The Nintendo Switch has had a retail release this week, albeit one that may not set too many pulses racing - LEGO City: Undercover. We're still rattling through it for review, but it's interesting in that it's a port of a former Wii U exclusive; we should probably expect that to be a trend over the next year or two. We saw the same with PS4 and Xbox One, as gaps are filled with spruced up re-releases; some of them, to be fair, can be very tempting.
LEGO City is just the beginning - though some may argue that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a 'port' from the Wii U original. Whether direct re-releases, director's cuts or remasters to various degrees, there are a few on the way - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe arrives later this month, and we're pretty interested to see how the likes of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition stand up, though the former of those two third-party efforts naturally never came to Wii U.
Nevertheless, the Wii U ports may not be done. Some rumours from last year haven't emerged, at least not yet, and we wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo fills a few gaps with quickfire re-releases and upgrades of titles from its previous console. In light of the Wii U's modest sales numbers, too, the argument can be made that there could potentially be a new audience to appreciate these games, especially if the Switch takes off.
We've looked through the Wii U retail library and picked out games that could conceivably be ported; they're games mostly developed and/or published by Nintendo, with a couple of imposters in there for good measure. So, check 'em out below and vote for 3 games in the list that you'd like to see get another chance on Switch. As always you can hit up the comments to chat over other ports you'd like to see; are there any other third-party Wii U games you'd like to see move over to Switch, for example?
Let's get to it.
Comments 422
Im HOPING for Smash, Xenoblade X and Pokken. That sould make it for me.
Smash Bros. for me. I've played everything else I wanted to on the WiiU and don't really want to play them again.
Bayonetta 1&2 , hyrule warriors, and maybe pokken with more fighters and stages
can i add the zelda HD games to.
@Thegentleman More fighters is a MUST.
Where's Windwaker HD and Twilight Princess HD? Wonderful 101 was also a very underrated game.
Mario Maker because Mario Maker (with some good adds) and Tokyo Mirage Sessions & Xenoblade X with/for proper sequels
How about none? Switch needs dozens of quality exclusives if they want it to reach 20 mil by the end of its lifetime.
No one's going to buy the thing for ports.
No ports please
Preferably as little as possible but Smash and Donkey Kong would be great as both are great multiplayer games so its a good fit.
If I could choose ports of any game then I choose Divinity Original Sin, Diablo 3, Overwatch, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5
Smash, of course. But also Donkey Kong Country because I know a lot of people missed out on that gem. That hard, hard gem.
Would love new games.
What surprised me there was how little excitement I had for any of the games apart from Pikmin 0)
Clearly, I need to expand my gaming horizons a bit.
I really think Xenoblade Chronicles X needs to be ported. But with XC2 I think it might not happen. A shame as XCX would shine on the Switch.
Past that, I think Super Mario Maker and Smash Bros 4 would sell. Smash Bros Melee on the Switch VC would totally sell too.
TMS is a good game but too niche to sell well on the Switch.
Most of the rest need dual screens which the Switch can't do.
Only if the ports are enhanced with more content and better frame rate/resolution.
I gave my votes to Smash and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I haven't played the latter and I have no plans on getting it in near future but I might change my mind if it were portable and came at a time when I need an RPG.
W101 deserves a second chance, Hyrule Warriors was great as a handheld with more content than the console version, but I'd be super down to playing it again in a "best of both worlds" version, and Tropical Freeze is too amazing of a game to be exclusive to what is now an obscurity.
The possibility of a port is the reason I haven't picked up Pokken and Paper Mario Color Splash yet.
Donkey 94 hd
None for me please. Had already fun with them. If theres nothing to play at the moment i look what other platforms have. Also there are enough games of the last years i havent played.
I would definitely want Hyrule Warriors on Switch. Bayonetta 1&2, I've never gotten the chance to play them before so I'd get those. Finally, Super Smash Bris which doesn't really need an explanation. ☺️
I'm tired of ports....let alone at full price. The Switch is alredy full of ports.
I voted on the basis that if a port is to come, it better represent some good value compared to its previous iteration. With this in mind, I went for Smash Bros (all DLC included, plus the 3DS content), Hyrule Warriors (all DLC included, plus the exclusive Legends contents), and Tokyo Mirage Sessions (again, with all DLC on the cart). I also believe that ports should not be sold at full price, as is usually the case with GOTY editions, but as far as I know Nintendo hasn't done any of those and MK8 is still full price.
I hope the switch gets a couple ports. There are a lot of people, including me, who never had a Wii U so there are many games I would love to be able to play. Really want to have Bayonetta, Super Smash Brothers and Super Mario 3D World. It would be awesome to be able to play multiplayer smash bros and mario anywhere I go.
To be honest none if I have to re pay for them...
would be nice to get lego dimensions. just to keep the collection going.
Pikmin 3, wonderful 101 and Mario:splash
Hyrule Warriors, SF: Zero reconfigured to traditional controls, Pokken, Bayonetta 1 & 2, XCX.
Super Mario Maker would be splendid to have on Switch if they were able to implement single screen level creation. Also with more goodies packaged in.
Super smash bros is obvious.
Paper Mario Color Splash because I didn't pick it up for the Wii U and would like to play it on my new shiny toy.
I have had so little time to play games at home over the last few years that I barely finished anything on the Wii U. I'd like a load of games that haven't come to Nintendo consoles before, but I'd also take Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Smash and Donkey Kong Country ports. They should be under £20 though given that all of the design, artwork and music are already done.
I'd also like Bioshock Trilogy, Dark Souls Trilogy, Red Dead Redemption, Doom, Shadow Warrior 1 & 2, Bulletstorm and Pac Man Championship Edition DX (that would be a dream in portable mode.)
Bayonetta 1&2, Pokken Tournament, and SSB 4 are what I voted for.
XCX, TMS #FE, and Pokken Tournament would be great ports to the Switch.
I'm not a fan of ports but I would like to have Bayonetta on the console. To tell you the truth I really liked darksiders 2. I won't be mad if XBX made it to the console. I really would like some new ideas though. Metroid Prime please come back. Come on Nintendo I will be your friend.
Smash, Mario Maker, and an enhanced and expanded Hyrule Warriors Legends (the WiiU just got the characters, not the new game modes and adventure maps).
How about the least amount possible? I want new games, even if I understand the reason to do re releases.
A redesigned single screen StarFox would be what most were hoping for in the first place. Could be a classic!
I think some NEW games could be good for the switch ya know? the guy need his own charm...
Pokken, Tokyo Mirage and the Xenoblades for me. Mostly because I haven't bought those yet for Wii U even though I really want them.
ZombiU doesn't make a lot of sense to me without the second screen. It was mostly really neat because of the two screen feature.
If there's a Hyrule Warriors port, it should be a version of Legends. But I much rather would have a Hyrule Warriors 2 (and since I'm requesting sequels, how about a Bayonetta 3?)
Smash with all 3ds and dlc content, Star Fox with traditional controls and nothing else.
How about the original Xenoblade Chronicles? I'd buy Xenoblade Chronicles HD
It honestly feels like most of the people who don't want ports believe Nintendo is trying to sell them a second time to the people who already bought them. They're not. They're trying to sell them for the first time to people who either missed them on Wii U, or never owned a Wii U in the first place. And as far as those people are concerned, it doesn't matter that the games have been ported; it only matters that the games form a large enough library of worthwhile content to justify buying the console.
@Yasume Though it's true that the Switch needs it's own good exclusives to be successful, but bringing some Wii U ports over to the Switch would be beneficial since there is good chance of people who own or will own a Switch probably don't even have a Wii U. Bringing the Wii U's best titles over will not only allow a larger audience to enjoy them, but it would also lessen the Switch's gaming drought.
As I already own a Wii U, any games I wanted on the Wii U, I have naturally purchased for my Wii U. As such, there is little reason for me to want to see these games ported... because I already own and play them on my Wii U.
As much as I love Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water for instance, I already own the game, and I feel some of the charm would be lost without the Wii U set-up for it.
Honestly, the only Wii U game I would like to see a port of for the Nintendo Switch would be Pokkén Tournament. This would allow me to practise my skills on the go, and has the potential of receiving the DLC characters that the arcade version has, but that for some reason has skipped the Wii U version.
@smashboy2000 I'm a big fan of Wonderful 101 and Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (my favourite physical Wii U game), but I don't feel I'd like them quite as much without the Wii U's Gamepad. Perhaps it helps that the Gamepad is my absolute favourite controller of all time, but being able to use the Gamepad in those games not only made things easier, but I also feel made them far more enjoyable.
I want new games, not re-releases.
I would like to see Yoshi and Mario Maker. My real wish is for a Switch port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Project Zero that takes out the censorship from their respective games.
Captain Toad and Mario Maker. I'd also like to play the first Splatoon. Beyond that I couldn't care less what they bring over, the Wii U's lineup is full of overrated trash.
Smash would do. But I'd rather see new exclusive games for Switch.
To be honest I wouldn't want to see any of these ported from WiiU to Switch.
I want to see new Switch games not ones I've already owned on the WiiU.
I don't mind sequels like Splatoon 2 or the new Xenoblade.
If you are gonna get these game all out again, get them out on the eshop as virtual console
I've been waiting years for Fatal Frame V to be discounted, but it never was. Put it on the Switch so my hopes of it one day being a reasonable price can be realized.
Devils Third, but would prefer a new one, also need for Speed,
I hope they bring over the recently re-mastered Zelda: Twilight Princess and Windwaker HD.
I've picked three that I never got got around to on WiiU:
1) Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
2) Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze
3) Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Some kind of a version of Art Academy or another art app would be pretty nice. The console might not have a pack-in stylus, but any third-party one that's designed for a capacitive touch screen would work fine. It would be awesome if it was compatible with a pressure sensitive Wacom pen!
They need badly Smash Bros in 2018. Badly.
We know already they would not do much better than what's been already outon the Wii U this generation so a tweaked port would be actually cool and more focus on fresh new IPs and F-Zero/Metroid.
Though I would like Donkey Kong and Yoshi too.
I'm sorry you don't like Yoshi that much, Captain Toad's better? Uhm.
That is not to say I'm against ports popping up, I've been having a great time with I Am Setsuna after all, but that is the case of the game being a port of a PS4 game. I have access to a PS4, but don't own said PS4, so I rarely get games for the system.
I wouldn't mind seeing ports of games that released on PS4 and Xbox One, but skipped out on the Wii U. For instance, I am interested in the port of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and would absolutely love a port of Dead or Alive 5: Last Round on the Nintendo Switch.
When it comes to the Wii U though, and as a big fan of the uniquely exclusive Gamepad, I feel most Wii U to Switch ports would honestly be a downgrade. I enjoy my Switch, but I certainly don't find it as comfortable to play on as the Gamepad, the lack of a stylus means I refuse to use the Switch's touch-screen capability, and the Switch lacks Miiverse so I'd end up playing a version of a Wii U game where I'm unable to communicate or share thoughts with others.
As noted, I am a fan of Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water, but I don't wish to see a port of that game on the Switch. I'd rather see a Project Zero 6, or ports of the prior games. The first three Project Zero games never released on Nintendo systems, and Project Zero 4 was Japanese exclusive (with the Joy-cons, replicating the Wii motion controls is possible, which is fantastic). These are the sorts of ports I'd be interested in, rather than Wii U games coming to the Switch.
All of them, but kinda none of them at the same time; because what I'd rather just see is pretty much ALL Wii U games come to the Switch via its Virtual Console—that's what the frikin' service is supposed to be for (bringing past console's games to the most recent Nintendo console(s))—with maybe a small handful of dedicated and somewhat upgraded ports where it makes most sense. So, sure, port a handful of those games above to the Switch, and get all the other ones on there too. Surely that's the best of all worlds, and what everyone really should be shouting at Nintendo to get sorted already.
Ahah. Art academy without the stylus and the dual screen?? No way!
Definitely Smash Bros. WiiU with a few more characters (cough Ice cough Climbers cough), Smash Run and fan-favorite 3DS stages.
I'd rather have a Mario Maker 2 with more objects (cough slopes cough cough) but a Switch port would do as well.
And finally Bayonetta - because I just can't get enough of that witch. Also cough Bayonetta 3 cough cough.
Sorry for all the coughing. I seem to have caught a cold.
