When it comes down to the Nintendo Switch and its strategy for success, the big N can point to early results and claim to have got it right so far. Of course, a strong start means little without long-term sales, which was a core focus in an interview that Nintendo of America corporate communications director Charlie Scibetta recently gave to GamesBeat / VentureBeat.
Scibetta talked a little about how the Switch concept is winning over consumers so far, in particular the range of play options it offers courtesy of its "portability".
It’s working great. In our concept video we showed back in October, we showed people in an airport. That’s what we’re seeing. All those scenarios of people playing after they have a pickup basketball game, playing in the airport—a lot of time that’s the best time to game. You don’t have any distractions. You’re on a flight and you can dedicate that time to whatever you want. In our case they’re doing that with the Switch. It’s gratifying, because what Nintendo has always tried to communicate in our games is the joy and the social aspect to it. Especially with something like Kart, you’re seeing people do these local LAN tournaments. The system enables you to do that.
You and I could play against each other in our own houses 3000 miles apart, and that’s fun, but I think it’s a lot more fun to have everyone around a table laughing, elbowing each other, having a good time. People are responding to that. Developers are responding to that, the gameplay dynamic the Switch allows. Public social fun.
The bet was that this kind of gameplay is something people want to do. It’s one of the nice things about Nintendo. It wasn’t as if people were screaming for this – we’ve gotta have this, please give it to us. It was our developers thinking, we believe this will work. The same way the Wii worked. Nobody told us that we had to have motion control in our gaming experiences. Then they played Wii Sports and it was fun and it worked.
A big focus from Nintendo is on reminding players that there are major retail releases arriving on a regular basis, part of a 'drumbeat' approach.
Games. If you want to be able to play games and not have a dry spell between any of the big launches, we think Nintendo Switch is a good place to be. We have a nice drumbeat of first and third party. You’ll never have to wait long.
Just as you get through a game and you’re starting to put your head up, put the periscope out to see what else is out there, hopefully we’ll have something right there for you. We’ve announced a nice lineup through this year, and next year we have some big games coming with Metroid 4. 2018 [Ed’s note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant “2018 and beyond” here] will be around Metroid, Kirby, Yoshi, and a new Pokemon game has been announced. We feel good about the lineup for this year and beyond.
We said that at launch. People were saying, why aren’t there more games at launch? We said, we think we have a good amount at launch, but this is not the end of it. There will be great games coming every month for the rest of the year. We think that’s a better way to do it than to front load it all on day one and then have three months where nothing comes out.
Scibetta also emphasized that Nintendo is open to supporting cross-platform play, which isn't even 'new' to Switch games - some 3DS and Wii U titles of various kinds have done this. It's all about accommodating what the audience wants.
Our publisher and developer relations team is always talking to different companies and seeing what we can work out. I’m really happy just as a gamer, let alone working for the company, that that’s going to be possible, that cross platform play. We’re trying to be more flexible as a company. We’re reaching out to try and get people to interact with our IP. In this case Rocket League is their IP on our system, but we’re trying to get people involved with us in any way we can, whether that’s on mobile now, or through Universal Studios parks, or through licensing deals like Vans.
Once you can play the games and interact with the characters — if you’re a fan already you know it exists on our dedicated systems, but say you’re somebody in another country that doesn’t have access to those dedicated systems. You have a phone, though, and you can play that way, and all of a sudden you’re in our world. We’re trying to be more flexible and bring more people in. In the case of Rocket League, it’s just being flexible and working with them to make their game come to life on our system. If people want to play cross platform, we want to enable that.
Let us know what you think of Scibetta's remarks, and the company's broad strategy with Switch to date, in the comments below.
[source venturebeat.com]
Comments 59
Getting a big release almost every month has been really nice.
ALL EA Sports should be cross-platform multiplayer
"Just as you get through a game and you’re starting to put your head up, put the periscope out to see what else is out there, hopefully we’ll have something right there for you. We’ve announced a nice lineup through this year, and next year we have some big games coming with Metroid 4. 2018 [Ed’s note: Nintendo clarified later that Scibetta meant “2018 and beyond” here] will be around Metroid, Kirby, Yoshi, and a new Pokemon game has been announced. We feel good about the lineup for this year and beyond."
Glad you brought this up. I posted this in the Switch thread yesterday and it essentially confirms that whatever about Pokemon, but MP4 definitely won't be out before 2019.
For Rocket League cross play, only ps4 users were absent due to stupid Sony's decision.
