Nintendo Switch is severely lacking in the aerial dogfighting department, but Seed Interactive Skies Of Fury DX aims to change all that as it shoots its way onto the Switch eShop next week (Thursday 12th April). A port of the mobile title Ace Academy: Skies Of Fury, the cel-shaded arcade flight sim has a brilliant WW1-style look with its selection of gun-toting bi-planes to choose from.
It comes with a single-player campaign full of unlockable extras to pimp your plane with, as well as fun mini-game modes such as time attack and deathmatch. The game supports local, split-screen multiplayer for up to four players, although we're a little sad to see no support for any online functionality.

Check out the launch trailer above and let us know if you'll be exchanging bullets among the clouds in Skies Of Fury DX next week...
Comments 17
Blimey this looks good!
If it had online I would be on it like a rash, but the visuals are great
This game looks like runs good and I'm sad there is no online because it could be crimson sky for the switch. I mean that type game is not well represented and yet so fun. Dog fighting game online would work well on switch. Once they add VoIP, so many games will get boost in purchasing
All depends on whether it has a simplified or complete flight control scheme (2 vs 3 axes of motion). I can only play the latter.
Now all we need is Project Aces to make a new Ace Combat or Sky Crawlers for the Switch (Customary vote for a complete AC3 remake for Switch).
The game itself seems to be interesting, but I pity the lack of online play... that would have been great.
Depending on the controls and the price, this might actually be interesting in the absence of comparable 'proper' games. It seems rather hypersimplistic, as is expected from most mobile games, but it could still be a fun romp obviously.
I hope this delivers. My Ace Combat itch is at an all time high, hope I can scratch it with this.
Slightly off topic but the Switch could be a great platform for a game like War Thunder as it's lacking in the free to play games department and there's certainly a lack of aerial combat games.
This looks too good to be true. Need to wait for a review, but, so nice looking!
@Captain_Gonru @Ralek85 It’s priced at $19.99 on the 'coming soon' section of NA eShop, guys!
Obvious lack of online multiplayer aside, it's good to see a airplane game on the switch.
As someone who has grown up with movies and games where Russians and Germans are invariably the "villains", interesting choice by developer to allow players to play either side. Can't figure out if that's progress or insensitivity . . . .
Looks pretty cool to me. Think I’m going to pick this one up. Today is the first I’m seeing of this game
When this drops to $9.99 in a sale I will 100% pick this up as I think it looks amazing visually (also, love a good single player with unlockables). Hope it reviews well!
This actually looks really good!
@Captain_Gonru Any time my brother!
I like the visuals. Game play seems fun, day 1 for me.
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