Ska Studios' hand-drawn 2D platformer Salt and Sanctuary is headed to the Nintendo Switch next week with a little bit of help from porting specialist, BlitWorks.
Described as a "soulslike" game, referring to the brutal nature of - you guessed it - Dark Souls, Salt and Sanctuary sees a calamitous encounter wreck the player’s ship, resulting in an immediate journey to broker peace on a treacherous island rife with the undead.
The game can be played either alone, or via local co-op, with hidden platforming abilities including air-dashing and wall-jumping on offer to help the Saltborn find and eradicate more than twenty horrifying bosses. You'll be able to make use of sixteen weapon types and more than fifty sets of armour, as well as a skill tree that provides further options for progression.

Michelle and James Silva, co-creators at Ska Studios, have said the following:
“The two of us wanted to create a Soulslike game that we wanted to play, and finding that so many others who wanted it too warmed our dark little hearts. Bringing Salt and Sanctuary to the Nintendo Switch means more people who like dismal, satisfying games can play our very dismal, satisfying game.”
The game arrives on Switch on 2nd August, available directly from the Nintendo eShop for $17.99, and a 'Salt and Sanctuary: Drowned Tome Edition' will be hitting retail stores "this holiday". More details on that one to come.
So, what do you think? Share your initial thoughts with us below.
Comments 43
Not my bag, so I'll be skipping this, but I've heard it's decent, so I hope it sells well.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I’d put money on the same day as Nintendo’s new online service starts.
And this is a great game, but I am too busy playing hollow knight to double dip for this game. Maybe if there is a physical copy coming someday though.
YEEEEEESSSSSS. Was waiting for this.
Why has nobody mentioned this is a metroidvania?
I have been putting this off for a long time... and now I am torn between next week's digital edition or wait out for the physical retail release. A salty decision...
Really great game. Metroidvania with lots of customization in your build. Played a lot in the PC. Good one for the Switch!
We are getting bombarded with great games this month and the next. How am I going to keep up??
I know a lot of people who played Hollow Knight that really like this game.
I saw this coming. This game is actually quite good. It may be 'ugly' but that's part of the charm of the game really. It's a lot of fun with a great deal of gameplay variety and challenge, and not a procedural generation or roguelike feature in sight.
Played it to death on PS4 and Vita so I won't be double-dipping, but it's a great game.
Heeeyyy! Another nice Vita port!
Played on PS4... Game is amazing. Buy it if you like the souls series or challenging metroidvanias.
Hmm... looks good but the difficulty is a huge turn off. I still haven’t gotten Celeste for the same reason (and that I have plenty of other games to play right now).
I'm not fan of the art style at all but I'll probably give a try.
Only recently bought it on ps4 while in a sale but haven't had much chance to play it. looks like I'll be getting it on Switch too. I have so much to play at the moment so may wait for the physical release later in the year when there doesn't seem to be much for me in terms of whats coming out. Not interested in Smash or Pokemon.
There is no way I am going to pick them all up at once. Outside of the cost, they are time investing games and they deserve my attention. I am thinking Dead Cells and Okami first and this and Iconoclasts later.
Celeste, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley and now this? God, the Switch is starting to become an indie god race console and I just mentioned a few of the best indie titles on it.
NLife, you do realize that "advertising" the fact that the devs are the types who have no problem using "soulslike" as a legitimate adjective does their streetcred a major disservice...
I mean, if that's not the Dark Souls of taglines, I don't know what is.
Brutal game with fun combat, forgettable characters, and a throwaway story.
A perfect 2D Souls game.
Buzzwords such as soulslike, roguelike, rogue-lite, and metroidvania are really making their rounds these days. A trend I'm also seeing is dev explicitly telling you what something is so you're more likely to buy it (We all love these sub-categories, don't we?). I just feel like the buzzwords are force fed lately, but that's just me. Just show me a good game, and I'LL decide what it's "-like"
PS A game that's un-like anything already out there would be even better
@NintendoFan4Lyf I wouldn't be surprised if it was cancelled.
