If you're keen to get your hands on Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate then you'll be pleased to learn that pre-orders have just gone live on the Nintendo UK Store.
Not only can you lay down some cash to secure your copy of the game - which launches on August 28th - but you can also show your love for the series by buying lumps of dragon-shaped plastic as part of the Monster Hunter Figures Plus Vol.2 range, also available direct from Nintendo.
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Let us know if you'll be putting in a pre-order by posting a comment below.
[source store.nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 49
That bundle is not a deal. It's actually 1p more expensive to buy them together.
I already pre-ordered my version in the US through Amazon since I can take advantage of prime savings to make it 47.99. The discount that Amazon offers has lead to me picking up a lot more games recently.
Man i love my Monster Hunter, but a years old 3DS port at that price? Not a chance.
I'll just buy Monster Hunter Worlds on PC instead..
£50 for a glorified 3DS port, I love Monster Hunter but that is a tenner too much.
Would this be a good starting point for the series?
I've always been interested but they seem to require lots of time so a Switch version might help with that...
Hmmm maybe we'll get the demo too...
£50!? 😂
They crazy. The PC port of Monster Hunter World is in August, and the EU version is $45 dollars. So like £33
Already pre-ordered it at a local store a month ago for €41 because they had top 10 Switch pre-order sale.
Nice figurines btw, I wish Nintendo Store UK would ship elsewhere in EU because the dutch one sucks.
To all people calling this a glorified port remember 2 things.
Meanwhile people buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (great port btw) and don't complain while that is a lesser upgrade.
Annnnd preordered. I figure I got 350+ hours out of XX, so paying full price for the game in English isn't that bad. It was fun before I knew what the heck was going on
Already predownloaded the game a month ago.
@Agramonte €60 on steam, €50 on Green Man Gaming.
And no I don't count illegal sites like G2A selling codes bought with stolen cards.
Seems like Nintendo is publishing this one at retail in Europe if it showed up on their store.
Price is too damn high though.
Haven't pre-ordered, as not really a MH fan, but may wait for a price drop. I'll be making sure not to click on any of the affiliate links,. though.
I'm hearing a lot of crap in the comments section. Yes, it's a port. So when did introducing a game to a wider audience become a bad thing? Whether it's a good port or not, only time will tell. Don't make assumptions of which you have no basis.
Edit: just saw Digital Foundry's assessment of said port. Sounding very, very positive by all accounts.
"Get a slightly better version of a previously released 3ds game for only £50!" No thanks,I'll wait 6 months till it's on sale elsewhere. I'll put more hours in the 3ds version if i feel the need to play it. Capcom doing their utmost to ensure they keep pissing off Switch owners. Willing to bet Okami will get a price tag higher than it should be too. There,that's my Capcom/Nintendo rant for this week. Oh and,COME ON ENGLAND!!!!
@Wanjia you didn't read what I meant.
Mk8 Deluxe is less upgrade on Switch VS Wii U than Monster Hunter Generations 3ds VS Generations Ultimate on Switch.
I mean this content wise, Deluxe has extra mode, some minor upgrades, better performance and resolution.
Generations Ultimate is a different game than Generations, GU has G rank which on it's own is few hundred hours of extra content, ofcourse it also has better graphics and stuff.
@PlayedNSlayed nothing slightly better, we never got Generations Ultimate in the west to start with.
That "slightly" upgrade is at least 200+ hours of extra gameplay, not to mention this at least runs at locked 1080p in dock and 720p in portable.
P.S. Okami is €19.99 on all systems including the Switch.
@Galenmereth what "ridiculous price"? You do know this is a massive game which if you choose can spend easily over 400-500 hours and still be finding new things?
@Pazuzu666 nowdays people complain for the sake of complaining, I've seen people moaning that they played this on their 3ds few years ago because it came to the west.
While forgetting Generations doesn't have G rank and that mode only is 200+ hours of new gameplay, they also moan this came last year in Japan while forgetting we never got Monster Hunter games day one with Japan (excluding World).
