Splatoon 2 is already one of the key games of this Summer, and Nintendo is stepping up the seasonal theme with a special range of outfits and shoes to appear this coming weekend.
As is always the case it's the official Japanese Twitter account spilling the beans, but typically this sort of thing rolls out globally.
Items like these will pop up in the game from 11th to 16th August, so they shouldn't be far away. As mentioned above this sort of promotion is normally global, so we'll keep an eye out for confirmation it's coming to the West.
Some of the gear looks pretty neat, though this scribe will save some extra ink shots for anyone seen running around in flip-flops...
Comments 40
Nice. Still wish we could buy pants. Those shorts just feel so off.
Lookin' forward to that fresh gear!
Hahah i agree with whitehead ill be gunning for those flip floping squidlings.LOL
That's nice.
Maps and weapons now please!
I may use the flip flops just to make new friends haha
Can't wait to cook those "fresh" squids sporting this ugliness. Especially the flip-flops. They're just sandals but worse.
Very fresh!
Wait...do the flip flops mean we finally see what Inklings have for feet or do they use socks?
... What's wrong with flip-flops? I love them!
Good question are there feet or tentacles?? Will they have sucktion cups?
Next spalfest To FLOP OR NOT TO FLOP. Just to add fuel to the fire.
And that's just when I finalized my gear loadout and am currently working on the abilities. I really do feel the need of a new map soon.
Mmm inkling girl feet 😍😍😍
That picture doesn't actually show new gear. I have most, if not all of those pieces of gear in that picture already. I think what this means is that these pieces of gear will just appear more often in the SplatNet 2 shop, thus allowing you to get these more easily with abilities they usually don't have. New gear won't actually appear.
Of course I'd like to be proven wrong, but I'm sure most people don't even have all the regular game's gear yet.
..also, people, please keep foot fetish posts out of here, ugh.
@Wckdlink @BLP_Software

Do not diss on those flip flops
@Octane No matter what I expected it would look weird
I love the Filp Flops. Fight me, Splattershot only, Moray Towers.
I hope they add some girlier options soon.
Dang what is with ya'll and flip flops? Did you trip and face plant in the sand once?
80 hours in and aching for a new map or two.
I am anti sandals with socks but pro flip flops.
Flip-flops sure do divide people. lol.
flip flops vs sandals who will win.
Wow no doubt feet! normal ones at that. Thanks
Yup this really should be the next splat fest. New maps for multiplayer are coming as well as 1 if not 2 new salmon run maps. I pumped for salmon run i f***ing love that mode
I like the hat, that's about it.
Tom's parents were flip-flops who abandoned him in an alley when he was but a newborn bairn. He generally keeps a lid on things, but sometimes that seething resentment bubbles up into his writing.
It's alright Thomas. We're your family now. We're here for you whenever you need us.
I wanna see everyone in thongs!
I'm curious to see what gear they are talking about...because at least 3 of those items in the picture have already been available ingame at one point or another, or on SplatNet. For example, I already own those sunglasses.
I mean, you can already wear the Special Forces Beret, so it's not like this is the first instance of clothing that makes your inkling look ridiculous.
@ThomasBW84 That information is definitely wrong. All the pieces of gear shown in the picture have already been available the whole time!
What's wrong with flip flops? I live in a place where average summer temperatures are 110°F so flip flops are a good way to stay fresh.
I'm confused... I have some of this gear already. Is this only pertaining to Japan?
It'll be fun wearing flip flops and rushing with my Dualie Squelchers at ultra high speeds splatting the commoners as I go <3
@Yosher Your right mate, everyone seems hyped for Flip-Flops but I've had some since launch! Same with the Tee's and shades
The Splat Brella has just been announced on Nintendo UK's Twitter. It's coming to the game tomorrow morning!
@Kalmaro Agreed. It's so hard to feel good about giant boots with spandex shorts. Glad they at least added a less skin-tight shorts option
Weird? I already have the flip-flop and the shirt since day 1 ! Go figure
On top of gear, I wish that you could pick your animations before and after each match with your weapons. Taunt other than Booyah and Ouch would also be cool.
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