Now that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is out in the wild, the next big release we have to look forward to is Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers. Though it’s another enhanced port, this promises to be the definitive version of the game which essentially kicked off the fighting genre as we know it today. The game will support all standard control schemes, but for those of you that are looking for something more traditional, third party manufacturer HORI has got you covered.
The Real Arcade Pro V was announced shortly after the Switch’s launch (we only just caught wind of it), but it seems this will be the perfect companion release for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers and any other fighters that will no doubt be made for the hybrid going forward. As of now, there’s still no information on when we can expect it to release, but given the impending release of Street Fighter, there’s a good chance this could release close to it.
What do you think? Do you prefer using fight pads? Will you be picking up Street Fighter again? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 55
Price? The PS4 version is $200+.
Not something that I would use, not a fan of Street Fighter, but it sure looks slick!
We know so little still about this thing. One thing's for sure, when it does release, it won't be cheap. Probably looking at €200 at least, which for me is crazy. It's not for the casuals.
Not sure how portable this will be but it looks like a solid arcade stick. Also nice of them to give it the moniker "V"... so we can all think about the Streetfighter we can't play while we're throwing out hadokens & spinning bird kicks.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The Xbox One version (of this exact thing) is $119.00, down from $149.99 on the Microsoft store. The price for this one depends on how much HORI want to milk the Switch being a new console.
I'll pass thank you. Although HORI sticks are the dogs. I don't have the sort of cash laying about. Already spent out enough on the switch. At this rate it will be my most expensive purchase since my PS4 pro. Infact it's already cost me more.
@DanteSolablood HORI are selling the Switch LAN adapter for €35. It's the same thing that we bought for the Wii a decade ago and can be bought on Ebay for a few Euro.
IT'S REAL!!!!! awesome I must say, I would use it for all arcade games not just beatemups.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Indeed, the more popular/new something is the more they try and milk it for cash - this isn't specific to the Switch or to HORI. Those Sony move Controllers for the PS4 which went up in price after nobody bought them for the PS3? LIterally reboxed stock. :/
Edit: Pretty sure something similar happened with the WiiU & GC Wavebirds/Wiimotes, $5 in bargain stores... Ninty release more stock at full launch price.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's like HORI are the Apple of gaming accessories.
It all depends on how well it does. If your a competitive player it's worth it. The street fighter 4 arcade fight stick was 150 pounds but gave nearly a decade of service.
The only fighting game that I know that might be competitive or at least online is usf2
So, does it split in half and slide on to the switchs rails LOL?
Seriously though, they could have included a little dock so you could still use it in portable mode LOL?
Really serious now, I like the look of this. I used to have a big X Arcade stick for my Pc, and it was great. I can imagine this being brilliant for all the neogeo games.
Well. Im a psychopath and would buy one or 2 just for Gundam Vs on ps4
plus there is Blayzbloo, Guilty Gear, KOF and MvC too...
Switch hasn't got much for that investment
I have a RAP Hori stick for the PS4. Works really well. Neo Geo games and this Ultra Street Fighter II is cool and all but hopefully Switch will be getting more fighting games.
Would this work for PC too?
I'll stick to not being able to afford extra joy cons
Nice stick for sure. I won't buy though until more fighting games are announced. Mad expensive just to play SF II and neo Geo classics
Looks great, totally gonna buy it if I'm rich. Otherwise, too hardcore for me.
I am definitely getting the game and would like the arcade stick but will have to save up.
can you imagine playing that on the bus/train to work
Why would they put the "L" button on the right and the "R" button on the left?
A smaller arcade stick that could be attached to the Switch to form a sort of bar top arcade cabinet could be fun.
How about some kind of dongle/adapter that allows you to use Wii/Wii U generation classic controllers with the Switch? Then I could use the arcade stick I already own, the Club Nintendo SNES pad for virtual console games, and more thanks to certain Mayflash and Raphnet adapters. If not, I'll settle for a SNES themed joycon set with a proper d-pad.
"Though it’s another enhanced port, this promises to be the definitive version of the game"
You probably shouldn't say such incredibly stupid things, especially as someone who has admitted to having never played SF2 before. A new version can be vastly inferior.
@Moms-Meowth No, HORI provide a quality product at a slightly overpaid price. Apple don't, they give you an average level product for twice it's value.
Argh, do I need this?
EDIT: Actually, no I don't need this at all. I'll stick with my 8bitdo fc30 arcade stick and retropie
It seems kinda cheap to be talking about the Stick now since there's no information about its release whatsoever. That being said, when it does get released, I'll pick it up. It will be massively more comfortable to play Puyo Puyo Tetris with, along with all of the Neo Geo games and SF2.
Before even considering getting this stick, I'd like to know whether it would be compatible with PC and whether the stick's gate is square or octagonal and/or easily swappable.
@Menchi187 What are you talking about? Capcom is promising this to be the definitive edition. All we have to go on are their promises at this point. Sure, promises can be broken, and this could be terrible, but (obviously) that's not what they are promising, and that has absolutely nothing to do with what Mitch said. Perhaps you should not say such incredibly stupid things, especially when trying to insult someone.
Fighting game pads for me, hope they have one in the works...really like the Dreamcast one for Third Strike.
@roadrunner343 I see you know basically nothing about Street Fighter so I'm going to leave you there, with Mitch, both being ignorant about the subject. Enjoy.
@Menchi187 That's hilarious. This has nothing to do with Street Fighter, and everything to do with Capcom marketing. You need to learn to read - the article says it promises to be the definitive version. Which is exactly how this is being billed. Whether or not it turns out to be the definitive version remains to be seen, but again - absolutely nothing to do with what Mitch said. You should definitely put some thought into your posts, especially if it's going to be an attack on the author.
