SteamWorld Dig 2 arrived recently; it's certainly one of the most high-profile download arrivals on Switch to date, and we think it's rather brilliant. It's bigger and more ambitious than its predecessor, and in some ways reflects the growing confidence of Image & Form that started to show with a vengeance in SteamWorld Heist.
In any case it's had a successful launch, with the game now also on PC and PS4 / Vita as well as the Switch. It's been doing well in the eShop charts, too, sitting top or near the top in various countries.
The developer has now confirmed in a press release that Dig 2 has delivered the IP's best launch to date.
Players are having a blast as well, with the 98% approval rating on Steam being the obvious proof. Everyone's praise results in impressive sales; I'm happy to announce that SWD2 is the biggest launch in SteamWorld history, selling faster than any game we've ever made before it. On Switch it's topping the charts in as good as every country. In less than a week we've already earned back most of the game's total development budget. Twenty or so people for almost a year and a half... You do the math!
It's doing pretty darn well, then. Have you dug into this one yet?
Comments 113
Not suprising to me. It’s currently #2 on eShop in US. Still haven’t gotten it and doubt I will for a while yet, though.
It's great!! 😀Well done image and form now please please please work on heist 2 😀😀
I'm happy for them and I'll say it here again, Nintendo buy this company before they get too big.......might be too late!
awesome game, very well deserved.
Absolutely deserved. I was blown away by the scope of this game in comparison to the already excellent original, and the gameplay loop is just as addictive.
Probably my second favorite Switch game at this point, after Breath of the Wild.
@Spoony_Tech I was thinking the same thing about Nintendo scooping them up. Would be interesting to see what they could do with Nintendo IPs.
Have not bought the game yet, but plan to within the month. Looks fantastic and loved the first one.
Good for them. If it had released on Wii U as well, its success would be even greater.
This game isn't in my current plans but will be down the road. Very pleasing to hear they're experiencing such success.
It's a good game and I enjoyed it. One of the things I still have yet to do is 100% it. I think from a item standpoint I beat it...but I found a area that is like a trial run...wondering if I need to complete that in order for the special thing that developers were talking about.
I actually finished it just moments ago. A bloody good game and I'm glad it's getting the sales it deserves. Roll on Steamworld Dig 3!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Why would any developers waste their time with the Wii U at this point? A great many people already pretty much moved on from that console before the Switch even came out.
@KirbyTheVampire Where did he even say anything about the Wii U? stares at comments in confusion
You mean like, greater by your one sale?
@KirbyTheVampire A lot of people haven't moved on from Wii U. And there's still new games coming out for it.
Developers that already have a Wii U dev kit sitting around, and a work pipe-line set up might consider it. Seeing as games still come out on the Wii U eShop once in a while, at least SOME developers choose to "waste" their time on it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Why you bringing the Wiiu into this knowing damn well it's an irrelevant platform? Also just cause it's getting kickstarter games doesn't mean it's alive and well.
God i hate the Wiiu so much.
Agree with all the other comments, this is a great game. Probably my favorite indie game this year. Glad to see it doing so well.
@N8tiveT3ch I'm pretty sure the Trial run is the special thing the devs were talking about.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE A lot of people haven't moved on from Wii U. And there's still new Shovelware* coming out for it.
They still made it for the vita, so I believe we shouldn't complain that unloved consoles aren't getting any love. Image & Form are pretty cool with that.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I highly doubt that developing for the Wii U would have been worth it. For one, it was an extremely small install base to begin with. Much of that install base has moved onto the Switch, making the install base even smaller. Then factor in the fact that many of those that haven't jumped ship yet likely will in the near future, and it makes perfect sense why they (Along with everybody else) chose to pass on the Wii U. It's simply not worth the effort at this point.
EDIT: Forgot to say, absolutely loving this game. Better than the first in every way. Highly recommended. I've been neglecting Metroid: Samus Return in favor of this. That should tell you how good it is.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I see what you're getting at and yes they would've sold more copies but I'm not sure the amount of sales would outweigh the development cost to port. We all know you nearly have to start from the ground up with the Wii U.
This is such a great game!
@DarkCojiro how long is the game? I bought it and its in my backlog but I dont want to start it until I can give it some proper attention.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not necessarily. The added cost in developing a Wii U version would probably offset a good chunk of the added sales profit. Although I know you and I probably would have bought it on Wii U if it was available to us.
I just finished 100%ing all three difficulties of Metroid Samus Returns so I'll probably be getting this soon!
"If it had released on Wii U, its success would be even greater."
I am 100% sure that you are joking.
It's too easy. People will bite at literally anything.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I booted up with Wii U for the first time in over 6 months yesterday. I really need to clear the backlog of great games. My daughter wants us to play Yoshi's Woolly World together and, to be honest, I can't blame her.