I actually posted something exactly like this in a forum on here, where i like new games i DO think some deserve a second chance on Switch because people missed out. First is TMS #FE, with the popular success of Persona Series i feel like people would buy it for those who missed out. Second i voted for Bayo 2 but i would be perfectly fine for a third in the series. And then Super Mario Maker, i think it would be perfect on the Switch. I personally think they were going to port over SSB reguardless of people asking for it or not. As for others, they can optimize them for single screen seeing as they did alot of that from Wii to Wii U except i feel like wii u to switch will be easy to move things to the big screen. Also, this is under the assumption that there will be added/more content on there switch version. Hints why i am not picking up Lego City.
Id rather see a ton of 3ds games make the port. Link Between worlds please
I have a Wii U, the only one I haven't played is Fatal Frame 'cause it didn't get a physical release in America, that's the only one I'd pick for Switch if I can have it on a cartridge.
I chose Sonic Transformed, Smash, and Hyrule Warriors. I would especially love to see Transformed on the Switch; it's a great racing game, just as good as Mario Kart, imo!
Since day one I've said I don't want any ports. I simply want new games, not ones that I already own on the Wii U. Making all sorts of definitive versions of games that loyal Nintendo fans bought on the Wii U is kind of scummy imo.
Considering Tokyo Mirage Sessions is up there with Persona 5 I feel a port is a must. No joke. I have both and while P5 looks better by a smidge, both have fantastic storylines and gameplay.
Also of course we simpky have to have Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Donkey Kong and Pikmin, everyone should play those games. Imo Tropical Freeze is the best platformer of all time!
I think since the Wii U sold so poorly, ports are necessary. People missed out on a lot of great games; however, Nintendo needs to be picky about which games to port. Otherwise, it'll seem like Wii U owners got cheated and Switch owners will have just paid for a portable Wii U.
I'm interested in porting many of those but not interested in paying $60 each for them again. I've already bought them once and sure I would love to have them on the Switch, but I am not paying that again. Xbox and PS4 offer backwards compatibility. I understand that's not possible here but come on Nintendo cut us Wii U owners a deal here. I did grudgingly order Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so I can play multiplayer with my kids but I'm not thrilled with the cost at all. Game Cube VC is what I want. I want to play Mario Sunshine again, but it should not be more than $15.
Xenoblade X is kind of a no brainer who doesnt want them both on the same system.
Now I'm on a rant and got to thinking about iTunes or Amazon music or UltraViolet. I buy the movie or song once and it's mine who cares if I buy a new TV, PC, or phone. Why can't Nintendo do that. And you get to play it on whatever current gen console they have out.
Hyrule Warriors for an increased, stable framerate for sure. That game was awfully shaky on wiiu, even more so doing two player.
I want vc games from wii,gamecube, n64, snes, nes and gba/gbc/gb and ds games and i want almost all the wii u games ported over i skiped the wiiu gen because i was tight on money and i already had a ps4
I dont want any of these games because i already own all the ones i want on wii u. Thats why im not getting mk8deluxe, i didnt get fast rmx, lego city, and im not buying any other port from wii u. Why would i want to pay full price for a game i already payed for once. I want new games with new content, not the exact same game with a few more characters or tracks or whatever.
Splatoon 1!!!!
From my day one WiiU owner standpoint? None. Give me new games or sequels.
However if I just think of games I'd love to play again on the go with WiiU or better graphics? W101, HW, Kirby RC, and #FE to name a few. I'm not going to double dip though. I'm still on the fence about MK8D.
@Yasume While i see where you are coming from there is nothing stopping Nintendo from churning out ports AND exclusives. PS4 is killing it at the moment but for its first two to three years all it had were remasters of games like The Last of Us and some mediocre exclusives like Knack and Killzone Shadowfall. People flocked to the system for the former because some never had a ps3.
Now look at how poor the Wii U did sales wise. You can bet your bottom dollar a majority of gamers will have never played any Wii U exclusive.
In other words its a no brainer. Ports and remasters can be chucked out while we wait for the exclusives. Thats a win win in my book.
Mixed bag but I would have thought super smash bro "Delux" would have taken most the votes.. I must have be the sad 1% that voted zombi u 😂
I want a Twilight Princess and Windwaker port to the Switch. Just so I can have both of those wonderful Zelda games on the go.
Pikmin Trilogy! Also, not a Wii U title, but Fallout 4 please. Being the big Zelda fan that I am I never picked up a Wii U while waiting for a price drop and a Zelda game, so most Wii U ports will be welcome for me.
I've never bought a new system and thought "Boy, I would really like to rebuy some old games"
Already own a Wii U and all but 2 of those games, so I don't see the need for a port of those games. Mario Kart 8 is really the only one I need (for the portability). But, if announced, I may change my mind, of course
I have SEGA Racing Transformed on Wii U and Steam, but I would go in a third time if they added new tracks and characters. Especially if they brought back characters from the first SEGA Racing like Billy Hatcher and Bonanza Bros. Heck even if they just brought the rest of the tracks from the first game into Transformed, that would work for me. (I wouldn't mind one bit if they forgot to include the Monkey Ball stages, though.)
The first SEGA Racing ended up being my most-played Wii game and Transformed was my most-played Wii U game. I love these two games!
Snake Pass is out, so lets get Sumo and SEGA together again to make this happen.
Bayonetta 1&2, Shin megami #FE and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I don't want Wii U ports. I want new games for my new console.
I'm not fussed about ports of games that I can already enjoy on my Wii U. New games would be better.
Smash and Pikmin 3 for me, although I'd rather just have new games in those series.
@Yasume I disagree. They can fill the gaps between releases with ports. It's not secret a lot of people did not purchase a Wii U. That's a fairly substantial library and easy money if you ask me. If you don't want the ports don't buy them but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't want them
Id like a 2D Mario to share the joycon with. But as far as Im concerned, let Wii U games stay on Wii U. Its bad enough I'm stuck with digital copies of Mario Kart 8 and Fast Neo, both with DLC, and now having to repurchase them. I already rebought Fast at launch, because its great and $20 isn't bad. Mario Kart 8? Gonna have to hope somebody loves me on my birthday this summer...
I gave up trying to choose 3. I want them all.
@Yasume A ton of people will buy a Switch for ports, because they are new games for all non-Wii U owners, aka most people.
All Wii U games that won't get direct sequels on Switch by the end of 2018 should be ported to the Wii U by then. It might suck for the 15 people who bought all of those games originally on the Wii U, but it's good for everyone else.
Tropical freeze all the way
I'd like Captain Toad as a budget eShop title. Personally I'd rather they made a new Smash Bros.
I'd like to play 3D World portable, with multi-Switch multiplayer.
BAYONETTA!!! And then Smash and then Xenoblade. When I traded in my WiiU for Switch I lamented the loss of Bayonetta. NEED it back in my life. Please Nintendo, give up the Bayonetta goods
I respect people opinions but why not to have ports? PS and Xbox have them all the time and well is good for people that couldn't get their hands on the games the first time around. I voted for Bayo, Smash and Maker. I think this will help to rise sales. Nintendo can outsource the porting of this games to some D party development inside their headquaters while the A, B teams do new games and the C team do e-shop only stuff.
@smashboy2000 gamepad gimmick? Was great I thought using the gamepad as camera
Captain Toad was such a good game!
Tokyo Mirage Sessions would be awesome as it's my top priority among Wii U games but still off-limits due to the platform's low portability value. Also XCX and Fatal Frame to fill out the vote since I'm a JRPG geek. And speaking of Wii U ports, I'm increasingly curious about Lego City Undercover as well since it finally clicked on me that the game is a relative open world, too - and a humorous open world at that.
I mostly played Star Fox Zero off TV play anyways so single screen Switch port is fine by me. A Smash port definitely needs to happen but it should include the 3DS versions stages at the very least.
Where's the option for "none"? It should be, if you want to play them then you know where they are. Buy a Wii U and play them where they belong. It's ridiculous porting games that are only a few years old. This is a new machine and should have new games, not wasting time on ports and giving these companies(mostly Nintendo) another €60 for little work. Buying a Switch to play Wii U games. Ridiculous! It would be alright if it was through backwards compatibility but it's not. There's not even some kind of discount scheme for Wii U owners.
Edit: "though some may argue that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a 'port' from the Wii U original."
C'mon you cannot be serious? That's exactly what the Switch version is. A port.
Much to the dismay to current Wii U owners (I'm one of them), I think porting games to the Switch to fill in the release schedule for new games is a good idea. Since the Wii U had such a small install base, there would be a lot of people who hadn't played any ports that do come out.
That being said, I went ahead and voted for games on Wii U that I don't yet own:
*Star Fox
*Xenoblade X
*Pokken Tournament
Never played Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox Zero, or Pokken Tournament because traded in my Wii U just before they came out. Would love to try them on Switch.
We need more co-op games as the switch is practically designed around the concept. Games like Smash Bros, Mario 3D World and Super Mario U would be perfect to throw on and have a friend jump in.
Smash, Mario Maker, and Pokken. I have all of these, but would double dip if enough new content was added. Especially with Mario Maker and Smash. All they would have to do for Mario Maker is add a few items, enemies, themes, and add slopes...
Super Mario 3D World with online multiplayer (like they should have done the first time).
Wii U Sports Club
There's no doubt a Smash port is coming to the Switch. It's just a question of when.
The main one I want to see is Star Fox. Fix the control scheme and it might appeal to more people.
Basically every first party Wii U game except ones like Nintendo Land or Game & Wario because it's impossible. People should still get to experience these games, even if the Wii U failed. I wouldn't get them (except ones I missed and maybe Mario Kart/Maker/SSB4.) Smash Bros and Maker are most important to me, 3D World would be nice as well. Don't know why we're limited to 3 options.
could they just focus on new games for now...
/ keep my wii u purchase from feeling entirely pointless please lol
Honestly, I'd like to see all of them ported.
But I selected Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade especially.
I just want to be able to use my wii u pro controllers on switch
@freaksloan Yes! We need the Switch to breath life back into the online community on Wii Sports Club. Not only that but the enhanced motion controls of the joy-cons.
For Wii U remakes, I want, and expect, Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros, complete with all DLC. I never bought Hyrule Warriors precisely because I wanted the extensive DLC and expected it to be bundled in a later edition. I did buy Smash Bros, but I'd be willing to double dip for all of that DLC, which I never touched.
Well, Splatoon gets a sequel, MK8 gets a "Deluxe" release, I'd like to see a "Super Smash Bros. Complete" game that combines SSBWiiU x SSB3DS, but I'm sure a lot would have to go into making that happen (or could it be in the works, set for announcement at E3?)
I chose only Star Foc because frankly I own every other game there I want and I don't see the point of wanting the same game on the Switch.
Although i'd accept Xenoblade Chronocles X if I could transfer a save file cos to heck I'll playing another 210+ hrs.
Captain Toad would be AMAZING on Switch!
I chose Fatal Frame, Sonic Racing Transformed and Super Smash Bros.
I had a hard time choosing only 3, as I have a Wii U but only a few games. I'm more away than at home, so I don't really have time to play with it, and that's exactly why I'd buy many of those games on Switch in a heartbeat.
Voted for Hyrule Warriors, SMM and obviously Sm4sh, but I'd also buy Yoshi, XCX, TMS and DK:TF.
Not really sure why people complain about re-releases, though. Yeah, of course new games are always more exciting than old games, but I think no platform is more apt for re-releases as much as the Switch is; mainly because of portability and the fact many, many people didn't play these gems when they were first released.
Heck, I have a Wii U and I haven't played them! Add in all those people eho don't even know what a Wii U is and you get a huge potential install base who'll look at these games as new games.
Couldn't vote because only three options allowed and I'd buy 89% of those games if came to switch.
I chose TMS and Star Fox since I didn't think they truly got a chance to shine on the Wii U (since they arrived after NX was announced). Star Fox was a good game, but if it's just a gyro shooter on a single screen, that could be an improvement over the original. And more people just need to experience TMS's quirky awesomeness.
And I picked Smash because, well, it's Smash. Local multiplayer at its finest.
I really want to play Hyrule Warriors again. Maybe Hyrule Warriors 2 with BotW models added? A port with the legends stuff would be fine with me too. On the go would be great. I know it came out for the 3DS but I avoided that since it was plagued with subpar performance.
For the others, Color Splash would be awesome. I have held out on buying that because I am hoping for a port. Mario RPGs are better on the go anyways. Last, I want XCX. After the joy of discovering how fun it is to play large expansive open worlds both on the big screen and on the go, I would love to have this on the Switch. I never had time for it when it came out so I haven't played it yet.
