A number of readers are correctly observing how these figures were listed in the last couple of weeks. Your humble scribe had missed that, so please understand.
Original Article:
As amiibo fans will know, there are new Animal Crossing figures on the way that'll be supported in Animal Crossing amiibo Festival; in fact, the figures are essential to play the Wii U release. Nintendo formally unveiled Isabelle, Mabel, K.K. Slider and Tom Nook during E3, but four more are also on the way.
These characters have popped up on Nintendo's official amiibo page - these are Cyrus, Lottie, Reese and Digby. This writer's undeniably charmed by Digby.
All are down for a 'Holiday' release. Are you tempted by any of these?
Thanks to Brewsky for the heads up.
[source nintendo.com]
Comments 91
I could swear you already posted about this...
They look like they're really high quality. I still think Nintnedo is overdoing it a bit with Amiibos now.
Am I tempted by this Amiibo range? Without a proper Animal Crossing game, NO!
I'm certain there these were shown during E3 week in several product shots.
I only want a Wendell amiibo.
this only mentioned 7 total. I know I saw 8 at the E3 events. And all 4 of these were part of those 8...
Definitely getting this line. The other four are Isabelle, Tom Hook, KK Slider and Mabel. Plus these four that is eight.
Wow, I would love to buy these for my wife if there was an actual Animal Crossing game? You know like a normal video game company would do it would actually make video games! I am really kind of disappointed at Nintendo they have apparently written off the Wii U and moved all their attention to the new nx whatever that is, if I am NOT impressed I will be so so sad but I will have to jump into Xbox, & I have never owned an Xbox in my life
I thought we already knew about these amiibo. Too bad they'll be wasted on a board game. Looks like we're going to be waiting for NX.
I am excited for the Amiibo Festival game. Yeah it's not a proper AC game but it will be fun for me to play with my kids and for c*sakes people were complaining that there isn't a game for Amiibos and we finally get one and everyone is upset because it isn't the AC that they thought they were entitled to. Nintendo never said we were getting a proper AC game for the Wii U. It was just a rumour.
I knew about these amiibo since E3...
The moment I read "This writer" I knew it was a Thomas Whitehead article.
Anyhoo, I thought the eight amiibo were established not long after the game's announcement, even though it was just the first four initially announced. I also read recently that Isabelle and Digby will be the two included with retail copies.
Give me Tangy or sod off! Damn that girls loves her dresses! Cheeky minx!
You've already shown these ages ago!
The figures are fine but the Animal Crossing games built around them are pretty sh*t so far.
Sooo... Instead of creating more stock on existing figures, they're spreading themselves thinner and thinner by making so many... Nintendo, please find some sort of balance. :c
I'm wanting to pick up all of these. I won't be playing the game these are made for, though.
I am tempted for the figures, that's for sure (they look so nice....) but the game they run with isn't catching my eye so far. Heck, I'd even consider them if they worked with Happy House Designer, but alas, they only work (so far) with that Amiibo Festival game. I want the figures, I really do, but I see no purpose for me to have so far.
I may have to get Isabelle, Digby, Cyrus, and Reese anyways sometime in the future just because of how nice they look, but, they're not going to be day one purchases.
People really dislike the Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival game
Can't wait for them to be impossible to find a day after their retail release!
@Azikira - I think their balance is release them in Japan and the EU first, US 3 months later. See Yoshi.
Still no Mr. Resetti? The guy was practically created to be an amiibo.
@A01 I don't even understand why people are so bothered about completing the Smash collection.
Yea, people seem to only be buying the characters they really like from other Amiibo lines...But isn't that what these were intended for in the first place? I don't think Nintendo really planned on people buying every single Amiibo.
These were already shown
These look too great... Gonna be hard to resist.
No. Unless Nintendo bring a real animal crossing to the Wii U these amiibos are a no buy. Vote with your wallets folks!
They're Having so much problems with keeping up the current amiibo's and are Lying about not doing this on purpose. I mean, i believed them until they started repeating the exact same thing(which was 1 day later). I cannot believe a 125 year old game/toy company can't mass produce toys they invented themselves for more than 1 whole year. Sounds like an unreliable company to me.