Played it, it's okay I guess, ugly as sin though
I’ve heard this is good, but I’m not into super difficult games, so I’ll probably pass.
Awesome! I didn't want to have to get this for PS4 so it coming to Switch is perfect.
I have so many good things about this game, might have to be a day one for me.
Already pre-ordered Dead Cell's and Titan Quest will arrive shortly and I have yet to dive in Octopath Traveler so busy times ahead.
I'm definitely going to pick this up once on sale. I already have it on PS4, but never really got around to play it there with all the insane goodness that Sony has been pushing out those last months and even years really. Plus, it's just something that is well suited for the Switch, as other roguelites before it and after it (looking at you Deadcells for instance ^^).
@MeloMan Personally, I like if a dev knows what they are trying to do is not shy about communcating just that to the public. And yeah, while genuinely new content is always appreciated, it is a rarity that we must savor. Most games are going to build on existing foundations. It's not even something inherent to games, but to any piece of cultural output really. I'm not even sure when I played something genuinely new to be honest. Even games that felt different had at least some central design aspects that were really just copy-pasted from this or that other game.
@subpopz it's very difficult until you learn the game. Not unfairly difficult, you just have to learn its nuances. A lot of games say they are Souls-like but this game is probably one of the few indie games that is almost entirely a Souls game in 2D. Your attacks have weight but everything is tied to stamina (except jumping) and spell casting drains a willpower gauge and can even hurt your health if your character build isn't proper. You have to be careful about when you strike, block, dodge-roll, etc. But once you get the hang of the game, it actually becomes well balanced and daresay easy, especially when you get to the second area and get your hands on a 2-handed greatsword (provided your character build can wield it) that will serve you well for a while.
@Fake-E-Lee I definitely still plan to get Celeste eventually. I just find some of these ultra hard games more frustrating than rewarding. If I can tailor the difficulty a little that’d definitely help though.
About damn time! Yay!
I've always been tempted by this one on other platforms. I will 100% be getting this in a few weeks when I have the time to properly play it
@justin233 Celeste is more like a super hard plataformer. Something similar do super meat boy and others. Salt and Sanctuary has a good challange but not as a plataformer. Is more like metroidvania with really good boss battles, collectibles, secrets, places where u cant go until u get some new skill. This kind of thing. Its not super hard or unfair
Working on so many RPGs (Xenoblade on 3DS and Switch, Skyrim —first playthrough ever— and Southpark) plus Okami coming soon. Looks like I’ll be waiting on getting this one. Maybe during a sale.
"Why has nobody mentioned this is a metroidvania?"
It's an indie game. Of course it's a metroidvania...
It's not really metroidvania any more than Dark Souls is. You can unlock shortcuts but, you're not really gaining new powers to access new areas
@20wonders Salt IMHO is endlessly more enjoyable. Infinitely more difficult, far more rewarding, better replayability.
@JaxonH I suppose you are unlocking new powers to access shortcuts to other areas really.
@subpopz All deaths are your own fault, typically due to impatience. I have played through a few times on Vita, currently on a beserker build and it is so rewarding when you break through that difficulty and start to really understand it.
As a side note, I would love to see the Dishwasher games makes their way here. I know it is more likely we will see Cyberpunk on Switch or a monkey fly out of my butt.
@justin233 @ReggieFils-Aime
Yeah, while I don't mind a challenge, when these indie games sell themselves as being obnoxiously frustrating or whatever, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be enticed by that. It's more like "I was interested in this and now, for the sake of my sanity, not so much..." Seems like an odd business strategy to alienate as many potential players as you can, but oh well.
I can definitely understand that. I didn’t realize Shovel Knight would be difficult until after I dropped the $25 on it. It may not be technically incredibly hard, but I don’t have much experience with platformers, so I was bad at it. Since then I’ve kind of realized I need to just play some easier games for the sake of my anxiety and stress. 😅
my switch wants to eat you.
Awesome! Another game I had my eye on on Steam, but definitely prefer it on Switch when possible!
Is this game a soulslike or a metroidvania or both? Is it like Hollow Knight? A very hard metroidvania.
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