It was a bit of a random announcement when Nintendo revealed Hyrule Warriors way back when, but the idea turned out quite well in the end, and even warranted a port to the 3DS. There've been some rumours circulating for a while now that the same team from Koei Tecmo was working on another Warriors game with a new IP and it has now been confirmed that Fire Emblem Warriors is in development.
Not a whole lot was shown off about the new game, aside from the title and some teaser footage of Chrom pulling Falchion out of the ground, but we'll no doubt be hearing a lot more about this in the near future.
What do you think? Do you think this is a good idea? How do you think this game will mix the different ideas and styles of the two series'? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 71
Nice and if it anything like Hyrule warrios it will be great. Plus they got a lot of characters to choice from
Congratulations! They did the one thing that would make the game suck.
It's another Akaneia fest a la TMS but with Fates now.
Keep acting like everything that didn't sell well doesn't exist, IS, but your fanbase hasn't forgotten.
Nice way to take a dream game and turn it into a nightmare.
Great combination! I'm very happy with this announcement!
Eh, I personally wasn't surprised. I gotta see more info from this game to see whether I want it or not.
Whew, now please never lease out Zelda's IP to second-rate cookie cutter developers again, Nintendo.
I'm sure gameplay will be great, as I like Musou games,
If it were 10 years ago I would've LOVED a Fire Emblem Warriors, but now with the drab new characters and the way they butchered old characters with poor
Called it, also I am going to be so broke. FEMusou on the go?! oh yeah!
Should I get this or hold out for the future 3DS port with horrible graphics yet more features? All kidding aside, this could be good.
@AVahne Yet KT like to focus on earlier popular stuff if going by their Gundam games.
@Ryu_Niiyama Haha, I was thinking about some people who were hoping for this and there it is!
at 1st i thought it was a Dead or Alive fire emblem game and was unbelievably excited, love those games...will absolutely get, more Fire emblem is always a good thing in my eyes, plus Zelda warriors was really good fun
Hyrule Warriors and Dragon Quest Heroes were surprisingly pleasant games for me. Just simple switch off and your brain and button-mash games in an IP that I enjoy.
Yes they finally did what I thought they should had done and that is a Fire Emblem Warriors game. This is awesome, this is the true IP that is perfect to be a warriors title. It would be awesome to see heroes like Eliwood and Lyn teaming up with heroes like Ike, Ephraim and Eirika, Chrom and Robin, Leaf and Celice, Sigurd and Marth and many others.
@Solid_Stannis Hyrule Warriors > many Zelda boring fetch quest simulators with poor 3D platforming.
I've struggled to play a Zelda game for more than an hour - Twilight Princess is the sole exception. Hyrule Warriors I 100%ed. Breath of the Wild also looks like something I can really sink my teeth in as they seem to have learned so much from Monolith Soft.
@aaronsullivan After playing both DQ Musou (also yes I am double dipping for the switch versions) I can NOT wait for this game to come out. Just let me play as Lyn, that is all I ask.
@Ryu_Niiyama Welp, considering IS forgot every entry (counting remakes) post-RD, don't get your hopes up.
The roster is going to be massive!!
Please have a playable Validar...
Could actually work
This and/or Super Mario Odyssey will be why I get the Switch.
This could be great. both Hyrule Warriors & Gundam Dynasty Warriors were amazing fun. I think most people that knock the Warriors games haven;t played one in a few years.
It was so unexpected and such a low move from Nintendo and Koei, as if there weren't already enough awesome softwares announced for make the Switch a must-buy ;w;
@CrazedCavalier I'm sure the other worlds will be in the game. It would be stupid of them to leave Ike, Roy, Lyn, Ephraim, Erika, and the other lords from those world out of the game.
Its a teaser that is less then a minute long. We honestly don't know what FE worlds will be in the game. But I doubt
That had better be true. Thing is, they were heavily showing Awakening and Fates stuff like they did with #FE being mostly Awaknening and Shadow Dragon, so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Then again I probably won't get a Switch. Nothing that was shown makes me excited for it unfortunately.