WTB Goldie xxx
As usual I want them for the figure not the game. I love that Reese and Totakeke
Happy Birthday #4 and Happy Independence Day! Maybe in the future we will see Resetti.
They can't even stock the Smash line adequately, why do they keep insisting on creating more lines for single games?
@sinalefa Thanks again. In honor of the 4th I'm going to give you a pass for any upcoming day you miss, we've still got a ways to go.
We know about these ones, where have you been?...
Huge Animal Crossing fan (and yes, disappointed by the new AC game amiibo parade or whatever) but these characters look great as amiibos and i will be getting them.
Was is confirmed that Villager would work with amiibo Festival?
Being a fan of MP10's Amiibo Party, I'm actually interested in AC amiibo festival.
I believe the game will be free to download but you need to buy the amiibos for it so even with one per player, it's not going to be much more expensive than a full game purchase.
I'll probably only buy K.K. Slider and Tom Nook, not for AC: Festival Whatever, but just because I love AC and they're among my favourite characters in the series.
I guess they aren't allowed to make spin off games anymore. The internet whines more than my baby.
Just like the real news, you guys ran out of stuff to report so you repeated something.
Amiibo Festival = yawn. Just for them to cash in on something.
I'm going to buy all of them.
I'll never, ever use them.
But I'm going to buy ALL OF THEM
Where's Blathers? He's the only one I want!
Aw, I thought this would be about NEW figures! These were already shown. And I got my hopes up for Blathers.
Who's Lottie? Never come across her before in New Leaf (though I did lose all my data from it about 8 months ago and haven't played it since, can't bare the thought of starting all over again).
So... is this all just a confirmation that NX will support amiibo (duh) and there will be an mainline Animal Crossing game at launch for NX? I think it is. Meanwhile, I'd like to know if Amiibo Festival is free. To me it's the only way. That way the amiibo are what pay for the development of the super-simple looking game. I might even say it looks charming and AC-like... if it's free.
Managed to find a Lucina this morning. Well chuffed.
I've found Wario, but don't have to money :/
I'm back into the craze, trying to catch up and get them all. I currently have 39 amiibo in total...
Want the amiibo, don't care for the game.
I want female Villager and Resetii amiibo
Members of animal crossing forum have 3,000 hours logged and four DSs do they can unlock the multiplayer stuff on their own. They're going to buy 100 each...
@aaronsullivan Yeah. Thankfully the game itself is free. That means, all you really need are the amiibos.
@A01 100% agreed. I'm pretty much the same. Nintendo is really bad at reading the market. They just see "People buy Amiibos". They don't understand that it's hardcore fans and collectors who want all those characters they were never able to get before. I'm sure the AC Amiibos won't go that great. If the rumors about the StarFox Shuttle are true, I'd come back for that one for sure...
I... I just want a Buck amiibo. That's all I want. I want to get shredded with that guy. Go to weight lifting competitions.
Here is hoping we get an alternative villager boy and a girl.
@Aromaiden wait. Is AC Amiibo Festival actually free? I was hoping/kidding. If it is I missed a beat somewhere but that would e good.
@aaronsullivan Yeah. I believe the forum for it has a link to where they said that the game is actually free to play.
@ThomasBW84: You have to misremember. While only four of them have been leaked before, Nintendo actually showed off all 8 AC amiibo during E3.
@Pokefanmum82 , Nintendo is a weird company, Nintendo does not bring as many great games to the Wii U because of its low install base, people don't want to buy the Wii U because it does not have as many games, and then they don't even bother to bring their core franchises to the system further dooming the Wii U I really enjoy my Wii U but its getting really hard to like Nintendo currently
So you're telling me anytime something sells out it's because the companies doing it on purpose? Sony must've conspired with the PS4, and Nintendo with the Wii. Amiibo are extremely popular- it's a verified fact they're producing nearly 70,000 a day. Per DAY. But you "just know" they're doing this on purpose?
Right, because 70,000 a day is clearly an attempt to short available stock, which is also beneficial to them because selling less somehow rakes in more money now?
