When the NES Classic Edition was initially announced as shipping with a preset list of thirty popular games, many scoffed. The selection of titles certainly reads like a who's who of memorable NES classics, but of course, there was always the question of why there wasn't some way to build upon that collection with some sort of NES-centered eShop.
Nonetheless, it was only a matter of weeks before hackers figured out how to load other NES games, or 16-bit games for that matter, onto the microconsole. Now, it seems they've taken things to the next level.
A video recently surfaced on YouTube showing off how the hardware would fare when running certain N64 games, and the results are mixed to say the least. Mario Kart 64, Wave Race 64, Super Mario 64, and a few others are all on display here, and while some of them can barely run on the hardware, others are surprisingly solid. It's fascinating to see, and it really makes one wonder how far hackers will be able to push the hardware.
Sega's ill-fated 32X is also possible, as you can see from the video below:
What do you think? Will GameCube games be able to run on this? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 53
Ok now I want hackers to get the nes classic back in stock. #hackathon
Hacked mine the other day,was very simple added a few more NES games.
Neat trick........but I think I'll stick to my N64 to play my N64 games on.
It's like if you dropped a chocolate in a dog Pooh.
You could probably clean it off and eat it but is the risk worth the reward?
Not for me, I'll keep my Nes Classic the way it is as it was hard enough to get in the first place.
So it's basically like a 3DS as far as capabilities go.
Sure that things not a repurposed Wii Mini??
"Will GameCube games be able to run on this?"
Im fascinated by the progress but wouldn't dream of tinkering with my nes classic mini. Especially seeing as they are such a rarity
@lemonjellydude The mod that adds more games can be wiped from the system completely, so if you're concerned about resell value, don't be.
GameCube games. Lol no way
Sorry to disappoint you Mitch, but Retroarch has no core for GameCube. I'm also fairly certain if it did, the NES Mini Classic would surely be set on fire.
WHAT!? How have they done that!?
I was also curious as well does anyone know how much memory the nes mini has?
I would love to toy with the NES Classic ... if I had one.
@JaxonH The 3DS is capable of near 360/9s3 level graphics. Just look at the old Resident Evil Revelations game. Unless your talking about emulator/homebrew hacks on the machine. Then i shall keep my mouth closed.
@DESS-M-8 the Mini actually uses a customized build of Linux. The hack people learned how to add extra files to the filesystem before (to add more games) and now how to replace that shell for something else entirely.
It all running Linux made things way easier, as I understand.
I saw this in a supermarket today for €60. I almost bought it because of its scarcity, but that would be stupid.
Modders =/= hackers.
It would be nice to see Virtual Boy play through the NES Mini. Playing Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Fighting on that thing was solid fun.
@SanderEvers Who new the NES could handle N64 games? A console ahead of it's time.
@lemonjellydude Internal specs on the NES Classic Mini according to Reddit community. So to answer your question 512MB storage being shared by the OS and and any game data.
-Allwinner R16 (4x Cortex A7, Mali400MP2 GPU) system on a chip
-SKHynix (256MB DDR3) RAM
-Spansion 512MB SLC NAND TSOP48 flash storage.
How much is the MSRP in Europe? 60 euros don't sound bad... I think.
@chardir How about Switch games? Can they run?
Oh, Gosh...
Will PC games run on Mini NES ? XD
@Nico07 Cheers! have always wondered! that obviously puts a limit on what can be added if people decide to hack it unless theres some way of it getting any additional storage.
I was actually talking about homebrew capabilities. It runs Retroarch just like shown above, runs 32X and SNES, but not enough to run N64.
But ya, 3DS Revelations looked good, very impressive for 3DS... but PS3 it was not.
lol this is getting daft now. They'll be running Netflix on it soon. Really hope all this hacking doesn't cause Nintendo to decide against any future mini classics.
@nab1 What have Switch games got to do with anything?
@Anti-Matter It's running linux so I imagine it'll run tons of PC games
@chardir Seems the joke got passed unnoticed, but you answered an obvious question, and I replied with another obvious question.
@nab1 The gamecube question was quoted from the article, I don't think it was supposed to be rhetorical.
The Mini apparently never had any security put on the thing, and I don't blame them. Keep the cost down as much as possible, slap 30 NES games on a cheap CPU, get it out the door and then manufacture it at the pace of a snail.
@JaxonH The two emulators shown in the article are ARM based.
A Wii cannot run them.
^^^That wiki shows it for Wii
The N64 games look kind of fine, but apparently he/she can't move sideways/make turns
@JaxonH RetroArch is not an emulator, picodrive and mupen64 are though and you cannot run them on a Wii.
Think of RA as a glorified(term used very loosely) frontend for the emulator. You may be able to compile them for Wii, but the hardware difference will prevent it from actually working.
As such there is no 32x emulator on Wii. Since the only emulators available are either closed source or heavily architecture based that can't be ported.
Ya I have Retroarch so Im familiar with the front-end concept.
The issue was I didn't read your post properly, which you did specifically say those two emulators. I thought you meant the whole thing, like, none of it.
But your point stands. If those can't run on Wii, then it can't be a repurposed Mini. Good catch.
@SanderEvers Maybe at 10fps at 320x240 without any advanced shaders. But again I think the NES Classic is best for NES. If the console had a bit more memory then 16-bit SNES games would be great. But I'm holding out hope for a SNES and a N64 Classic for that.
Great DooM64 on mini. CEX UK are selling the mini for £120. Scammers I say.. 32X looked OK.
My NES mini will remain as is. I have a modded original Xbox with 64 emulators with 43,000 retro games so I'm sooo good to go!! And for kicks a modded Wii with 6300 games!!
If only I could get one.......
@joey302 Yes, quantity is of the utmost importance when it comes to a games collection, especially pirated.
@NintySnesMan Supply and demand, my friend, supply and demand.
if i put nes games on the nes classic, would they run with the emulator already on the machine or do they run with a fan made emulator because the games arent supported on the nerd emulator
@timson72 please give us tips savior.
@PlywoodStick thanks for the nightmares.
Better off getting a Pi 3 B or an Odroid XU4. This would run game better than that. I get it it's nice to have but if you want an all in one system you are going to have to build your own.

"See you in your dream..."
@jsa Unfortunately the Nes Mini lacks supply and slowly loosing demand as days go by. The people who wanted it in the first place have either already gotten it or simply losing interest.
To be honest it seems more like a shipping error than a lack of supply, since there are reports from others of it being plenty in some areas, but being scarce in others, who are still waiting for the next shipment that has yet to come in. Either way Nintendo might be shooting themselves in the foot with not fully stocking this gold mine everywhere that the demand is needed.
Have to wonder if the fresh batches of consoles that come in the future (if they ever do) will have something in place to try and block this.
Want gamecube games running smoothly just hack your wii easier to find in the wild and easy to hack
@PlywoodStick I love that.
Why not emulators?
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