One of the most appealing aspects of Disney Infinity 3.0 is the Toy Box mode, which allows you to create games of your own. To illustrate the power of this mode, the developers behind the game have created a workable version of Splatoon named Squid Wars - and is currently promoting this downloadable offering via Twitter.
As you can see from the video below - supplied by Kotaku - this is a pretty clear copy of Nintendo's famous shooter, right down to offering a very similar level design. The concept is to cover as much turf as possible before the clock runs down, but you can't transform into a squid.
The developers are clearly being a bit cheeky here, but this creation does do a great job of showing just how versatile Disney Infinity 3.0's Toy Box mode is.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 82
This is cringe worthy bad and blatant rip off. Also that is arowanna mall and they have no squids.
Well I think they've explained why only Nintendo can make Nintendo games.
Funny how they're trying to showcase their games possibilities, and the only thing they've come up with is copying Nintendo.
I guess Splaoon has made quite an impression if it's getting such direct homages/rip-offs so soon after release.
Disney: We show what you can do with the Toybox!! (Making bad homages/rip-offs)
But come on calling it Squid Wars and calling yourself the squidiest kid on the block without seeing any squid in the video???
I can see the adverts now..............................
♪You're a Rip Off now, You're a Kid now, You're a Rip Off, You're a kid, You're a Rip Off nooooowwwwww.♪
They dragged poor Ahsoka into this didn't they?
@MagicalDreamer Mitsuru Senpai!!!!
I think there's enough to get a copyright lawyers expert opinion on whether they should sue or not. Game mechanics, level design, name and slogan are all blatantly ripped off with no effort to make it unique.
You're a thief now! You're in deep now!
I don't think people are really understanding the point of this. It would be like someone trying to re-create a Sonic the hedgehog level in Mario Maker. You couldn't sue for that. Just like you can't sue when people re-create characters form other games in the create a character mode in a wrestling game for instance.
@Idunno123 disney buys "the swindle"
@Peach64 But this was made by the developers.
Honestly, I don't care that it's a rip-off but considering this is a major DISNEY release, you'd think they'd be more careful? Like...I hope they got approval for this because if not, I'm worried someone is getting fired.
This is kinda hilarious xD
It's a blatant ripoff of Splatoon and I hope it gets taken down. I don't mind if fans create things like this, and I've been very impressed by someone trying to make a Splatoon game in Minecraft. However, it's completely different when the developers themselves are making it since they earn money from people playing Disney Infinity.
Even if this is was illegal, there would be nothing that Nintendo could do about it. This is the Mouse we're talking about.
Overall, parody or not, it's crappy.
Not Cool Disney. Not Cool.
For once Nintendo use that legal team on this and not on Youtube!
@EdJericho They still have to credit Splatoon and/or Nintendo, which they don't do anywhere.
Damn, why is everyone so angry over something small like this. The developers are just showing that you can recreate other games in Disney Infinity, and someone else is going to make a Splatoon clone anyway so I don't get the big fuss. You can't copyright game mechanics and Nintendo didn't invent the word 'Squid'.
@SaKo So if someone else is going to recreate another developers game without permission other than the Disney Infinity team it makes it better? I just don't see any logic in that statement. If I stole your image and tried to be you and someone else did it along with me you would still mind.
And in other news...Happy 30th Anniversary Super Mario Bros.!!!
A blatant Splatoon rip off from Disney, the company voted most likely to sue your butt off for infringing on their IPs.
I do hope the irony is not lost on them.
Damn there are some salty people in this comment section. Spending too much time with squids in the sea lol. Bad pun.
Would I make things worse by saying I got bored of playing Mario Maker on Friday and just went back to Disney Infinity 3.0?
@Koopa-King While I'm not sure their reasoning was quite right, I kinda agree.
The Minecraft Mod is available for free I believe, even if the base game is not. It was not done to make a profit, nor to promote a product.