You guys need to get off the conspiracy theories. Been watching too many movies or something. This is not some grand master plan to short stock- they're just really popular and manufacturing can only make so many per day.
But if you look restocks are everywhere! Everywhere! Amiibo everywhere! Amazon and Best Buy just had MASSIVE restocks in Canada, Walmart restocks on Wednesday, and the US has been getting flooded with restocks lately. DDD and Ike at GameStop next week.
You really don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry but you just don't. Wave five is available so much people can't even get rid of them. They're STILL available in Europe, weeks after they released.
Pretty soon they're going to have to scale back production because they're making too many. Mark my words on that
I think Nintendo has released more games per year on Wii U than 3DS. Every generation is missing a franchise or two that people want. We got no Star Fox or Pikmin last generation, and there were 100 million Wii owners. Yet we are getting both of those this generation.
I actually think they've made more worthwhile games for Wii U in 2.5 years then they made for the Wii its entire lifespan.
Not really sure what you're basing that statement on. This fall is one of the biggest lineups on Wii U since it launched. Let's not get carried away here by pretending they're not making games for the system or something...
As much as I like amiibo, the ac character selection leaves something to be desired. I'm surprised is isabelle doesn't hv her standard green outfit, and that some more popular characters haven't been chosen (more villagers, shampoodle)
Good old Nintendo milking the hell out of amiibo. I'd say vote worth your wallets, but everyone is too busy throwing their wallets at Nintendo!
Yet, still no Sable. Like @Lizuka said, why one and not the other? Or Labelle, for that matter?
At least we have K.K.
@JaxonH @Reusinck. Jaxon, dude, we talked in another forum already that it's not a 'fact' that Nintendo is producing x amount of amiibo, and there's no sure way to know unless Nintendo tells us directly since we don't know how long it actually takes to create x amount of amiibo. Additionally. The numbers you estimated assumed that all amiibos appeared at the beginning release day (and that was closer to 50k a day), which is unlikely bc it probably took several months of manufacturing prior to the release day to create the initial amiibo stock (i.e. Less than 50k a day were being produced). That all said, you can point to restocks and reggie's words to say, 'no purposeful shortage and more amiibo are coming', but it's not truthful to claim the numbers you are claiming without solid evidence
Mathematics does wonders. Take total and divide by number of days. I can assure you they did not manufacture 6 months of stock ahead of time and release it slowly over six months. Long-term averages are much more accurate than short-term. Taking the total number shipped over a period of half a year is a very accurate way to estimate the number they are manufacturing. You can argue semantics all you like, i'm not here to prove a point of exactly how many they ship per day- that's not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is that they are not purposely limiting stock- which is more than evident by the millions they have produced in such a short amount of time and by rare Amiibos becoming less and less rare. Second hand value is plummeting for every Amiibo which receives a restock.
Even wave 5a- Palutena, Ganondorf, Zero Suit and Dark Pit flooded the market. So much so the price has dropped to just over $20 each from foreign retailers- and they haven't even released in the US yet. Compare that to 3 months ago, when wave 4 Amiibo consistently sold for $50 apiece on the secondhand market. Prices are dropping. Why? Because supply is been cranked up and cranked out a pace that is actually catching up with demand.
The larger point is this: it doesn't matter if it's 70,000 a day or 50,000. The point is they're making as many as they can- contrary to conspiracy theorists who repeatedly claim that simply because they want an item they cannot obtain it is intentional- some grand conspiracy to short stock and limit their revenues? Because limiting revenue is obviously the best way to make money.
If they were trying to limit stock, none of these restocks would've happened. GameStop wouldn't be getting restocks on Wednesday, Walmart wouldn't be getting restocks on Tuesday, Best Buy wouldn't have gotten a restock of every single rare character up through wave 4 last week. Because it kind of defeats the purpose of limiting stock intentionally.
If it makes you feel better, then fine- they have produced "THE EQUIVALENT OF" nearly 70,000 a day. Doesn't change the total amount they shipped to stores since they launched.
Disappointed at some of the Choices, ones Like Isabelle, KK and Nook were all good picks, but not so keen on ones like both of the Alpaca duo and Lottie, I would of prefered Resetti, Capt'n and Dr Shrunk (maybe if they do a wave 2?)
