We're now mere hours away from the latest Nintendo Direct and we hope Nintendo don't pull any punches when it comes to details on forthcoming Switch titles ARMS and Splatoon 2. Whilst the Direct is scheduled to cover upcoming 3DS titles and other Switch releases (*cough* Mario Kart 8 Deluxe *cough*) it's these two games that we're most interested in.
On the one arm you've got a proven formula with Splatoon 2; the inevitable sequel to Nintendo's freshest new IP from the Wii U era. It's unsurprising that this is most likely going to be a subtle evolution of the original and reviews will concentrate on whether there is enough new content to warrant that additional number in the title.
On the other you've got a completely new IP with ARMS which interestingly appears to have been created in much the same vein as Splatoon. It's clear Nintendo wants this game to be another potential competitive/e-Sports title and have opted for a similar bright and accessible style, but will it be any good?
Amongst the team in the Nintendo Life office the jury is most certainly out on ARMS and thus far it is a split decision, we'll all be waiting to hear and see a lot more before the final judge's score cards are revealed.
But enough about us, what do YOU think about ARMS and Splatoon 2?
Splatoon 2
Thanks for voting in our polls! If you've got something you'd like to say about these games let everyone know in the comments below.
Comments 120
Almost certainly buying both, so I just want to hear release dates mostly!
Also would like to hear about offline Splatoon 2 options, because I got WRECKED in the Testfire and it wasn't much fun. But if they include a robust single player or offline-co-op or something, I'll be able to train so maybe I can actually enjoy online multiplayer instead of being torn to pieces and it not being much fun...
Splatoon 2 looks awesome. ARMS, I'll need to see more of.
Arms is called Meh in my book.
About ARMS: gonna see the Direct to decide. About Splatoon 2: already pre-ordered!
Won't be paying full price for Splatoon 2, virtually the same as the first one.
I don't think Arms will be a very competitively viable game (special moves ruin all fighting games), so I'll probably pass as well.
I really hope ARMS fills in the Punch Out! void. Nintendo has shown the uncanny ability to take existing video game genres, such as shooters and racers, and add their own Nintendo style and flavor, creating huge hits like MK & Splatoon, so I'm anticipating more of the same with ARMS.
Boxing, with that hard to resist Nintendo charm!
I also expect ARMS amiibos.
Splatoon was one of the best surprises of the last few years altogether.
Splatoon 2 is a must buy just for portability alone. Gonna use up A LOT of my service providers bandwith as I share my cellphone WiFi to anyone wanting to play it portable.
Not sold on Arms yet, let's see in a couple of hours. About Splatoon 2, I'm a "not a sequel" guy, but I think I'll but it regardless.
At least ARMS isn't a cut and paste of the previous entry. That being said, I really enjoyed the first Splatoon. Not hating on the game or anything just looks too similar to the first one.
I'm still on the fence regarding Arms, I haven't written it off but I need to be convinced and need to see a bit more of it and possibly try before buying.
Be a good idea if there's a free demo on the eshop so people can see what it's all about before shelling out on it. Even if it's just 1 level to get a feel for the game.
It looks quite an active game so could be marketed as a good form of exercise.... I remember my arms aching for days after playing wii sports boxing and baseball (or maybe that's just me being unfit)
As for splatoon I missed out on the wii u version so would like to get involved this time
@JKRiki I also did pretty poorly most of the time. That will probably be better in the final game where I assume there will be some sort of skill matching.
Shouldve made Punch Out instead. As for Splatoon I'm waiting for Nintendo's online pricing because I don't see it as any more than an average short single player game.
@Fazermint eh? how do you know it's virtually same as the first one?
Ugh these puns are killing me.
I honestly think Nintendo would benefit greatly from a demo for ARMS. A simple 2 character/1 level demo that supports 2 players so people can get a feel for the controls and gameplay. Seeing as this is an unproven new IP that people are on the fence about, Nintendo NEEDS to do everything they can to sell it and allowing all Switch owners to try would be a great step.
@cfgk24 By looking at the footage
The online components are likely to be the main parts of both titles, which is great for them in general due to the general love of strong online components. For a singleplayer gamer like me though, I'll be passing them.