Looks nice but I wouldn't really use it
I need this! The Pro controller is better than the Joy-Con by far for fighters, but I'm too much of an old-school arcade gamer to settle for pads. The qustions I have are what stick are they putting in there (Sanwa most likely), and can I swap out parts? It might take some doing but I want to drop a Seimitsu LS-40 in there, a.k.a. the NEOGEO stick, and color swap the buttons.
This looks like a Master System, and I love it!
@masterLEON The stick is Hori's own Hayabusa stick. It's a good one
Im buying Street Fighter day one. That's a cool looking arcade stick but I wouldn't buy it for one fighter . It be great if Switch were getting Tekken also, cause maybe I would consider purchasing the stick more thinking it would be more worth it to own it. But anyway.. Still waiting for a "fight pad" announcement.
Love my HRAP45 on PS4/PC. Also really like my Fighting Stick Mini 4. It'd be a perfect match for Switch's tabletop mode if they bothered to make a wireless version.
@JoakimZ Oh, I gotta check it out then. I heard the Hayabusa sticks we're pretty good.
I don't really play fighters, certainly not at high level, though I'm getting SFII only because....because....I don't know why but I'm getting it because Switch, and box art.
But I need this stick. I had the NES Advantage for my NES, I had the Super Advantage Pro for the SNES. I used it for ALL my platforms back in the day....most games entirely, in fact I rarely held the game pads. I had a few flight sticks for PC, but I haven't had a proper arcade stick since the SNES, and for some reason the Switch just feels like the right platform to own one on, even if I rarely use it in favore of the joy of light weight wireless controllers
@SwitchVogel "the next big release we have to look forward to is Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers. "
It's as though Disgaea 5: Complete doesn't exist at all.... It may be simply a complete-edition port.....but you're posting about Street Fighter TWO
Does anybody knows if there would be ANY way I could use my PS4'stick , the Mad Catz Tournament Edition 2+, on my Switch ?
@NEStalgia You saw it back then, joysticks were made for arcade style gameplay. And now there are a ton of arcade games already available on the switch (like 95% NEOGEO games) which were made to use a joystick, like the HORI. Not to mention Puyo Puyo Tetris, upcoming shmups, and action games like Kamiko and Blaster Master Zero. Basically joystick controllers are not just for fighting games.
@masterLEON Someone who gets it!
Honestly I love the small light cordless Joycon...so fun to use, and so comfortable. With a big lap-based control deck, it probably wouldn't get much use. But it's the only console I've actually WANTED one on in ages, which is weird since a big, wired control deck is pretty much contradictory to Switch's philosophy. But it somehow feels right.
To quote Return To Nuke Em High Vol. 1, "Eugene NEEDS to see! Eugene HAS to have it!" Lol... I really want this, even though I might pass on Street Fighter (got a similar version on PS3 for cheap awhile back.) I love playing retro games and Neo Geo with a stick. I beat many NES games with an Advantage because my dad would rage and break the controllers. When he bought the stick, thats what we both ended up preferring. When the SNES came out that kinda ended for us. So I just get nostalgic looking at one of these.
I'd be very interested in this for the Neo Geo games as of right now.
@NEStalgia Yeah, I'm mega-hyped for Disgaea 5. More hyped than I've been for any other Switch game thus far. I've always looked at Playstation owners with envy since going the Xbox route after the PS2 because they got all the new entries in that series. Finally, I have a console with the newest Disgaea AND it's portable! Woop.
As long as this supports controls on the whole system (and not just SF2), I might consider this one sometime. I'm more of a shmup player than a fighter.
@ajcismo that does seem kinda weird but personally I always remap the buttons when playing Sf2 or similar games anyway. For what it's worth i always prefer fightsticks over control pads for beat em ups. Still got my SF4 one for 360 and wii tatsunoko vs capcom one stashed in my cupboard. 😎
@slaz it will definitely work for all games, not just sf2. Just think of it as a spare controller
I'm passing on this version. Street Fighter was a thing years ago I just don't think I will play it without buddies coming over to play.
If its prices reasonably i would definitely pick it up, and i actually bought Street Fighter twice
@NEStalgia Yeah, I'm having so much angst because I want SF2 AND Disgaea 5 and I can't decide which one I should preorder, but there is zero discussion of Disgaea happening.
Damnit, I thought there was some actual news on it.
Been waiting for it ever since the retail listing disappeared shortly after launch.
@JasmineDragon Yeah, I'm not quite sure why there's so little info on Disgaea and everyone's generally ignoring its release considering it's the ONLY major single player game coming out on Switch (that we know of) before the Fall/Holiday timeline....all the other major games are multi/online focused. I originally thought it's just because it's a port of a game that's a few years old, but when it starts getting ignored in favor of a port of a 20-something year old game, I've got to wonder what's going on. Sure, a J-SRPG is ultra-niche, but fighting games are kind of niche too.
It might just come down to marketing. The press covers whatever the marketing departments are throwing updates their way, and Capcom is probably spamming a lot more press for Street Fighter than NIS is for Disgaea. We got that story trailer last week, so there's that...
This stock is very good. I have the PS4 version of this stick, for street fighter v and guilty gear. I probably won't be picking up the switch version, but instead wait for a switch adapter.
I f'n love Hori.
I would be happy with a decent choice for a 3rd party Controller which doesn't cost 70+ dollars and this isn't it. I love my Switch but the Accessories are way to much.
@sleepinglion this one is the same
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