This, while also presumably free, was created to Promote the game. It's saying "BUY OUR GAME! And enjoy this!" It was made to create a profit by convincing people to buy the base game.
It also doesn't help that Disney are rather infamous for overzealously protecting Their Intellectual Property.
I made a video if anyone wants to check my channel out!
There are no "Ink Physics" in that game. You hit a wall and it turns into your color. It is just a really really bad clone.
But it sure is a desperate move.
Hey, free promotion for Splatoon, I'm pretty sure Nintendo are thrilled! Moreso because Disney Infinity is one of the rare 3rd party games that they actually get to have on Wii U, too.
That music though... :/
Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, though I think they missed the mark here. I think Disney should have teamed up with Nintendo instead of Sony (with the early access stuff no one care for at E3), like how Activision (of all people) did with Skylanders, if they did, this probably could have turned out better than the garbage they "made" here. Just the fact of having Nintendo characters in Infinity would have turned heads more so than having Marvel or Star Wars characters. Heck TT Games should get onto it too and make some Lego Nintendo games too!
Nintendo should quickly announce their newest smash bros. character package "Dickey Mouse", "Suemy the dawg" and "Copyright Duck".
Original, Nintendo created characters of course.
Paying homage is ok, but in that case mention how much you love the original or at least use the #splatoon hashtag or something. Saying in the tweet created by Infinity makers is just being giant pretentious douchebag.
At least you can't lose by 0.1%.
The comments here. Wow, just wow. Clearly the majority of you all just don't get it. And I'm pretty sure Nintendo isn't going to mind, much less sue. That is the stupidest thing I've read anywhere on the Internet yet today.
Attention insecure Nintendo fanboys: this is a downloadable level made in the toy box mode using the extensive creation tools. This isn't even the first time DI has paid homage to Nintendo, see the Super Mario Bros level made in the original version of DI.
Nintendo's hole reaction towards this.
Joking wise, i don't play this game enough to know if this well sue them
And in the next toy box, you can create your own 2D platforming levels with enemies, power-ups, and amii-er-infinity costumes!
Annnnnd now I'm not as interested in this zzz....
@Aozz it's supposed to remind you of Splatoon. That's the whole point.
Couple other comments. The paintball gun item has been in DI since the first version in 2013. Maybe Disney should sue Nintendo, Lol.
Also, I like how this site posts this flamebait article yet never posted their own review (unless I missed it, and I looked). DI3 has received good reviews everywhere else. It's a heck of a good game.
I see a possible lawsuit in the future. The gameplay seems quite familiar. So does the stage, and the name.
...DISNEY!? No no no, Disney made a Splatoon rip-off!? I'd expect this from some lesser-known company or bootleg game maker, but Disney!?
@CosmoXY #38 Well to be fair. NL has always been reporting about any games that were heavily "inspired" by Splatoon. They also reported on the Minecraft one and the TF2 one; it's nothing new for them to report on this one.
Anyways, they do praise DI3 in the end by saying that "this creation does do a great job of showing just how versatile Disney Infinity 3.0's Toy Box mode is". They never really said anything negative other than saying that the developers are a bit "cheeky".
@CosmoXY Yet, there are no reference to Splatoon whatsoever...
"Created by Disney Infinity Team"
It's probably meant to show what you can do with the Toy Box feature, but you should at least give credit where it is due. Especially when it's so obvious like they did here.
The game is obviously a blatant copy of Splatoon, and to be honest a pretty bad one at that. Whether or not Disney is directly involved in this, I don't consider this game a homage or tribute to Splatoon as it never credits it or the developers.
Although in the end, even if they could take legal action I highly doubt Nintendo cares, especially considering it's Disney. That just sounds silly.
How brazen is that?! I fear that Nintendo won't even file a lawsuit against it...
@MagicalDreamer There were already Splatoon-mods in Minecraft and Team Fortress. But they were awful.
@MrGawain: Exactly!
Did the developers make this? It looks awful.