And they forget we got Generations and this is Generations Ultimate which is a different game because of the G rank.
People will never learn.
Less than £40 at base.com for anyone interested. Think I'll still wait though
@dougphisig Do you get savings like that on all new games?
@Rayquaza2510 Nonsense - that is like saying WiiU games are 59.99 because that is the price on the eShop.
A distributor can go and buy bulk PC licenses and sell it at whatever they like just like retail - you think Amazon gives you 20% off on Boxed preorders by buying it with fake credit cards. How exactly do you think Kindle e-books works.
G2A was something that tried to take it into a scam (just like tons of other online stores for just about every other product). Basically now being used as a marketing tool to justify price fixing in the PC gaming market.
I could find something to complain about, but I'm glad I get to fire back up my hunter from MHG... Our adventures are not done yet. Besides, I have an axe to grind with the poster child monster since I didn't beat him in the Japanese eShop demo. I'm coming for you...
@Agramonte that may be the case but MHGU has a metric ton more content than world does...
Having never played one before the price doesn’t put me off, might wait for some reviews first tho.
Man, so much complaining in the comments about the price.
I'll just say that in hours per dollar spent Monster Hunter has always given me wayyyyyy more value than any other series. People are happy to pay $60 for a game they can finish in 10-20 hours. I've put hundreds of hours into every Monster Hunter game I've played and could still go back and play more (in fact I've been doing that with 3U, 4U and Generations in anticipation of this).
If you want to play World on pc, great. But I and many others are very glad Capcom is finally releasing Generations Ultimate on Switch and I plan to enjoy it tremendously
@Kimyonaakuma If you have the option to play games on another platform, Monster Hunter World would be a much better place to start with the series. There's a lot of content here, and in my opinion, it's overload. And as everyone has said, the quality of life improvements made in Monster Hunter World make the game so much more enjoyable and it's very hard to go back to the older games. If you don't have a PS4, Xbox, or PC and really want to check out the series and are willing to put in some time and be willing to research stuff online, then this game will be worth your investment.
@ZombieGavinS That anyone who is a MH fan has already played - wrapped in a lazy PS2 quality "upgrade". And there still loading screens everywhere on the Demo.
Rather just get Dragon Quest at £41.99 and play 100+ hrs of a modern NEW game.
A brand new MH on Switch is going to be what? £80? The price is nuts.
@Agramonte well I am a huge monster hunter fan so just the idea of G-Rank in MHG is enough to make this a day 1 purchase for me.
It's also worth noting that this may be Capcom testing the waters to gauge the sales performance of a MH game on Switch for Western audiences with a view to building a new game from the ground up for Switch (and then localising said game for anywhere outside of Japan).
Totally ridiculous price other retailers selling for £39 don't get ripped off!
@ZombieGavinS And that is great for you - and for some it is not worth it. All some here are saying.
Well hope they take into account the price barrier on this one. It would be crazy for us to miss out on a new modern MH on Switch because we are not willing to buy this port at full price.
Not like Japan did either.
Finally I can play a real MH again. World was fun but stupid easy and way too short on content.
Never played so I think I should. Can someone please tell me how is the gameplay while you are not facing a giant monster?
@guamyankee Most games I pre-order through amazon I've gotten the 20% off on. I think there might be a couple exceptions, but generally there's the discount if you are pre-ordering. It goes away once game releases though most of the time. For games you don't see going down in price for a bit probably worth the savings. My game savings alone with free shipping make my prime membership worth it. I think you have to have prime membership too though for the savings. If it's like a 40 dollar game it ends up being like 32 bucks instead. So 8-12 bucks in savings per game basically.
Wait, why are we comparing the price of a game that isn't even out yet to a game that's 6 months old....?
People seem to think this is the same game as generations, it's not. GU is the expended version of generations, new flagship, new end-game boss, new deviants. Not only that, but Palicoes got another revamped and have their own set of Styles now. A new map in addition to new returning maps (Jungle and Desert), and plenty of more returning monsters such as Lao Shan-Lung.
I'm not getting it because I have the Japanese version.