As long as we do keep getting a steady stream of great AAA content once a month (with the occasional twice monthy during holidays or Christmas time) with the added joy of fantastic indie support, then I think the Switch is going to hace a very strong life ahead of it,
The Wii was amazing but was marred by an over abumdance if casual games.
The Switch seems to be seeing the popularity the Wii had but also have a bolstering of core gameplay experiences. Already we have Breath of the Wild, Ultra Street fighter 2, Mario kart 8 dx, Disgaea 5 Complete and The Binding Of Isaac Afterbirth Plus to cater to all kinds of core gamers.
So again, if this momentum can keep up, we as Nintendo fans are going to be very very happy gamers.
I really just want to play old SNES classics from the VC right now. Short bursts of play during the hot summer time...
I'm angry this topic is completely dodged by Nintendo. I thought it would be available shortly after launch.
I want to play Fire Emblem (GBA) on the go again!
Please VC!
That said, I did not bough nothing for the Switch since the Legend of Zelda and will not until Fate Extella on July!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Delighted you're here (ever presently) to remind us all (all of the time) of all the things (all of them) that aren't happening that you feel are important.
Keep up the good work.
It sure would be nice if they would get the virtual consol up and running. More than half the games in the E shop are from Neo Geo. I'm starting to think I bought a Neo Geo system. Oh, and they better not charge me again for all the virtual console games I bought on my Wii-U!
The steady drumbeat idea is a good one but I can't help wishing they'd up the tempo just a little bit...
@TJM You're welcome(ever presently, all of the time).
Maybe fix your console, Nintendo?
Maybe add OS features and network infrastructure that Wii U had in 2012, and Xbox had in 2002?
You lazy, inept hardware company! Get it together, Nintendo!
(As always, your games are good, though.)
I just got the Switch just recently. There are some games I'm definitely looking forward to on here. So I do hope things turn out well for this system.
I think Nintendo's 2017 game release schedule is a great plan. I've definitely had just the right amount of games to not put the Switch down.
LoZ BoTW, Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, Fast RMX, I am Setsuna, Binding of Isaac Afterbirth, Metal Slug, Lego City Undercover, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Ultra Street Fighter II, Shantae, and Mighty Gunvolt Burst so far.
Looking forward to Splatoon 2, Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Sonic Mania, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Forces, Kirby, Starlink, and Metroid Prime 4.
I just really hope VC comes early 2018. Need even more games.
I've got a ridiculous backlog of Switch games already, and I haven't turned on my 3DS since the Switch launched.
I can't keep up!
@dystome the tempo is indeed quickening as we approach xmas - according to the EU release schedule I compiled myself; we're getting a new physical release practically every week from September onwards.
@Switchcraft I expect it to be promised/announced near the end of this year and be a big roll out early 2018 along with the paid online.
Maybe it could have been earlier, but I think because VC is tied into the online subscription it needs to launch at the same time. Nintendo will need every benefit it can pile in to online so it can ask for the people to pay for it. It's something you don't want a small percentage of owners on, you want the largest percentage imaginable on there — not just for income but for the quality of the experience.
The good news is that VC was already treated very nicely on the NES mini (as far as software goes) and this is likely to be a very good implementation. Here's hoping.
@Marshi Still waiting for Isaac to hit Europe...
@Alikan Hmm... have you considered Blaster Master Zero? From your list it looks like you might enjoy that one. It's pretty great.
If they can have a "major release" every 3 weeks then they will be doing well. 6-8 major Nintendo releases a year and the rest filled in by 3rd party titles. Get about 6 of the major yearly console titles and 4 exclusive made for Switch titles and I doubt you'd hear much complaining from the masses.
@Alikan Further to Blaster Master Zero, you should also really check out Wonder Boy - it's a fantastic remaster.
I already have a backlog on Switch too, despite deliberately pacing myself. It's a great machine, and the future looks even brighter. SMO and XC2 will round out the year nicely.
Here's what I like about this interview. It seems genuine and I think this marketing person is perceiving the cause and effect and what is playing out for the Switch pretty accurately. That is a good thing, because the Wii U launch and plan seemed just as confusing to the marketers as it did to the consumers.
What I've seen so far is a significant number of "lapsed gamers" and "lapsed Nintendo fans" excited by the Switch. What's cool is that this wider group isn't the casually-interested-in-light-gaming crowd that Wii attracted but people who appreciate a good game worth committing some time to. That's a crowd Nintendo can cater to and probably prefers to cater to — at least if we go by Miyamoto's open frustration with casual gamers and the trend in recent first party Nintendo games.
