The Nintendo Switch sits in an interesting place in the broader console race; though it isn’t nearly as powerful as its competitors, the portable nature of it adds a whole new kind of appeal that sets it wholly apart. Even so, it’s more or less become expected that any major AAA games that make it to the device will be making some compromises in the process; there are few, if any, examples of the Switch version looking the prettiest.
The LEGO games have never been known for pushing hardware limits, but it’s reassuring to see that the upcoming release of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 on the Switch will be the exact same game that other platforms will be receiving. In a talk with Fansided, Arthur Parsons of TT Games talked briefly about how LEGO games have historically been altered for the Nintendo release, be it less characters, less DLC, or a shorter story mode. He was keen to point out that the Switch version will have no such shortcomings; if anything, it’ll be the better version due to the readiness of co-op through split Joy-Con play.
What do you think? Will you be getting this for the Switch? What’s your favorite LEGO game? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source apptrigger.com]
Comments 43
To be perfectly honest, its baffling that "It will be exactly the same" has become something other than the norm :/
And sure, im not talking about technicalities here, but content.
And we've seen how beneficial "not releasing DLC, not including mode XYZ" etc. can be on the WiiU...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 on the switch is, purely aesthetically speaking, quite a step back from other versions. Yet, i know quite a lot of folks who still double dipped (myself included) for one, simple reason:
Its the full, bloody game on a platform, that can be taken on the go. Heck, it even offers more than previous versions !
So yeah, great news, even if i won't get the game myself.
Not too sure if I can handle any more LEGO games. I think I've had my fill of those. There are a lot of other games that deserve to be played before another LEGO game. Maybe when it's on sale.
Standard Edition price for consoles $90AU
Special Edition (includes season pass) price for consoles $110AU
PC price $50AU
Season Pass for PC ~$30AU
I think I'll stick with the PC version.
Second to LEGO City Undercover, LEGO Marvel has been my second favorite LEGO title to date. I have really been eyeing this title since it was announced. With so many other games releasing on Switch and other consoles this November I may need to wait on this title, but I am looking forward to it.
I’m sorry, I’m going to be that guy: fewer characters, not less.
already pre ordered it. cant wait to play it.
@shaneoh At least on Amazon UK, all 3 versions (PS4, XBox One and Switch) are of the same price...what a relief....
Yeah the console versions are the same price at EB Australia too. It's just the PC version that is cheaper.
I've played a lot of Lego games and it may be a while before I get this or any other, especially when it's launching close to Mario, Sonic and Skyrim amongst others
I hate that this has to be news worthy...
Really hope it's as good as the first one
@shaneoh : That's not a particularly good comparison though. EB will be the only retailer with the gall to demand full retail price for it. I imagine that everyone else will be selling it for $59-$69. If not out the gate, then within a month or two.
Lego City Undercover on Switch retails for AU$90, but everyone (except EB) sells it for around $60.
JB is asking the same prices as EB too (well $0.95 difference, but I think that's insignificant enough). Most other retailers won't be selling it for pc either though, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison. It's still more expensive than the PC version and you still have to shell out for the season pass. There's also a minifig if you preorder through EB..
Yes! Still doubting on the Lego Ninjago game but this one is day one!
@shaneoh : JB generally matches the cheapest price during the launch weekend as well. Then they bump it up to its regular price (if they intended to price the game higher).
EB will price match too
@jrpacman As they're Lego figures maybe they had just had their legs removed...
Not only will the gameplay be the same as the PS4 and XB1 versions, but it will be virtually indistinguishable from every other Lego game....
@shaneoh : JB actually matches the shelf price. With EB, you need to request a price match.
Which isn't much of a hassle. You do miss out on the preorder bonus though. Either way PC is still the cheapest, and would likely be cheaper if other stores stocked PC games as well.
Good to hear. Still enjoying LEGO City a lot. Nice to have parity after years of sub-standard DS, 3DS and Vita ports. Remember the PSP versions of LEGO Star Wars 2 and Indiana Jones were almost the same as console versions. The latter is great on Vita.
Neat. LEGO Marvel was one of the best games in the series.
But I'm still going to wait until it's $20 next summer.
I dunno. I've played so many LEGO games over my lifetime, they're kind of starting to all feel the same, but with a new coat of paint.
The original one was a cracking game, I just hope they'll be an open world hub like the original.
Launch day buy for me. This news only reinforces that decision. Had a blast playing the original on Wii U with my kids and we are all looking forward to some more blocky super hero action.
Thinking about it, this shouldn't be that big a deal, should it? Destiny 2 for instance, can make decent use of a 6th gen i7 with a 1080Ti and yet no one makes a fuss about the fact that the 'same' version runs on the drastically less powerful XBox One.