I would re-buy most of my Wii U library just to have it portable. It really is a great machine.
(I have over 200 VC games on it. Nintendo better have a way to these moving to a certain hybrid without charging me too much)
@JamesR I play it all the time. I'm currently playing The Minish Cap on VC. Fantastic game.
@Giygas_95 How hard was fusion mode?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE and, realistically, the Wii U will be the easiest place to find old DS games for the foreseeable future. I just don't see the DS VC coming to Switch.
Also, the Wii downloads are superb. I was able to pick up a bunch of games I had missed (like Xenoblade Chronicles - I think it was only £8 when purchased with XCX).
In all seriousness I am extremely keen to pick up a spare in case while stock is still around.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "It's too easy! People will bite at literally anything."
That line is an indisputable admission that you are trolling. You say what you do for a reaction, not because it's relevant or even defensible.
Never trust when they do not say an actual number. Team Cherry gave the number when they announced Hollow Knight was a hit on Steam.
This is just PR side talk.
@KirbyTheVampire He's bitter the WiiU was awful in design and implementation when it came to sales so he thinks it still deserves support and not the Switch. Find any Switch related post and you'll find some negative snotty irrational comment.
Congrats to the developers. I have the original on my GoG account and put good time on it. I don't think I'd want to bother with it on a console the second go around but when/if it hits that market I'll pick it up. They had a good thing going and if they killed their losses so fast already almost entirely that's a really good sign that things are looking up in the long term.
@thesilverbrick The question is "why" though. I mean he's clearly a Nintendo fan, I don't see why he could be so hung up on the Wii U that he feels he needs to do this. Everyone here is a Nintendo fan, and I assume 90% of us have purchased and played the Wii U while enjoying it. But that time has come and gone months ago, so why not just join us in supporting Nintendo's next phase?
@Nintendoforlife Why? My best guess is he likes attention. Some people can't differentiate between positive and negative attention, and they'll say or do anything to get either. Unfortunately, negative attention is far easier to garner, and he spends his days thinking of ways to irritate people so that he gets noticed. I actually feel bad for him, when I stop and think about it.
A physical release for this game seems inevitable, so I'm going to hold off on downloading for now.
I really enjoyed the first game on Wii U and Dig 2 is a great sequel. It'll be interesting to what the developers will do next with the Steam World universe.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE nice to see you admitting that you just say things to get a reaction. Pretty much confirms what I always thought when reading some of your comments.
Oh and just to put the boot in to your beloved Wii U. the developers pretty much hinted on twitter that a 3DS version is in the works.
Wii U still taking more L's than crystal palace lol
@NintendoFan4Lyf Did you collect all 42 artifacts? That's when the special thing unlocks.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That's just sad now. Thanks for hijacking the conversation about a great game, I guess.
Nice to see image & form doing well with their new game. I loved the original dig and I can't wait to get dig 2 (it's one of the best metroidvania games in years imo).
Also it's nice to hear a dev celebrating good sales instead of complaining like Jools
@thesilverbrick So in theory, the cure for that would be to completely and utterly ignore him, which I'll probably have to do after that recent post.
Congrats! Sounds well deserved. I'm waiting till the bday next month to pick it up though. Not getting any sleep next month.
@Captain_Toad On a Miiverse post I made I called it Metroid: Dark Souls Returns. Fusion mode was really more frustrating than fun to me. Most enemy attacks deal more than one or two energy tanks worth of damage, and the little exploding bugs you come across frequently were extremely annoying. I think a blast from one took out four energy tanks. In the Diggernaut fight, one hit from an attack like his drills or lasers did about 6 or 7 tanks of damage. During the Metroid Queen fight, I had nine full energy tanks, and a head slam from the queen instantly killed me. I know people were mad about Fusion mode being amiibo locked, but I don't think you're missing out on much. Fusion mode was frustrating to play.
@Nintendoforlife Exactly. Occasionally, his contradictions and childishness push me into addressing his posts, but he never replies, further proving that he has zero interest in a dialogue. I respond to him less and less as time goes on, but I couldn't resist an opportunity to call him out for admitting he's just a troll. Notice how he didn't respond, and he'll likely edit his original post to hide his mistake, as he often does.
I'm sure he just gets a high from seeing the number inside of the red notification indicator at the top of the page.
@thesilverbrick I wanted to prove a point. And I've proven it. That some people on this site would rather whinge at my posts than comment on the story. And then have the neck to call me a troll. What was so bad about wanting it on Wii U as well?
SteamWorld Dig 2 is a stellar game, that improves so much over its predecessor that it's just mind-boggling!
I know now that when I see a game from Image and Form, I'm buying it.