Although I would like to know more about Arms' local multiplayer options.
I may be getting ARMS primarily for the great character design and art direction, but I won't hold it against Nintendo if I end up having fun!
Identical votes on both games: looks good, might buy eventually but not sure yet (archive binging seems unrealistic with Splatoon anyway, though), wanna know more about characters and levels. I cherish games as a form of fiction, so characters, stories and settings are usually what gives them most personality in my eyes.
With Splatoon 2, I also want to know if there are offline modes and offline single player in particular. Even if it's no story mode, I'd like some missions, challenges... some gameplay where I won't be tethered to the mobile internet and other people's schedules and interests. It all can limit one's gaming opportunities at times, too.
I might pass on Splatoon 2 because of the online paywall. The Switch still doesn't have a reasonable account system or cloud saves - WTF would we be paying for then?
Arms fully depends on how good the physical controls are as well as how much content there is to justify $60
at this point ARMS seems like a highly updated version of Wii Sports boxing. ARMS also reminds me of the game punch-out. ARMS so far seems that it will be a great game for those who are interested and i have a feeling that a lot of people on Nintendolife are interested in the game.
on that note, does anyone know if Nintendo will be releasing a version of Wii Sports Club on the Nintendo switch.
ARMS: DoA to me and nothing can change that.
Splatoon 2: Same as Splatoon 1 to me. 0 interest but at least I can understand why people might like it.
I just dont think arms will entertain me long enough. Not a big fan of fighters. But i think it looks great. Splatoonlike great.
Im sure ill preorder splatoon 2. Something i dont do anymore. Please be a june release. Not later than july. Just want to play it for as long as possible before the online paying begins. Why dont you stay in your special bubble when it matters nintendo?
ARMS could really use a demo. I want to get a feel for the controls before i put money down on it.
Not too fussed about ARMS... I think the punching mechanic is promising, but restricting it to fighting is a little unimaginative... if there were other game modes, then I might be more interested.
More interested in Splatoon 2... loved the original, wanted more offline content, but the addition and rebalancing of weapons spoiled the online for me... and I still need to see how well they've done the balancing on this one, as I was busy during the last demo.
@Al_Godoy vocabulary updated. Let's see how Scorpio will fare in the console meh race.
...this came out eerily more coherent than I expected. O.O"
I'll def be getting both. I REALLY hope they cover the voice chat and/or Switch app tonight. Also hoping ARMS has many larger stages and 2v2 multiplayer. And even though I'm gonna buy it, I'd love to see whats different between Splatoon 1 and 2.
@Jhena I'm all for paid online IF it results in a better online experience. Server maintenance isnt free and I understand that, but the service has to be much more robust than what we got with the Wii U.
Definitely a must buy in both cases for me. The only reason I've refrained from preordering are the lack of release dates and the question whether there'll be amiibo editions with those two games (if there even is an amiibo line for those two).
I went to a Switch tour in LA, Arms is really, really fun, Splatoon 2 is basically the same game as 1 except for a couple of small additions which disappointed me since I like Splatoon. I'm getting Arms and skipping Splatoon 2.
I think that a heck of a lot of people are grossly underestimating ARMS purely based upon the footage and the information that is available to them.
I will reserve my judgment until I'll be able to try it out for myself.
A number of people that I know, and some people I talked to on here have all visited the various Switch events and they confirm as much: it looks better in real life and the mechanics are way, WAY deeper and more subtle than most of us suspect or will be able to understand by just looking at videos and reading articles.
This isn't a waggle fest or a re-imagining of Wii Sports at all...
Apparently, this is one of those "experience it to get it" titles. And that experience has also made believers from most of these people.
As for Splatoon 2: a great game just got even better, so what's not to like? It'll be a Switch must-have/must-buy title for most of us...
im excited for Both, i need more characters announcement for Arms, and release date, and for Splatoon 2 i need to know the offline/online modes, the story, and the release date for it. i've played the original so i already know that i'll like the sequel, good thing that i beat the story mode for the original one. or i waited for the sequel abit longer (more longer since, i don't have a switch yet.)
Not sure about ARMS yet. Now's the time to make me interested.
