You may have noticed the name of our editorial director Damien McFerran has been largely missing for the last couple of weeks, and that's because he's swanning about on Holiday. He still has time to browse random Japanese accessories online, of course, because that's just his style.
In any case, he sent us poor worker drones a link to the following 'Super Switch' accessories on Amazon Japan, notably the following Super Famicom Joy-Con kit on Amazon Japan. It's a thing of beauty, assuming it doesn't have materials that do anything horrible to the Joy-Con controllers; it seems to be relatively safe, with a review average of 4 stars from those that have bought it already.

This product page has all sorts of designs from the same company, including some bright colours for the back of the Switch tablet; they're all rather nice, but the Super Famicom Joy-Cons are our favourites. We searched on Amazon UK for the same thing but ended up at a page for some sort of cleaning product, which was underwhelming to put it mildly.
And yes, we'll probably try to import some of these and let you know if they're any good.
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Comments 41
would be great if the colors were arranged to make sideways joy-con controls easy to explain to family members --- holding sideways joy-con, press blue to jump and red to shoot, or whatever. That way whether the person is holding left joy con or right joy-con the explanation of controls is the same.
Would be hilarious if this would come out everywhere at the release of the snes classic mini 😂
Gimme gimme gimme gimme!!
can't ship to my US address, unfortunately. Disappointing. Totally gonna spray paint the back plate of my console now, though.
@Raayo Wh..why?
I'd like to add, I know I could ship to a forwarding company, and have them ship to me, but I'm not willing to make that sort of payment on plastic joycon covers. I'd sooner make my own.
@bluesdance I totally agree. I've run into that exact same situation.
It might be for some, admittedly Pearl White with SNES colours is tempting. But it's only superficial.
That is awesome!
easily resists importing, lol
are these covers or actual shells that require you to take apart exisintg joycons for the hardware
I searched for these on the US Amazon site.
Found them:
The arrangement of the colors on the left one doesn't even make sense, no matter how you hold it.
@clvr I'm not positive but it looks like the left Joyccon's buttons could be put in whatever configuration you want. One of the user images on the JP one is different from the manufacturer's pic. I imagine you could make it match the right, or do Left-Red, Right-Green, Up-Yellow, Down-Blue so that they match in single-Joycon mode.
I wonder if they're prone to yellowing, for those who want the full nostalgic SNES experience!
I'd be happy with just the buttons tbh. But yeah, I'll be ordering a set.
is this what Alex was showing off on Periscope?
Ooooh.... !!!
@nathatruc Thank you for the UK link and I can't believe the price and that it is actually fulfilled by Amazon themselves. This is very tempting. Hmmmmm.....
Seen them on eBay, very tempted but I am holding out for some transparent joy con shells. I miss the good old days of transparent consoles and controllers none topped my crystal clear transparent original gameboy!
Just ordered the white kit from amazon Germany for EUR 24,99.
They look a bit cheap to me. I bet there'll be an influx of replacement Joy-Con shells on the market before long.
Too white for the SNES look.
@LemonSlice It's actually Dreamcast look. Period. The first thing came up was Dreamcast seeing this
@Alucard83 Totally. (:
What's going on with the analog sticks? In the picture they don't look like analog sticks
I don't get what the squares on the analog sticks mean, and the white really should be a light grey, but I still like it just because I love the SNES' coloured buttons.
@Shugo Ah, now it makes more sense.
Cheers for clearing that up.
@bluesdance If it works the way I think it does, nothing prevents you from rearranging the directional buttons of the left joycon so that the colours match those of the JoyCon-R held sideways. Just shuffle arround the buttons.
@bluesdance I thought they should have coloured them like when Switch was first unveiled, so controls could correspond to colours rather than letters, as the left side doesn't have letters. Although I took it one step further and thought they should use LEDs to change the colours of them, so they change depending which way they're being held. But I know the Joy-Con are already expensive enough without adding another component into the mix.
I'd love to one day get some joy-cons with the Super Famicom button color scheme, but I've seen videos on YouTube of what it takes to take apart the Joy-cons and its all above my skill level sadly. I would never try to do anything to them like this... I would just be throwing $80 away.
Hopefully they just release a set of official ones, and with the right colors
@Chunga to celebrate!
Seems like they messed up with the colors on the left joy-con and should have instead oriented them for when it's used sideways in multiplayer...
@ThomasBW84 Are these the same ones @AlexOlney has been showing off on Twitter?
@nathatruc Cool, thanks for that link! Now I just have to find a UK seller who ships to Germany. ^^
@BoFiS Since it's just a skin, you can probably orient them any way you want.
@shani it's onÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1503004649&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=myriann&dpPl=1&dpID=41u4yqcLxaL&ref=plSrch
These look amazing! Most certainly, Reggie Master of All Deceit and Ruin will work extra hard to make sure these never see the light of day in the U.S.
@bluesdance I think you can switch the left and right arrows on the left joycon then the colors would all line up when tilting the joycons. I could also go with an all grey left joycon.
They look great. Wish there was a switch and dock to match.
@nathatruc Oh wow, thank you! Somehow I couldn't find it there myself yesterday.
@Raayo ;p
You guys suck at Google. They're on Amazon UK too ;-P
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