It is being reported that Nintendo's next games console - currently known as the Nintendo NX - will launch in July 2016.
The source of the report is Taiwanese site DigiTimes, which is claiming that manufacturer Foxconn has won the contract to produce the console. However, it is thought that rival firm Pegatron could also be taking some of the work. Nintendo has apparently asked supply partners to begin "pilot production" this October. Finalised orders are expected in February or March 2016, with mass production slated for May or June and a suggested July release being mooted.
Such claims should always be taken with a pinch of salt, of course - even more so when you consider that DigiTimes appears to be under the impression that Nintendo has already announced the 2016 release date - which it hasn't, of course.
Another element of the report which sets alarm bells ringing is the claim that Nintendo hopes to ship an astonishing 20 million NX consoles in its first year of sale. The Wii U has only managed half that total in two and a half years, while the PlayStation 4 has shifted 22.3 million units in 17 months.
Bogus? Perhaps, but UK trade site MCV - which has reported on this rumour - believes that NX was shown to certain parties during E3, so the 2016 release might not be too outlandish.
What do you think of this news? Share your thoughts below.
Image credit: Leave Luck To Games
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Comments 255
Perhaps bogus, yeah, but I think we can expect rumors of this kind and rumors of this kind to be true in this day and age
Are they taking an incremental path? (3DS -> new 3DS-like enhancement), but what's the point? No idea...
There's a lot of crazy rumours flying around that on their own seem hard to believe, but you put them together and a picture starts to form that might make sense.
Android based/Emulates android, and plays mobile games from the Amazon Marketplace.
$149.99 price point.
Sales expectation in line with the casual Wii crowd which has mostly moved onto mobile gaming.
Combine these with the much older rumour of a combined handheld and console, and everything adds up to suggest some kind of cheap box that can hook up to you TV, but plays the same games that your mobile/tablet/possible Nintendo handheld device will.
It could make Nintendo a ton of money if they pull it off, but they're just going further and further in that casual direction. It makes business sense to go after that crowd instead of the traditional Nintendo fan, but damn it sucks.
I think this further confirms what I've been saying for last 6 months.
Spot on strategic timeframe for nintendo
I'm guessing no for this rumor
Objection! Sustained! Overruled. Sidebar. Guilty!Speculation. Hearsay! Bailiff. Briefcase. Disregard. In my chambers. Stop beavering the witness. I rest.
Oh my gosh, so hype! Tho I'm really hoping for a real leak with some juicy details soon, all this is fine 'n dandy, but I want something I can chew on Also, I don't really have any reason that this leak is wrong, but I'd still assume a holiday 2016 release. Just because it's manufactured in July doesn't mean they aren't releasing it in November.
If they only showed it to potential partners this year they would be launching in 2016 with close to no 3rd party support. Devs would have to have close to final dev kits right now to hope to even port a game over for that release date
Too good to be true. Console manufacturing may start as early as this year, but there's no way it would launch so soon. 3rd parties only recently been introduced to what NX is let alone the fact that they haven't event received development kits.
@Peach64 They've already VERY CLEARLY expressed that the NX will be a "Dedicated" games console platform, and they said this within the context of mobile gaming being announced. If there's one thing that we know about the NX, it's that it's NOT a mobile gaming device!
Maybe crossed wires and it's a QOL product.
Or complete rubbish. Not much time to make games.
If they are hoping to ship that many units in 12 months then I doubt it is a new console or a new handheld, but rather their quality of life products, something with a lower price tag
Moreover, no 3rd party has received any toolkit, so even if they receive one NOW it's way too late to prepare any launch title (takes 2/3 years for a decent HD title nowadays) and that means they will launch with no support from 3rd party again - bah.
If this was true, we would already have real information on what is the NX. What they might be producing is a prototype for E3 next year, but they won't launch it officially with less than a year of info on the console. What they showed to third parties this E3 is most likely the concept and specs. I still say they'll show this in 2016 for a 2017 release.
20 million sales target? - there's nothing wrong with a bit of optimism.
It might come out in 2016 but not in the middle of the year. It's hard to imagine Nintendo announcing the console presumably in June (at E3) and launching it just month later. And if they were pitching the system to third parties at this year's E3, well, it takes more than a year to produce a big scale game, especially for an unknown system.
No way it's releasing right after E3.
If that's the case Zelda should definitely be pushed off Wii U and to an NX launch game.