I'm certainly getting Splatoon 2. I love the first one. I doubt I'll be able to play online which is a shame but I hope they have enough single player content and better local multiplayer options to keep me busy.
I hope Arms gets canceled today, and they announce a true Metroid title as a replacement. Arms looks like a poor man's wii boxing.
@Jukilum True, true. I just hope it has a low bottom tier because I could barely aim straight in this game, lol. I did, however, SUPER enjoy walking around painting walls in my little corner where things didn't immediately slaughter me!
@waluigifan1 I'd say it looks more like a Rich Man's Wii Boxing, and Wii Boxing is a Poor Man's ARMS. Seems like what Wii Boxing could have been if it wasn't Miis, no style, and inferior tech.
Not fussed about Arms but looking forward to Spla2n.
@Tsurii @Fazermint But it's Splatoon - Version 2 with all new Maps and weapons, an entirely new Single player story upgraded multiplayer with local play plus Cameramen and new Multiplayer game modes - plus all the later to be released stuff that they haven't announced yet plus extra surprises! Yay! worth every penny imho!
Splatoon 2 = Full price for an inferior version of a game that came free on my WiiU
(I'm not really against Splatoon 2. I did test fire and it's... fine. But this isn't the controller that the game was designed for so it did feel more like a port than a sequel. Also, while portability justifies the port of MK8. I just don't have any desire to play Splatoon outside of a big TV so Splatoon 1 is good enough for me)
@ballistic90 Its okay that you are for paid online. Its your money. But i dont need better servers. I played the splatoon testfire with lancable. This was an improvemet i could feel. I dont think it gets any better than this. That little improvemt should there be one is not worth the money for me. At least not before my local internetcables or whatever it is gets upgraded.
Not interested at all in Arms, fighting games aren't my cup of tea.
For Splatoon, I want to see more details about the single player campaign first. I skipped the original Splatoon due to that - single mode has to be robust enough for me to warrant a purchase.
It does look wonderful, though.
Most wanted...a good local multiplayer mode (On one Switch) for Splatoon. That was my wife and I's biggest complaint in the first game.
I'm very intrigued about the chat app and what it does and how it works. I assume that will be covered in the Splatoon section of the Direct since the app supposedly is how matchmaking is done. It's still so very unclear at this point.
No doubt I will be getting both, but I am looking forward to some more info (hope they have a decent ranking system!)
I'll need a demo and a review on ARMS. For now, it's a rental for me til further notice, but who knows? It "intrigues" me, but that's about it for now.
I'm completely sold on Splatoon 2 thanks to the awesome test fire event demo.
I've got a feeling Nintendo might compeltely ignore the chat functionality though. That might even launch as an in game update when the program becomes paid this Autumn.
I'm unsure on ARMS at the moment. Now that my girlfriend has a Switch and we've got two sets of Joy-Con, I'm a little more open to the idea. I guess I'm taking the wait-and-see approach, though. Hopefully this Direct can help me form a better opinion!
I really missed the gamepad second screen when playing Splatoon 2 testfire. I kept looking down at the controller to see my map and to warp but to no avail. I think the second screen was brilliant, it will be greatly missed.
Splatoon for me for sure, can't wait!
ARMS I'm so unsure about. I want to like it, but I haven't seen much to sway me into buying it. It just seems like a weird step-child to Punch Out as of right now.
Both seem like good rentals. I've put so much time into Splatoon that I burned out. I can't see myself tempted to put more than a few hours into #2, mostly for the hopefully improved single player.
Arms is a great concept that I would gladly enjoy for a couple hours.
There is not a chance that the Direct can convince me to get Arms. But Splatoon 2, now that's a game I'd like to see more of.
I can't see myself playing ARMS more than a few times.
Not sure about Splatoon. The first was a good game but there's other stuff out there I'd rather play.
I will be passing on both, there are multiple games coming out I am highly interested in, neither of these are in that catagory
Neither. Enjoy the Direct.
i used my arms to vote no for arms
@waluigifan1 I hope they sell metroid to Sony for a dollar NO one likes or buys those games only a small few
Not entirely sold on ARMS, but I am aware that the gameplay is quite deep and not at all comparable to Wii Boxing. Not sure how people are comparing it to that.
Splatoon 2 on the other hand is a day 1 purchase. Can't wait!!!!
