It's been a couple weeks now since Fire Emblem Heroes first came out, and the question on many minds is what Nintendo's post-launch support will look like. We already know that the game will be receiving a lot more mission and story content in the coming weeks, and now Nintendo has put out a notice concerning certain minor changes that will be happening sometime in early March.
The biggest thing here is that high level units will be able to earn EXP from much lower level enemies than before, fixing an existing issue that makes it more difficult to level characters past a certain point. Alongside that, the handing out of rewards tied to the app's launch will be adjusted as well. Here's what's going down:
- The App-Release Bonus period will be extended to 3/14/17 at 2:59 AM.
- The Worldwide Launch Celebration will be extended indefinitely, so the stamina cost for the Training Tower will stay halved and for equipping skills will remain at 0.
- Rewards will be added to the Training Tower between Monday at 2:00 AM and Tuesday at 1:59 AM, starting 2/20/17 at 2:00 AM.
What do you think? What kind of changes would you like to see in Fire Emblem Heroes? Who's your best hero? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 51
At IS's offices:
Staff Guy 1: "Hey, why did we even implement the idea that changing skills requires stamina."
Staff Guy 2: "Uh... I don't even remember Pretty stupid idea in hindsight."
Staff Guy 1: "Might as well phase out the whole idea of the 'Early Stamina Reduction Bonuses' then."
Staff Guy 2: "True, but we should say it's extended permanently for that juicy positive PR."
Toasts in celebration of free PR
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy Really tho, doubling the current stamina requirements for the training tower would be heinous.
@Issi Their goal is to expand the Nintendo user base though mobile game.
Ever wondered why they push getting Nintendo account so hard for Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes? Because you're basically signing up for a glorified newsletter of Nintendo news in Nintendo's eyes.
The F2P money they get is simply a bonus (though every little bit helps).
Their whole market strategy with the mobile market is make people see Nintendo. That's also why Nintendo games are some the highest quality games on the App Store/Google Play (well, game in the case of Google Play). The retweet events are meant to get the world out there: Nintendo's back, and better than ever.
Im loving these changes. I got a 5* Tharja, young tiki, ogma, Cain and Takumi and I honestly think Tharja is my best unit. Im also 100% f2p as of this moment but im planning to spend $20 one day if I play this for more than 6 months.
I've got 5* Marth and Cordelia, 4* Roy and Eliwood.
I despise randomly not receiving EXP. When you choose an enemy unit, they should show how much EXP you'll get for it...a "You're not getting sh*t for this move" indicator
My 4 year old handed my phone back to me after clearing my data......
Fantastic! I was worried that leveling up would be ridiculous if the required stamina was doubled. Also, I was wondering why the training tower had no rewards on Monday. Seems like an oversight to me.
Now, they just need to hand out more feathers. It takes 20000 feathers to get to the top rank, and you only get 2000-3000 a week.
I really love this game! It's my first official venture into the Fire Emblem series, and I look forward to the series' next entry on Switch.
It's great to see that they're working on the grinding portion. As much as I don't mind it, leveling up a character beyond 4 stars is downright impossible otherwise.
I enjoy this. Training tower costs are fair and double would be silly. Equiping skills costing stamina was a worry of mine and I'm glad to see it gone. Extra orbs for a bit is nice and here is to hoping training tower missions drop feathers.
My best unit is Minerva, 2nd best is Camilla though with some more training I would suspect they'd be about equal and better for different then each other in different battle conditions.
@ollyander - If your file was linked to your Nintendo Network ID. You'll be given your save data back after linking it to the app.
I already stopped playing it. I'm playing good Fire Emblem games now, which are basically all other Fire Emblem games ever.
Getting only 3 star characters and double characters probably has a lot to do with it, but the storyline and character development were bad to begin with anyway.
You know what turned me off FEH? All the talking between levels. I appreciate the story but it was so damned dull.
@BensonUii Indeed, Tharja can 1 shot Takumi easily. Dam you are lucky! you have so many good green units! all my 5* is red except Takumi.
I want a good blue unit too but my best one so far is a 4* Nowi. Im planning to make a Manakete team just for fun since I have young Tiki, old Tiki with nearly enough feathers to promote. Just need that Fae.
@Snow-Dust I also have a 5 Star Tharja. She is so good but maybe a little OP. XD
Is anybody bothered? I deleted this after about 30 minutes, it's by far and away the worst Fire Emnlem I've played and yes I know it's free but my time isn't. I'd much rather they made a real game and charged me for it as the controls worked really well and it looks good enough but this free to play route just churns out bad game after bad game. Ironically many will ultimately pay more for this game than the main entries which is a bit odd when you consider the huge differences between the 2
@carlos82 Well guess what, Nintendo's got two other Fire Emblem games in the works.
Just let some people enjoy thw game.
@ollyander I've been playing FE Heroes for about two hours a day every day since launch, and so far it's only used 14.06mb of data, so I doubt it's this game that used up your plan!
@meltendo From my experience, you get exp as long as you're character's level is not too high compared to the enemy. I think you're character can be 3 or 4 levels higher and still gain some exp but if it's 5 levels higher, then you don't get any. The lower your level is compared to your enemy, the higher the exp.
a) there's only dialogue on the first and final parts of each chapter
b) lasts less than a minute assuming you read at an average speed
c) there is a skip button
There are plenty of reasons not to like this game, but the dialogue isn't one of them!
@Mogster I gave up at the prologue chapters. Much more talking there.