This was a no brainer. I saw this coming a mile away
I'm going to have to insist that the beautiful princess of peerless beauty L'Arachel be featured. I cannot wait for this game. I finally have a concrete reason to be excited for the Switch.
And from what the other commenters are saying, I'll be picking up Dragon Quest Heroes for the first time as well.
my heart died so many times!
Both versions of Hyrule Warriors seem to have one missing character slot... What if they plan on releasing Chrom as free DLC to promote Fire Emblem Warriors?
@Caryslan It would be stupid to neglect the majority of the series.
But TMS.
I think that's all there is to argue here. We've got massive precedence and blaring warning signs in the announcement trailer alone.
Hyrule Warriors is the best thought out Warriors game ever - I am very excited for this game! But please, we need release dates!
So that is what Chrom meant in the Lucina smash trailer....
Oh come on. Hyrule Warrior was pretty awesome! It was a bit confusing at first, but it is so fun going back and replaying each level!!! I am so looking forward to this game!!!
@Ryu_Niiyama Hahaha you might be right!! ;D
I have no doubt this is going to be great. Most definitely on my day one purchase list.
No footage at all... and is fe ready for spinoffs?
@AVahne Because Fates and Awakening are both the most recent games in the series and the best selling ones over all.
There may be people who know who Chrom, Lucina, Robin, or Corrin, but don't know who Ike or Roy are outside of the other dudes from Fire Emblem who show up in Smash.
And that's not even going into other lords like Leif who have never had their games come over here or Ephraim whose has not had as much exposure.
they showed both falchions and three swords from fates
i like fire emblem but if they seriously just pull from those three games i'm gonna be super disappointed
especially since it basically alienates anyone who doesn't have a 3ds
@8tM Hyrule Warriors originally pulled from Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, and Skyward Sword before adding more characters.
Pretty hyped to see this! But I do hope to see characters from FE7, Radiant games and other ones as well perhaps.
I like FE but I'm not a huge fan of Dynasty Warriors, it's a maybe or sale game for me if they don't switch it up.
The crossover works very well per theme, though
That's awesome news, but KOEI please... can't you bring a new Dynasty Warriors to the Switch? We got Samurai Warriors for 3DS and they are good, but DW was my dream for many years. I know I can play most of the games on PC, but I'm not really a PC gamer
I can see the potential.
I said this would be the one thing that would get me to buy the Switch. And there it is. Happy beyond words.
Day one buy for me. I loved Hyrule Warriors and Dragon Quest warriors and I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan. Seriously pumped for this.
@ProfessorToad Why not? It's getting a mobile game.
Fire Emblem Warriors is my childhood's dream, there's no two ways around that. I got tensed up when the Koei Tecmo logo came up, chilled myself out with a ''nah, no way that's happening'', then proceeded to let out a fangirlish ''YESSSSSSSSSS'' as quietly as humanly possible - 'cause 6 in the morning - the second I realized what I was watching. I'm freaking ready to slay armies with Lyn, just gimme that glorious stuff.
This has great potential. Dragon Quest Heroes was a solid title and I think Dragon Quest Heroes II will improve on some of the mechanics of DQH I, plus FE means all three are going to be on the same console.
Without any gameplay footage, there's no way I can get excited for this game yet.
I wished for this back when Hyrule Warriors was a new game,and now it's true
Fire Emblem = SRPG series which (at least on harder difficulties) requires you to plan your moves so you don't get slaughtered, even by regular soldiers
Dynasty Warriors = Action series which requires you to mash buttons and put no thought at all into what's happening, just rush at and kill loads of guys as if they're rag dolls
Fire Emblem Warriors = an oxymoron... sorry, a really stupid oxymoron
First the SMTxFE crossover gets scrapped and turned into a monstrosity, and now this... welp, guess I'll wait for SMT5 and the next mainline FE title...
Am I the only one pissed that they used Chrom to advertise a Fire Emblem game and not Marth? You know, the most known, and pretty much, bishounen face of the series.
This is day one for me! I hope some other characters are in - mainly Eliwood, Hector and Lyn - but it isn't game breaking. The idea of mowing through armies as a FE lord (except Corrin, of course) is attractive.