Sorry, I'm too spoiled by the conveniences of monster Hunter world to go backwards. While I understand some of you see GU as the real MH or "better" I don't have the patience/time to grind so much(2 sons). Ironically with mhw, it's the most hours I've logged since 4U. Which that one clocked in at 140 hrs. I've logged 250 on mhw and haven't had the burnt out feeling I got with 3U and 4U. So I hope you all enjoy GU on switch 😁
A port of a game we never got in the West. Sounds fine to me, that price for sooooo much new content, and upgraded graphics. It's the 3DS Generations 10 times better. If you like the series, this game sounds like a must have.
@Agramonte Yes, it's a port, but Generations Ultimate was never released in the west while in Japan it was already on 3ds (MHXX) before the switch version was released, which could explain the lukewarm reception of the Switch version there.
For me, having Generations Ultimate on Switch is worth the full price because it adds a lot of new content over Generations. And if people are really put off by the price, they can always wait for a sale as it's usually possible to get MH games for half price after a while.
But as you say, regardless of how well it sells, I certainly hope that we will see a brand new MH game on switch at some point.
@Francema Aside from the actual battles the game is mostly upgrading armor and weapons (there are a lot of different skill upgrades to consider) and there is also gathering resources. I personally enjoy the depth available and can spend a lot of time just checking armor and weapons stats, but I guess that's not for everyone.
The gameplay in the battles is truly great though imo. I've had many of my most memorable and intense gaming moments playing MH.
its $100 aus either at a store or in the eshop so ill passing on this game even if its amazing, $100 is greedy to the extreme, especially for a game that is technically a port from a game released 3 years ago
i think its like $20 more expensive that monster hunter world.......i cant figure that out tbh
@tedko Yep - I'm sure it will not be a failure, and once it gets a discount it will have another bump in sales.
I think the switch will see a new one - 35 million Switch by end of year with a big segment of ex-3DS owners - hopefully makes it a no-brainer for Capcom.
@tedko Thank you!!! Will check some videos then. Does not sounds like something for me.
No I don't like Monster Hunter and never will!
Yep, though I'll probably buy it through US Amazon for less money.
This is a game that I said I'd buy if they localized it, so...I mean...I don't want to be a hypocrite
@Rayquaza2510 im pretty sure if its a port its of the XX version on the switch. Not sure why they would use the verson on 3ds, when the switch ver was already around. That doesnt make sense.
@tedko. My last comment said it was a port, but im too lazy to edit my previous comment..
Anyways, If u actually compare the pictures of mhgu, and any of the XX titles even on 3DS, you'll see the design has changed alot in every way...so Im thinking its a remaster, not just a port of anything. They totally change it up.
@Agramonte . Seriously if u call this ps2 graphics u need to look at ps2 graphics again. Ps2 graphs did not have dynamic lighting or any of this other stuff it has now, and it was terribly mucky, a way to many big pollygons mess, u xould hardly tell what it was u were looking at, it was all traingles... Pls dont talk out of your butt🤔 I seriously ask everyone to go back again at those graphics, and compare things side by side, cuz u dont know what your talking about & just showing how ingorant u are. There are alot more polygons shoved in a smaller area now, and res is bump up from a ps2 era. Anyone who cant see that is really ignorant or graphics.
@Geekster Everyone can go download the Japan Demo and make up their own minds. Got to love zone 7 for the PS2 era Tomb Raider water falls and the lazy flat "wall of vine" texture. Oh and the great muddy painted grass texture on 4. I have better things to play with $60.
Muddy texture assets and ancient geometry stays the exact same regardless of resolution and filters. if not, we could all do our own "remastered" games on PC with the Nvidia Control panel 🙄
@Kimyonaakuma a lot of the fun of monster hunter is building towards better armor and weapons so you won’t get that from the demo. Also, the demo doesn’t have a tutorial sadly but you can look at the hunters notes or whatever they’re called. You can find them by pushing + I think. Check those out for a list of combos at least. The combat is good and you will get a sense of that from the demo but certainly not as good or as meaningful as the full game
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