It's just nice to see that the Switch is liked enough by developers that they take it into account from the outset.
@Bread-Not-Toast there is an open world hub, similar to NYC from the first game. It’s been said by the developer that it is “much bigger” then the first games hub world. It’s called Chronopolis and is a mash up of locations into one big city (Egypt, old west, some future world, etc).
Good. I hope that includes DLC because that tends to be where WB falls off the boat.
So no hope for wireless multiplayer.
I'm really interested to see how a single Joy-Con control works. Motion control to turn the camera perhaps?
Well it is a Lego Game. If the switch can't handle a lego game we in big trouble. And Ill wait and see. Lego Undercover local co-up an the switch was a frame rate crap show.
I loved undercover but think that was enough LEGO for a while... would 100% jump to a new LEGO Star Wars or even better something crazy like LEGO Simpsons
I didn't double dip on Xenoverse 2 but I own it for Switch and borrowed it for PS4 previously. I wouldn't say it's quite a step back compared to other versions graphically. Just a little bit.
The Switch is just 30fps consistently throughout except for one on one battles where it bumps up to 60fps. Other versions is a constant 60fps, but I'm very pleased and still very impressed with the Switch version.
@Turbo857 Well, it has its FPS issues in the Hub in handheld mode, and its lack of AA which clashes with the artstyle (hard, clean lines) quite heavily.
But yes, all in all, it holds up extremely well, especially considering the crass gap in hardware power.
But its perfectly playable, the 30FPS aren't detrimental (Good framepacing) and, like i said, its the full game on, well, basically a handheld which i agree, is pretty amazing.
Im really, really glad we left the "neglected Nintendo versions" era behind us. Well, hopefully we have.
And truth be told: If 30 FPS and lower texture resolution are the only real stepbacks we will see in the future, im more than happy with it. I mean come on, we will have bloody Doom on the go !
To clarify, when he says "it will be the same", I'm sure he doesn't mean that it will run at a constant 1080p 60fps like it may possibly do on a ps4 pro for example. He's just talking about the dlc content. That being said, I highly doubt the performance will be bad on Switch, I played a couple of the lego games on the Wii U and although there was slowdown when playing co-op, other than it was pretty solid.
It was disappointing that even though we finally got a season pass for Lego Avengers we still ended up missing out on the ant-man story dlc and civil war character pack. So I for one am definitely glad that we will be getting ALL the dlc this time.
@BionicDodo Good point. That would mean they were all there, yet there was less of them.
I hear ya. I myself love games to 60fps when possible. I actually think Sonic Forces for Switch being 30fps, is kind of a let down. Sonic games, like Mario games, should always be 60 fps regardless of the resolution. Especially considering Lost World was 60 fps on the Wii U.
But for most other game ports, compromises are inevitable and playing these games on the go definitely adds tremendous value for any of these visual short comings.
I got excited when I saw the title, but then the way he worded things threw me off. He said it will have all the dlc and basically not be a watered down version. He didn't say anything about the graphics though. Like, when they say it will be the same, does that mean 1080p 60fps with all the shaders and textures and effects the PS4 will have..?
@Scapetti What do you think the graphics will be like compared to PS4? Same shaders and textures and effects? I don't really care about fps, i'm more concerned with higher resolution.
@Thedreadedzero Looks like there are some lighting and reflection differences, missing reflections in places, but other than that it's pretty close. See for yourself here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxlEeMQvdDA though keep in mind this is live streaming quality which is usually worse than normal youtube quality (which is already pretty bad).
You probably won't be bothered about graphics unless you compare them directly. I mean take the new Mario for example, that'd probably look better on PS4 (you can already see a taste of how it could look better when you switch to snapshot mode) but as it's not on PS4, and there's no better way to play it, it's not an issue. That's my opinion anyway but I don't have an Xbox One or PS4 so I'm getting the Switch version regardless. I also haven't played the new Doom yet so when I get the Switch version it won't bother me that it's 30fps and a lower resolution, that'd be normal to me, my point is it only feels like an issue when you know there's a superior version
@Scapetti Yea I already watched that video. The quality on youtube is so bad it's hard to tell a difference from PS4 streams. Can you point out exactly where it was you saw the lighting and reflection differences, or do you have comparison snapshots somewhere I can look at?
@Thedreadedzero Ahh all over the place, when they're running around Xander there is a notable lack of reflections and there are various lighting differences on the Guardian's ship. If you don't notice it I wouldn't worry I don't have the game yet, plan on getting it for christmas
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