...None of these are new.
Allll of them are on the timeline for upcoming games/amiibo.
But thank you for the reminder.
Don't you mean moNOPEoly?
Hope the retail ones look as nice. Presumably these are prototypes. Between these and the cards I'm gonna be broke.
Way too many amiibo and not enough reason to buy anymore.
@MegaMii She is a new character and will be introduced in Happy Home Designer!
I did make mention in my post, that your main point is that Nintendo is not limiting stock, to which i agreed in the first discussion about this and now. If that's the point, you can say it as such.
But it's not right to use 'x number of amiibo manufactured per day' and claim it as a fact to try and prove your point, when it is not a fact, and likely your estimated number is a fair amount lower than that.
Amiibo first released; 11/21/14
10.5M amiibo shipped, article mentioning it at beginning of may 2015
To simplify calculations, roughly 6.5 months, estimating 30days/month
10.5M / (6.5 mo * 30 days) ~= 53.8K amiibo per day
But this is assuming that the initial stock of amiibo was just 'ready' on the day of release. More likely it took several months of manufacturing. Assuming a speedy production time of 3 months, that puts the total at around 36.8k a day, but it could be lower than that.
70k/54k = 1.296 = claim is roughly 30% more than actual
70k/37k = 1.892 = claim is roughly 89% more than actual
I have no issue with your claims that nintendo is producing a lot of amiibo and trying to satisfy demand, but use either more accurate estimates and call them estimates, or don't claim numbers as "fact" because in honesty those can't be proven accurately at this time, without knowing insider information into how long it actually takes to produce amiibo, how long prep time was, and whether Nintendo is actively creating amiibo (could be delays in manufacturing contracts, etc).
Good grief, Lottie's horrifying! O_O'
Also guys, calm down, they probably haven't revealed all of them yet! I'm sure Sabel, Labelle, Shrunk, Kapp'n, Gulliver, Resetti, the Nooklings, Shampoodle, Blathers, Celeste, Kyle and Kicks will all be announced in due time!
If so, I definitely want K.K., Kicks, Isabelle, Celeste and Cyrus ones, those are all my favourite NPCs.
Like I said, if it bothers you that much, then fine. They are releasing "the equivalent of" nearly 70k a day. Either way makes no difference. Doesn't matter if they made 1 million a day and none for the next two months, what matters is the long-term average.
And with the long-term average, they are averaging close to 70,000 a day being shipped to stores.
It's six in one, half a dozen the other. The bottom line is the total output.
I don't care anymore. I couldn't get all the wave 4 amiibo without paying a ridiculous amount on eBay, so I give up. Probably better I give up now and save myself more frustration and money.
And here I was complaining that Isabelle gets a ton of attention for being an annoying character. Digby? Really?
@Vineleaf Isabelle's kinda the main character in New Leaf so of course she's gonna get a ton of attention... Digby's one of the main NPCs in New Leaf of which all the Amiibos thus far appear to be so of course he would be among them...
Isabelle's also not an annoying character, she spends pretty much all her time behind a desk, performing her duties. She's a bit on the awkward side, sure, but she's basically the same, personality-wise, as most of the female villagers. I honestly fail to see what about her could make her appear to be annoying to anyone, she's just kinda there to do what she has to do.
@Godlygamer HAHA
@Pokefanmum82 It's not a game. It doesn't have gaming elements in it.
Soon Wii u will have more Amiibo than games. That's not even a joke!
Reese and Cyrus look great!
The mere existence of a Mable amiibo means even more will show up though, as people will surely be wanting Sable as well.
...I'm 90% sure that these were already shown.
Of course it is. What did you expect? It's a big game with differenct characters. Almost impossible thing actually
hi jaxonH. Thx for your reply. You must have misread my post. Im not saying companies are doing this on purpose. Also, yes i DO think its a benefitial thing to do. Its not a conspiracy but a well known marketing strategy, nothing new, esspecially with collectibles. Those numbers also do t mean anything to me on their own. I'd need full financial insight to state anything about that, those arent publicly available.