For me...
Star Fox Zero - this game deserves a second chance with more traditional controls. Period. Motion assisted aiming from joycons would make this good.
Bayonetta - I would like to see this succeed as a franchise for Nintendo.
Xenoblade Chronicles X - epic that deserves a chance at a bigger audience, especially after Zelda and Skyrim sales slow down.
Truthfully I'd like to see them all make it.
Oh god none!!! No ports just new games!
Honestly speaking, I would buy about 80% of the WiiU library just to play it portably.
I do hope that those that are opposed to it realize that the the developers that would port then are most of the time NOT the same developers that make the games. So porting doesn't effect other new releases.
@Podoboo I liked color splash WAY MORE than I thought I would (sticker star was the worst PM ever) so much I would actually double dip on it to play it again portable!!
I would be most likely to play Mario Maker or Star Fox, neither of which I bothered with on Wii U. It would be quite nice to have Wind Waker HD as well.
It would also be a good opportunity to uncensor Project Zero, Xenoblade Chronicles X and (especially) Tokyo Mirage Sessions. They could restore it to Atlus' original vision, and remove the silly stuff like the trousers, which were even in the final Japanese release.
Not saying I'd actually buy any of those, to be honest, but they do represent opportunities of one kind or another.
As much as I'd like to see Star Fox Zero given another chance, it'd need more than a redesign around a single screen. It'd be easier to just make a standalone multiplayer battle game and sell that.
I'd love to have Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE on a portable to play again. As well as the Bayo games. I think Smash is inevitable
I'd also get Star Fox right away without the horrid Wii U gimmicks included
I voted, but really, I'd re-buy Shantae - Half Genie Hero on Switch simply because I never finished it and have yet to turn on my WiiU since getting my Switch...
Tokyo Mirage. Gutted when I found it couldn't be played on the gamepad...
I'm not surprised that Smash 4 is currently in the lead. Taking that game on the go for a quick match would be great, and I would think setting up vs. matches would be quite fun.
As someone who skipped the Wii u i would love all of them, but especially Donkey Kong, Smash, and the Mario games.
My votes went to Bayonetta 2, Super Mario Maker and Super Smash Bros 4. Regrettably, I was forced to sell my Wii U before all three released, so I'm still yet to play them!
Despite this, the game I'd most like to have on Switch would be a port of a port. Namely The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Man, I absolutely adore that game. Needless to say, I'm having a blast with Breath of the Wild – for me it's unquestionably the greatest videogame ever created – but I'd like a traditional Zelda experience on my Switch, too. And Wii U or otherwise, WW is my favourite 3D Zelda that fits into that bracket.
As an aside, there's also a trio of Wii titles that I'd dearly love to replay on Switch, in all its portable glory. Having the chance to enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and both Super Mario Galaxy games without the pesky Wiimote waggling nonsense would be utterly drool-worthy! Right?
KIR freakin BY. That is all
I would love to see some ports. At the moment there are maybe 4 different games on shelves in the shops (if you're lucky!)...I just think it would be better if there would be more choice for consumers once the Switch is in stock.
I voted for Smash as I'm sure it would sell millions and maybe it'll reignite interest in amiibo. The other 2 votes were for the Bayonetta titles and Hyrule Warriors. Love those games but I could have voted for 10 others to be honest!
A few ports would be nice to see, especially for those who skipped the console. Xenoblade Chronicles X is one I'd like to see. Put Windwaker and Twilight Princess on the Switch, and I'd be happy. I'm all about having a few ports, but I'd like to see some new games too. And VC, we need some Nintendo VC.
Getting a Smash Bros game on the Switch is a must. It will happen, though when, that's the question.
I voted for Bayo 1&2, Tropical Freeze, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I'd love to be able to play those on a portable.
Didn't vote for Smash as a port for that is inevitable imo (probably later this year to be honest).
Let's not forget the Twilight Princess quota. Four in a row baby!
Well... I would actually like new games rather than ports, but I see where this is going and Nintendo will probably do them anyways. So I went with Bayonetta, Smash, and Tokyo Session.
I would LOVE Super Mario 3D World on the Switch. I think with its focus on short levels with tight design, replaying the levels as a different characters, etc. that it would be PERFECT for a portable device.
Personally I want to see ports of other games, particularly from Capcom, Sega, and Square Enix.
All of those RE rereleases, DMC4, UMvC3 (this one's an absolute MUST!), the Ace Attorney series, Sonic Generations, all of those Dreamcast games that are on Steam, the PC port of FFVII, etc should come to Switch.
@Yasume yeah because nobody had brought ports and remasters on the other consoles
New stuff please no ports.
All of them.
none of em
make some new games.
I would love a HD zelda collection with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess (hopefully with better frame rates) and a remaster of Skyward Sword. The joy cons could probably work as a wii remote substitute as show in world of goo/little inferno ect.
Can we have more Nintendo 64 ports or remasters because so many people missed the nintendo 64. Can we have game cube ports because so many people missed buying the cube games. We should have lots of ports because lots of people didn't buy it before but now they want to buy it.
Easily Hyrule Warriors, Smash and Super Mario Maker. They seem pretty likely to happen too (except Hyrule Warriors but there's Fire Emblem Warriors).
Pokken, Mario Maker, and Smash for me. A Deluxe Smash port with all the content and DLC from the 3DS and Wii U versions would be AMAZING. Mario Maker was a great idea but the creation tool is too limited; a Switch port would really allow the developers to spruce it up and make potential courses more diverse (because there's no way we are getting an update for the Wii U or 3DS versions)! Finally, Pokken is a fighting game with great mechanics but needs more characters, interesting stages, and unique modes. I can't really blame the Wii U version because it is based on an arcade game, but a Pokken port (or just a sequel) would be an excellent idea.
No ports for now E3 sounds promising for new IPs
Pikmin 3 and Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. I missed both of them for one reason or another, though I did play Fatal Frame's demo and enjoyed it all right.
Also want Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Nefarious. I'll reboy them, and so should everyone else who likes platformers with character.
I honestly don't want any of those games but I did pick 3 I thought could be big sellers to a new crowd
Where is the 'none' option, like some others have proposed?
NOTE: The -only- 'port' I can see being reasonable, if doing anywhere near full retail price, is Smash, if it includes all the content from both games.
After seeing Lego City Undercover for $60 for Switch, heck nah. Unless they become priced like Wii games on the Wii U(aka reasonably), that's just ridiculous. It's not like they're gonna be like a portable 3DS version where we tended to get ports for at least $20 less.
Wasn't Nintendo having a hard enough time balancing games between two consoles, too? With the 3DS out, adding in a zillion Wii U ports to Switch only resurfaces that issue because, while the 3DS is out and blooming(even if only two years more, afawk), it'd be exactly that issue again.
Maybe once the 3DS is officially dead and some more time has passed, -and- they decide to be reasonably priced.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE For once I agree with you. I mean it's not like the Wii U is some decades old console where the games are super hard to find(and for far cheaper than the full retail price it would be as a port).
@Yasume It's an odd day when I agree with the two of you, but I was about to make a similar post.
just Smash
Voted for Bayonetta, Sm4sh, and Hyrule Warriors (Legends in HD preferably). I wasn't a huge fan of Mario Maker (still liked it though, just not as much as most) and I don't know how it could work on the Switch anyway.
The wind walker hd and twilight princess hd would be good as a 2 in 1. Mario maker and xenoblade.
Sure, lets get some Wii U ports but I'd like more recent and slightly older indie ports first. Super Meat Boy, Hyper Light Drifter, Undertale, Night of the Woods, Owlboy etc.
@Lalivero But this is just speculation for all we know. Personally, I believe the only one that's 100% guaranteed is Smash.
@timson72 I agree!
Rather than one game ported I would love to see something like a Donkey Kong Jungle-Stars including DK Country (SNES), DK64 (if possible), DK Country Returns and DK Tropical Freeze collection.
As a straight port I would love a Smash Bros one which includes features/modes from both the Wii U and 3DS version and maybe a HD remake of one of the streets of rage type modes from either the Gamecube or Wii version.
FE Tokyo Mirage Sessions please
None, because I'd like NEW games.
I find it quite funny that apparently ports take up the time that a team could have used to make a completely new game from scratch, but also should be budget because most of the work has already been done.
Surely one of those can't be true...
ALL of them. (Or ANY of them. I am so desperate for good games that I don't have to make excuses for)
@IceClimbers I'd love it if Sega dumped their whole backlog onto the Switch. They've got some stuff I'd like to try out, like Sonic Generations and Space Channel 5.
I don't want any ports, I own most of these already and would prefer to play something new.
Someone on the forums mentioned that cloud, corrin and bayonetta amiibos not being out yet suggest a switch version of Sm4sh. I'd say that's a fair assumption.
In addition, Pokken seems like a perfect fit for the switch - and there's arcade content that didn't make it to the Wii U.
You forgot the most critically acclaimed Wii U game of all time...
Mario Party 10.
N64- Virtual Console
Gamecube- Soon to be Virtual Console
Wii u- remastered, re-tooled, re-released
More choices is always good
I want Pokken with all DLC,I didn't buy the Wii U version because I was waiting confirmation for DLC(wich obviously never came)
S&ASRT it's the first game even I want to buy a third time(I own both Wii U and 3DS versions).I would love a Switch port with the same graphics as the PC version and all the DLC characters(altought I don't really care about the Yogcast guy,Team Fortress and Football Manager)
Bayonetta 2, that was a GOTY contender that didn't get into enough hands.
@Vriess is Owlboy a console exclusive for Xbox or just a timed exclusive?
I voted Hyrule Warriors (my favorite Wii U game) and Sonic Racers Transformed. I'd give Star Fox Zero another chance if they'd get rid of the terrible control scheme.
While I feel like I got my money's worth out of most of these on the Wii U, it'd be really hard to resist re-buying Super Mario Maker if they made a Switch version (since I sold my Wii U before I bought the Switch).
Honestly probably none. Seeing as I've still got my Wii U hooked up and playing lol give us new games Ninty!
Bayo 2, tw101, Xenoblade X, hyrule wsrriors and windwaker, aka the best games i enjoyed on WiiU
Pikmin 3 was the first game I that came to mind. It's one of the best games I ever played. I would like to see Mario Maker as I never had that. Also Art Academy I would like to get if it came with a stylus, as I really liked it on Wii U, but it would be better as a portable and with a capacitive screen.
Mario Maker and Star Fox I guess? Those would be the most interesting to me at least. For those who haven't played them or own them on Wii U many of those other games are worthwhile but personally, I'm ready for new stuff. I mean, my Wii U is still hooked up.
But Mario Maker on the go (for real) would be a fun way to pass the time and I'd just be fascinated to see what Nintendo would do with Star Fox if they decided to bring it to Switch. Don't think it would be better for me , but it might salvage it for others who couldn't hack it with the GamePad second screen.
Oh, and I find this whole exercise sort of sad to partake in. Lol.
@LArachelDisciple Agreed. I want those Dreamcast games in particular. Portable Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, etc? Yes please!
Not interested in Smash, since you know they're going to have Smash 5 on Switch.
What I'd like to see are:
Hyrule Warriors (with all Legends content added in - not just characters, but adventure maps and everything else)
Pokken Tournament (the Wii U was too small for such a great fighting game)
Sonic Racing Transformed, just because I'd love to see it on a larger Nintendo console. That game rocks.
I'd rather some Wii remasters tbh, given the switch controllers.
Galaxy 1+2 and then Skyward Sword would be great in HD. Easy to make too, they all had great art and texture work so just render it in higher res.
Only port I'd buy again is Bayonetta as it is the only game of interest that I did not play, despite owning it.
You guys seem to be forgetting those that didn't own a Wii U. If the Switch does as well as people are projecting, then there will be a lot of Switch owners that never got the chance to play a lot of those games. The same reason Sony ported some PS3 stuff to PS4, a lot of PS4 owners were converted 360 owners and missed some of those games.
I have a Wii U, but the slow trickle of releases caused me to loose interest in it and it got relegated to the kids toy room. The only games I played on it were Super Mario 3D World, Lego City Undercover, Zombie U, and Mario Kart 8 (I even got Windwaker HD for free with Mario Kart 8 and still didn't play it). I missed everything else as well as the MK 8 DLC that I even preordered.
