up scaled 3DS graphics. I don't care much for graphics but DAMN this looks so ugly and they actually want to try to flog this for £50? 😂😂😂
Nope... Not even worth the memory to try a demo, my eye's have seen enough with the 15 min video.
In much more exciting news though, Diablo 3 was announced for the Switch to drop this year 😎😎😀😀
@Razer Bashing a great game and getting excited over a port of a six year old game with very mixed opinions among the fans. De gustibus non est disputandum, I suppose...
@Yosher I'm in the same boat. I like the idea of Monster Hunter but can't seem to get into the games. The ones I've tried (3 Ultimate and 4 Ultimate) are way too opaque and ask a lot of the player.
im getting the game anyways so ill wait till it comes out.
I’ve played so much World, and backed away for a bit. Not even caring to get Behemoth armor and stuff. Hundreds of hours in the same few but huge hunting areas, and all the research maxed on every monster, and most sets made... I’m ready for MHGU now, and I’ll be hitting it casually. I’m letting PS+ go this November (my year runs out) in favor for the cheaper Nintendo service, I think I’m ready to go back to classic hunting and fight all the monsters I’ve missed, and play more of the other games I’ve neglected for most of this year. Good thing I’ve played Generations extensively and will be ready for the transfer. I’m curious if the demo offers anything new, but like most of you, I’ve played the MHXX demo quite a bit and already have the real game preordered.
Already tried the japanese demo a year ago.
@Entwickler You could maybe count betas for consoles with paid online services as paid demos, so like if Smash gets a Splatoon 2 type demo after the Switch's paid online service goes live next month.
@TeslaChippie I watched that Digital Foundry video and I concede, it does look pretty good. Maybe it was a combination of the jagged insect gear the character is wearing here or the snowy landscape making the environmental geometry look super basic but the Digital Foundry video has given me hope. I do think we can hope for much better graphics if Capcom build the next MH on Switch from the ground up. But either way, thanks for changing my mind. I'll give the demo a proper look.
After playing the demo, this is a buy for me!
But… is it possible to Lock targets? Tried bow, but couldn't find out how to Lock target, and I missed my target all the time...
Lol, I'm sorry for being so snarky about it. It's just that I keep hearing "oh it looks just like a 3DS game, why didn't they do anything to make it look better" over and over again, and it kinda irritates me that people don't see all the work that WAS done to it.
@TeslaChippie I see where you're coming from. I also think we should expect much better from a non-port, built from scratch Monster Hunter on Switch. Other devs have proven how visually adept Switch can be. Capcom was clearly preoccupied with expanding its audience with World and if Generations Ultimate sells well on Switch maybe we'll see the next instalment as fully cross-platform (not that I expect Sony to play nice on cross-play!)
i just tried the demo of MHGU and after coming from MHW this is horrid, the small zones and load times are crippling to me, and the price tag of $100 makes this a no brainer to me, ill be passing on this for sure, not only because to me its a step back, also charging so much for a port of a old game is a kick in the.........
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