Oh boy, here we go again with click bait articles.
Where can I preorder??
Nope. Not true. If NX is going to be released on July 2016, then Nintendo would have already shown it off. If anyone believes thus rumor, then he/she is simply naive.
Also, 20 million units sold in 12 months??? Wii didn't even reach that number after its first birthday (November 2007), so there is no way NX will...
No third party support or fluke, no 20 million sales.
Lol that's ridiculous. That's WAY to early considering they will start talking about it in January 2016 at the earliest.
EXCEPT if they changed their mind and will start talking about NX this year.
Okay let me take a few minutes to laugh out loud so much that I scare away all the people around me....
Okay done.
The only thing about this rumour to be likely is the company whom is producing it, and that's only because Foxconn produces Nintendo’s current hardware. And of course I'm sure Nintendo did show the NX to third party developers at E3, or at least the concept - I don't think it's in any physical state to show off yet.
However, I'm as of 2 minds whether it would ever be released next year. First of all if Nintendo are actually totally serious about getting that third party support back on board, especially for mature games then they'll need more than a mere year to 18 months between showing it and launching it. That's how you end up with limited launch support. Bethesda even said that they need to be shown a console at least 2 years in advance for them to be able to support it and I'm sure most are of similar thinking. That's likely partly why the Wii U launched with ports of old games.
Also there is absolutely no way that the NX could move 20 million units in a year, especially as Sony struggles to do that and Nintendo’s own Wii couldn't muster that. Nintendo are known for deliberately making shortages especially for consoles in an attempt to artificially boost demand.
My heart skipped several beats. However, if - if - this rumor is true... then the year is soon enough to rule out the Wii U as the console getting its successor; rather, this is definitely going to be the next handheld, as the month implies: summer is a perfect fit for handhelds, after all.
I thought I remember seeing somewhere that the NX would merge Nintendo's home console and portable systems into one system, but who knows? Only Nintendo, and they're not telling!
Next year would be awesome, hopefully it got 4 times the horsepower of a ps4
The only thing that doesn't add up with me is the date. I don't think Nintendo would release their new system in the summer instead of around the holidays. I know systems don't always release in September/October/November but they usually do.
There's one way to ship 20 millions and even more in the first year. Runs Steam, Android and Nintendo OS. Steam would able us to play so many games on launch and would give us a lot of thirds.
Nintendo games, second and third parties games = best console ever.
20 million in 12 months? The PS4 didn't even sell that many units until May! What makes Nintendo thin they can do the same in 7 months less of time?
@dkxcalibur It has only ever been fan speculation that the NX will be a hybrid system, but given that the console is planned to be affordable and that a hybrid console would be very expensive to produce and sell, especially if it has more power than the Wii U, I don't see it happening. Not with today's hardware anyway.
Can't see myself jumping onboard at the start, but interested to see what the NX will be for better or worse.
knowing Nintendo's past systems it'll be barely more powerful than wii u
The only way I could see those expectations being set is if it's a mobile console (i.e. one that plays smartphone games).
So soon after E3? I highly doubt it. They'll announce it formally at E3 next year, they won't tell us anything solid before then. I guarantee it. Also, I thought the initial announcement said 2017?
Summer is weird for a launch.... wouldn't it be better for fall?
or if they gave it for free LOL
It's gonna support Android so 3rd party devs will be able port/make their games pretty quickly.
I know nintendo have said that NX won't have Android as an OS but I would take that with a pinch of salt.
The evidence is pretty compelling , they are making mobile games (Android), they are expected to release the console next year , it's gonna be fairly cheap if they want to sell 20 million consoles in a year and 3rd party devs have only a year to get their games ready which means they must be pretty familiar with the hardware already.
I'll eat my hat if the NX doesn't use Android as an OS.
2016 is way early for me. The Wii U only came out like 3 years ago, it wouldn't even have a five year lifespan.
@mattmayatt So you are basically basing all this on rumours? When Nintendo talks about third party developers, they are talking about EA, Ubisoft, Activision etc who wouldn't need an Android operating system to port their triple A games. All they want is powerful specs, no gimmicks and a fan base.
Also yes Nintendo are making mobile games but they also said you won't be able to play them on the NX which they also sated was a dedicated gaming system.