Great game, having a blast. Would've paid at least $30 for this game, they should charge more next time which will help them get bigger and come out with more games. Would like to see their past games come out on Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE that is without a doubt my favorite top down Zelda title.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Man there's nothing you can say now after typing this "It's too easy! People will bite at literally anything" lmao.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The only point you've proven is that you're interested in posting controversy for a reaction. You know as well as anyone that a Wii U port would cost development time and resources that wouldn't be recouped by the tiny sales figures on Wii U.
How about you stop using the comments section on this site to run social experiments and instead contribute something meaningful to the discussion? Sad thing is, I can tell you're an articulate, intelligent person and it's a shame you waste those resources on trolling.
@faint It's really clever design. The Kinstone Fusion and the miniturism is really well thought out. Nearing the end, currently up in the clouds and I've 120 of the figurines. I like it but I still rate LTTP and Link's Awakening above it. That's not a bad thing. I can't criticise it, it's a 9 or 10 game. One slight thing, that dog at the bottom of the stairs on the left of Hyrule Town is badly placed. And that chicken on top of the house in the bottom right doesn't make sense.
@Giygas_95 Yeesh! That doesn't sound like fun.
On my list of games to buy.
Wow these comments. One person makes a comment and everyone feels the need to attack.
All these commenters reacting to something they don't agree with and acting like they're not at fault for creating this childish drama.
GG, morons.
@Captain_Toad It really wasn't. I can't count the number of times I got triggered because I accidentally touched an enemy and died while I had almost two whole energy tanks.
@MsJubilee You're literally proving my point now.
I'd love to do the math, but have no idea what these 20 or so people earn a month.
It's a great game. It was #1 on the eShop here in Canada.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I think people are more annoyed that you flat out admitted to trying to get reactions out of people than the fact that you wanted it on the Wii U. People were just politely disagreeing with you until you said "It's too easy. People will bite at literally anything."
@KirbyTheVampire I made a post to prove what some people on this site are like, and they jumped at it, hook, line and sinker.
I'll prove another point tomorrow, that I could prove today but won't. Let's see if people can figure it out when it happens.
based on his numbers i'd estimate they sold 60000-90000 copies
@SLIGEACH_EIRE What do you mean by "what the people are like"? Is it so unreasonable to disagree with your opinion that a dead console isn't exactly a booming business opportunity?
I shall ignore the derailment by the lonely guy and say that's good news for Image & Form! They come across as great people too...another to add to the list.
@WiltonRoots Derailment? I said it's good news. Let's ignore that though and cause an argument because someone asked for a Wii U version AS WELL as on Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE couldn't resist. It was too easy. Some people will bite at anything.
Feels like AAA. I actually "lost" 5 hours the other night playing this for "only just 1 hour" before bed at 3am - suddenly it's light out and had to be into work in 2 hours. Super good/can't put it down, and I'm not* even the biggest fan of the art direction.
*the graphics are beautiful but not my personal preference and that don't even matter
@Thierry According to the first search result, the average salary for an American developer in 2013 was $83,060. For twenty employees for a year and a half that means just under $2.5M. Obviously a Swedish indie studio isn't going to pay quite what an average AAA studio will, but they have to be at least somewhat competitive, so that should give you a better idea of how many sales were involved their first week.
Good for I&F... they deserve it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you know that the real money is in releasing games on the Atari Jaguar.
I bought the game and have played it some, but I don't expect to finish it. I mostly bought the game to support the Devs and hopefully encourage them to release SteamWorld Heist 2
@SLIGEACH_EIRE yeah but the quality of those new Wii U games are questionable (some nice looking ones tho). I'm glad it's still getting content, but it's not great.
Ok Image and Form, Great that it is out.....what's next? No, no breaks get back to work, I need more SteamWorld!
Love this game, already 7 hours deep. Is it better than the first? Absolutely. It refines everything the original brought to the table, it's easy to pick up and can be as slow or as aggressive as you want.
Glad to hear it! This game's awesome and deserves to be successful.
Im at 10h of the game. I take my time a lot and explore everything. For me its a 10/10 game. I like it very much. Excellent job Image & form!!
Today's comment sections have me seriously considering not only blocking Slig, but everybody who responds to him as well. Or heck, I'll leave his comments, but just block the responders. As much as I like you guys, honestly, the pissing that goes on in response is way, way more irritating than his comments themselves which I can disregard easily enough.
He's not going away, and he's not changing his views. Let's stop arguing and "biting" as he would say. Read his comment, say to yourself, "Yup. Of course that's how he feels." and keep on scrolling. Please.
I'm about 8 hours in and love it. These devs show up the AAA ones with games like this. I would love a port of heist next...
"SLIGEACH_EIRE 2 hours ago
It's too easy. People will bite at literally anything."
Let this be a lesson to all the people that get mad at me every time I call this person a troll.
Definitely deserved from what I've heard.