If Nintendo can keep up this once-a-month major first party release thing through 2018 (and I am skeptical, actually), then we are in for a much larger crowd buying in and much more attention from third parties... maybe even roll up those 3DS developers into the Switch snowball.
Then, maybe we can get 2018 holiday 3DS replacement version... and 2019 holiday Switch "Pro" just in time for Metroid... More likely this happens in a 1 to 2 year offset from my vain hopes... or 3
I'm expecting a Switch cartridge release of the NES Mini collection close to December for $59.99. Guarenteed NES games on the go no WiFi or storage space needed
@Krillin_ I want to play that, too. Backlog is real. I have a Wii U backlog... and actually a Wii VC backlog. Let's not talk about the number of games on my iOS devices, STEAM — oh no! Summer sale today! !!! — and the board games stacked on shelves ( a couple unplayed and several played only once). I'm too busy. I need to reevaluate my life choices.
@aaronsullivan tried the demo, just wasn't clicking with me. Though I had also played the original on NES and that one also didn't appeal to me. I'm sure its a good game though, just not for me 😵
@Gerbwmu Interesting. Hadn't considered that possibility. I'd rather see an NES controller compatible with Switch (or clever Joycons?) that came with a download of all those games I think. And maybe keep it digital because it doesn't take up much space anyway. Those NES games are incredibly dinky and the new emulator on NES mini didn't use a complete customized unique emulator for each one like VC did.
NES Remix could return though...
@Krillin_ tried the demo for Blaster Master Zero, just didn't hold my attention. Most people enjoy it though. Not sure about wonderboy, think I'll try the original on my genesis emulator before buying that one.
@Alikan Hey, when there's an embarrassment of riches, no need to play things that don't click with you.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nobody said that MP4 definitely won't be out before 2019. You are the only one who says that.
They're doing a really good job of this. A good consistent release schedule that avoids the disaster of the Wii U's first year. There's potential for a game a week right to the end of the year, with the total by the end of 2017 exceeding 100, maybe 150. 11 of those published by Nintendo.
"but MP4 definitely won't be out before 2019."
Here's another one I'll frame in case you should happen to be wrong.
It doesn't confirm any such thing, despite how much you ache for it to be so.
I'm not saying whether it will or not, because nothing has been confirmed. However I guarantee you now that NOA's Corporate Communications Director has no clue when Metroid Prime 4 will be released.
@Cosats Wrong as always. I had this guy telling me yesterday that it's coming out next year
Amongst other things, they wrote:
"Going by what Nintendo of America said, all those games are 2018. And that's the end of it."
That's fairly definitive. Like you, they're also rude.
@Pod Please do frame it. I won't be wrong unless Nintendo half-ass the game.
@Switchcraft I actually saw this coming. The way VC has been handled up to this point (like handling 3DS and Wii/Wii U separately), would bring new complications to Switch (should the previous VC purchases be recognized/discounted/transferred? Should double-dippers be refunded?) which they'd rather avoid altogether if they can. Plus, there were plenty of subtle hints they'd be trying a different approach (during a interviews regarding VC games on Switch they'd always slightly redirect the topic and refer to up coming "classic games" coming to Switch, the introduction of the NES Classic, SNES VC for New 3DS, NeoGeo games already being on the Switch eShop without the "VC" label). And technically, Nintendo hasn't avoided the topic-- Reggie was asked directly during E3 and directly said they're still looking at how to it-- straight up indicating have no plans to do it right now, and that they may or may not do it later (probably waiting to see how things go with the online service, how long 3DS stays alive, SNES Classic sales, etc.). Not giving you the answer you want is not the same as avoiding it.
@TJM And so he should---because if it were up to people like you doing anything about it then it might never happen. You should be thanking people like him instead of what you are doing--because he's actually fighting for the user.
@impurekind Dude, this is a Nintendo fan message board. It's a bit of fun where we can chat, hear different opinions and say our piece - and maybe even connect with others.
Grumpy kegs isn't whining and sniping for the good of anybody but his own need for attention and his amusement. He's low level trolling in a very easy going space - because it's entertaining for him to mix it up and it gives people something to bat against. No harm done, it's just a bit of fun. Maybe I should thank him for that.
I'm sure Nintendo survey online chat to some extent - but don't kid yourself that they're are steering their ship to the beat of the Nintendolife message boards though. If only!
We don't know when it started production, though.