IF the rumour is true then foxcon is probably the original source and that 20million figure could be production estimates i.e. they have been contracted to produce up to that number. 20million still seems well off though because nintendo have never been a company to tie up its capital in stock-look at wii and amiibo shortages for proof of this approach.
they have already said it wouldn't be a replacement for wiiu. Its a totally new product. Wiiu will still get it's support as a separate system till time is up.. NX can launch whenever Nintendo finds it necessary.
@LilC 2016 would be a four year lifespan if it came out for the holiday. That's only a year less than much more successful Nintendo home consoles of the past, like the Super NES (1991-1996), N64 (1996-2001) and GameCube (2001-2006). And given how miserably the Wii U has done so far, four years is much better than the Saturn (1995-1998) and the similarly-selling Dreamcast (1999-2002). I don't expect Wii U to have a five year lifespan just because I don't think Nintendo can wait that long to launch another home console while the U continues to fall further and further behind.
I think a July 2016 release would be awful as that is a really questionable time to put out a new system, but they need to launch it for the holiday season that year.
20 million in 1 year while the Wii U has failed to reached 10 million in 2.5 years... good luck with that.
@Nintend0ro Nintendo, and other companies, always say that their next console isn't a "replacement" for the current one, but we all know it will be over time. Companies always support the older systems for a window of time after the new one comes out (also depending on how successful the previous one was) as evidenced that the 360 and PS3 are still getting support - even moreso than the Wii U at the point. But I imagine Nintendo will quickly drop support for Wii U once the NX comes out. They barely support it now with its almost empty 2016 calendar. With not even 10 million sold in over two and a half years, they really have no reason to as they dropped support for the Wii very quickly and we all know how that console sold.
Wait for Nintendo to come out and debunk this rumor.
@ericwithcheese2 I do agree that Nintendo will likely want the NX launching as soon as possible. Ideally they would do what Sony and Microsoft did - reveal it pre E3 (especially as the NX will largely be leaked by then anyway), show it off with launch gams during E3 and then launch in November.
However I am unsure as to whether Nintendo can realistically achieve gaining third party support after hearing they need 2 years minimum when it comes to porting current games to the new consoles. That would mean problems for the NX launch lineup as they only just showed it off to them, albeit in concept.
Console shipping in the Summer? No way.
if nintendo DOES drop support for wii u then we won't even notice any difference. Lol
@flag unless they're finally building something that's easy to port to. nobody's asking for exclusive 3rd party new ip. most people just want cross platform 3rd party games and Nintendo games in one place
@Luna_110 It does seem more likely that they're working on playable prototypes for e3 next year.
I doubt they'd have a lot of 3rd party launch titles ready this time next year...There'll be a full on presentation of the console at e3 though. Holiday 2017 release. Either way, my body will be ready.
@FragRed If we have to see this rumor as even remotely true, then I'm going with an x86 architecture or something similar so that even though there is a very small window for third parties to develop and release, they have more than enough titles readily available on Xbox One and PS4 already that could then basically be ported with next to no trouble at all if they indeed use a very similar architecture.
But I don't think the date is correct and I also find the sales numbers a bit hard to believe, but who knows. In any case I agree with you on this not being an Android solution. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.
If the reports from E3 are true, then third parties were indeed quite positive about the concept for Nintendo's next console:
I dont believe it one bit
@Shiryu I see what you did there!
Crazy how many rumors are flying around about this thing. If it reached 20 million sales in its first year, I'd be so happy!
The Wii U is not making them lose money anymore, so why would they rush production of the NX? If anything has taught them with the Wii U, it's that no software means no hardware sales!
So I'm guessing they'll announce the thing in 2016 and launch it in November 2017 so they'll have a lot of time to accumulate a decent amount of exclusives and third-party contracts for when it launches. If they do that, and blow people away (not like the E3 event! ) they could recover and come back swinging..
@LilC it come out in 2012 so it will be 3.5 years the same time for gba to ds
Sega released the Saturn after e3
@TheRealThanos I totally agree with the hardware specs, and have believed that to be the case since AMD essentially let slip last year that in 2016 one of the big console manufacturers were to be using the x86 architecture in their console. Could really only be Nintendo.
I do have concerns that should the NX launch next year and third party developers find themselves porting readily available games currently on PS4 and Xbox One, we will end up in the exact same situation as with the Wii U - a launch lineup consisting of Nintendo first party and old third party games people could get elsewhere for up to a year beforehand. And then they won't sell and the publishers will use the same excuses once more - people don't buy third party games on Nintendo consoles so we won't support it.
