Publisher Rainy Frog has announced that Piczle Lines DX will be making its way to the Nintendo Switch eShop. Originally released on iOS, Piczle Lines DX sees players try to connect lines numerically whilst also associating them by colour; by completing all the lines a picture is revealed. This explains the game's title of combining the words picture and puzzle, to make piczle.
The game will feature a story mode consisting of 100 puzzles across 5 chapters. You will also have the option to play in either TV mode, tabletop mode with the use of Joy-Con controllers or the touch screen. A demo of the game will be playable at Tokyo Indie Fest on 14th May.
Check out the announcement trailer below:
Interestingly Piczle Lines DX has been developed by Score Studios, which created the engine and tools for PlayStation exclusive The Last Guardian. Details of a European and North Americas release are set to be announced at a later date.

Are you happy Piczle Lines DX is coming to the Switch?
Comments 68
This doesn't look all that interesting. No way spending any more then 5 dollars on this
@CaptainN64 It doesn't look interesting to me either. But I'm sure it looks interesting to someone, and I'm glad a game they might like is being developed.
Hard pass.
@JHDK There's no release date yet. You can start saving.
Looks kinda interesting.
Hopefully the price is right.
"Quite addictive and challenging", so says the first review I saw on the earlier version of the game:
Not my bag personally but if you like sudoku maybe ?
Also could be good for kids to help with number learning.
I may still not entirely get what this game's about but think about it as you might, this gameplay's certainly nothing you see every day.
This game could have run on the NES. Looks like a mix of Minesweeper and Sudoku.
Terrible name. I'll wait for a review. This could have some potential.
Soon as I saw "the last gaurdian" I have no interest... The last gaurdian was beyond god awful pile of trash
I'm a big Picross fan, so this does look intriguing.
Funny that they also had to do with The Last Guardian, as those two games couldn't be more different.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Kamiko could have run on the NES. Doesn't stop it from being an immensely enjoyable little gem.
As long as they don't exclude colour blind gamers, I am in.
We're all loving puyo puyo switch atm so nice to see another puzzler on the horizon.
... I want it. Sounds like a good time waster.
It's a nice relaxing puzzle, like Picross is.
If you're a fan of that, this oughta keep you busy for a while.
@NintySnesMan So I stick up for everything that comes out on Switch, do I? I must get blackout drunk more often than I realize. As a favor can you find these comments that I've apparently forgotten about so I know what I've been saying? What was my opinion about Has-Been Heroes, or the latest iteration of Just Dance?
Also, I never called it a gem. I pointed out that what was intended as a criticism, being playable on NES, is not a negative. It may fail to be a gem on other counts; just not this one. You should brush up on your logic.
No offense intended.
I coded a version of this a couple of years ago for the OpenPandora and Windows pc. It's a great little puzzle game. If the price is right I'll definitely give it a shot.
This game looks like it will be worth £5 max. Not something that I will be getting.
@NintySnesMan Offense unsuccessful.
Sigh... it's great that the Switch is getting some games, but where is the major third-party support?
It's a good game although I have it free on my iphone. Good time passer. Would love to see what price they put up.
@UK-Nintendo Do you have this exact game? I've played games like this before and they are pretty cool. Not a bad sudoku-style feel even though it's very different. I don't remember the puzzles making pixel art at the end, though, which is pretty smart (and has to be pretty hard to design, I think).
Anyway, I'll take a look, but price will matter on this one. Too many options on mobile where they are similar.
@aaronsullivan yea same game. It's a good game. I have it on iOS. It must also be out on android but best thing is it's free.
I love picross, so this is actually pretty neat. Must say, though, that the phone is a more natural home for this kind of thing - for me, at least. Although the precision of joycons is a lot neater than trying to pick pixels with your finger, I see these kinds of logic puzzles as something you just pick up for short casual sessions.
I've done similar puzzles to this before and rather enjoyed them. I'd be up for getting this, but only if it's cheap. It appears to be free on the Apple and Android stores, so I'm not going to pay much for a Switch version.
Not my kind of game
Your Avatar... it painfully reminds me that I need to fire up my Wii (U) again and continue the game at that exact spot, which I have reached twice already now and then other games were more important and I forgot about it (despite the fact that I loved it up to that point)... lol. I will not start again from the beginning though. I think I remember enough this time (I believe the last thing I did was try out the cat's toy for the first time...).