And lol at all the people calling out Nintendo fanboys for being upset about this. Disney fanboys/fangirls are awful.
You've got to be kidding me. This just made my 0% chance of getting this game a negative 50. I can't believe Disney of all people would rip-off Nintendo.
This is great guys. I've said it before and I'll say it again: more exposure for Splatoon can only be a good thing.
Lol, bad promo for Splatoon. Hopefully people who haven't played or know much about Splatoon don't take this as an accurate approximation to inform their opinion whether Splatoon is worth playing or not. Disney is either doing a really bad job of promoting their game or doing a clever job of driving buyers away from Splatoon in hopes they'll consider Disney games.
It's not even subtle with the name, gameplay, and what appears to be Arowanna Mall.
@Peach64 In the other instances I agree with you. But seeing how this isn't being done by players, this is being done by Disney themselves, and it is being used to profit (sell Infinity) off of Nintendo's IPs I'm pretty sure Nintendo has a strong case. However I doubt Nintendo would go after Disney, they are more interested in going after their own fans.
I smell a copyright violation lawsuit!
Nintendo should at least take down their video and tweet. They used Splatoon to advertise their own game and they made a desperate attempt at recreating Inkling slang.
Is it ripping off Splatoon? Of course it is.
Is that ok? Well, ya, had they not gone so far as to include squids. The concept is genius and surely won't stick to one game alone forever, but including squids... that takes it across the line from enjoyable copy to questionable plagiarism.
I take this as a good thing. Nintendo's gameplay mechanics is becoming more well known in the same way Mario (platform and racing), Zelda, Metroid, Smash, Brain Age, and so many of their franchise have been used in other games.
One can say copy while another can say inspired depending on who created the game.
Guys, it is clearly inspired by and based on Splatoon. DI is not even trying to hide that. And seriously, does anyone here actually think that with the wealth of Disney, Marvel and now Star Wars content in this game that Disney would need to resort to plagiarism to try to sell their game?
No, this is just one of what will eventually be hundreds if not thousands of downloadable "toy boxes" that just give additional game play and content. Watch their Toy Box TV programs on YouTube to get an idea of what they're doing here.
Sheesh, those of you thinking this is some serious infraction are out of your minds. It barely even registers as newsworthy if you ask me.
what the heck why do they think that's okay
What makes Spaltoon Splatoon, and not simply DeBlob: Paintball Wars (note to anyone who missed DeBlob - there is a multiuplayer mode where the person who colors the most area wins), is the ability to change into a squid, swim quickly in your own ink, then transform back into a kid and shoot someone, then transform back into a squid to either hide and ambush or swim somewhere else. As far as I can tell this game has none of that, it's more of a bad imitation of the Minecraft mod than of Spaltoon. The Minecraft mod is so much better I wouldn't even bother w/ this mod, it looks lame. I wouldn't even pick up my phone to call my lawyers if I were Ntineod, not worth it for the free advertising of Spaltoon. Nobody is buying DI 3.0 for 1 lame toy box mod. Splatton and Nintnedo are gaining more than losing on this free mod homage.
This is not Splatoon. You get points for the walls.
Also the thing some people tell me is this is user generated content despite it saying it is by the dev team? That would change it to just being cheeky (user generated content is always full of imitations).
Having played it this mode is pretty broken compared to the real Splatoon game. I can't recall exactly but I believe this is user created content and not the studio that developed it. As mentioned by others this shows how versatile the Disney Infinity 3.0 game is and some of what you can do with it. I really enjoy it and Splatoon. If anything it should drive people to play the real Splatoon game that much better in many ways.
Eh, I can't say I like this. User generated content for a free game doesn't really bother me, but when developers are doing it without any known consent and plastering if up on their Twitter falls a bit past "fun little homage" into "hey look uninformed consumer, Disney Infinity 3.0 also comes with Splatoon" territory. I wouldn't call this sue-worthy (especially considering Disney's lawyers), but Nintendo should at least give a strong "suggestion" for Disney to not promote the game with it.