The date i believe... the 20 million, hah no chance !!
July 2016?
Nintendo barely ever release anything in July. I highly doubt they would release the NX in July.
@FragRed If the architecture is indeed similar, then we're two years further from when the other two were released, so a considerable upgrade for the same amount of money that the older hardware cost Microsoft and Sony should be possible, so Nintendo will theoretically be able to catch up and go along for the ride.
I consider GameInformer to be a pretty reliable site, so I choose to believe what happened with the third party developers behind closed doors. Why else would the reactions be positive?
Man, it is going to be a long wait until we finally find out what it's going to be...
@Tao Really?
Gameboy released in june '89
Nes in august '91
Virtual Boy in august '95
N64 in august '96
GBA in june '01
It seems highly possible to me.
The rumours will be flying but 4 years between launch dates isn't out of the realm of possibility. Especially if the NX is more focused on the causal gaming crowd opposed to more complicated, sophisticated games. While I personally don't believe this rumour, I can see where there is some traction. Nintendo was all about the "present" at E3 this year and conceivably, every game they announced could be released by the end of Q2 2016. The rest of their games could be for the NX. I fear its going to be a large year of rumours and speculation. Personally, I'm just hoping the Wii U has another strong year of games. I wont be buying an NX anytime soon.
@Nintendofan83 Reggie all but announced the NX already at this year's E3. There is really no doubt in terms of a 2016 launch. I mean there could always be some kind of issue coming up, causing a delay into 2017, but I think that is unlikely forgoing any extreme external factors!
Is that the hardware the real games will be developed on? Not this junk from E3?
@placidcasual - Whenever I see translated rumours my mind tries to make sense of them along the line of what you were saying. July isn't the release date obviously, it's the date Foxconn starts shipping them to Nintendo, which would need a sizable initial shipment for launch, probably in September. And the 20 million is probably the top end forecast for them to manufacture and deliver to Nintendo in the first year, which would give Nintendo stock for the first 2 holiday seasons. Making sense of the rumour.
As for people trying to make sense of anything Nintendo has said - platform, hardware, home console - well they said just about everything, so NX could be anything.
@Peach64 already gave a pretty good description of what NX could be, and here are a few real world examples of dedicated home console hardware on the cheap.
Ouya, Google Nexus Player, Amazon Fire TV Gamer edition
Now no company wants to build the next Ouya, but Nintendo has a large back catalogue of NES, SNES, N64 and GameCube games, very few of which have appeared on Wii U or 3DS. Nintendo must also be aware of the proliferation of dedicated devices for playing Sega and Atari games. Nintendo probably figures they could sell a home device on their back catalog alone. Where are all the GameCube VC games?
A VC home console? Would explain all the "platform" talk, maybe it will work like a Netflix subscription? 1 save point on both TV and in your pocket would draw some people as I'm still expecting this is more Wii U w/ a portable Gamepad than anything else.
And I will say this, all the rumours, true or not, are leaning towards something cheap. I haven't seen a single rumour for a $500 PS4/XboxOne powered console. You can all pretty much forget about that happening. There will still be plenty of 3rd party support, all from Android and indies. Nintendo may even market NX as a second console from the start.
I'm calling b.s. Far too soon and less than a year to build hype for a brand new machine, with no games in the pipeline from anybody. Nope. But, to be honest, I hope the rumor is true.
@Quorthon Well I bet this news has tickled your fancy; given your predictions for a 2016 release for NX.
PS. God I really hope this isn't true; UNLESS Nintendo is doing something along the lines of what I've already suggested multiple times already, which I can now post here too:
What bothers me most about all this NX talk and rumors is that it's creating a self-fulfilling prophesy where the Wii U might as well be given up on, despite it still having fuel in the tank.
But if the NX really is due out so soon, I at least hope it'll have system transfer and BC functionality. And if nothing else, make GOTY editions of their biggest games (Smash, MK8, Mario Maker, and Splatoon).
Maybe Nintendo will keep this system a huge secret like they did Wii-U. Let's ROLL THAT ADVERTISING MACHINE!
@EverythingAmiibo It could however still be a portable; unless they specifically said "dedicated HOME console", which they didn't as far as I'm aware. If it was that early, we probably would've already gotten information on it by now.
why would they pick July its a dead season for video games. I think it would be a lot better if they waited for fall, and get the best games that fall the day they launch.