Splatoon 2 is a must, ARMS on the other hand is not.
I can't see myself getting either of them (when I get a Switch)
I got the original Splatoon on Wii U and while it was fun it wasn't something I'd come back to again. I'm not really fussed about Arms either. (Although I guess we don't know that much about it, so I can't say for certain)
Not so surprising results in the polls. Personally, Arms looks very nice to me, and Splatoon still looks like a sub par online shooter that lacks basic design principles.
I've played both. I really liked Arms. It looked great. Just like the screen shots and controlled smoothly.
I tilted the motion controls and used them as you would with punch out on the Wii.
Splatoon 2 looked liked the Wii U version only smoother and with more characters.
Seemed good to me but I'm not a fan and I lost.
Didn't care that much about Splatoon, so Splatoon 2 also is rather low on my list.
ARMS looks neat, but i reckon that it will be rather light on the content side of things. Plus, the price to play it in multiplayer (a.e. a second pair of JoyCons) is enormous.
So yeah, all in all, i don't really care about both. They are certainly neat, but nothing i lose sleep about either.
Im personally waiting for more "meaty" experiences on the system. Not the biggest fan of competetive multiplayer games and even less for full price :/
Having played the demo at the Switch event in January, I have one hand holding onto the ARMS hype train. I really need to see more characters, a story mode, and more arena types. The arenas, especially, have potential if they introduce some danger zone mechanics, like the Dead or Alive series.
Also, getting turned off by 'more of the same' doesn't make much sense if you think about it. Splatoon 2 has similar core mechanics plus more story and different content and some new mechanics. That's the very definition of a game sequel! Super Mario Bros. 1-3 (2 being the Lost Levels) and World, MARIO KART, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Mega Man 1-10, Mega Man X 1-6, the 2D Metroid games, Metroid Prime 1-3, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Grand Theft Auto I through V, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest's turn-based games, Dark Souls 1-3, Uncharted 1-4, Dance Dance Revolution, Just Dance, the Street Fighter series, The King of Fighters series, FIFA, Madden, NBA2K, PES, F-1, Assassin's Creed, etc. like REALLY, these are all the same core games with new or continuing story/characters/content/and sometimes new modes/game mechanics/graphics presentations! This is the gaming world we live in, folks. So don't knock Splatoon 2 if you were expecting something totally different. According to gaming history, we should be used to it by now. Day one purchase for me!! And BRING IT, RANKED BATTLE!!
I like splatoon in general so I'm 80% sold. Just need to see single player content. I've heard great things about ARMS so short of some disaster or a really release heavy month I'll get it day one.
I'm looking forward to both but am not excited about either. It's too soon for a Splatoon sequel for me (put in 350+ hours on Wii U and am done with it for now). And Arms looks good, but not amazing. I'll probably enjoy both of them when they come out though.
It's certainly important for both to get a good airing.
People are being idiotic about Splatoon 2, stating declaratively that it's identical to its predecessor. There's a risk of over-similarity, but we don't have anywhere near enough info to justify the 'expert opinions' littering the comment sections. Admittedly, it doesn't seem like an overwhelming leap graphically, but the game's differences will be in its modes, maps, weapons, online structure, and story. All of which we know precious little about. People claim to be able to judge the game because they've played the Testfire, but its the limit to one (basic) mode, two (basic) maps and four weapons (three basic varieties from the original) meant that the Testfire was closer to being a Splatoon 0.5 than a sequel. You can't judge a book by its front cover, and you can't just a sequel because you've played an extremely stripped-down beta version limited to its core elements (most of which are obviously shared with its predecessor). There's a risk of over-familiarity creeping in, but hopefully this Direct will shed some light on how high that risk is. Pre-Direct, we basically don't know.
ARMS needs to sell itself fairly well too. I wasn't able to get the hang of it at the test event, but I'm hoping there's a compelling game there for those who get to grips with it. To be honest, I'm half expecting a wave of heavy-hearted reviews concluding with "ARMS has some neat ideas, but...". However, in light of the previous paragraph, I'll try not be be too declarative until we know more. I wish I could get more on board with the art-style, but to me it just seems to lie in an uncomfortable space between colourful/cartoony and vaguely realistic. Arguably BotW also marries the cel-shaded cartooniness of WW, and the 'realism' of TP - and I think that's got one of the best art directions of any game ever - but I just find ARMS slightly off-putting to look at. Splatoon had a similar rubbery colourfulness to it, but in my opinion that went all in with the cartoon aesthetic and nailed it.