Pace seems to be an issue with some modern games. I'm nearly through Xenoblade for the umpteenth time and it's probably my favourite game of all time but the pacing near the end is off a little as when the story wants you to go kick the ass of a boss the game decides to throw another dungeon in front. Normally I'm the first person to run off the beaten track but when the story ramps up the action should follow.
@SKTTR Double characters are good as you merge them and get extra SP, and if they are the same level, you get a bonus level up as well, and my Cherche has two bonus level ups.
I only have one 5*, Robin, and he is awesome. He was the only one I really wanted, because even though I've never played a FE game, out of all the FE amiibo, Robin was the best.
Does that mean that after the 14th March, we'll no longer get the 2 free orbs each day for the app release bonus? The game will get much more dull once it becomes even slower to get enough orbs to summon heroes.
I'm finding it pretty fun myself... haven't spent any money on it but already got a party of 4/5 stars in the mid-20s.
The only thing I would really like to see improved would be how badges are earned for increasing the star value of characters... in order to do this with 4-star characters, you basically need to get them up to at least the high 20's in order to get the badges, only for them to reset to level 1 when you do increase their star value.
Watching the Direct I was fairly ambivalent to this games announcement, but now that it's here I play all the time. The stripped down simplicity and short fights make for perfect pick up and play. On some occasions I find myself playing it more than Fates...
Really good game
@BensonUii 3k points is 1600 feathers only
@BensonUii How much was your score? I scored 3700 last season and got nothing, not even defend points. So only 1600 Max for me.
Nice! I am loving the game a lot more than I originally thought I would mainly because Fire Emblem with its tactical gameplay lends itself to mobile rather well. I don't see myself quitting this game anytime soon!
One wonders if anyone has told them that There's a bug where you can only download up to 89% that needs fixing asap, I want to play this
Good to hear. On another note, why has arena become almost impossible to even win an "easy" fight? I jabe a couple 5 amd 4 star characters on my team, all leveled in the 30s.
Takumi is broken. Overpowered
So far I have been happy with the events and the changes hopefully it keeps going for a while and they don't make changes to make it harder to play for free. I will probably give them some money at some point but not yet maybe when I run out of story missions for getting orbs?
I'm loving FE Heroes, the amount of unlockables and characters to summon have got me hooked. Just nabbed a 5* Marth yesterday too
But if it costs to equip skills and training battles are double the stamina, I'll probably lose interest fairly quickly.
I haven't played that much, I'm on chapter 3 or something.
I got really lucky and drew 3 5* heroes. Camilla, Lucina, and Marth.
I need a better way to get orbs I basically can't get many more (ignoring daily rewards)
@BensonUii Nope, I got nothing
Thanks to this game I've gone back to playing my other Fire Emblem games. I think it works well in short bursts once or twice a day. Nothing too taxing, just to kill 5 to 10 mins.
I like the game, although the story is meh. Good to see that esp will be easier I am having the hardest time getting once I got to lvl 15, I'm dragging between 17-19.
Best fighters so far are my 3 5 stars- Takumi, Tharja, and Marth in that order I feel. I have 3 4 stars that were pretty decent before I got my 5 stars but since you can only use 4 people....
Which takes me to what I would lie to see change. Bigger battles. It's a simplistic fight, it would be great to have 5 people with me, and maybe have levels where it's not an even fight. Like my 5 against 7
"Hi, I am Ephraim, Prince of Renais! I really want to tell you that I don't have sex with my sister." O_O
This has been a dramatisation of my last 5 minutes with the app.
Kind of relieved that the worldwide launch celebration have been extended. After beating the story (normal), I mainly been grinding the Training Tower, knowing that the half stamina will soon end. Guess now I can focus on getting orbs.
Keeping the training tower's stamina requirements halved is most welcome!
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy I know what they're making, my point was I'd rather they had made something that closely resembled them for mobile.
I'm not stopping anyone from enjoying the game, I'll just never understand why they do
Had to chime in, that's my name on GameFAQs
I did everything that I could in the game expending 20 bucks. Now I have to wait, but the only bad thing to me right now is the 20000 to level. I did upgraded my camila, but right now I have only 5k feathers and god knows when the next 15k will come.
And I don't know be more generous with orbs, I would expend even more if the recruitment mechanic wasn't so frustrating sometimes. (2 3stars Mathew in the same roll COME ON).
5* Lyn and 4* Beruka, Sophia and Shanna. We clear up house!
I've tossed around the idea that they did something like this, but you know what?
Even if we're being that cynical, at least in this scenario they're smart enough to realize they should at least pretend to be listening to what we want. Even if it's all a sham, they made an effort to look like they cared.
Which is more than I can say for Niantic.
@BensonUii There isn't enough content to make it too tedious. I am done with the story, and all I have to do is battle, battle, and more battle. Many units are blurring together because it is getting dull. I have rolled 1 5 star unit, and if it wasn't for a 10k feather thing they gave players, I would only have around 3000 feathers out of 20k needed. I have no incentive to do anything if all im doing is farming feathers.
If they sold 20 orbs for $5, they would get $60 out of me a year.
$2 for 3 orbs?!? Considering that we get 2 for free daily and 3 can be earned easily in a day, it is hard to justify spending the cash. I want to spend money on this game, I think it's really well made, but the pricing is redonkulous!
I mean, when an ingame mission gives you 5 orbs? Give us more orbs per $ and raise the orb cost to refill items, or lower the cost to summon!
@BensonUii seems like I was getting an "unraked" result. Now my position is showing, I Will be getting 500 feathers for being in the 100.000th Mark with a 3600+ score
@Issi That's just, like, your opinion, man. A week old opinion.
@Issi Why are you so prudent on not replying to me post until weeks after?
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