I'm betting Christmas 2016 still, as the slowdown of Wii U announcements, the fact they'll be talking about it at next E3, the fact that they've likely given the specs to 3rd parties 18 months in advance (which in all likelihood are similar to the PS4/Xbox), and the fact Nintendo does 60% of it's business in September-December- I can't see them releasing in 2017 Summer, and I can't see them not having any big releases for a full 12 months.
The 20 million in a year seems unlikely unless they come with some sort genie with 3 wishes gimmick.
20 million projected sales in first 12 months? Nintendo's not even capable of producing 20 mil of a product in that time.
You guys got hosed. Should stamp RUMOR on the front of this one. More like FALSE actually.
@rjejr Cheap can still be achieved with x86 architecture. The prices for similar hardware have definitely dropped, so there is no $500 price point needed, unless they want to go for something that'll last longer than the current generation.
For that amount of money I could easily build a PC that is far superior to an Xbox One or PS4, so even though all this is only based on rumors, it's not outside of the realm of posibilities.
Nintendo can't make the same mistakes over and over so something's got to give and third party developers will definitely NOT be enthused by anything that even remotely smells of Android. The Ouya is also not really considered a true console; it's an Android box that was outdated the moment it rolled out of the factory, which is also why it failed.
Oh, by the way: congratulations, and don't let a number get you down. Age is all in the mind, so feel and think young and you'll last longer. I'm 45 but besides a few small hiccups here and there I don't feel a day over 30...
This is 100% false for many reasons, but the biggest is this one: Nintendo will not launch a console in July. In fact, they won't even release software in July, as they haven't done so in years unless you count the retail version of Wii Sports Club.
There was an interview on NWR about this, where a Ninty rep said they release products when people are in the mood to buy. This is why most of their products launch from September to December, or in May. The holiday period and just after school graduations. If NX is coming in 2016, it'll be in November.
The first thing that strikes me as outlandish about this is the July 2016 targeted release date. I'd believe that for production to start, maybe, but actually releasing the machine? November 2016. And 20 million units is beyond laughable.
All evidence we have indicates a 2016 release date, but unless the NX is supposed to be taken outdoors with you for some reason, it won't be released in July. It'll be released in November, as is typical of Nintendo with new consoles.
This is likely, however I don't believe everything here. July seems like a weird time for a console launch. The curious part is the 20 million. That must be a cheap machine if you expect to sell 20 million of them. I say this part is nonsense.
Personally, given what Mr. McFarran said:
"DigiTimes appears to be under the impression that Nintendo has already announced the 2016 release date - which it hasn't, of course."
We need to take this strictly as a rumor, as there are blatant inaccuracies. That said, after the E3 terribleness, I've gone into the 2016 Holiday launch column for the NX, so I do find some of these statements believable, at least to some degree.
@rjejr I also truly can't imagine Nintendo targeting just indies for their new console. If there's truth to their E3 hunting party, actively seeking out third parties to explain to them what hardware Nintendo is about to release and getting positive feedback on it in no way equates to indies and/or Android to me.
And consider this: there was indeed a behind closed doors session at E3 with developers. That would definitely be for A-list developers/publishers only. Nintendo is very careful about coming out with information, as we all know, and only under the strictest of NDA's will they share some of it. It's a pretty safe bet to assume that the only parties attending were the big publishers, not the small fry. They may come in handy later on, but it wouldn't make business sense to go for parties that may either be one day flies or will disappear after a few moderate successes...
No one believed me when I said 2016, launching with a Zelda U port and the new 3D Mario. "no its too early it will be 2017/2018" yeah right..with a dying console and hardly any new game announcements.
This E3 was such BS with stuff like "we only show games coming out in the next 6-12 months" While they always showed upcoming games like Yarn Yoshi in 2013 etc etc.
People forget that gaming is all Nintendo has, they need something new.
Also: they showed the Wii in 2006 and launched it that Christmas. They showed the Wii U in 2012 and it launched Christmas 2012...
July might be a bit early but I have no doubt that the NX will launch holiday 2016 with at least 2 big titles (they can't launch with another NSMB and something like Nintendo Land, it wasn't enough)
@Peach64 I'm starting to think Peach is right. I think we're looking at a cheaper console that I suspect will also play Wii U games. If you think about it will actually serve as a Wii U relaunch with a new name, additional capabilities, and a much cheaper price point. They may also have gotten rid of the gamepad to help further reduce that price point. It may actually work if they promote it properly but like Peach said it's moving Nintendo further down the casual gamer road.