I absolutely love my Switch though, and would definitely pick some of these games up if ported because they would be new games to me. I get that all of you are die hard fans and bought everything and played everything already, but that's not the case for everyone, and like I said, if it does well, then that will be the case for a lot of new owners.
If you already played it the port is not for you, ignore it and move on.
I should also add, it's extremely rare for front line teams to make ports. Those typically get tossed to the D teams or get contacted out. So these ports are not always taking resources away from new entries or games.
And I will absolutely be buying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe despite already owning the Wii U version.
Wii U port:
1. Super Mario Maker
2. Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Wii U e-shop)
I voted for Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Wonderful 101 & Paper Mario. Certainly would like to see Captain Toad again. I thought it was a great game on Wii U.
Every single game ported to Switch is a brand new version thanks to the portable play. What's more, is that unlike a 3DS port (Mario Maker, Smash, MH3U, Yoshis Wooly World), these would be HD in full console glory, and in tabletop mode with detachable controllers, it would literally make them like having your Wii U with you in your pocket at all times.
Bring on DKC Tropical Freeze, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Pikmin 3. I know Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros are a given.
It honestly feels like most of the people who don't want ports believe Nintendo is trying to sell them a second time to the people who already bought them. They're not. They're trying to sell them for the first time to people who either missed them on Wii U, or never owned a Wii U in the first place
True, but they're also reselling to Wii U owners like me who will gladly buy the game to have a handheld version. The fact it's also a console version and instantaneously switches between both without needing save transfer tools... well, that's more than enough to warrant another purchase if the game is good enough.
Super Mario Maker deserves a sequel, not a port. It was great but at this point needs more content and support.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is not really a port since it adds a whole new mode and a few other features. They should put out deluxe versions of Pokken and Smash. Ports of Xenoblade X and Bayonetta would probably help sell some systems.
I would like to see W101 get another chance but with an easier learning curve and more polished controls as that was a true gem.
The current line up of Switch game is good enough. So I personally think that no Wii U port needed other than MK8D.
The Wii U had some really good multiplayer games that a lot of people never got to play because nobody owned Wii U systems. As the Switch is advertising itself as a good multiplayer system, due to always having two controllers, and as these games interested people, but not enough to buy a system, it makes sense to pad out the Switch library with ports. Most people haven't played them.
Smash Bros. 4 would be a great fit for the Switch. Being able to do a two-player match anywhere would be great. All they'd have to do is include all the DLC and call it Super Smash Bros. 4: Complete Edition. It, in particular, wouldn't lose any features from being on the Switch.
Also why expect wiiu ports at all? We have a system that has decent dev parity, we should be getting some of those remasters that went to the 4 and the one if we have to have rehashes at all. I talk smack about AC now but I would not mind a few of the AC collections on the go.
Took me awhile, but narrowed it down. Wanted to pick great games that could work well in any mode of play, multiplayer included if the game has it, and a lot of those games are great.
No splitscreen as Fast RMX has thought me that you really need the entire screen to properly see what you're doing when playing in tabletop aka portable multiplayer mode.
1. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Absolute gem of a game and imo the best 2D platformer since the SNES era. Has co-op that doesn't use splitscreen and is well suited for both extended playthroughs and short bursts of play while on the go.
This is also a game that deserves another shot at fame, coz it did not perform as well as it should have... probably due to us drowning in 2D platformers on the Wii U and it being the "why didn't Retro announce a new Metroid instead of this" game.
2. Smash Bros. 4. Smash Bros. always sells consoles and if there's one game that can demonstrate the "play anywhere, however you want" philosophy of the Switch to people... it's this game!
3. Xenoblade Chronicles X. Not a game that has any real multiplayer in it, but still my 3rd choice. Why? Because it's a really neat JRPG and the genre lends itself well to either long play sessions or short bursts on the go (just ask the 3DS with its huge amount of RPG's).
Also, the game has a ton of issues, but most of those are small things that can be easily fixed in a re-release.
@Xaessya Same here.
Give me Hyrule Warriors, Pokken Tournament, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and I'll be good.
Smash, Pokken, and Xeno for me. Haven't had a chance to play either Pokken or Xeno, so them being on Switch would make me more inclined to try them out.
"Star Fox Zero (redesigned for a single screen, obviously...)"
They should make some Wii U ports only accessible to people with a Wii U Gamepad.
I mean they should make the Wii U Gamepad compatible with the switch for select titles.
Star Fox Zero has controls for newtypes.
I don't want or care for games that cater to oldtypes.
Why would I want to go back to poopier controls?
Not for anything. Period.
Star Fox Zero redesigned would be awesome.
Bay 1+2- So Bay 2 can be more assessible to those who miseed it.
Hyrule Warriors- Imagine a Breath of the Wild expansion with story and playable characters from that game similar to the 3DS's Wind Waker expansion?
Pokken- Feel it didnt get to shine as much on Wii U as it should have. If we're not getting a port of Smash 4, this could bind the time till a Smash 5....
Buying a Switch to play Wii U games is retarded. I tell you what, if there a few Wii U games that you want ported to the Switch, just buy a Wii U. Games are going to be cheaper on the Wii U and you can play them now, it's a win-win.
I'd actually prefer classic GameCube remakes e.g. Eternal Darkness
@PanurgeJr If they wanted Wii U games, they should have bought a Wii U.
For those "there should be no Wii U ports at all on the Switch" people, how many of those Wii U games did you actually buy?
Many of the games on this list went ignored when they originally launched on the Wii U. Few of them became blockbusters like Smash Bros Wii U or Mario Maker.
@westman98 'For those "there should be no Wii U ports at all on the Switch" people, how many of those Wii U games did you actually buy?'
I don't understand the question. I bought every Wii U game that I was interested in. Quite frankly, it's cheaper to get the games on the Wii U right now, it's faster too than waiting for some full priced port that may or may not come.
I'd rather have sequels instead of ports... any game I'd want I already have on the Wii U, so I don't really see the point of getting it again so soon.
Frankly, it needs NEW first party games to keep selling. Ports are fine in between but the only two serious Nintendo titles that aren't ports (or effectively ports... Splatoon 2) are BotW and Mario Odyssey as far as I've seen.
That said if they are going to port, they should instead do HD remasters of games that haven't received the HD or 3D treatment yet from the Wii and GC era. Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine/Galaxy, etc. I understand gaining the top multiplayer titles, but there isn't much point in porting a lot of the games on this list when you can just play them on Wii U or make sequels.
@Flowerlark 'A lot of gamers skipped the WiiU' ...and they still are skipping the Wii U even though it looks like they have more incentive to buy a Wii U than they do to buy a Switch (based on the lists of Wii U games they want to play).
I didnt vote for smashbros becouse i want them to make a new smashbros with the same engine, more characters (cloud back, sonic, ryu can also stay i liked him, megaman also he feels at home in smash) and two other third party characters.
I want link to have the breath of the Wild look with many outfits. But with his divine powers from the champions. Or they could add the champions also.
This time i want a storymode with lots of cutscenes like brawl.
@Crono1973 That's exactly what I don't understand. People didn't buy a Wii U for 5 years and now that the Switch is out they suddenly want to play Wii U games.
Bayonetta 1+2, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and Pokken Tournament. I never got to finish the first two on Wii U because I don't like being stuck at the TV when playing video games.
@Alshain01 I know right, I don't even want to hear people who 'skipped the Wii U' begging for Wii U ports. Even now they can run out and buy Lego City Undercover on the console it was designed for (second screen and all) for a third of the price of the Switch version.
@Crono1973 I still don't have that one, I saw it went on Nintendo Selects. Is it unique or is it pretty much little different from other Lego titles (I have the Star Wars and HP collection, but by the time I finished them I was so sick of Lego)
@Alshain01 It sort of reminds me of a GTA type Lego game.
@Dezzy Hell yes, I would buy Skyward Sword HD in a second. All they need to do is turn on anti-aliasing. That game was jaggy as heck.
Mario Maker was the Wii U game that generated Nintendo the most mainstream attention and should come to the Switch.
Even though I would re buy tropical freeze, pikmin 3, bayonet a 2 & smash. The 3 games I didn't get time to play before I sold my wiiu was Starfox (awful control system), Tokyo mirage session and xenoblade x. But fear these games were such low sellers they will probably never get updates, maybe if we are lucky they will be released on VC, again though, Think they use the gamepad screen quite a lot? Another reason is couldnt wait to get rid of my wiiu
@Crono1973 Those that skipped the Wii U probably had their reasons. But if they don't already own own, it's points buy one now. Especially since in many cases they are selling for as much as or more than a Switch.
Plus, the biggest selling point a port could give me the Wii U can't is the portability. I can go buy Lego City Undercover for Wii U, but I can't play it on the go. I travel a ton for work so the portability is the most important factor to me.
And to be quite honest, the Wii U is painful to use for me. It's slow and sluggish and the controler cramps my hand. I don't have either of these problems with the Switch.
I already own a Wii U, and I would still rather have the games on Switch. To me it's just a better console.
I haven't played Tokyo Mirage Sessions yet and haven't found a copy anywhere so if it came out on Switch that would make me happy. I don't want to really see direct ports though. If it's like Mario Kart, Pokken and Smash where they can throw in previous DLC or locked content to give a 'fuller' experience I'm down for that but just the same game is kind of lazy. Use the same graphics or engine and make a new game from it aka Splatoon 2 style and I think that's much more effective.
@Flowerlark You know that people can buy a Wii U and get Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess HD and Windwaker HD on it, right?
Especially if they don't care about brand new, it's not hard to pick up a cheap 2nd hand Wii U.
@Destron For all the talk of Switch being worth the extra costs due to portability I have seen NO ONE in the wild playing one. Now the city I live in has a population of about 50,000 with multiple game stores (including 3 Gamestops) and big box stores as well as a military base.
So why haven't I seen anyone playing one in the wild? Is it because most people don't actually play it in public? Also, the Wii U hurt your hands but the rectangular Switch doesn't? I get it though, you ran out and bought the Switch due to hype and now that you are stuck with it, you want to use it and therefore you need to port beg since the library is sad compared to the closely priced (and superior IMO) Wii U. Before you tell me that the Wii U has a better library because it's 4 years old I remind you that the Switch COULD HAVE launched with a nice sized Virtual Console which is some of the best of the Wii U library. I should also mention that I have had no connectivity issues with my Wii U nor has any part of the Wii U bent from the heat.
@MadAdam81 ...and I can't stress enough the usefulness of the second screen in the Zelda HD games. Something that Breath of the Wild lost on the Wii U due to needing parity with the Switch version.
@Crono1973 Sounds more like you didn't buy one and need to justify to yourself it's OK.
And just so you know, it's OK for people to have different opinions than you. That sometimes happens in life.
I just said the portability is my biggest factor. I don't play it in public though. I play it in my hotel room. But I have seen people with them in public. I rode in an Uber the other day with someone that had one. I have also seen them in the park. Your experience isn't the only one.
My Switch hae never had connectivity issues or bending either. Or scratched screen. Not every thing that you read on the Internet is as big an epidemic as you think. My launch PS4 has a dead controller though. Maybe is should have made a huge deal about that.
I already own a Wii U, so u can buy those games is I wanted. Nothing wrong with wanting those same games on a more preferential system though. Yes the Wii U hurts my hand after about an hour of use, and no I have not had that issue with Switch. I also don't have the problem with my 3DS or Vita, just the Wii U gamepad.
@timson72 I second the HD Zelda games.
i get the reason why some say no ports but the lack of sales on the WiiU means alot of these games will sell well on a better selling system games like Bayonetta1/2 Xenoblade CX are good examples of overlooked and unknown games to alot. i have no issue with ports of older games from the WiiU i just hope they do some kind of upgrade if you bought them digitally even if it cost me 20$ to transfer certain games, but by the way they are going with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe im gonna guess they wont do that for anything other then hopefully Virtual Console.
@Destron I don't need to justify money that I didn't spend. I guess I need to clarify, you aren't the only one who has mentioned that Switch is better because it's portable. In fact, that is what almost everyone defending the Switch has said and yet, I never see them in the wild. You would think that since almost everyone just can't wait to play <insert game title here> on the go that we would see atleast a few people actually doing it. So no, I am not buying the 'but it's portable' reasoning. Indeed, I don't see people playing 3DS or Vita in public either. I just don't think it's a big thing here like it might be in Japan. So why are people here buying the Switch? Certainly isn't for the library and it can't be for quality of the hardware. It doesn't seem to be for the portability factor unless portability means 'I can take it to the toilet with me'. I can do that with the Wii U.
