In the recent Nintendo Direct we got a brief glimpse into some of the upcoming games in the ACA NeoGeo series for the Switch eShop. We were delighted to see the excellent Garou: Mark of the Wolves pop up in that short trailer as it's easily one of SNK's most polished and highly-acclaimed fighting games of all time.
Thought of by some as Fatal Fury 4, Mark of the Wolves debuts a roster of almost entirely new characters. If you are on the look out for a great brawler to tide you over until Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers later this month, this could be the one for you - that said, we also have games like the brilliant The King of Fighters '98 battling for our attention on the Switch.
It's been revealed that Garou: Mark of the Wolves will be arriving on the Switch eShop on 11th May for £6.29 / $7.99USD. Will you be stepping into the shoes of young Rock Howard to give a cheeky "Rising Tackle" to old Terry Bogard?
Comments 50
ACA Neo Geo releases fighting games on the Switch? I had no idea!
No online. No training mode. No button configuration.
Ugh. No effort!
YES! Now, do I dare dream for Samurai Shodown II or even better yet, V Special?
@gojiguy you can configure the buttons on Samsho IV at least. I never found a reason to check with any other releases since their buttons were just where I wanted them to be. As for training mode, yeah, I don't get why they don't have the AES versions included either.
Bonus points for being a Neo Geo game not released on the Wii's Virtual Console
Time to get back into the fight!
PS: Hey, does that mean it will be +€1 expensive than other Hamster's ACA games?
@gojiguy have you spent any time in the system settings of these games? It doesn't sound like it.
Awesome game, I have it for 360 and PS4. Kinda sucks that Switch version won't have online play though.
I have the PSTV version, excellent game though!
@shonenjump86 that's true. the good news is the vc will when Nintendo finally decides to roll it out.
Yeah the lack of online is a dealbreaker for me unfortunately, at least at full price. When there's a sale I imagine I'll grab several of the Neo Geo games on here
B-b-but.... there's the ever amazing Caravan Mode!! /s
Had it on Dreamcast- great fighter! Hamster really showing the love on Switch!
Sounds good, something I would look forward to.
SOLD! Cannot wait. This game was awesome
Instant buy.
I already have the PS4 version but still nice to see this one.
I have the PS4 version and Dreamcast game. Not sure I will buy the switch game though. Playing on the go would be awesome but no D-pad is annoying. Yeah I could buy pro controller and play it docked but why bother when I can play it on my PS4.
Couldn't care less about lack of online myself, cause I suck at those and the only ones playing online are pros .
Switch sure seems to be getting lots of fighters. Not my thing, but great!
Do the developers of these games get anything from a purchase or does it all go to license holders and Nintendo?
@Sakura But where the heck did that Hori stick go???
Personally can't wait for this, loving all this NeoGeo love on my Switch! Hamster keep releasing NG titles and I'll keep buying them.
@GrailUK I think that hori stick will be cancelled. Are hori really gonna release a stick for ultimate SF II and Neo Geo classics?
I thought that the switch was gonna get injustice 2, Tekken 7, KOF due to the hori stick being announced but I was wrong.
None of these games are coming. I wouldn't blame hori for saying look there is no current gen fighting games coming to the system so we are cancelling the product.
@kobashi100 Gah. I hope you are wrong...but I would be lying if I wasn't worried.
Pretty happy to see this coming onto the Switch. I feel happy to play against AI than online players, I don't feel comfortable on playing online yet. Maybe it must've been deja vu or something to see this coming but not as soon as I thought.
@gojiguy you can configure all buttons in the menu. As for online it will probably have the basic caravan and hi score.
Thanks Hamster!
@CrimsonMoonMist We've had IV and other consoles have gotten 1. One has to to assume 2 and even 3 will show up at some point.
Course there's always the uncommon/rare Wii compilation collection....