I really don't believe we're looking at a new system on par with PS4 or xbox one.
@Peach64 If NOA does marketing once in their life! lol
Not a chance for Jul 16. Early 2017 maybe. Christmas 2017 more lightly.
My first thought when Nintendo announced NX was that it would be released in 2016. I can, not only, believe the rumored release date, but also the targeted number of sales. The big question is: What is NX?
What if the NX is not an individual item, but the name of a platform?
Take the Wii U, update the hardware to PS4 level (or a bit beyond) specs. Add in the New 3DS, and it's successor hardware (which will also remain touchscreen based). Now wrap them up with a unified, scalable OS, along with unified, account based, digital purchases.
Now, the home console is capable of utilizing more than one Gamepad, the new 3DS would be capable of acting as a Gamepad, and Nintendo releases a cellphone and/or tablet hardware add-on, so that you can use your own device as a Gamepad. New 3DS would also have bi-directional streaming capabilities.
The system launches with the entire Wii, Wii U, and DS/3DS library available for play. The updated spec allow easier porting of 3rd party titles, with Nintendo not stressing required use of the Gamepad.
Since the hardware is mainly updating the parts, it wouldn't take much to switch the production lines quietly. It comes in at a slightly cheaper price point for each individual item. Announce at E3, finish presentation with release date of 7/1/16, pre-orders go live when buzz is at it's hottest.
Since new 3DS is on NX platform, it counts for NX sales. 20 million sales in 12 months between the two products, easy.
@RCMADIAX Wait, so Nintendo is going to finally have a console that can play DVDs?
Impossible. The NX (whatever it is) won't be out for at least two years.
I could see this being true only if NX is indeed not the successor to the Wii U but is truly a new platform. Even then, those numbers are a bit ambitious. If it were a typical console, I'd say there's no way.
July seems like the oddest time to release a console, especially being right after E3. They've always released consoles towards the holidays so this seems kind of farfetched. But like some others said maybe we're all thinking wrong about what this NX could be.
My thoughts exactly. They will try to replicate the Wii's success with a casual, low priced gaming system that is different from their competitors (as always).
This belief that Nintendo is going to sit for a year with no hardware sales in order to kindly wait until 2017 to appease a grumpy fanbase who buys anything with their logo on it anyway is just absurd and silly. As I said in the other article, for the people that would be "most upset" about Wii U being replaced "early," they'll forgive Nintendo immediately once they see another Mario or Zelda for the new system. They won't care. They bought multiple 3DS systems already. They love buying hardware with Nintendo's logo emblazoned into it.
Nintendo has no fear of upsetting these fanboys. They have a much bigger fear of wasting a year over 2016~2017 where they garner no profits--which would be the case if they "depended" on Wii U over that time.
@Longaway Or just do this, which is largely the same thing, but actually turns all of that convoluted mess into something that's nice, neat and simple:
holiday 2016 is most likely going to be the release date. I just hope it's going to be a console on par with X1/PS4. I don't expect Nintendo to make a console that's more powerfull than either of them (becauce...hey, it's Nintendo...), but i hope it's not going to be a cheap 150 dollars WiiU clone...
For all the talk of them looking at the casual market who would honestly buy a machine to play android games when they already have a phone? Casuals don't care enough about those games to spend money just so they can have them on a big TV screen.
@Kirk I could see that scenario, too.
@AyeHaley The Wii was first shown at E3 2005, and the Wii U was first shown at E3 2011.
This makes me cringe like crazy. If they say what its true. If they are producing the console this year & they expect to sell by Summer of 2016. They must be crazy. There’s no way a console is going to sell well during the summer. When everyone is short on money. My guess is that we could expect a Nintendo Direct by February Or close to April and it would be stupid if they release it by summer. They need to show it off during E3. Which is a bit obvious. I don’t know we just have to wait. If this is true. Then I will have to hold off on buying an Xbox One… this makes me cringe.
"This belief that Nintendo is going to sit for a year with no hardware sales in order to kindly wait until 2017 to appease a grumpy fanbase who buys anything with their logo on it anyway is just absurd and silly."