@Almighty-Koz These people who may buy Wii U games if they are ported to the Switch, where were they when the Wii U was current?
I never owned a Wii U so I'll gladly buy ports.
I'm fully confident Smash Bros and Pokken are planned for re-release, on the basis that both of these games have features or items that were never finished with the Wii U era.
Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Donkey Kong
Moreso looking for VC to come out so I can play my Nintendo favs on the big screen and on the go, but a Smash game (minus Brawl) on the Switch would be fantastic
Port the New Super Mario Bros and the 3D Mario World, so that resources can be focused elsewhere while giving shareholders their 2D and multiplayer mario checkboxes.
Port Tropical Freeze to catch new players who might have played the 3DS version of the first game.
Port Pokken tournament to get pokemon on Switch ASAP.
Honestly, I'd like some Sega ports. Segas's library from even the Master System days is extensive and of high caliber. Forget Sonic. I want to see the Shenmue Series, Skies of Arcadia, and anything else for that matter.
None at all. Go buy a Wii U. I did. It's really great.
Now ask me about Wii remasters. It would be a very long list, starting with Sin And Punishment 2.
I feel like pokken, with the new characters, is an absolute must for a switch port! Pokken may very well be my favorite wii u game and I don't much care for Pokemon.
I really want Mario Maker on it, but I think the paid online kinda ruins it for me. Mario maker is probably the only online game I play, and having to pay just to upload courses would be bad.
Would love to play bayonets on the switch.
Port from wii of Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Star Fox Zero was a great game, but it has a TON of flaws. I really liked what they were trying to do, but I feel like like they went about designing it the wrong way. As long as we can get a Star Fox on the Switch, I'll be happy. If not, then at least we will have a ton of other great games
@Crono1973 not owning a WiiU hell to this day i still have friends that think the WiiU was a Wii attachment for teh tablet or something...they really didnt know and the stores didnt help, the switch on the other hand has grabbed thier attentions and alot of them are waiting for more AAA games and if porting some games now to build out the library even if they are ports im sure alot of them would be bought i dont believe they should be 60$ though maybe 40 at most for them. I would rebuy Super Smash Bros, and Mario Maker. I wish nintendo would do something like a Zelda or Mario Anthology thats is all the games up to the current gen.
It's pathetic really, people didn't buy the wii u and now they want it's games. After reading all the comments, it gives a clear picture that the wii u wouldn't have failed if most of you had bought it to play all these ports your desperate for. Anyways there is no guarantee that most of them will make it to switch, you will have to go without or buy a cheap wii u. The switch VC won't have wii u games for sure.
Look, I know it's upsetting to you that the Wii U flopped but it's time to accept it and move on. Nintendo have a better, more attractive console out now that is going to outsell it. They can sell Wii U ports to both Switch owners who didn't buy Wii U (for very good reasons) and upgrading Wii U owners who want portability (and yes, they do exist despite your extensive research suggesting otherwise).
Buying a Wii U now is a ridiculous idea. It's dead. However adding to the Switch library with a smattering of ports makes perfect sense.
People didn't buy Wii U because it was a bad concept, underpowered with a quirky architecture, badly marketed, lacked first-party games early on, had a stupid name and lacked third-party support. A trickle of good games was not enough to save it.
Switch has avoided almost all these pitfalls so far (jury's out on the last one) so there will be people on board who missed Wii U. A few ports make perfect sense.
I've no idea why some Wii U owners are getting so upset about this. It's very sad.
It don't matter if people knew what the wii u was or not, the fact many millions of Nintendo fans did know what it was but didn't buy. Anybody that follows Ninty knew exactly what it was, hell even young Ninty fans know what a gameboy is. All said and done millions of Ninty fans didn't want it but are now crying for its games to be ported,
My nominations-
If there are big gaps down the line quick ports of Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3 and Paper Mario could be nice but the above list will be plenty. There are plenty of GC and Wii games that could benefit from a HD remake as well.
I am a wii u owner but it don't bother me if it's games are ported, they will fill in the gaps and rightly so. The concept was a great idea, playing Off-tv was a blessing for me, while the wife watched crap 😁. Well the name was rubbish but so was the original name for wii, yes it's underpowered just like switch when docked or wii was. I saw adverts for first 2 years but that's all, the Switch or Ninty are doing a fantastic job on that front. As for 3rd party AAA, it was ok-ish for wii u but will be almost non existing on switch regardless of how many units it sells, I do hope it sells loads though. Anyways back to ports, for those that didn't get to play them, ENJOY
Bayonetta 2 is the only one I reeeaaally want.
We'll definitely get a Smash Bros at some point. Pokken would be nice, did it sell well?
Super Smash Bros eh? Because that game hasn't been played or milked enough I suppose. Ironically I bet most people who voted for it already have it on their Wii U. I guess it's the multilayer aspect like MK8 that would work well with the Switch.
I've never understood the praise the SSB games get. I'm evidently in the minority, but give me a good solid lonely 1 player Zelda or Metroid game any day of the week!
I've gone for games that I think would benefit most being ported over to the Switch:
Captain Toad - its bite sized levels would work great on a portable, and I don't think this was the best seller? Could be sold cheap too if they wanted to
Star Fox Zero - basically I'm up for any excuse to remove those crippling controls and give it a chance!
Super Luigi U is probably the only game I'd really want. I wouldn't mind seeing a fixed version of Star Fox Zero that got rid of all the gimmicky controls. After that, maybe Bayonetta?
It's odd, looking at that list of really good games I'm not immediately bothered about any of them porting over.
I've surprised myself.
All good games but for me mostly Bayonetta. I really want that game to be a nintendo exclusive. Sony didnt bothered with this game and Microsoft either. Nintendo saw the worth of this franchize and Bayo2 is owned by them so why not port it over.
Fatal Frame as long as we got a physical release this time. Otherwise DKC:TF, Pikmin 3, and Smash Bros. I kinda want then to give me a reason to sell my Wii U as I'm only hanging onto it for those 3 games and Yoshi's Woolly World.
I want some old Zeldas
@Kid_Sickarus Agreed. If it hadnt been for the controls it would have been perfect.
I would take kirby all day..
I never bought it on Wii U as I didn't want to play it on the Wii U gamepad.
Having the ability to play on a crisp 720p screen would definitely be a major plus
Where's the option "None"? I really don't want any Wii u games on Switch. I want new games!!
I do think ports should be cheaper
If the switch is going to have ports or updates then bring PSP game The 3rd Birthday
Bayonetta 1/2 and Paper Mario: Color Splash would be nice.
Mario Maker would be good but what I'd rather see happen is the Switch and possibly the 3DS get a whole new style of 2D Mario series with a new look and new mechanics. Then towards the end of the Switch's life cycle a Mario Maker with that new style be made.
Didn't choose Super Mario Maker and Bayonetta because I want those to get NEW entries.
Why isn't none an answer? I don't want any wii u ports, there are already enough!
NEW CONTENT and HD remakes of classics PLEASE!
I guess a lot of people bought the switch so they can play old games.
@subpopz so putting it digital on eshop along with the n64 GC WII virtual console will be good
@subpopz your right. I won't buy them. 😉
None for me as I have them on Wii U. Perhaps a fixed Star Fox Zero would be nice, but then they'd probably just shove in some other motion/gyro nonsense instead so many not.
Urgh. A more positive poll would be "What new game would you like to see announced at E3?"
@StuOhQ I think something like what was done with Bayonetta 2 would work best for that franchise. New game (Bayonetta 3) and have a special edition bundle with remastered versions of the previous games in the franchise, call it Bayonetta Trilogy for example.
Seriously? I need new releases, not ports.
Absolutely NO port for Smash and Mario Maker. These need new games really fast!
If they could some how come up with passable stylus solution, I would LOVE to see new Art Academy, and even buy a port, but I doubt there is a practical stylus solution.
I missed Tokio Mirage Story and Paper Mario, and would like play them on a Switch.
Fatal Frame Wii U Needs another chance!
If it takes little effort to do then they can port them all. I'm not going to buy anything I've had on the Wii U but there's plenty of people who didn't have those experiences. Bring them out on a budget range.
I'm generally against Wii U ports (as I then feel I'm double dipping if I want to get the extra content that typically comes with said ports) but my god I would KILL for Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed on Switch.
as long as I can upgrade my eshop version for an nominal fee and not pay full price I'll be happy if they all appeared on the Switch.
I'm with the side that says no ports. I own a Wii U. I don't need to play these games again. Nintendo more or less did zero for the Wii U for its last two years. My question is, What were the developers working on during that time??? Nothing against Arms and 1-2 Switch, but a more traditional game — or two or three — would have been better choices.
Smash is inevitable. If they ported Mario Kart over instead of making a new one from scratch, Smash is in the pipeline for the same treatment. All DLC characters included as standard, we'll get the rest of the amiibo on the same day (why else have they held them back?) and shortly after they'll announce more DLC characters (read 3 more Fire Emblem sword users) and then we'll be waiting on those amiibo too.
@Yasume Having more games to play on the system, doesn't hurt anyone. There are many people I know, who just bought the Switch, and didn't own a Wii U. So for those people it would be like a new game. And ports are handled by other game studios, which doesn't take resources away from new games
Star Fox Zero. Everything else that I enjoyed on the WiiU plays just fine on the WiiU
A beefed up smash would keep me playing for years. I want a sequel to Mario Maker, but I also don't want to dump 900 hours into it again. A port of color splash would be cool because I didn't buy it yet. Hyrule Warriors with all the DLC would be awesome. Finally, I would love to give Star Fox Zero another chance with better controls and maybe some extra missions.
I think it's a little redundant to have Smash on there, as Nintendo has all but confirmed this is happening, just go back and read switch interviews with Reggie et others and it's pretty clear.
Not really Wii U games, but I would love to finally see a proper FHD remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
Other than that I would rather see new games on Switch than ports, but if I had to choose 3 that would be Smash Bros, Bayonettas and Xenoblade Chronicles X
Add Mario Galaxy HD to that list...
I don't mind a couple of rereleases to expand the library (like Smash and Mario Kart), but porting the entire Wii U library at the expense of new game development is a terrible idea.
@electrolite77 My biggest problem is how common it has become to port last gen titles on all new consoles. If I just skip the Switch, I can pick up it's best games at the beginning of next generation.
@Varoennauraa You honestly think Smash needs a new iteration this quickly? There's really not much more they could do with that series. Smash 4 was essentially perfect, and a new installment would basically just add more characters and stages, something they could easily do with a port. Plus, I don't know if you noticed, but Smash games take over three years to develop. I would prefer not to wait until 2021 for a Smash on Switch, seeing as a new game would essentially be the same thing as a port of Smash 4, anyway.
I'd love Paper Mario Color Splash to make a return on Switch as I felt like that game got overlooked being released late in the Wii U's lifespan. It's an amazing game.
Regarding a new Switch game, I'd love a Yoshi's Woolly World 2/Kirby Epic Yarn 2 as those games are fun and charming and I'd love something new that style!
@Baker1000 If I was to guess 3 FE characters to appear in Smash next I'd think Lyn (promote from assist trophy to playable), Alm/Celica and someone in the 2018 FE game for Switch. Changed my answer from before because I remembered that the Smash 3DS/Wii U soundtrack predicted FE Echoes' existence.
None! I want new games and it appears nobody has anything to announce. And I mean MH o RE, NFS, Ghost Recon, Assassin's Creed! Or better yet, new franchises from third parties, even Wii U had Zombie U!
Bayonetta 1/2, Star Fox Zero, and Wonderful 101. Bayonetta 1/2 and Wonderful 101 because they deserve an eventual wider audience that the Wii U could not provide, and Star Fox Zero to fix those stupid shoehorned controls that Miyamoto insisted on. That would end up being proof that either traditional controls or double JoyCons is better than having to look away from the main screen in a frickin' fast paced flight game.
When it comes down to it though, probably everything here at some point. Until development for NS booms in the next year or two, it could use some padding, because it's looking like a rather sparse release schedule right about now. Hell, the next big restock effort at the end of April is relying upon a Wii U port. And then the next major title (ARMS isn't major, sorry ) is a sequel to a Wii U game, that looks like an enhanced port or expansion. Then what, until the holidays? Yeah... Definitely needs padding.
Or just render it at 1080p. That would make it look a lot better. No need to redo the textures or anything, they were fairly good. Same with the Galaxy games.