Im glad to sense that you were able to find all amiibo's you sought.
Woo, more Amiibos that I'll never have.
@scamander Thanks for the info!
Limited collector items are one thing, but when you're talking about 12 million Amiibos shipped to stores in 6-8 months, I think any arguments for intentional stock shortages fall flat.
I understand that keeping limited stock is a technique used for certain limited items, but at this point amiibo do not need limited stock to drive interest. Nintendo knows that. They've even come out and said as much.
I know people don't want to acknowledge this because it means there's no one to blame, and people love pointing the finger when they're upset, but this is just a case of an extremely popular item, globally popular item, where manufacturing can't catch up with demand. But progress is being made. I'm very much in tune with Amiibo stock levels- I own every single Amiibo released to date, both open and sealed US versions, and over 40 rare extras from US, JP and EU.
I've seen the stock levels first hand, day in day out for months and months. They have been pushing massive restocks in every region, while new waves have been released in at least twice the quantity of previous waves.
A lot of "Rare" Amiibo are now becoming common in certain regions. The thing is, the U.S. accounts for 66% of the global demand. Every other country in the world combined makes up the remaining 33%. So it's understandable that they're successfully restocking the other regions first. That's not to say the US and Canada hasn't seen its own fair share of restocks- it most certainly has and those restocks are in effect as we speak. At the moment Canada is receiving an onslaught of stock- last week their Best Buy got restocks of every major rare Amiibo up through wave 4. As did Amazon CA 2 days ago. And Walmart CA announced their restock is going live this Wednesday at 9am Eastern. GameStop US gets King DDD and Ike next week, which follows Wii Fit Trainer, Pit, Marth, Shulk, Ike, and numerous others that have already been restocked in the last month or two, and not just at GS, but all US retailers.
To someone who doesn't pay much attention and simply checks online stock once a month and sees "oh nothing's available" it's easy to believe they're not doing anything about it. But to someone who monitors these websites 24/7 and witnesses first hand all the stock that is been pushed out recently, it's frustrating to see all the people who believe this is a conspiracy, when they're clearly making as many of these as humanly possible.
In fact I've accumulated so many extras of rare amiibo, after I check with my Amiibo hunter LINE group for first dibs (which I doubt anyone will want anything because we all have extras up the yin yang) I may open a thread and sell them all off at cost. Ironically enough, imported Amiibo from other regions cost much more than NA versions- it's roughly $15 to ship from Europe and $20-25 to import from Japan with a forwarding service- but when you buy in bulk (like all of wave 5 at once or all 3 Yarn Yoshi's at once) it mitigates the shipping cost by dividing among each individual Amiibo.
I may just start capping screenshots every time something gets restocked so people actually believe me when I tell them rare Amiibo are being manufactured until people stop buying them. Which, funnily enough, goes against what we were told at first when Iwata said "some amiibo will only be available for a limited time and once they sell out they're gone forever".
I won't buy your board game Nintendo but I'll gladly buy a Ribbot amiibo if you'd kindly place it in the shops, and in decent quantity.
Tips hat
Where are Blathers and Kapp'n... what was Nintendo thinking....
Expect the quality of the production versions to come way down like the original concept Amiibos that were showed off at E3.
By the way, has there been a reason given as to why a virtual party game requires physical play pieces as a mechanic or is this truly just a scam to get people to buy Amiibos.
This Amiibo madness reminds me so much of EA/Activision and their music game series... which ended up sinking after peripherals, games and ideas ran out of control, you had like a new release every one or two months.
We all know how it ended.
@Zadaris Well technically you can't buy it, because the game is free.
They look really good but I'm not a fan of past Animal Crossing games or what has been shown for the upcoming Animal Crossing games.
I know it's just a Google search away, but would it have killed you to list the characters' names in the same order as the following pictures? Y'know, for those of us who don't know all the Animal Crossing characters offhand.
@Aromaiden: You misunderstand. I said I'd buy certain Animal Crossing amiibo's if they were made available (like Ribbot, or Apollo). I won't be touching the game, free or not, because I simply have no interest. None at all.
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