Well that's if one assumes Nintendo only has the currently one or two announced games in the pipeline for Wii U in the next year and pretty much absolutely nothing else at all, imo. Then it would be silly to sit for a whole year on basically nothing. I however am certainly not making that assumption, because I believe at the very least that Nintendo has more games in store than we've already seen, at least a couple more big titles for Wii U in 2017 and probably a price drop too, which should be enough to keep it selling in bearable numbers until 2017.
Whatever the situation; I certainly wouldn't rush something out as some "duct tape" measure to try and half-*ssedly patch a hole in a sinking ship—because ultimately that's no real solution to the bigger problem at all, imo. It's just a badly considered short term fix for a much bigger longer term problem, as I see it. One that might even make the long terms issues even bigger, ultimately—because however you look at it; a 3 year or even less lifespan for a home console is just f'n absurd and would be far more telling of where Nintendo is right now as a business than anything else, imo.
It really depends on what Nintendo has planned imo...
If all Nintendo has planned is releasing a brand new games console in the next year and there's absolutely nothing in the pipeline for Wii U, via new games or even minor hardware variations and price drops, etc.; then I think releasing this new console in 2016 might as well happen—it would have already done irrefutable damage at that point anyway; so why not just pour vinegar into the wound. If however, Nintendo isn't that terrible at managing it's business, such that is would basically have a year of total drought for the Wii U and then just compound the issue by dropping it like a rock—basically sh*tting on and p*ssing off absolutely everyone possible—then I think it would be better to wait out the year, get everything with its next-gen plan properly sorted and then really go for it, all-out, when everything is better ready.
UNLESS of course, it has the kind of system strategy I've suggested multiple times now, which would totally work with a 2016 release and has actually considered the full implications of such a move. In fact, it would only show how smart a company Nintendo is, and that it knows how to both fix a pretty huge problem and still please its most loyal fans and customers, as well as developers, all at the same time.
PS. That fanbase that "buys anything with their logo on it' is dwindling by the day and the last thing Nintendo needs to do is to p*ss off and push away even more of its once biggest fans, supporters and most loyal customers.
Just ignoring the rest of this rumor why the hell would you launch a system in summer?
I think we should wait to hear what Nintendo has to say on the matter, since, you know, it is their system! I'd love to see it because that'd cause problems for Sony and MS! We'll maybe not Sony...
Lmao, wow you Nintendo fans sound so desperate for a new system! First off, no Nintendo system will ship 20 million in the first year, no one other then the Nintendo die hard trust Nintendo console anymore, if anything 20 million would be it's lIfetime sales
Do yourself a favour, sell your Nintendo stuff while you can get some money for it and buy a ps4 or a Xbox one
@SetupDisk is overrated?
Im not buyin it. Its WAY too early from a development standpoint and the Wii U is still young. If it was true...I sure would be pissed though...
@AyeHaley I think you will find that Nintendo revealed the Wii in 2005 and publicly announced it's being worked on well before that, I think 2001 or 2002. It was known as the Revolution during 2005 and then they changed the name and officially showed it off during 2006 when it launched.
The Wii U was revealed during 2011 and then officially shown off and launched in 2012. Thats how Nintendo works their home consoles. The Nintendo 64 had several years of being shown off before it finally launched and the Gamecube I don't believe was revealed and launched in a single year either. Thats not Nintendo style.
Also as said many times by myself and others like @TheRealThanos if Nintendo truly want third party support and to have the latest games ported to their next console, then they need at to give those developers and publishers at least 2 years to get their heads around the hardware and get something ready for launch. Since third party developers only this year were told about what the NX is, I cannot see a 2016 launch happening. Not unless they want a Wii U situation.
I Have mixed "feelings" about this
Bull. Holiday 2017 at the earliest.
If Nintendo are going to be able to sell 20 million NX in 12 months I think Nintendo has 3 choices.
First: A homeroom console that comes with a kind of Smartphone or at least being able to send messages and ring like a normal phone with Nintendo themed games in-built.
Second: Ar like Microsoft's Hololens, but is better or can handle playing games offline so you can take it out of the house and don't need to be connected to a PC.
Third: VR like Oculus Rift or like Sony's Morpheus... or is the technology really strong enough to pull a Amusphere from the Sword Art Online series o.o. (Note: Not Nervegear at all). Still I would love to play Zelda U in a Amusphere like device ^^.
(Note: Also the NX has to be way better marketed than the Wii U ;^^).