I don't really believe that we need new Mario Kart or Smash (Mario Kart 9/SSB5). In both games they could add more content in DLC. They could use those resources in new Metroid and F-Zero.
But speaking of ports, I'd like to see Mass Effect trilogy (Andromeda was mehh). Metroid Prime trilogy (without Wii controls) would be cool too.
For me, none, because the only major advantage Switch has over Wii U is portability and it is not too much important to me. Except for games that depend heavily on the Wii U gamepad (e.g., Zombie U), everyone can be ported, but with half the price (come on, $59,99 is crazy!) , of course. I think they can create a new series such as New Play Control!, something like "On the go!" hehe
@MadameSpuki 'I'd love Paper Mario Color Splash to make a return on Switch as I felt like that game got overlooked being released late in the Wii U's lifespan. It's an amazing game.'
What role are you playing here? Do you want to buy it again or are you on the board for Intelligent Systems and are trying to get others to buy it?
It is obvious that Smash is getting a port. I have all the on the ones I want already on WiiU. The only one I didn't was Mario Maker. I know I want new games. I'm going to repurchase MK8 and I'm not to thrilled about that. DK was amazing but I'm not double dipping that much. I'm also concerned for the future of my WiiU because I'm all digital and my and a good chunk of my games are not downloaded to the system. It looks like I got to get a256gb.
I want new games, not re-releases.
@whodatninja Ports won't prevent or delay new games from coming, but new games take time to develop while ports can be done relatively quickly... even if they're only being ported to fill up empty release schedules between new game releases.
I'd like to see compilations of games from the same series on one cartridge.
1. Super Mario 3D World & Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii U & Mario Maker
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, Skyward Sword & Link's Crossbow Training
4. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Four Swords Adventures & Hyrule Warriors
5. Donkey Kong Country Returns, Tropical Freeze, Jungle Beat and Barrel Blast
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Super Mario Maker, and Pikmin 3 would be awesome!
Mario maker and smash seems the most logical, but I still don't like the fact that if it's made, all the DLC is made to be included on disc leaving people who bought the DLC with empty pockets and hungry fr any more content made for the switch version.
If I could choose Smash three times, I would. I NEED IT!
I chose Bayonetta/ Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Fatal Frame.
Bayonetta because I felt the game is great and deserves a bigger user base, which the Switch will probably have over Wii U. Xenoblade Chronicles X for the same reason, but also would be good for people that never played a game in the series to play this before the next one comes out. Fatal Frame because it never got a physical release in North America, and it definitely deserved better than that.
Those three are considered hardcore games, which I feel Nintendo systems need more of, and the rest of the list on that poll are mostly games we know will eventually come to the system at some point (Smash Bros, Mario etc.)
Tropical Freeze on Switch would make it my dream console.
Star Fox Zero deserves a redesigned control set-up but as a true Wii U owner, I'm hoping Nintendo doesn't hit us with too much remastered content and keeps all hands on making new stuff for my Switch.
Just give me a good Starfox game with great controls. I'd also like the HD Zeldas and Wonderful 101, and of course, Smash Bros.
Wow! Big topic huh? Usually don't see over 300 comments on a Nintendolife article!! For me I don't mind the ports at all, as long as their quality ports of quality games from a variety of systems. Ports are like classics, many may have missed a particular game and bringing them over to a new system gives many the opportunity to finally get around to a particular game. And of course with Switch the chance to play them portable is huge!! It also compliments the Switch library all around so I say bring em on!! The more games the better!!
I went with Mario 3D World, Kirby, and Starfox (with more streamlined, traditional controls...admittedly I haven't played the Wii U version yet, though).
@hYdeks The Bayonetta franchise would have the Smash advantage this time too, being a character in Smash by default increases popularity. It's why FE was localized in the first place, why people keep going on about wanting Mother 3 localized, etc.
This is also why Smash needs to have a year 1 Switch port and if possible, open up the DLC hype train again. Smash can really help other IPs grow!
I hope many realize that ports and remasters are usually created by a separate studio, not the studio who created the original version of the game.
For example, Twilight Priness HD was portes by Tantaulus, not Nintendo themselves.
Mario 3D World "2" would be some better, especially if add more characters and new adventure, of, course, with this way of gameplay of classic mario.
Smash bros, well, almost all want new challengers (Bomberman, Shantae, etc.), It would be very good in the "very" probably port for switch (if mario Kart 8 deluxe add characters and escenaries, why Smash no?)
Pokken Tournament; well, I still haven't played, but, well, add new characters (Meloetta, please, please, pleaseee!!!) and new stuff.
Pokken and Smash are two games I'd love to see on WiiU but as full sequels further down the line.
I'm down for ports of everything else though. The WiiU sold poorly, most of these games suffered from that and didn't get the attention they deserve. And ports doesn't mean new games won't be there too.
I mean look at the PS4 with the Uncharted collection and The Last Of Us port. Those games got critical acclaim and sold immensely well the first time and still found a new audience the second time! Nintendo would be fools not to copy this strategy.
Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario Colour Splash can stay where they are though.
There are two that I mainly want.
Super Mario Maker, is the first. I want everything from the first game, but with the addition of more game pallets (Mario Land, Yoshi's Island, Wario Land), unique stage themes for each pallet, new items and new enemies. Really, I want SMM2.
Super Smash Bros, is second. I want everything from the Wii U, 3DS and DLC. Plus a minimum of Ice Climbers, Wolf and Inkling, and stages for each, as well as more music for stages like Midgar (One Winged Angel please), additional trophies would be nice too, but not a deal breaker.
I'd also like them to just support this version for the life of the Switch. Instead of making an all new Smash a few years down the line, give me a constant flow of extra characters, stages, and other content to keep this game feeling fresh, and let Sakurai have a break.
I also voted for Pokken Tournament as my 3rd option. Not as bothered about this one, but it'd still be nice to see, especially as the Arcade version has been updated with a bunch of new characters since the Wii U versions release.
Wish i could vote for Hyrule Warriors more than once.
Anyway i'd like to see Hyrule Warriors, Xenoblade and Bayonetta. Other than that, i'd love to see Skyward Sword HD or something.
I have a Wii U, so I don't need to port beg.
The more quality games that come to a system the better surely (ports of classics & new). Choice is a good thing, a big library is awesome.
I don't understand not wanting a game to come to a system just because you won't play it (whatever the reason). A console is more likely to succeed if it has games.
It's okay. Most people that bash SFZ haven't played it either.
@westman98 Yes, we all know that. The problem is that starting console generation with last gen ports. It's sad that people are not only ok with this but are begging for it. What's the lesson? That you should skip every other console generation because you will get ports of the best games on the next console.
I would love Hyrule Warriors with BotW characters especially Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa, and Revali to be in there. Even if they were just costumes. Bayonetta 2 was an amazing game and a remaster would be awesome.
Most wanted ports I'd want are Smash U, Mario Maker, and Paper Mario Color Splash. I've yet to play the last two and after a while refused to get any new games for my Wii U (except Twilight Princess HD. I'd also like a port of that) Wasn't a fan of the console. Also I'm curious to see if Paper Mario Color Splash will entice me more without needing that annoying Gamepad.
Also im just gonna throw this out there, but Metroid Prime Trilogy HD. Can you imagine?
As a Wii U owner, I don't have any interest in ports of Wii U titles as I already own all of the ones I was interested in. The exception would be Star Fox Zero if they reworked it for a single screen and got rid of the godawful mandatory motion controls. I played it. I hated it. But I would rather they made a brand new Star Fox game for the Switch!
There are a couple like Super Mario Maker and Smash Bros. (the latter I'd like to see as an ongoing game where it just receives updates - lord knows Sakurai needs to take it easy!) but apart from that I'd rather they just focused on new things.
In a ideal world? Super Smash Bros 4 Deluxe (e.g. all DLC, all stages from both versions, new characters), Pikmin Trilogy, The Legend of Zelda HD Collection (i.e. Winder Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD), and Super Mario Sunshine HD (i.e. Wind Waker HD treatment), among others.
I never owned a Wii U, so I'd like Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros U, Windwaker HD, and maybe Twilight Princess HD.
BTW, I don't get all of the complaining about this poll. Port, re-releases, remasters, and remakes have been a thing since the NES, and before.
Can't get enough Mario. New Super Mario Bros. U, Mario Maker and Super Mario World 3D
@Crono1973 well to be clear, the portability is the main factor for me because of how much I travel. I am beyond they partying stage of my life so I would rather go back to the hotel and play a game.
I will admit people play up the portability way more than they probably should, when most peoples ideas of portability is being able to play in another room or their backyard. But I do carry mine with me, but I don't play it in public on the train or anything.
But by that non-logic, you'll have to skip the next console as the one after that will have ports from the next one.
For me, the main one would be Smash Bros "4", then Mario Maker. Others I'd love to play would be Donkey Kong, Bayonetta, Mario 3D World, and Toad Treasure Tracker looks fun. I didn't have a Wii U so feel I missed out on a few good games at least.
@PanurgeJr Exactly! I'm in that group that never owned a Wii U, so any Wii U ports would be new to me. Considering how poorly the Wii U sold, I'm sure Nintendo is hoping a lot of people who never owned a Wii U will be buying a Switch, and for those people ports are fine.
Wish I could add deus ex to the list
I can easily do without, but it'd be cool if they brought some games that sold particularly poorly, like Bayonetta 2. Other stuff it'd be better if they just made a new game entirely, like Star Fox.
There is nothing wrong with ports, as long as it doesn't interfere with the production of new games. That's the fear that a lot of people here seem to have.
Plus, playing some of those Wii U games on the go, particularly the ones that I never got around to buy, is also a nice proposition.
I'd prefer new games. The Wii U is not that old. At all. And the graphical/performance boost wouldn't be super noticeable. Maybe in a couple years when new releases slow down, but there's no need for a bunch of ports right now.
How about remastering some N64 and Gamecube gems...DK64 (enable Kong switching with d pad and that game is amazing), Paper Mario TYD, Super Mario 64, and Mario Party 3 would be my top choices.
@westman98 If the best games on your console are ports of last gen games, that's a problem. When you say 'On the Go', where do you mean? Are you going to play those games while waiting for your food in a restaurant? On the train to work? In the break room at work or just in different places in your own house?
@bilboa 'Exactly! I'm in that group that never owned a Wii U' Well I guess you didn't think Wii U games were worth buying a console for. Then you say: 'Considering how poorly the Wii U sold' Um....
Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with ports, as long as it doesn't interfere with the production of new games. If the Switch's best rated game ends up being a Wii U port, then so be it, as long as good new games are also being developed.
The highest rated PS4 and Xbox One game is the remaster of GTAV. Coincidentally, GTAV is one of the best selling and most evergreen games on both those platforms, as the game still sells to this day.
And you can't be serious if you don't understand what "on the go" means...
Honestly I don't want to see ports right now. We need new games and new IP's. That aside I do feel like the Switch is one of the first consoles to actually justify porting games to it.
I would like a port of BIG BANG MINI from DS
@westman98 'If the Switch's best rated game ends up being a Wii U port, then so be it, as long as good new games are also being developed.' I disagree. 'And you can't be serious if you don't understand what "on the go" means...' It means different things to different people. Where will you actually play it? Most people will admit that they never play their portables outside their house, what do you mean by 'On the Go'?
Poor Paper Mario, now that you're garbage no one wants you.
Let's just agree to disagree about ports on Switch. If they bother you so much, then there ia nothing I can say to change your opinion.
I play portables on the go quite often, whether it's during a trip, an appointment, at a friends house, or even during breaks at work. I'd like to see some factual evidence suggesting that most people play portables at home.
@westman98 'I'd like to see some factual evidence suggesting that most people play portables at home.' I don't have it, just something I have picked up from online discussions over the years and backed up with the fact that I never see people playing on anything other than their phones in public. In most cases people will say that it embarrasses them to pull out of a handheld gaming device in public. On the flip side I would like to see factual evidence that people really are playing their Switch's on the go and not just in their house/yard but I am guessing you don't have that.
@Crono1973 Can't find the survey on this from about 2 years ago, but I recall that number of gamers using their portables on the go on a regular basis being around 72%.
Here is an interesting read, no matter bow you play portables:
The reason why I questioned your initial claim is because your claim suggests people bought portables wihout having any interest in the main benefit of those devices: the portability. To me, those who don't play games on the go would simply have no interest in portable gaming devices at all and would simply opt to play games exclusively on home consoles or PC, but demand for Nintendo handbelds is still high nevertheless.
