There are a few key methods to help ensure success on Kickstarter, and one of them is producing a pitch video that shows genuine progress for the project. Blasphemous, a 2D action title, put gameplay at the focus of its pitch and smashed its modest $50,000 goal in about 24 hours, and has now raised over $170,000.
The latest campaign update has now confirmed that - with a new partner on board to manage ports - the game will launch simultaneously across all platforms, including Switch. Developer The Game Kitchen has set a target release window of November 2018.
This certainly looks rather promising and could be one to watch for next year.
With thanks to Agent721 for the heads up.
Comments 48
It honestly looks really cool.
I seen this the other day. Now having seen the Bloodstained trailer today, I wonder should they have gone with a graphical style like this as it looks very generic and boring. Sometimes less is more? Neither are really gripping and it's yet more 2D indie sidescrolling games. The main character's lance like head is weird. The music is good and having watched it again the general character design is interesting. Actually the more I watch it, the more it grows on me.
It looks fantastic but man waiting over a year for this is going to be painful... and that's if it gets 0 delays.
Glad to see ports for this game. Was hooked on the style (where's Dark Souls trilogy for the Switch, lol)
That is quite a ways off, but it'll be one to keep an eye on for sure as that will be a good genre for Switch to have some games in.
Looks interesting. There's even a giant killer baby!!!
Looks cool even though the main character design is definitely silly.
"The latest campaign update has now confirmed that - with a new partner on board to manage ports - the game will launch simultaneously across all platforms, including Switch."
We've heard this phrase a lot over the years and it's probably true about 50% of the time. Just saying.
Wow! Looks cool! Keeping an eye on it, I hope the development goes well!
It's an incredibly ambitious project. The spritework alone is just crazy, and so are the animations. I really hope they can put out a product as good aa what they're showing here.
I'm buying this!!
Looking sweet, if this one is a success, it'll be between this game or Bloodstained that fulfill my Castlevania crave.
This game really shines with some excellent design so far with that trailer. Definitely excited for this now.
I backed this game originally as I was hoping it would make it to the Switch and I'm glad they got it done. I just upped my pledge to ensure I get the Switch version, so if you've already backed it and prefer the Switch version, don't forget to change your pledge. The pledge amount is the same for all console versions.
I'll be buying it, for sure.
What's with the tall, pointy head? Is it involved with a game mechanic or part of the lore?
Very intrigued. I hope they have that style of doom-y/BM-y music as a core part of the game - that a style you very rarely hear (well not in the games that I've played anyway). Might well buy!
I can remember a time when graphics and games like that were so Next-Gen it made my mouth dry at the wonder and technology. I wanted a system that could play games like that so much!
But now, Hmmm. Like the switch being a Neo-Geo emulator, I just don't get the retro love.
I mean, good game play is timeless, a good game is a good game but I'm not inspired to put my hand in my pocket and give money.
(Having said that I am definitely buying Bloodstained if it reviews half decent.)
@holygeez03 I suppose it's lore. The kickstarter page offers an explanation:
The main character is called the Penitent One. Here's a close-up:

They explain that the appearance is based upon a once real-life group/movement of believers called flagellants, people whipping/beating (so punishing) themselves in order to suffer for their faith, or arguably to get into a religious trance:
Procession of Flagellants, 1793 - Francisco Goya
Hope that helps.
Interesting... but still a weird looking character... I suppose it's tough to pick a character model that stands out these days.
All I see is the Tin Man wearing a dunce cap!
Day one
@holygeez03 I can understand people seeing that, but I suppose that now you know what the back story is, that it's a bit more easy to see that the cone on his head is adorned with a crown of thorns, which of course refers to Jesus Christ in his final days, which also clarifies the connection to the flagellants.
Physical realeases need more than more 2d platformer games regardless of how fun they look. Hi this is 2017 how about something new? Not saying digital games are not welcome but things that are all too similar constantly being brought out.
Looks better than the Bloodstained trailer...
@ThanosReXXX lol when I heard it was a dude with a pointed head, I was thinking something along the lines of the guy from the One Piece Dresrossa arc until I saw your picture. I can't remember his name.
@holygeez03 It's so the character can ram into people with it. You gotta think
Sweet another game to download. Switch is becoming the Ouya but the games are better cause we get to pay triple on Switch. The game does look cool cant wait to see what they do with it by next year.
This is a very cool game i'd like to have on physical copy.
@Koudai1979 Ha ha, also a nice guess. Ever so "slightly" less religious and serious, though. Wouldn't really fit in with the dark, medieval theme of this game...
@ThanosReXXX lol i gotcha.
I really need this game! It looks absolutely grotesque like a 2D Bloodborne!
@ThanosReXXX thanks for the research I love Goya's work, it's terrifying.
Damn, that sprite work! I'm SOLD!
Ug, so sick!! (In a healthy kind of way...).
Wow . Looks dark .. will give this a go
Cautiously interested.
If I was into such a dark and brutal game, I would buy it. Sadly, I am not that kind of guy.
Great art.
@King_Johobo Thanks, but I can't take the credit for that: it's all on the kickstarter page...
@King_Johobo P.S. If you think Goya is terrifying, then you should take a look at the work of another medieval artist called Hieronymous Bosch.
I don't know what kind of drugs he was on, but he painted a lot of hellish and futuristic stuff and in that, he was WAY ahead of his time.
The Garden of Earthly Delights is one of those crazy paintings. Look it up and you'll see what I mean. Find an image of good size so you can really see all the details when zooming in. You can literally spend hours finding them all and trying to figure out their meaning.
Looks nice!
It's funny, but for some reason (after Mighty No. 9), every time I see the word Kickstarter attached to a game preview I immediately hesitate and my excitement gets squashed. Even Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night an HD upscaled 3DS game? Oh well. I wish this game luck, it looks fun, and hope it turns out great!
Looks good, though too much gory for me so I will have to skip it. Anyway looks good, honest.
When I think "nonlinear 2D platformer", I think of Tomba! (Or Tombi in PAL, since tomba means grave in Italian...) I don't know if this will scratch that dormant itch, but it looks interesting.
@Hordak Funny, when I think of Kickstarter, I think "potentially great release that a big publisher never would have funded." That's more of a PC bias speaking, though. Consoles have gotten the short end of the stick by comparison, with a few exceptions like Shovel Knight.
Hmm, it looks interesting. The graphics remind me of a few of the darker Sega Genesis games, names of which escape me at the moment. Definitely a Genesis vibe here though.
@ThanosReXXX sounds amazing I'll have to check it out!
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