Anyway, we shall see! Roll on the Direct!
I'll be getting both. I enjoyed Splatoon so I see no reason why I wouldn't enjoy the sequel. Arms looks interesting but I want to know more about it. I'm buying it regardless because it looks fun and there aren't many other Switch games right now.
@SuperWeird Exact same feelings here.
If Arms releases at a reasonable price, bundled with a pair of joy cons I might consider it. As it looks now though, we'll get the game bundled with a stress ball. I'll need one of those when I think about how much I've spent on my Switch.
I will get Splatoon 2 day one without a doubt! Can't wait!
ARMS, on the other hand, I won't be getting. Doesn't look that interesting to me.
@JKRiki In the original game there was a pretty good match making system. When you play the final product I'm pretty sure that you'll be against people at your level pretty quickly.
Also, don't paint the walls, they don't give you points but they do help you climb up them or hide in them.
Played the test fire of Splatoon and can't say it's for me really, I am curious about Arms even if it looks like a bigger version of Wii boxing at this moment. I'm hoping for a bit of news outside of these 2
ARMS has such a terrible name... I am interested in the direct and want to like it and want it to be good. But how well it plays and what kind of reviews it has will sway me heavily. All about the gameplay.
Having played ARMS at the London launch event - if shops run demo units then the Switch will REALLY begin to sell itself to the doubters.
Now, I wasn't a mad keen fan, because I only had a short time with it to learn the basics and got slightly frustrated, but there are nuances to learn - and I think learning them along with the unique physical control method will be a lot of fun.
It's not Punch Out or any other game. The bits I've seen and played may even flatter to deceive, we shall have to wait and see.
But don't dismiss it until you try it. It's sort of a whole new thing, and as such needs a little time spent with it.
I am waiting for Pato Box instead, punch out fans should check it out on google
Better gimme all that Splatoon 2 gameplay, Nintendo! o/ Hyyyyype!
@Mii_duck Ah, there you are, sorry to say I forgot your name. Wanted to mention you and your other half as a couple of the people that I asked all these questions from concerning the Joy-Con and ARMS specifically, but I for the life of me couldn't remember. (and now I feel old)
Maybe you should write all your relevant comments in bold, so they stand out against all the baseless ARMS haters who haven't even played a single second of it...
But either way: good to see your RELEVANT comment on ARMS on here...
@AlternateButtons I'm betting he didn't...
I just really want to know about the content/variety of ARMS. What I've seen of it so far looks fun but looks like it could get stale in about a half hour.
What I'd really like to know (especially Splatoon 2) is will they make good esports games? Will the variety make an impact?
@AlternateButtons Nope. I had no "inkling" of interest after it came out that you can only have one loadout online, the map rotation system, no voice chat communication, you have to use the game pad, and that local multiplayer was garbage.
@ThanosReXXX I certainly don't hate ARMS, i just don't normally do well with motion controls, and they haven't shown off any new content for the game since it was announced.
@greengecko007 Oh, of course. Let me file your opinion where i file everyone else's that criticizes games they've never played.
There we go. Right in the toilet.
I'm sort of over motion controls, esp with fighting games. Not interested in either of these games tbh.
/goes back to playing StarTropics on his NES CLassic.
Splatoon 2 is going to be the wow factor in this direct, since they will make it seem way more like a sequel rather than Splatoon 1.5. Arms... we will see I guess
@ballistic90 That is certainly true, but that is probably what this Direct is for. But even so, that STILL won't convey how the game really feels and plays, so the Direct will be good enough to see if the game is interesting enough content-wise, but personally, I would not let that be the deciding factor in my verdict of this game, I've already been convinced by people that have actually tried this game out that I must at the very least be open-minded enough to give this game a fair try before I condemn it to the bargain bin or trash can.
