With Sonic Mania Plus' recent release on Switch, it feels fitting to allow ourselves another chance to bask in the nostalgia-filled glory the original game presented. Sonic games can be a touchy subject to talk about, with fans of the series liking and disliking different elements of each - and a general sense of disappointment emanating from some recent Sega-developed releases - but Sonic Mania seemed to change all of this. Suddenly, Sonic fans were happy again.
But how did this happen? Why were Sonic fans pretty much universally enamoured with Mania? To try and answer this, Eurogamer recently sat down with the game's project lead Christian Whitehead - a man responsible for a number of fan-made Sonic remakes before getting the official call-up from Sega itself.
"The first game I ever really played was Sonic 2 - and that really set off my interest in video games," he says. "There was this special cheat debug mode, and for me it was the first time you could see some of the tricks of how games work. That really sparked my curiosity in how games are developed."
This curiosity and fan-level understanding of what makes a Sonic game truly feel like a Sonic game helped Whitehead to produce Sonic Mania. In a period of time when fans of the series were left consistently underwhelmed with the latest games, Whitehead managed to stand up and give them a game worth celebrating. The full interview is very much worth a read if you're interested, but this snippet below talks about Whitehead's own ideas on what makes Sonic tick - and ultimately, what makes Sonic Mania so great, too.
"It's interesting with Sonic. There's a lot of different fans, and they all have different feelings on what Sonic is to them. So I can only use what my own personal feelings are for Sonic, and for me it's always been... Obviously the character itself has a very appealing design, it's very iconic. For gameplay there are a lot of inspirations from pinball - all these outside elements - almost skateboarding, really, the idea of picking up speed as you roll down slopes. It's all these physics interactions.
"The core premise of the game is really simple - it's just get to the end of the level and win - but there are so many different ways you can interact with the stages, picking up speed at certain angles, jumping off at certain angles. It's got a very playground feel. Going fast feels good - and at the time on the Mega Drive that was a very impressive technical feat - but also the freedom of gameplay, it's what appeals to me as a Sonic fan.
What are your thoughts on Sonic Mania and its relationship to other games in the franchise? Was it a welcome return to the gameplay you've always loved, or were you happy with Sega's recent efforts anyway? Share your thoughts with us below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 17
Maybe Sega should shift more focus to Side scrolling Sonic. This is the most fun I've had from a Sonic game in years!
If you like the 2D Sonic games on the Mega Drive, then you're going to love Sonic Mania!
Sorry Mario, but SEGA will are king when it comes to music from Sonic games. Cue that Chemical Plant music!
I can't wait for the inevitable sequel with (hopefully) 100% new levels.
Probably my favourite game on Switch and as Sega clearly have no clue how to transfer this to 3D I would much rather see a continuation of this series
It's good, but also a shame that a fan of the Sonic games gets it better than the company that championed it. I know the original devs are no more, but still, it falls on SEGA to respect Sonic right BEYOND Mania.
This guy gets it. He gets the pinball foundation. He gets all of it. Why oh why does Team Sonic not get it? Even Naka seems to get it less, not that he's involved anymore.
I love Sonic Mania.
I would also love if the next 3D Sonic game didn't try to shoehorn in 2D segments any more - they just don't compare to Mania and the Mega Drive classics.
If Sega want to make another 3D Sonic game at some point, make it actually fully 3D.
I picked it up on Tuesday and have played it every day since. It's awesome. As a retro gamer and someone old enough to remember the original games, something about it just feels like a 'proper ' sonic game. It's like there's finally a sequel to Sonic 3. (I'm not counting Sonic 4 as that was realeased in parts and never felt like a full game to me..)
Before Mania I always said that Sonic Advance was more of a Sonic 4 than Sonic 4 itself ever was. But Mania can gladly take that title, because it so perfectly replicates what made Sonics 1 through Knuckles so brilliant.
Sonic Mania is awesome because of the good level design,the physiques are right and it's very important for Sonic,the soundtrack is legendary and there are a lot of levels
Actually listening to the fans help. Mania is a great game. Every 3D Sonic has been pretty mediocre for years now. They insist on sticking to the same overly kiddy and cheesy style and stiff physics. Why not at least go back to the Adventure 1 and 2 style and gameplay (for the most part at least. Upgraded and such) for a game or two and see what happens?? Chao at least??
I really enjoyed Sonic Mania, but I think Sega has milked it a bit too much. As a company, you can't just rely on your fans to continue making good games for you. I think Sega should try something new.
I've really enjoyed playing Mania Plus this week. I patiently waited for the physical release to play it. Would love to see this formula carry over to other 16-Bit SEGA IP... Streets of Rage Mania?!
I think it's time to give Whitehead's team more control of Sonic. Let them make a 3D title. They clearly have a better understanding of what makes these games fun than Sonic Team does.
Goddamn! This game is AWESOME! I bought it yesterday and I fell in love quickly! Best sonic game since...1994 U:
Too bad Sega has been stupid for decades and it’s up to fans to figure it out.
"I can't wait for the inevitable sequel with (hopefully) 100% new levels"
Hear hear!
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