Maximum Games is bringing vehicular destruction to the Switch later this year in the form of Monster Jam: Crush It!
Based on the PS4 and Xbox One title from 2016, this chaotic racer features more than 30 maps covering forest, desert, winter and farm environments. You'll also find 84 skill challenges and 12 "authentic" events. There are also 6 officially licensed Monster Jam stadiums included, if you're keen on that kind of thing.
The game is powered by Unreal Engine - hence the port to the Switch - and will also boast online leaderboards and in-game achievements. Most exciting of all is the Custom Crash Mode, where you can explore a free-roaming environment and cause as much carnage as you like.
Amazon has Monster Jam listed for a December 31st release, which is usually a sign that the game currently lacks a solid launch window. It will retail for £29.99.
Thanks to Eigotaku for the tip!
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Comments 24
I'd love a good monster truck game but going by reviews this one is absolutely terrible. The Xbox One version has 36% on Metacritic while the PS4 version doesn't even have a score as no critic has bothered to review it.
36 from 100 ?
Not even a game in my opinion.
Welp guess I'm buying a Switch.
That looks like a clunky mess. No thank you.
@OneArmedGiant isn't that the definition of a monster Truck? ;D
"Excite Truck" it ain't...
I'm all for 3rd party support... but this is almost sad if it warrants a post.
I'd rather have a Ubisoft Trails game that this crap.
@Shiryu: OMG, I clicked with much anticipation to watch the gameplay . . . and it looks like it is in slow motion . . . and thought, doesn't Excite Truck circa 2007 blow this away?!?
This game is geared more towards younger kids. I’m sure they will find it exciting and fun as the hill climb looks cool, but for me this will be a skip.
Haha, if what I have read is to be believed then this game is called 'Monster Jam: Crush It!' but you can't actually even crush things with your truck. Wow, good effort devs.
Is the Switch starting to loosen up quality control because they're not getting the primo 3rd party support they expected they would for the holidays? Little bits of shovelware and poopy retail releases (Troll and I) seem to be given the ok to fill out the roster for the holiday.
@YANDMAN @Dang69 isn't it already on both other consoles? So if you are thinking its shovelware for switch, is it a AAA release on PS4 and X1?
@Donutman Sorry - when I said "shovelware" I was separately referring to some of the recent and upcoming releases on the eShop.
Hard nope.
@Dang69 there is shovelware on all consoles. they might be party games, kids games based off movies, or even b rates rpg, fps, tps, You can call lots of games shovelware. I don't see any problem with them. I don't buy them so they don't bother me. Any game that comes out year after year is shovelware in my opinion. Call of duty is shovelware by my definition.
@bluedogrulez It certainly does blow it away, but in all honesty, Excite Truck is a completely different game, though.
Monster Truck games, with only a few exceptions, are never really about speed, but more about the exact same thing they are in real life: over the top stunts and demolishing cars and buses.
On a side note: I definitely wouldn't mind a full HD version of Excite Truck...
No Nintendo don't give us the classics like we're all waiting for. Let some poor sap drop $30 on this turd. See now if you had the VC going or whatever the hell youre gonna call it, you can post games like Excite Truck etc instead. But noooo we have to reinvent the wheel on how to bring the classics back to Switch?!? Ridiculous! Just get it going SNES classic mini or not!!
It'd be fun to drive these guys as DLC in Rocket League ;p
@Donutman Yes of course. This is nothing more than a low budget game....which equates to the same thign as shovelware. A low budget production doesnt need to be poor.
@YANDMAN there are plenty of big budget games out there that are just re-skinned versions of last years and people buy it for 3 months($60+), then I get it in the bargain bin for $15 a year later. Is that not shovelware?
@Donutman No, thats a reduced price game. If this is your take on the concept then every single game ever released is shovel ware.
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