@westman98 Well I am the weird 40 year old who will pull out his 3DS in a restaurant but I never see anyone else do it. I can see people buying portables for their library, for example 3DS has a damn good library and even if you only play it while the TV is on in the background, you would still think it worth the purchase. I just want to see pictures of people actually using their Switch's in public, shouldn't be hard to come by since everyone claims that Wii U games would be better on the Switch solely because they can play on the go. Since playing on the go seems to be the main value point according to fans, it should be easy to get pictures, yeah?
@Crono1973 You seem to have missed my point. Why I personally didn't buy a Wii U is irrelevant. My point is that, if Nintendo was assuming that most people who buy a Switch already have owned a Wii U, then I would agree that ports of Wii U games to Switch would be kind of a waste. However if Nintendo is assuming (or hoping) that many people who haven't owned a Wii U will buy Switches, then it makes a lot more sense to port Wii U games to Switch. The fact that Wii U didn't sell well at all compared to other consoles makes the second scenario a lot more likely.
@bilboa 'Why I personally didn't buy a Wii U is irrelevant.' I disagree, if you want to play Wii U games bad enough to port beg, then you had a good reason to buy a Wii U. 'You seem to have missed my point. We just have different points of view. I am not one to think about things from a corporate point of view. I prefer to see things from the consumer point of view. I think there is an imbalance when consumers base their debating points off of what is best for a corporation instead of what is best for consumers.
@BionicDodo Even Jesus gets industrial disease!
I voted for mine. I really do not know how Super Mario Maker would work on Switch.
Wow, are you 40 ?
I'm 32.
Take out your handheld video games in public is just so Natural.
Just take your thing on the go, let other people see you play the games, don't mind them if they look at you with weird feedback. Just be confident.
Really ?
I have Paper Mario Color Splash Wii U.
@Crono1973 I'd just like to see it get the attention it deserves... nothing else to it. I played CS and enjoyed the game start to finish.
@Haru17 It's sad one of my favourite Wii U games is considered garbage... even with a few flaws its so much fun.
@Anti-Matter 43 actually but yeah, I am not bothered by it but I have read that many people are too embarrassed to do it and I never see it in public. This is why I roll my eyes every time I hear someone justify their Switch purchase with 'but I can play it on the go'. I'll bet many of those same people don't play their 3DS or Vita in public and they won't do it for the Switch either.
Ports = Benefit.
Not every people want to buy multi video game console due to expensive, not effective, etc. If there are some ports, I can buy some port games that I want for 1 machine only.
I have a lot of Nintendo games and the machines I have now are Wii (For play Wii & Gamecube), Wii U (For play Wii U & Wii), 3DS XL (For play 3DS & NDS), NDS Lite (For play NDS & GBA).
Since I choose Nintendo machines as my Primary video games, I really need some ports from other consoles that have games I want to play on Nintendo machines.
Without ports, I couldn't play The Sims Bustin' Out on Gamecube (ps2/gamecube/xbox), I couldn't play The Dog Island on Wii (ps2/wii), I couldn't play Lego City Undercover (Wii U/ Switch/ ps4/ xbox1/ pc) & Mario Kart 8 on the go (Wii U/ Switch)
@MadameSpuki I didn't care for it, tried to play it a few times and it just didn't do anything for me. Thing is, I did enjoy Sticker Star more than most people but I was ready for it to end before I got to the end and Color Splash just felt like Sticker Star 2 with annoying card flicking and I just wasn't ready for more Sticker Star. Not even sure how the game would work without the second screen.
Usually on weekend, I take my New 3DS XL on the go, playing while walking in the Mall and at the same time I keep my eyes stay aware with my surrounding. Nobody looked at me with weird reactions or etc. So i'm pretty confident with what I am doing as long not being naked in the public, lol. XD
Paper Mario Color Splash Wii U CAN be played without TV. On Wii U gamepad, choose Off Tv play Option and Voila...
@Anti-Matter Is it more inconvenient to play it that way than with both screens?
@Crono1973 A Google search will bring up pictures, but that's irrelevant.
If you don't care for portability, then that's you. Juat don't be surprised when other people who do value portability, like me, mention the Switch's portability as a reason why older titles should be ported to the platform to enjoy anywhere without being restricted to a TV.
like most have said, sm4sh with slightly touched up versions of the content from the 3ds version and all the dlc. maybe some new stages or even characters if we're lucky. i doubt there will be a new entry anytime soon.
@westman98 'A Google search will bring up pictures, but that's irrelevant. Thanks for the link! Since you didn't actually provide one or even suggest the search terms that you used I tried myself. I searched 'Switch being played in public pictures' and I got nothing outside of Nintendo's own promotional pictures. Check it out: https://www.google.com/search?q=Switch+being+played+in+public+pictures&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
If I had a Switch I would play it in public as I do my other portables but I am finding it hard to believe that most other people would as I haven't seen that kind of activity with the Switch or any other handheld. Presumably the same people who would play their Switch in public probably already have a history of playing their 3DS/Vita/PSP/DS/etc... in public and if the number of those people were as high as those who claim to love the Switch because they can play it on the go, we would see it much more often. I think many of the people who say 'I would buy Wii U ports (for full price) again on the Switch so I can play it on the go' are just desperate for something good, anything good to justify their purchase and aren't really going to play Mario Kart 8 in public.
@Crono1973 "I prefer to see things from the consumer point of view. I think there is an imbalance when consumers base their debating points off of what is best for a corporation instead of what is best for consumers."
I'm not really arguing about what's best for Nintendo. I'm talking about what makes sense for Switch owners. If most Switch owners have already owned a Wii U and already own most Wii U games, then porting Wii U games to Switch and selling them for full price doesn't make much sense, for consumers or Nintendo. On the other hand if a lot of Switch owners have never owned a Wii U, and would be buying these ports for the first time, then it makes a lot more sense to fill out the Switch game library with ports. So, the question of how much overlap there is between Wii U and Switch owners is very relevant to this discussion, both from the corporate Nintendo point of view, and from the consumer point of view.
Speaking for myself, I've never played any Wii U games except for ones which were also ported to 3DS, so for me, if porting Wii U games to Switch is a quick way of filling out the game library I'm all for it. I understand Wii U owners will be less thrilled with this.
Of course a Google search will give you photos of Nintendo's own adverts rather than random people's pictures. That's why I said it's irrelevant.
This whole "I don't see people playing portables outside, so thus it doesn't
happen" is completely anecdotal and doesn't suddenly make the Switch's portability irrelevant.
I will continue to maintain that Wii u ports coming to Switch is a good idea, just as long as it doesn't interfere with the production of new games. It's good for Nintendo's business, for Switch owners who dont own a Wii U, and for those who enjoy the added benefit of portability. Whether or not the Switch's highest rated game winds up being a Wii U port (unlikely given Zelda's 97 Metacritic score) is irrelevant and doesn't suddenly make the new Switch titles worse.
Feel free to disagree
@westman98 'Of course a Google search will give you photos of Nintendo's own adverts rather than random people's pictures. That's why I said it's irrelevant.' What you said was that a Google search will bring up pictures (of real people playing in public since that was what you were responding to) and that turned out to be false. Did you even search for yourself before making that claim and if so, what search terms did you use? 'This whole "I don't see people playing portables outside, so thus it doesn't happen" is completely anecdotal and doesn't suddenly make the Switch's portability irrelevant.' I didn't say it doesn't happen, I said it doesn't happen in the numbers that it should be happening in given that most people who defend it claim it's best value point is that they can play on the go.
@Crono1973 "I said it doesn't happen in the numbers that it should be happening in given that most people who defend it claim it's best value point is that they can play on the go."
This claim is still based off of anecdotal evidence. And even if absolutely no one played their Switches outside, it doesn't nullify the fact that the Switch is a portable that isn't tethered to a TV while the Wii U is not. You may not care for it, and that's fine, but others do.
@westman98 Well the Wii U can be played off tv in your house so if that's all people are doing with the Switch, it's not really any better. Wii U gamepad won't be bending from the heat though.
my vote for art academy counts as zero. i demand a recount.
Wii U gamepad screen isn't very good at all and Off-TV play has a pretty limited range.
The Wii U's Off-TV play feature is only compatable to the Switch when assuming nobody takes their Switch outside the home, which is an unlikely assumption.
@westman98 I give up. Port beg as you please.
Paper Mario Color Splash Wii U in Off Tv mode is more convenient than Dual Screen style. Beside, I can Turn Off my TV to save electricity.
@Anti-Matter Ok cool, next time I give the game a try I will try the off tv mode.
@Haru17 It's unfortunate what happened to Paper Mario. Turning from a charming series to a bland tedious mess.
50 posts on this subject and you still can't grasp/accept that the few good games on the Wii U would be welcomed on Switch as part of a bigger library playable anywhere, without on their own being a reason to buy the Wii U. Or that people use their machines as portables. Top marks for persistence at least (even if it's an exercise in frustrated futility).
Why do we have posts saying "I'd prefer new games?" It doesn't have to be one or the other.
@electrolite77 You counted my posts? I'm honored!
If Pokkén ever arrives, they better include support for the official controller! Can't imagine playing the game without that any longer.
Hope you enjoy being perturbed over a non-issue like this.
You seem to believe that your perception and personal experience dictates reality. Its doesn't.
Switch isn't bought for exclusives only. It is bought as a hybrid.
There are tens of millions of gamers who would love to play Smash, Mario Maker, Mario Kart etc. and buying Switch for these is a viable option for previous WiiU owners but more importantly as an auxiliary console to their preferred powerhouse.
Switch absolutely needs the best ports from Wii U, just because there are fantastic games that not enough people got to buy.
I selected over ten games in the poll before I realized you could only select three.
Paper Mario is a Must
Since the biggest selling point of Wii u was it's second screen and the biggest selling point of the switch is it's portability. It means that any successful port would need to benefit from portability without losing anything when losing the second screen gameplay additions. As such there are only a handful of games in that list that wouldn't be second rate and imo, pointless porting over as they would be a backstep.
I like many others I'm this thread would much rather have all the 3rd party games that skipped the Wii u instead of gimped ports of games we COULD ALREADY HAVE PLAYED.
My fear is that the switch will NEVER get 3rd party games as it's too underpowered and can't handle games that came out over the last 3 or 4 years on other systems.
Put it this way, I'll buy a ps4 next before a switch as i played pretty much everything that came out on Wii u i wanted and then some😓🤔
Switch can always get 3rd party support, but the 3rd party support that I mean is 3rd party on 3DS. Even lack of 3rd party Western games, 3DS still keep going and beat ps vita. Don't forget if Women, Girls and Kids are also involved in games industry. So don't even think 3rd party games are just only typical Male games, how about some 3rd party games whether Japanese or Western developers that targeted for Women, Girls and Kids ? Like Style Savvy, Nicola Kanshuu, Animal Crossing, Barbie, etc.
Ps4 may have tons of 3rd party supports, but their games are Totally Opposite with 3DS 3rd party supports. If I can say based my opinion, ps4 may has the powerful specs, but their library games are so..... pathetic, lack of diversity in genre, too much NSFW games, No Girlie games at all, etc. Not attractive machine in my eyes. Plus, we also heard about SquareEnix that considering support their games on Switch. If SquareEnix finally porting some FF games, Kingdom Hearts, etc, I will gladly buy their games on Switch, cancelling my buy ps4 planning right away, because I only got 6 titles of ps4 on my paper so far, not worthy to be played if I still can't find more Appropriate ps4 titles.
Anyway, Switch will have great ports, Exclusive Switch games regardless their Power. Better you consider Switch as your best buddy.
Would love Captain Toad, Paper Mario & Mario 3D World please!
@Anti-Matter Animal Crossing is a 1st party franchise.
I'd actually love a port of Kirby's Return to Dreamland for Wii over to Switch. Maybe give it some online functionality. That would be perfect!
Oopsie... I forgot.
Owlboy is only on Windows, Linux and Mac right now. It's development has been very lengthy to say the least. The dev is working on it alone it seems. Although porting it shouldn't be technically difficult (game engine is XNA), I'm not sure we're going to see a console version of this game.
Why is there no option for 'None'?
I don't need a new system to play the same old games.