And that can only be done with a hands-on experience. No amount of trailers or let's plays will be able to truly get across how this game feels to play, let alone display all it's intricacies, and apparently it has quite a few, from what I've heard...
@coolaggro Oh. I thought the point was to paint walls and floors and stuff? Maybe that's why I lost every single match, I didn't even understand the game, lol. I did spend one match doing nothing but trying to get ONE kill, and I managed it, along with 11 deaths.
I'm afraid I'm not really interested in either game. Arms looks to be a motion control game, which I'm not really up for (can it even be played undocked?) and Splatoon is an online multiplayer game and I just don't game online so it's no good either.
Hopefully we finally get some Virtual Console news tonight.
So far, Arms looks like a generic fighting game to me, and Splatoon looks too similar to the first Splatoon game.
I'll watch the Direct, and maybe I'll be saying something different about these games once the Direct is over.
Currently not interested in ARMS but I'm definitely willing for this direct to change my mind about it. Come on Nintendo.
Anyone else think ARMS actually looks more like Virtua On? I had it for the Dreamcast and If it has a bit more stage variety I think it'd be a blast to play. Multiplayer on that game was always super fun. A good alternative to 2d fighting games. Also Splatoon 2 is a definite yes.
@JKRiki only the floors count. But you can drastically effect a match and do well even if you don't get many or any kills by just focusing on painting areas where the enemy is not. Be sure to paint over enemy paint first as that gives you points and takes away from them. Most maps do a good job of letting you have multiple paths out of your base in some way. If your team is pushed back in the main paths, it is important to get out behind the other team and ink the other half of the map so the enemy team is forced to come back and deal with you. Also, it could allow your teammates to super jump to you and then you can shift the fight in your favor. Inking more space helps you and your team be able to move more freely, along with points. So just focusing on that is fine. You'll be up against plenty of other noobies too and you'll catch on quick I think. Try out lots of different weapons and enjoy!
Really not fussed about Arms. Liked Splatoon 1 but again not that fussed about a sequel.
Hoping tonight changes that.
@ThanosReXXX - I still haven't worked out how to do bold or italics on this site!
I'm not going to say ARMS is a great game because I haven't spent enough time with it, but I will say it is definitely worth a try - more than maybe any other game you have to experience it rather than watch on YouTube.
Ultimately it may or may not work, but it's definitely worth suspending cynicism for and giving a try.
There's a good chance I'll be buying both, but I have some minor reservations:
(1) Concerning ARMS, I'm more excited but less certain. Knowing more will help make my decision, but I suppose it hinges a bit on how much content we know to exist. Will the online mode be robust? Will there be more than five characters? Will there be a single player mode like Splatoon, or something more arcade fighter-esque?
(2) Concerning Splatoon 2 (Spla2n!), I love the original game, and the Testfire was fun, but the whole thing feels rather like getting a second helping of the same food - you know you'll like it, but it might be more exciting to try something new. I'll wait to find out how different everything feels, and how much content is being added, before deciding whether to be an early adopter or not.
Of the two, I'm certainly more excited for ARMS, especially with the great press from early players, but I'm open to either (or neither).
I will probably order Splatoon just as soon as there is a confirmed release date. I'm going to need a LOT more information on ARMS before making a move. Most importantly, is it even playable without a second pair of Joy-Con? I already shelled out for a Pro Controller, which I love, but have zero inclination to buy a third set of comtrollers just to play one game, even if that game is amazing (which I'm not convinced about with ARMS).
Hoping for Inspector Gadget to be announced as a character for ARMS. Come on Nintendo, you know it makes sense!
@JasmineDragon They have already stated that ARMS is fully playable without motions controls.
@ballistic90 You must have quite a limited perspective if you truly believe that. Does my lack of experience with the game negate the fact that there were also things that looked good to me about the game?
You're free to disagree with me of course, it's all a matter of opinion. But to reply solely to dismiss my opinion? Laughably immature.
@Mii_duck like all codes added to text, use these brackets: [ ] and for bold use b and for italic, use i. And then just first start with brackets and the command of your choice, then the text you want to manipulate, and then close the command by another set of brackets, except with a slash in front of the command.