I adore splatoon but having watched the video I can truthfully say that this looks like the opposite of fun, to me. If the developers of this wanted to demonstrate how soulless and dull an experience you can create in Disney 3.0 I'd say they'd done a good job.
They couldn't even design their own stage?
@Fidu True..Just True xD
Actually, I wonder how long it'll take until some real large-scale Splatoon clone will turn up. Probably on the PC first, probably free-to-play. The gameplay appears to have quite some impact on the shooter scene, so it's just a matter of time until something similar will turn up (not necessarily something that would call for a lawsuit, as it's very rare that those are successful, and for a good reason Nintendo hasn't done so in similar instances).
It would be better if Davy Jones was running around painting stuff. It would make more sense. Contextually that is.
Goodness that looks so boring and terrible. Even the minecraft and Teamfortress 2 Splatoon mods were done far better.
This is nothing compared to splatoon. This is mostly a 'tag as much objects as you can'
The tony hawk games did that better.
Why is this news? It's a level from a good game inspired by another good game.
This sucks... but it's been done before with mario kart clones and that dodgy playstation version of smash have to accept it i guess
lol well di and skylanders are getting into karting so why not? still won't be as fun as the real deal and it wont cannibalize sales. I doubt somebody wanting splatoon will get this as a work around.
No lawsuit, calm doooooown!
This isn't a big deal. This isn't going to take anything away from Nintendo. The people who want to buy Splatoon are still going to buy it. This will not change anything. My only fear is that people who have not played the game may think that it's "just like Splatoon" thus giving Splatoon a bad impression.
This reaction is ridiculous. It's a cute little homage by the DI Devs.
Where was this outrage when we saw the Pac-Man clone made in Mario Maker? Not like that was done by just "users", either.
I think people are being defensive because Nintendo has struggled recently, and Splatoon is a genuinely popular new IP.
My first reaction on hearing this news was "are you kidding me, Disney"?
Then you watch the video and it's more of an homage that barely does more then approximate the general idea of Splatoon, and not some major implementation of a rip-off or anything too sinister.
I think the generally contentious attitude in console gaming has made us all a little wary of these things, but this looks mostly harmless.
No squids swimming? No Stars!
@FLUX_CAPACITOR Your last point can basically be summed up as, "If someone is bigger than you, don't point out when they do something wrong." That is pathetic. Just because someone is bigger than you doesn't mean you can't stand up to them when they are wrong.
That said, I don't think Disney has done anything wrong anyway. Suing is a dumb idea, but not because we all should cower in fear from the powerful, but because nothing illegal has happened here.
Nice homage.
An utter embarrassment for the brand. They couldn't even be bothered to take a clever spin or make a funny homage. What they made and how they promoted it is just embarrassing.
Someone told me this mode was offered in the 2.0 version of this title so I'm unclear if it's actually a full rip off.
@SomeBitTripFan "User generated content for a free game doesn't really bother me, but when developers are doing it without any known consent and plastering if up on their Twitter" Yeah, this. If a user had made it, I would be more open to it, since it would be a non-interested party infringing on Nintendo's I.P. Disney has a reputation for being a copyright troll so this seems very hypocritical. However, I doubt this was even okayed by anyone in upper management at Disney, but I assume someone from legal would have looked things over.
Whether or not this is a copyright violation, whatever the intent of the creators even if it was "homage", this just seems like an industry no-no. It just reeks of desperation, which doesn't even make sense since Disney Infinity is an established brand in its own right. Squid Wars? Seriously? "Ink Wars" or "Paint Wars", those would have made sense... Squid wars just makes it a slap in the face, since there seem to be no squids involved.
No no no, just no!
I really tried to like the infinity games, but I still didn't like it.
Now I see this and be like ''WHAT THE DUCK IS THIS?!''
It looks terrible, I think I'm pretty much done with Disney infinity...
This looks like a third-rate mod.
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