This approach is definitely making things a bit more interesting, imo. So far there's always something catching my eye in that timespan, if not something I just straight up buy(and that goes for third party/indie stuff, too).
@Gerbwmu I actually wouldn't be completely opposed to that idea.
"Like the Wii" LMAO does Nintendo want another Wii U on their hands?
Apart from that the only positive thing from this interview was that Metroid will be around late 2018. The other parts are the usual 'local multiplayer blabla portability blabla (although a major point it feels Nintendo is repeating it too much).' Let's see if Nintendo stays true to their word and gives us quality games without droughts like with the Wii U. If you remember Nintendo had said the same thing when the Wii U launched (as in 'its a new form of gameplay, steady releases and all that jabber). Although with the Switch I'm trying to stay positive because Nintendo has a few rights to their favour this time compared to the Wii U. Don't disappoint us Nintendo
I agree completely with your comments! I feel like what this guy is saying sounds much more genuine than a lot of the stuff Reggie churns out. He's got some really good points and it does seem Nintendo has a pretty good pace set for this year so far.
I go by the information given at the time. And at the time NoA said 2018.
But I'm glad you're here to constantly try to remind everyone it might not make it before then, as your desperate attempts to feel less jealous stick out like a sore thumb. Can't join everyone else in all the fun and excitement they're having, so you do your best to bash their excitement and fun so you can convince yourself you're not missing much. It's pathetic.
You'd be hard pressed to find an article or even a gosh dang forum topic on this site anymore that doesn't have you screaming from the rooftop in a constant state of misery about what's not happening, not coming, or what Switch doesn't have or doesn't do.
@JaxonH You made those remarks after I told you it wouldn't be out in 2018. Why would I feel jealous? I'll own a Switch by then.
after I told you
You don't decide or tell anyone anything. Nintendo does. And now they've left the door open to later, but still haven't explicitly ruled it out.
So I'm not really interested in what "you told me". Besides, you're trying way too hard here trying to dampen people's excitement. And you'll never succeed.
Well, considering that Nintendo retracted the original statement that 2018 will focus on Metroid, Kirby, Yoshi, etc (which some thought implied a tongue slip of a 2018 release schedule which would include MP4) with the clarification that "2018 and beyond" was the intended meaning... In response to some thinking that beans had been spilled... I'm inclined to believe this means MP4 will release no sooner than 2019. Which should be obvious anyways, but it's as close to confirmation as we're getting at the moment.
I don't think anyone ever truly expected it that soon. But when NoA included it I wasn't gonna argue. Like hey, right on! If it doesn't then it doesn't. Not like there isn't a truckload of other games releasing between now and then. Fire Emblem is next year and most likely Pokemon (said a year to complete, and we have 18 months until the end of next year). Kirby and Yoshi too, and at least half a dozen other games they'll announce for next year.
Some people are just trying way to hard to use "Metroid won't come in 2018" as a club to beat people over the head with.
@Lysis beat the short games first, dont play more than 1 longer game (20+ hours) at a time, can play 1-2 non-story games while playing a long game (fast rmx, etc.). Beat 2-3 games before buying a new one unless you are ready to beat the new one. that's my technique and I think I beat more games this year than any other so far.
@TJM Still, the more people that actually raise all these issues online, the more chance someone at Nintendo has a chance of seeing it and maybe actually doing something about it, to the benefit of everyone. If we all just shut up and take the scraps we are given like good like peasants then there's very little chance a mega-corporation like Nintendo would ever bother to do things better. Ultimately, it will do just enough to keep most average consumers happy and turn a profit. But some people simply want and expect a little more than that. And I for one support those people--because it's in my own best interests as a gamer and consumer to do so.
@impurekind Dude, I don't mean to pour cold water on your approach. I think we just have different ways of seeing these message boards - and maybe different reasons for coming here.
I'm happy to admit that I'm a fan of Nintendo - I think they're a great company because there is nothing like them. I love their games and enjoy celebrating what is brilliant about the things they make and the fun that people have with them. However, I don't think they're perfect and I'm very happy for people to push them to do better and hold them to account.
If that's what you want to do , great - seems like a good mission. But I suggest doing it yourself rather than thinking others have the same agenda. A few suggestions:
If you want to get a message across to them then keep it concise and clear. Choose a few of the most important things you feel need to change and focus on those.
Contact them directly via twitter and post on a variety of message boards.
Keep it constructive - they're working to please their fans remember - but they can't do everything at once. Ranting and relentless whining just makes people sound out of touch and unreasonable - and basically irrelevant.