Still need to download the first Steamworld Dig sometime.
And it totally deserves it!
I haven't gotten it yet either, but I know I will in the future.
Excellent. Haven't had much chance to play it but from what I've seen it's superb.
Finished it in 6 hours and I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that it was over so quickly. The game could have had more segments where exploring and finding secrets was encouraged a little more. As it is right now I followed the story most of the time, which was fun, but now I feel I beat the game before getting my money's worth. :/
@SLIGEACH_EIRE chomp chomp
20 people x 18 months x ~$10,000 per dev per month (ballpark estimate for game development cost) = $3.6 million in profit. If we assume that's 70% of the total revenue the game has made (assuming Nintendo/Sony/Valve each take a 30% cut), then total revenue would be ~$5.14 million. Divide that by each game costing $20, and the game needs to sell around 257,000 copies to cover development costs.
outstanding game. will play again.....and again.....and again
well said. its the replies that clog up this forum. when it should be congrats to Image and Form for a great sequel.
Without a doubt my favourite game on Switch so far. Not as good as Steamworld Heist, but not far off.
I hadn't played the previous games but Dig always looked cool and this super promising. So I bought it when it launched and couldn't put it down. 6 hours to beat the game and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Just finished the first Dig game on 3ds tonight. Really enjoyed it. Might get this in the next few days. Started Heist now, not so sure about that one just yet.
Well done I&F!
Aghhhhhhh too many games! I'll have to wait for this one, sounds excellent though. @SLIGEACH_EIRE @faint I freakin love love love Minish Cap!
I really liked Steamworld Heist but never tried the Steamworld dig games. Might give them a whirl next time they're on sale, but I'm weary about buying new games now since I know the SNES Classic, Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 will be holding my attention for the foreseeable future.
Serious question: has Nintendo bought any indie companies lately?
@Hieronymus-E Of course not but if they were going to start that's a good place.
I agree. Go Image & Form!
That's awesome. For some reason I couldn't get into the first game, but I have been loving the sequel! I'm gonna go back to the original after I finish. This game is so good.
@SayGuh William of Ockham would place the responsibility elsewhere.
Just bought this a few hours ago, and it's frickin' amazing.
Everyone's digging this game! ⛏
It's more than a Metroidvania, the addictive quality of this game is the: Dig for treasure, go back up to sell, go back down and dig some more, go back up and upgrade, go back down and try the upgrade.
It's this endless loop that keeps the game going, the story is pointless, it's the gameplay mechanic that excels here. Even the digging is fun and not a chore, how you dig affects the way you move around. The entire game is well thought-out. 10/10 from me.
Yup, you should definitely block Slig. I did so months ago and I highly recommend everyone do so. Funny enough, if you block someone, the people that respond to him/her will have their posted hidden as well, but just in that particular comment section where they quoted them. So yeah, people should just stop feeding the negative troll because his schtick got old ages ago.
I finally broke down and bought it. Using an older like 10 year old 720p plasma. Not sure how it handles over scan or if it's adjustable but it does not show the full screen it cuts off on all 4 boarders. Anybody else have this issue? In the Switch menu I adjust the screen size to 95% to fit my screen, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on this game. Not the hugest issue in the world but it makes the onscreen overlays unviewable.
It really did get old. I never block people on this site and even I blocked him. The few times I responded to him, he doesn't respond back because all he wants to do is troll and isn't interested in any sort of intelligent discussion.
Anyway, I was a big fan of the first game, and I loved this one even more! It improved upon the original in almost every feasible way. Good job, Image & Form!
I disagree.
The Wii U is the better console, and it even had a better OS and better network infrastructure, at launch, than the Switch has six months after launch.
Wii U is a special console, there is nothing like it. Switch is nothing else than a hybrid.
"Why you bringing the Wiiu into this knowing damn well it's an irrelevant platform? Also just cause it's getting kickstarter games doesn't mean it's alive and well.
God i hate the Wiiu so much."
@BornInNorway81 But it doesn't have any games. Yes you can play Smash,MK8 and DK. But what's the point if all those games are eventually gonna be on the Switch?
The Switch first year has already slaughtered the Wiiu's entire life span.
i'll grant that but humbly suggest that the replies spawned by irritation at a troll are even lower in the scheme of suck
@Rebusmind Continue playing and get all the collectables and do the post-game content?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Look, I'm fine with people having a different opinion, but don't start trolling the comment sections on purpose. It's a grey area, but I'm sure you know your own intentions very well.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree there are more Wii U out there than there are Switchs. But I believe most Wii Us are gathering dust at this point, so I understand developpers who don't want to port and support a game on Wii U for few players
Awesome and well deserved! Good job fellow Ninty fans!!
I will gladly add this game to my Nintendo Switch! First one was practically gold pay dirt to me!
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