Here are some examples, remove all the spaces in between the sets of brackets to make them work:
[ b ] this is how you do bold text [ / b ]
[ i ] this is how you do italic text [ / i ]
And then there's also pictures:
simply use img instead of b or i, and last but not least:
posting a youtube video on the page instead of as a link.
Take this one for example:
Simply use a single set of brackets, type youtube and a colon : in between them and then add the video code, which is everything that comes after = in a YouTube link, like so:
[youtube : lrm2EeEPKLY]
Obviously I have added extra spaces again, otherwise I wouldn't be able to show you how it works, so remove them to make the link active...
Any other code you want to know about?
I really want a release date for Splatoon 2. With ARMS, I'm on the fence, and I need to know about the different modes before I make a purchase.
@greengecko007 Oh no, i didn't just reply to disagree. I replied to humiliate and intimidate you.
Splatoon 2 is hype. Even a port of Splatoon would be hype, playing it on the go in tabletop mode with split Joycons, but getting a new entry is so much better. New stages, new campaign, voice chat, new weapons, all that good stuff.
Arms looks fun too though. I love experiencing new games, different games... it's what I live for as a gamer. And I'm really intrigued by the strategy of twisting punches with motion. Looks great
I played the testfire at work in tabletop mode and it was so amazing! Played just as well as at home. Also, Splatoon did use the gamepad for the map but, at the expense of holding and aiming a big clunky controller. Not really worth it imo, especially considering that can be done almost just as well on the screen.
But I'm so loving the split Joycons, particularly for Splatoon 2. Aiming with the right joycon, which is like, light as a feather, just feels great and more natural than aiming a big gamepad. And it can be used in tabletop mode too. I felt like I was getting a superior experience to Splatoon on Wii U, and all while at work!
@ballistic90 Well, I appreciate the sense of humor, if nothing else.
@greengecko007 You mentioned that Voice Chat was important in online gaming to you, so i assumed you would be used to far worse.
I've pre-ordered ARMS already, but what does concern me is that they have only released info on 5 characters ... that's weaker than SFV (and we all know how that got smashed because of its lack of characters & content!)
I know you can mix and match arms so it gives a greater variety ... but 5 is weak at best ... and DLC additional characters would just hurt sales.
@ThanosReXXX, thank you for that
I'd forgotten that code after using a site that used a combination of * to give bold or italics
@Mii_duck No problem, you're welcome.
One that I for some reason kept forgetting, was making a link of a piece of text, so that instead of a normal url, a word or text was highlighted and clickable.
Once you know it, it is easy, but for quite some time, I just couldn't hold that code in my memory.
This is it, obviously with added spaces again:
(and underneath it the working version for good measure)
[ url = http://www.google.com ] Google [ / url ] is a search engine.
Google is a search engine.
ARMS has a lot of potential long as it has a decent range of characters, arenas and single player content.
Splatoon 2 will no doubt be a "safe sequel" but that's no bad thing.
@ballistic90 I imagine it depends on the game. My experience with online chat in multiplayer has been positive.
I don't stand on ARMS. I stand on LEGS. I'm sorry...
Arms looks awesome, but I hope it has a Punch-Out style offline mode. I just wanna punch my way through a bunch of increasingly tough fights.
Splatoon 2 should be great, but I want a more substantial offline mode. Online-only games get old for me reeeeal quick.
...there's clearly a pattern here.
ARMs looks pretty interesting. Not sure yet if I want it yet, but going to wait and see.
Never bought Splatoon. It did interest me, but I just didn't want to get it. After watching some videos of how it can be, decided I am going to maybe pick up Splatoon 2.
@BionicDodo That's good to know.
@greengecko007 That was intended as a joke. I have had experience with it too and it's largely been not neccesary for the games i gravitate to.
Tried ARMS at the London event and still want those 10 minutes back. Terrible.
@coolaggro Wow, thanks! That advice made me anxious to give it another go, ha ha. I appreciate the help!
Splatoon 2 looks great. But I need a Switch first .
Sorry but Arms look so meh... also the name Arms isn't good
Arms looks pretty sweet, but it needs a solid single-player campaign for me. As for Splatoon 2: Doesn't look like it has a single-player campaign so far, so its a no go for me!
Definitely buying both, a little skeptical.about Arms but I trust Nintendo.
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