Good luck to you.
@aaronsullivan I love the idea of a wireless SNES controller and retro game package!
I wonder if they will do the SNES mini this Christmas. Lots of questions around how they will sell their retro games at the moment. I hope they can do a direct on it soon - still rather they wait and make it awesome than rush it to market half baked.
...and he also always complains that it seems like Nintendo isn't showing much of an effort in Ireland, while the reason might just be this: I mean, if they're all like that, why bother? Nintendo may just have read enough of his posts to be as sick of his constant complaining and whining as most of us here are, and decided that if this sort of behaviour is exemplary for the genral Irish population they apparently have only hate and/or bitterness for Nintendo and thus don't deserve any better... I say, love Nintendo, and they will love you back. (True love is unconditional by the way...)
Jokes aside: He does have his better moments to be fair, and sometimes you can see that he's really trying to be less negative, though it doesn't always work out unfortunately. I seriously wonder what sort of person he might be in RL. He often comes across as so generally miserable, it would make me sad if that sort of glass-half-empty attitude governs his whole life. I certainly don't hope so, for his and his friend's sake. And no, I'm not being sarcastic here. This is genuine concern for somone I don't really know, believe it or not. A sort of empathy if you will.
Kudos. Very sensible posts, all of them, taken the words right out of my mouth (though I couldn't have phrased it so to the point; I tend to be too verbose and more chaotic in structure and thought for my own good at times). +2 (one for each)
...I'll be watching you... (in Batman Voice)
He's not naturally like that though. In the forums his thing is "being first to post new links". Which is at least constructive, even if his motive is seeking attention. He's only chronically bitter in article comment sections, because being first to post and/or proclaiming to the world he sent in news tips apparently wasn't shining a bright enough spotlight. Seems to adapt whichever approach garners the most attention, and it's tough to beat controversy
Yeah, I see what you mean. You're probably right. sigh...
I just realized I made an honest mistake in my post when I wrote: "...for his and his friend's sake". I certainly do hope that he has more than one... but since we do not know how likely that is, I'll just leave it unedited for now I think...
Yeah, I had read that, too, and I thought about it. The problem will still be how to go about it then: Is he aware of it? Does he himself consider it a handicap (assuming it is so)? Would he appreciate being treated differently if he was (many would probably not)? (or does he care either way; and if he says he doesn't, would it be the truth?). I think only the persons really close to him could answer that, and having only bits and pixels and a certain form of verbal expression to go on, we're almost guaranteed to get it wrong.
The way it is we can only rarely take him seriously, I'm afraid (because nothing's ever as black and white - or rather black and grey - as he paints it), but what good is all the attention he's getting then?
One thing's for certain though: He IS very passionate about all this, and about Nintendo in general. And that is basically a good thing, even if at times a bit misdirected.
Well the drumbeat is working...my backlog...it grows....feed its hunger.
@JunkRabbit Thanks dude. You made an interesting point at the end there. Definitely worth remembering that this activity means different things to different people.
I'm certainly guilty of feeding negative posts with replies - just hard to resist sometimes when it gets so monotonous.
People use boats for there own reasons I guess - and different voices can be good in provoking debate - as long as it's semi rational! I like it on here though - seems like an interesting bunch for the most part. Go Nintendo is good too.
Good time to be into Nintendo anyway - lots more to come too!
@TJM Trust me, we do have different approaches. And you don't need to justify yours to me; and I don't have to justify mine to you. And the way I'm doing it is right for me; and you can do it the way that is right for you when you have stuff you want to put to Nintendo (or whomever and wherever).
You can also go say whatever you need to say to me in a private email and go send if from some place no one else in here will ever see or care it about too, if that's how you choose to do it. And keep it concise and polite too, if that's how you like to write and express yourself.
Best of luck to you with that.
I, however, will do things my way--and I don't need and I'm not asking for or waiting for your blessing or even understanding to do so.
Now, it's your free choice to continue visiting this site and reading these comments and posting in whatever topics you like, if that's what you choose to do--I'll be here no matter what you choose--but you didn't really need me to clarify of qualify that for you.
Yes . . . you stand exactly where you think I think you stand.
@JaxonH The irony here is that he wasn't the only one to send in a tip for this one... The contact forms are for that purpose. If the staff thinks it's good info and decides to write a highlight article, it doesn't matter who gets credit. It's information pulled from somewhere else anyways. He can toot his own horn if he likes, but it's still someone else's info.
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