@Anti-Matter i know you prefer a family game mate but I'm commenting MY point of view here. I've played tons of family friendly games but i want to have choice, to be able to pick a game from any genre i might feel like playing. I just bought a n3dsxl and i think its great, the game choice is huge and I'll be playing it for the next few years. What i want from a home console is choice and relevance to progress made on existing gaming ideas. The level of violence etc is irrelevant, it's about choice. Having just got a portable with a huge library of games, i have no reason to buy a switch at all yet.
NONE!!! there appears to be enough already in Mario kart and Splatoon.wait Splatoon 2.
Ive got a wiiu for playing wiiu games.
Smash Bros 4 - Cause that game needs more people playing it
Pokken - Cause we are still missing the Arcade Exclusive Characters
Super Mario Maker - Cause that game had so much potential but in terms of DLC, it felt lacking.
For me the switch isn't important at this moment in time, as of right now it's just a port machine. Actually if I didn't know better one would think it was a new neogeo machine that plays zelda. I will wait and see, but for wii u owners it's not a must have, even though some have bought it. When or if it gets its own identity with many exclusive games rather than been a port central machine I will give it another look to see if it's worth a purchase, but right now it has nothing to offer me personally
@NintySnesMan completely agree, well said 👍
Honestly nothing from this list. Sure they are great games but I'd like to see some new stuff. I know of mentioned this once before but Sega has a great catalog, forget Sonic. Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Sega Rally, Phantasy Star, and how about Y's?
@NintySnesMan true. Hoping they have more by 2019
I'd love to try ArtAcademy with 3D controls. If they are precise enough it could be pretty awesome.
Come to Switch: Duck tales remastered, DKC series, Mario Tennis, Rodea sky soldier, runbow, Lego Batman 2&3, Lego movie, sonic lost world, scribblenauts games, Epic Mickey 1&2, Monster hunter 3 Ult, Super Mario maker, Tumblestone, Steamworld Collection, Zelda Wind Waker, Darksiders I&II, Mario/Sonic Olympic Games, Snoopy Grand adventure, NES Remix pack, Lego Star Wars force awakens, Lego Jurassic park, Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero.....not even counting any qualifying download only titles!
Whoa! Looks like I'm late to the party. Why are we arguing guys?
I highly doubt the Switch will get anymore ports than what is already planned, those being mk8 deluxe, lcu, and smash with all dlc characters and stages.
There was a similar poll when wii u was released asking what wii games we would like in HD and none of those games were ever made besides wind waker,the reason for the poll in the first place, and twilight princess, which could be argued was a port of a GameCube game and I'm cool with that.
All these polls do is get our hopes up for nothing, and cause division among us. Now come on everybody, bring it in for a group hug and go back to only being mildly annoyed at each other. 😉
I am honestly surprised they didn't announce a port of SSB4 during the initial live presentation. It seemed almost like a no brainer, especially with the amiibo figures they have yet to release. I still think it is likely we will see a port, or at least some sort of "deluxe" version of it.
As much as I am tired of Hyrule Warriors, I wouldn't mind another port of it, with all DLC and extras from the original and 3DS port on-cartridge. Although I'm sure they would add more DLC to that if they did.
@Fooligan lol
None. I already have all the Wii U games I want.
voted for Smash, Bayo, and DK. I felt that they have the most realistic chances of happening.
@Fooligan I'm amazed people generally aren't arguing over SF Zero's controls anymore. There now seems to be some consensus in hindsight that it was an interesting idea that just doesn't work well in practice. It was only just last year that if you called out the controls for being impractical, some would practically tar and feather you for being so "close-minded," and insult you on a personal level.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Paper Mario because they came too late and I already saved money for Switch, so skipped them unfortunately.
Smash Deluxe, Bayonetta 1 & 2, and Super Mario Maker, because I'd love to have them on Switch.
Wii U ports would send Switch console sales through the roof in Japan, given their love of buying the same game multiple times!
I have see two gentlemen over 30 years old playing there Switch in public. I personally play my Nintendo Switch and 3DS in public. I don't care what people think about me, I am comfortable with myself because I have a great job and I'm married. Society is biased against gamers ( how is gaming different from reading books, watching movies and social media). What I do know is that I'm having more fun than any person around me in public. Most people are bored as f*** on there cell phones.
The only time I care about my public image is when I'm at work. Seriously everyone play your games outside don't let others stop you from having fun.
They need to be careful about what they port. Anything that's too reliant on the second screen for the gameplay (Star Fox Zero, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, versus mode in Pokkén Tournament) or the touchscreen controls which can't be used in docked mode on the Switch (Super Mario Maker, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush) just would not be good choices to port, as the superior versions (since gameplay beats graphics) would then be on the weaker and less popular Wii U hardware thereby resulting in a critical nightmare.
Sure, they could completely redesign the gameplay for something like Star Fox Zero, but then it would act like a completely different game, so they might as well just make a sequel instead like with "Splatoon 2" and the new Xenoblade game.
Anyway, that's why I voted for Smash Bros., Sonic Racing, and Super Mario 3D World, three great games with mostly traditional control schemes that could use a boost in popularity with the new Switch console, including more populated online play in the case of the first two.
@Podoboo Even if "Super Mario Maker" were redesigned to a single screen, you'd only be able to play it in portable mode (due to no touchscreen controls in docked mode), in which case you might as well just get the 3DS version instead.
I'd say Bayonettas because that on the go us incredible and unprecedented...
(2) Paper Mario because this just flew under the radar and fits handhelds....
(3) Xenoblade Chronicles because of the sequel so it'll be on the same machine.
Super Mario Maker is an obvious one but people really flocked to the 3DS version at this point. Captain Toad will be great but will come off as an indie to many people. NSMB and DK pro ably a waste of time at this point as sequels are probably being developed one way or another. Smash will come too but again maybe it will be a sequel of some sort and can arrive later.
@BulbasaurusRex they might be worse I agree but no... "thereby resulting in a critical nightmare." Reviewers never understood or were excited enough about second screen. "Hardcore" gamers/reviewers always (stupidly) asked whether there is a Pro playing option or no buy... So no, unfortunate, but no. They can make any game with regular controls and they'll like it.
@BulbasaurusRex Not quite, there's ways around this. It's not perfect but for example you could promote with the emphasis of create on the go, play stages anywhere. Allow standard controllers for creating but for the optimal experience you can either use touch screen controls in handheld mode or the joy-cons' pointer controls in either mode. Assuming the joy-cons are very good quality for motion controls (I don't know whether that's the case), using joy-cons for pointer controls should be a fine control method.
Of course for play mode, it's just typical 2D Mario so controllers just naturally work well.
My vote is on the "No Ports" side but I ended up voting for Mario Maker. I thought hard about Smash and Tropical Freeze too. Tropical Freeze was an awesome platformer that I feel got looked over by the gaming community for the most part....and that's sad. But ultimately, I'm not sure I would play it another time through so a port would be wasted on me. As for Smash, I would rather Nintendo start developing the next Smash game in the series, but this was a close second because having a deluxe version on the Switch sounds great. I personally still play Smash with my two sons from time to time but I'm about done with it for now. I chose Mario Maker because I feel that Mario Maker should be a game included with every Nintendo System going forward. It would be awesome if Nintendo created their entire trophy system around Maker with every achievement unlocking a new tile/piece/character/enemy/powerup. Players could then create levels showcasing their achievements. Plus, if everyone had the game, the community could be really special.
Forget Wii U ports; I want HD versions of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
I can't just pick three because I would like to see all of them ported. There's a lot of people who skipped the Wii U which means they'd be missing out a lot of the gems that are exclusive to that system it'd be nice to see those games getting new life on the switch
Pokken! it sounds realistic. It's a great game and it should be cool to have multiplayer on the go (2 systems wireless). Also, Bayonetta (unlikely) and Xenoblade. I would like a port of Xenoblade ahead of the release of XC2...
Smash for obvious reasons. Definitely Pokken with all the new fighters from the arcade version (Darkrai, Scisor, Empoleon, and Croagunk) along with even more fighters and new modes, then playing Bayo 1 and 2 on the go sounds awesome so yeah those are my 3. But when it comes to Smash, I want it to be like MK8DX and Splatoon 2 meet in the middle, I want the same game but with more fighters, stages, modes, and even costumes.
@Chanchozoka Playing local versus mode (with the TV/GamePad) on the Wii U is better and requires only one system and one copy of the game. Porting it to the Switch is not worth losing that versus mode. Meanwhile, if they're going to add the new arcade characters at all, they can just as easily add them to the Wii U version.
Such little love for Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Easily one of the most fun games I've played this decade. Maybe with Persona 5 being all the rage, TMS will get some more love if they port it. It's essentially a somewhat smaller, much cheerier Persona game after all.
X is almost a must unless XC2 is so great it fills the gap of X and XC all at once. It never had a chance and is such a huge game it NEEDS the hybrid mode.
So many WiiU games are most at home on WiiU and don't port friendly to Switch. I'm convinced the plurality of StarFox 0 votes are not for a Switch port but for "normal controls"
I don't think that can ever happen. It's a game designed around the control scheme entirely, and I think that's how it will have to remain. It would be a pretty small, uneventful game if it were just a twin stick controlled game. The challenge comes from mastering the controls. It's an arcade game through and through. I would hope a "vanilla controls" Star Fox would be designed very differently than that one. Love them or hate them, SF:0 IS the controls.
@BulbasaurusRex XBCX isn't really reliant on second screen. It supported off-screen on the WiiU. Most noted that it created issues in terms of the map if you played it that way, but the fact that even the WiiU original supported single screen mode means it could easily be improved upon as the primary interface for Switch.
Tokyo Mirage was one of the best uses of the second screen from any game, BUT while I do think the second screen enhanced it, nothing that was on the second screen couldn't be moved into a traditional "select menu" menu. The Topic shows on the main screen and tells you your notifications. Hitting a button instead of looking down to bring it up isn't functionality breaking. Same for the map (where we have to hit select in Zelda anyway.) It was smoother, cleaner, and more engaging on the GamePad, but it's nothing like SF0 or Pikmin3 that it can't be ported without breaking the controls.
Edit: For XBCX I think if they ported it it should be a "Remastered Edition" (coining Skyrim there) because there are rough semi-game-breaking issues in the original like the inescapable quests you can't be leveled for for ages that would make the game far better than just a port though. OTOH, XC2 is a sequel to the original Wii Xenoblade, not a sequel to X which is a spinoff, so I think X, especially if they're not going to do a sequel to X really should be given the chance to shine on its own (and actually a chance to break even...I imagine they lost a good deal of money on that...) since it doesn't really conflict with XC2 any more than than SMM conflicts with 3D World.
I got mine!
@NEStalgia True, either game COULD be redesigned for a single screen, but it would result in much more awkward and cumbersome menu functionality. I certainly never bother to play XCX in off-TV mode when the map functionality is so badly shunted when playing that way. TMS#FE is a similar case., where you'd awkwardly have to constantly be using menus to switch screens as often as you need to check Topic and/or the map, and that game doesn't have a very good menu UI in the first place. Like I already said, it can be done, but the gameplay would suffer, resulting in the very awkward situation of having the superior version of the game on the weaker and less popular hardware.
SF0 isn't a simple matter of tweaking the controls. They'd have to completely redesign them (and some of the levels) from scratch, in which case it would be nothing more than an HD remake of "Star Fox 64." I'd rather they just make a sequel instead, preferably one that actually takes the story past "Command" as well as confirming which of that game's endings is canon.
On second thought, "Pikmin 3" could work if they used motion controls while in docked mode like in the Touch Control versions of the first two games. Although, veteran players of "Pikmin 3" on Wii U may not like being forced to play that way in docked mode after already experiencing the better precision that touchscreen controls provide for playing the game, although then again they can just keep playing the Wii U version instead.
Starfox please, it deserves a proper control layout!
@NintySnesMan i have a wiiu and i wouldnt mind rebuying a few games just to unclutter my entertainment center some, if i could get a few of theese games my WiiU would go to storage. personally i think its BS not allowing backwards compatibility for digital content so if they do rerelease i hope they do a discount or dont charge(yea right) to get the games again.
The best should be ported, so Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros (Ultimate Edition). I would also argue that Capt. Toad, Xenoblade Chronicles X (played almost entirely in Off-TV mode without issues), and Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze could all make the transition.
That isn't really targeting me, but I am not the market for those. I purchased the Wii U and already own them. However, the best of the Wii U should be re-released for those that skipped the console.
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