Each year has a group of Indie releases that earn plenty of earnest praise on the web, often PC games first that make their way to console. Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studios was one of these games - on its surface it's a stylised dungeon crawler with turn-based battles, but its underlying mechanics and its methods for tackling the challenges of disease caught a lot of attention.
Well, it's coming to Switch - potentially this year, but no firm date has been given.
Our colleagues at Eurogamer gave it a strong recommendation last year:
Oppressive, cruel and exhilarating, Darkest Dungeon is one of the most beautifully designed games I've seen in a while. And the beauty of the design is everywhere, from the art direction and atmosphere, which inks this dungeon-diving semi-roguelike in the blotchy, heavy-lined stylings of a House of Usher horror comic, to the smallest facets of the mechanics, like the way that hunger is a sort of randomised tax, foisted on you when you least expect it, or the manner in which the ever-decreasing light when you're out adventuring means that you can't catch a breath between encounters without sacrificing a few of the torches you've hopefully remembered to bring with you.

It looks like it'll be a nice fit for portable play, too; based on the reactions to the developer's tweet there'll be a number of fans ready and waiting to jump in.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the heads up
[source rollingstone.com]
Comments 55
Looks interesting, dark and gritty.
Yeah, was teased a while back.
Gr8 game! Definitely planning to pick this up again. I just hope the controls will be alright though, I've read on Vita they turned out rather poorly (played it only on Steam so far). Now bring on Invisible Inc.!
Will double dip on this in a hot second. Great game
I am pretty sure I have watched a few videos from random YouTubers I follow of of this game. They seemed to like it a lot.
Now the Switch needs Hotline miami and Night in the Woods.
News from 5 days ago. Glad you guys could catch up
@Kalmaro and @getyourak Calm down, nerds.
@MsJubilee I'd love to have Night in the Woods on Switch Such a great game.
I was hoping for this news since the Switch was released. Glad to see another game I always wanted to give a spin on my platform of choice.
A really solid game, I might very well end up double dipping for this one.
Great game, I have it on ps4 but will definitely double dip.
Saw this tweet couple of days ago. I'm getting it for sure.
Another indie? I'll wait and see until the Switch reviews come out.
I have loved the way this one looked ever since I watched some of my favorite YouTubers play it awhile back, I was hoping it would eventually come to Xbox and I would have been fine with that, but now that I have a Switch that is without a doubt the version I will be picking up, getting this game is a guarantee for me.
I have several friends that have been rather obsessed with this, so color me interested!
Just need Divinity Original Sin D:
Meh... I got this for 4.99 on my iPad (It even lets you cross save to PC for home play) - Never finished it. Gets boring after a bit. Wish the port over Shiness, Typo Man.
No need for a Switch (bet it will be 3 times as much on Switch) for any of this mobile stuff.
Its a fun game, but I found that it tends to get a bit repetitive for my tastes. It's old school rpg fighting style, turned based, though done very well and with the added element of party morale that has to be dealt with. This is a difficult game...perhaps repetitive isn't quite the right word....slightly repetitive with a high degree of difficulty. Youll need to manage everything just right or you'll soon find yourself with a party that is stressed out, terrified and shell shocked, to the point where they wont do you much good in the field.
That said, this is a really well done game for what it is. I never finished it and I might pick it up again for the right price.
If the game is 25 USD on Steam, and main story lasts around 50 hours, I could dream about a physical version (for 35-40 USD?). Pleeeease.
I heard it's extremely repetetive later on and relies on grinding. Still probably good for 10-20 hours.
Wonder if Devolver will join in on the Switch bandwagon
Loving this game so far! And I haven't even got to the Darkest Dungeon yet! So much management involved, too. I can't wait to take it on the go (though there is an iPad version, and it lets you share save games between desktop and iPad, which is insane!)
"...based on the reactions to the developer's tweet there'll be a number of fans ready and waiting to jump in."
I sounded like a lunatic in my tweet, I'm not ashamed.
@getyourak I sent in a tip hours (edit: actually, it was about an hour) after the tweet went up on Friday. Of course no one picked it up
Already hard to read on a big TV screen (ps4) or on an iPad (not mini)... I wonder how they'll rethink the whole interface so that it can be played on the switch small display...
Amazeballs..! This game is worthy of a double-dip.. so that's what I'm gonna do.
Maybe I'll finally be able to play through it all vanilla
Gosh darn it, I might actually beat this game if I had it on the Switch...but I don't want to double dip...
Great! always meant to play this but never got round to it.
I now find myself wanting Massive Challace to come to Switch
This game sucks
@Ralek85 they were bad on vita because it used the rear touch pad but they updated the controls and it's much better
Not sure why the hubub for this game. It is the epitome of cheap death and unfair video games. It's not even a fun hard, it's literally up to the luck of the draw no matter how much you play. One of the worst and most frustrating games i've ever played.
Stardew Valley officially announced to come out October 5th for $14.99
Love the art!!!!
I'm buying my Switch at Black Friday or in a couple of months, at the most. No more sleeping for me!
Never got around to playing this. Might give it a try this time around.
This is a great game. On the Switch it will be tremendous and is a perfect fit. Had the Vita version which was good but was a bit fiddly with the rear touch pad used.
With the bigger screen and extra buttons on the Switch this will be perfect and another great game to have on the go.
Been meaning to try this on Steam ever since I heard the Game Scoop guys gushing about it. Haven't done it so far, so I guess Switch it is.
@Yarrdave Thanks for the info! I only remembered reading about it in a couple of reviews when it first released. Nice to hear the issue was addressed!
Bought on vita, but the text was too small. Will try again on switchs bigger screen.
Try reading glasses lol, that's what i use nowadays
Very excellent game for the masochistic fans of hardcore RPGs.
Unless it comes with the DLC I may not get it, but I would suggest giving it a look and if possible play on a friend's device. It's pretty brutal, so I can't say it's for everyone.
One of the best latest RPGs that I've played for sure. As soon as I'm able to get a Switch, I'll probably get this game as well.
For the ones complaining, as the game states in the very beginning, it will push you to the limit and test your skills on the most adverse situations. So, in other words, the game is very hard, you will get your entire party wiped several times, and you will have to build your strategy and teams accordingly depending on the accepted quest.
Skipped this on Vita, but I'll gladly buy this on Switch.
Ready to triple dip. This game pushes all the right buttons for me, from the punishing gameplay to the Lovecraft-inspired design. Great game and perfect match for the Switch!
It's wonderful, especially when you use what you think might be a crappy party/formation and it turns super powerful!
I might actually get this. I don't own and I seen a lot of people playing this a raving about it.
I couldn't get into it entirely, but I had a little fun with the game. I prefer the simpler games where I can relax, but that's just me.
Looks cool but doesn't sound like it's for me.
put this off on pc hoping it would come to switch. very happy
@SetupDisk Totally! I'm actually super pumped to start a fresh run with all the new DLC in place. Hopefully it'll be bundled together to begin with.
I bought it on Steam a while back, I don't know if I'll pick it up again... unless it comes with the DLC already included.
It's a very good game but it's extremely challenging. If you're not careful, and I mean obsessively careful, you'll find yourself in a very tight spot with your adventurers going mad and dying like flies.
Very excited by this... now I just hope I don't break my Switch when I throw it in a mad rage! Haha.
I was hoping that it'll be ported, day one buy for me
If it more that $20 I'm waiting. Looking forward to playing one day...
Touch controls? Otherwise no thanks, controls poorly on ps4
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