So keep posting. I swear it will make me finally continue this gem sooner or later... (well, right after Zelda... maybe)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE chess could run made out of animal teeth and scratches in the sand....
@JunkRabbit I am more than happy to do anything that spreads the gospel of Fragile Dreams. Just imagine if Switch gets Wii games on Virtual Console...
Looks interesting
It reminds me I need more picross in my life
Kinda reminds me of the mobile app called Flow. Hope there's a demo released close to release.
Interesting title but.... not interesting gameplay for me.
Looks cheap.
You couldn't have picked a more distinctive image... even in such a small size it's instantly recognizable if you've been there
And I did in fact seize the day (or rather the night where I am) and immediately continued it for an hour or so. Will play some more tomorrow. It's such a lovely game (so far). My only excuse for not seeing it through the last two times (the save games told me that my first try was 2010, the second one was this January) is my otherwise huge backlog on all systems, and new games that interest me coming out all the time (and that's not even a good one in regard to Fragile Dreams, I'm beginning to think). Well, hopefully Lady Switch will not feel too neglected.
Should Wii Virtual Console come to Switch, I don't believe this game would be part of the selection though. It's a bit too special I would think, and didn't do too well in terms of sales the first time round I believe.
Sorry for the off-topic everyone!
Erm... okay...?
6.8 out of 10
I already spend $250 on amiibo this week thanks to mariokart 8 deluxe -.- will skip this and focus on disega 5 and SF
@ATZW1980 $250?!? That's commitment, I struggle to bring myself to purchase even one! I have some but they've accumulated slowly...
This reminds me, hopefully Switch gets a picross game of some kind at some point.
@NintySnesMan You're making a scene man...
Tell me only WHEN and HOW MUCH
welp guess im buying a switch.
@PanurgeJr "just imagine if Switch gets a Virtual Console"
@gatorboi352 No, you didn't.
@PanurgeJr does Switch have a Virtual Console?
@gatorboi352 Did Wii, 3DS, or Wii U have it when they launched?
Finally the Switch is getting the support it deserves.
I think I'll skip this one it doesn't look very interesting.
@NintySnesMan – Okay, you clearly don't like @PanurgeJr, but please show a little decorum. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it's poor form to make spiteful comments about others.
@NintySnesMan That's not how we roll around here. Comment deleted. Play nice or play dead.
@PanurgeJr solid dodging of my original question. Proving my point exactly.
I have a similar game on my phone and I love playing it while I have to wait for something. Looks like something to play between real games. I'll probably buy it if it's $5.
@gatorboi352 For how often you troll you'd think you'd be better at it by now.
@PanurgeJr yet another misuse of the "troll" word.
I was stating a fact that you seem to not want to hear. Now, NintySNESman? That's a troll.
@gatorboi352 When did you switch from asking a question to stating a fact? That you don't even bother to keep your own "argument" straight indicates that my terminology is appropriate.
@PanurgeJr eh? my "question" was correcting your question, to prove a fact.
This back and forth is amazing btw
Looks a bit like Picross, so it could be fun.
@gatorboi352 You keep using the word "prove". I don't think it means what you think it means.
I like it. If it were Wii U and reasonable price, it would have had a sale with me.
Aren't there some DS (or 3DS, or maybe DSi) eShop games like this, made by one of those developers that releases lots of Sudoku?
Yep your right, I should have shown him more respect and in the future I will
Just like to say, sorry for my unrespectful behaviour yesterday. It was totally uncalled for, I have no excuse and I offer my apologies. BTW I don't dislike you, I can't dislike someone I don't know, I was just been stupid and childish
@NintySnesMan I appreciate the thought and accept the apology. Thank you.
@NintySnesMan Top man. Your apology shows real maturity and is a lesson for many. Good for you, bro
@PanurgeJr – Good on you for accepting @NintySnesMan's clearly genuine apology and moving on. Both of you are the very reason I admire my fellow Nintendo gamers and enjoy this site so much. Respect to you both
Huh. Maybe? Would love a puzzler on Switch and I suck way too much at Puyo Puyo.
@PanurgeJr Wii had Virtual Console on day one.
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