I'm glad they gave the spotlight to Chrom and not Lucina or Marth. Poor Chrom deserves more love after SSBB!
I just started playing Hyrule Warriors Legends and I couldn't put it down. Being a big fan of Fire Emblem, this is amazing news to me.
Though now I'm nervous over who they are going to pick for playable characters. Given the swords reflections in the orbs, it's safe to bet the main Lords of diferent eras are coming back (I see old falchion, awakening falchion, Ragnell, and what probably is Corrin's sword - I haven't played Fates yet)
Too bad we westerners that don't speak japanese, or didn't play fantranslations just get to "oh, okay, it's that guy from one of the 5 games that didn't make to this side of the world, I guess his personality is cool but his hair is weird?"
I hope we get Mia or Nephenee as playable.
Also hoping they don't make a FE1/11 and FE13/14 game only.
@Luna_110 Hector and Lyn would be beyond awesome
I didn't see Ragnell there... Are you sure you aren't confusing it with Siegfried?
I saw Chrom's Falchion, the Yato, Raijinto, Siegfried and Marth's Falchion.
@Luna_110 You might be right. I thought it was it in the yellow orb's reflection, but it seens a little too thin.
Welp, now I'm afraid they might skip the Tellius games altogether...
The yellow orb has Marth's Falchion, from Shadow Dragon.
@Luna_110 I rewatched it and you are completely right. Now I feel dumb. Pay this dumb man no mind, please.
Also thanks for the correction.
@PlywoodStick You forgot that like Fire Emblem, Dynasty Warriors itself was a strategy game (called Romance of the Three Kingdoms) to begin with. All IPs that got turn into Warriors/Musou games were at one point there own series. Samurai Warriors was called Nobunaga's Ambition, Dragon Quest Heroes was called Dragon Warrior, and Hyrule Warriors was called Legend of Zelda.
When they are their own series they had their own unique gameplay and strategy progression, when they became a Musou title they follow the hack and slash gameplay. Besides turning them into Musou title is the only way you can fully play the characters from both sides (the heroes and the villains) cause in their own game villains like Ganondorf, Zelgius, Validar, and Nergal are probably not going to be playable.
Well I dont like Warrior's games but my brother will play the fecal matter out of this game if Lin is playable. I will appreciate it if I get to play as a big-breasted loli.
Interesting. Assuming It will take advantage of the amiibo Gift, like in the Hyrule Warriors Games, at least I'll have the Fire Emblem amiibos compatible with it, assuming Corrin comes out by then.
@Snow-Dust You DO know that she's Roy's mother, right?
@YoshiAngemon in what universe? Find me a confirmed source from Nintendo actually stating that
I always thought that Fire Emblem and Warriors would be a match made in Heaven. Wish it was coming out on 3DS (but I understand why it wouldn't).
I love Fire Emblem. I don't care for the Warriors franchise though.
On a side note, the shield thing reminds me of Magic the Gathering.
Since this game's DLC is likely to offer more characters and maps from past FE games, old & new, I am excited for it. Also, it is likely it will be ported to 3DS and will likely get a boost in performance on the New 3DS (which I have and I won't buy the Switch for another two years until they release Switch Slim or Switch Pro LOL). If Koei Tecmo add support conversations that provide benefits on the field, then it would be even better!
Hmm, I like Hyrule warriors. But I don't know if I'll dip. And it will be a dlc-fest, mark my words!
@Snow-Dust Not sure. I never really played the Fire Emblem series outside of a portion of Path of Radiance.
@YoshiAngemon that's because it was never confirmed. According to fans, it's more likely Lin married to Hector
@Snow-Dust Yep. There's no "offical" mother for either Roy or Lilina. While there are several options for both, the base story has more LynXHector and NinianXEliwood moments than they do with other characters.
Of course, it is entirely possible for Lyn to be Roy's mother.
Still waiting for that FE6 remake with Roy being able to turn full Dragon with Ninian's blood. But for now, the adventure will be just some pipe dream of some crappy fanfic.
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