@kobashi100 I've touted since the very first reveal of the Joycons that they need to make a JoyCon-D that has a digital pad instead of four buttons. I was made fun of again again.
@kobashi100 Unless of course they know something we don't. We still have E3 in about a month's time....
I would definitely buy a left joycon that had a proper dpad. I would buy that before a pro controller as I primarily play in handheld mode.
Excellent WHAT? This is an overrated game, definitely not as good as Fatal Fury 3 or Real Bout Fatal Fury. Way below!
It had mediocre soundtrack, plasticky animations, bad art direction, etc. It was the new SNK that eventually sinked. Even Fatal Fury 2 was better than this. Still a decent game all considered.
Last Blade, Fatal Fury 3, Real Bout Fatal Fury, King of Fighters '96, Samurai Shodown II. Those are the 'excellent' beat'em up from SNK.
And I'm very unhappy that the Neo-Geo 'cream' does not show up on the Nintendo Switch (except Metal Slug, but while good it does not interest me like in the past).
@Tetsuro...well said, couldn't agree more!
@faint Yes I have. You can't assign buttons to triggers or assign macros. It's laughable.
Just think- for years, emulation was the only way for most people to ever play Garou: MotW. For this, someone needs to give those HAMSTER people some belly rubs and sexual favors. Uh... I
It's going to be wicked. Can't wait.
No online play is sacrilege, bloody ridiculous even vita port has online
I'm super excited to have a Neo Geo accurate port of this game. Most of the other versions are based on the faster PS2 version. I need a NeoGeo stick for Switch ASAP!
Awwww no online
I agree they should make a Dpad edition Joycon. I just think it's going to be very niche for 95% of games released. I guess people who never play co-op with their newfound co-op console may want to permanently attach one, but I'd probably opt to stick with the current setup, just because most of the time it works fine and it really is convenient for multiplayer at work.
I'd definitely buy one though. For sure.
Love this game. Don't really care about online for fighting games either. Not sure why everyone is so surprised about the lack of online given that this is the same as all the other ACA Neo Geo games released so far.
@faint @gojiguy You can't combine buttons, but you can definitely change them...And also to triggers.
Garou is a great fighting game, one of my favorites on the Neo Geo, wonderfull sprites, great gameplay and a great balance between goofy and dark.
It's up there with King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown and The Last Blade games as the cream of the crop on the system or anywhere else and 7 euros is a whole lot cheaper than any arcade version you can buy.
@PtM maybe a little salty... I remember waiting patiently for this one to get added to the service before it was clear they'd given up on it. But I'm genuinely pleased that this latest iteration is going further than the Wii VC did.
Day one buy for me.
I love these Neo Geo games but I do think they should add an option in the controls to combine buttons. Pushing 2 buttons at once to execute power moves is workable, and it's how the original games were, but it's not reliable, and would be way better if we had an option to assign combined buttons to the triggers or other buttons.
They should add online too. The games would sell better and have a lot more replay value. It's great to bust out with some 2-player table top mode, but online would get a lot more mileage.
@SuperWeird It could also be that the timing for activating moves with 2 or more buttons is very strict on NEOGEO games. In the arcades and even on an original NEOGEO joystick, I had to teach myself how to hit the buttons correctly in order for the move to register. I'm sure an option to combine button inputs would be very well received.
The online part would be great, too. But HAMSTER is not a large company at all, so I don't think they have resources (not just money, manpower, too) to maintain matchmaking servers on top of all the other work they do in order to support all the platforms that their games cover. I mean servers wouldn't cost too much as I make it sound. But they would also have to come up with their own solution and risk introducing lag, or go with an existing framework, like GGPO or FightCade, and shoehorn it to work with ACA's emulation. However, It's entirely possible that they could add online later when Nintendo's online service comes out so they could piggyback off of that.
@gojiguy yes you can. In fact someone literally posted a screenshot of where you go to do it just above this post.
@JaxonH I wouldn't call it a co-op console.
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