@TheRealThanos - "Nintendo can't make the same mistakes over and over so something's got to give"
And what I think may give is them learning from this mistake
Wii + Wii Sports (US) $250 launch, 100 million sales
Wii U + Nintnedo Land - $350 launch, 10 million sales
So what price do you think Nintendo is more likely to pick for NX if they are trying to learn from their mistakes - $250 or $350?
One point I've been driving home for the past year is that PS4 sold well not simply b/c it was $400 and X1 was $500, but b/c it was $400 and PS3 was $500/$600. Sony may a big deal of talking up their 8GB DDR5 RAM and making people think it would be an expensive machine based on the hardware specs, I'm sure people were thinking $500 like PS3, then BAM $400. That's how you get sales, lower the price people expect.
Wii coming out at $250, everybody on the planet bought one, then Wii U came out at $300 w/o a game or $350 w/ a game. Most Wii owners were satisfied enough w/ what they had. Maybe if Spaltoon was in the box rather than Nintnedo Land, and yet another 2D Mario game which looked very similar to the Wii one, we can't rewrite history.
"I also truly can't imagine Nintendo targeting just indies for their new console"
It's not about the Nindies though, as I said before its about VC. It's about classic games on home and handhelds in 1 console. A combination of these 2:
These each retail for about $50 on Amazon. NX "platform", a device for all their old games, NES thru Wii U. How many games is that?
And do we really know WHO Nintneod met with? Do we really think it was EA? Nintnedo is so family friendly oriented I'm nto even sure they want COD. NoA certainly isn't pushing Devil's Third or Fatal Frame are they? I bet they met w/ lots of indies and guys making amazon Fire games. Batman, Destiny, AC - they arne't coming back.
I hope I'm wrong, I hope you're right, but that's not how it's looking to me. This isn't wishful thinking on my part - it's "oh no, say it isn't so" - but that's what it looks like.
Probably why Zelda U is still being promoted as a Wii U game. NX is 3DS games, games not interactive cinematic masterpieces, both on the tv and on the go.
That's what all the rumours and tea leaves are telling me.
We already had NX rumors being proven false by Nintendo so i'm not believing this not even a little. I'm still on the no side to the NX being released next year, if Nintendo did show the NX to 3rd parties then that doesn't really seem like a lot of time to begin porting games over unless the architecture is that powerful
@rjejr Is that a joke? You honestly think Nintendo are so family orientated that they don't want mature games like Call of Duty, Assassins Creed etc? Of course they do. Nintendo outright said that the mistake of the Wii was being so family orientated that they missed out the mature gamers which is why they tried to capture that make with the Wii U. Its the reason we had so many mature third party games at launch. And even if NOA doesn't market the first and second party mature games, Nintendo of Japan who are the main people behind everything that happens in the company, are actively paying for these kinds of titles so they must still think this is needed. In fact Monilith Studios exist for that purpose alone - mature games.
And they will try it again and again because they now also know the casual market is no longer there, they've moved onto phones and tablets. In fact if the NX is at least on par with the PS4 (which it almost certainly will be), Nintendo has even more reason to go in that direction.
@FragRed - No, sadly, it's not a joke. Nintneod partnered w/ Activision to put Bowser and DK amiibo in SKyalnders, but they can't convince Activision to put COD on Wii U? Why is that?And all those SKylanders Wii U game bundles in the past? But they couldn't get COD?
And Monolith does NOT make what most people consider to be mature games. XC and XCX are not the Last of Us or Mortal Combat X. There may not even be a single drop of blood in XC. ZombiU was a mature game, at launch, 2 1/2 years ago, but what has Wii U had like that since? Bayoneta 2 is mature, but it's more fantasy, less realistic.
Games have gotten so realitic, so violent, so bloody, I just don't think Nintendo wants to go that route, they want family friendly. Devils Third and Fatal Frame aren't even on the E3 infographic.
Nah. I don't believe it. 2016 is too soon
@rjejr "Do we really think it was EA?" Of course we don't really know, but from my own experience working in IT, behind closed doors meetings is only for important parties, so I definitely wouldn't expect Phil Fish or Renegade Kid to have gotten an invitation.
And Nintendo actively pursuing third parties would suggest that they are going all out, so smaller parties really wouldn't make any sense at all.
And even though this article is pure speculation and rumor, the E3 meeting happened and it was invite only. Besides that they also held an extra meeting for a "select" group of media, so also closed doors:
"So what price do you think Nintendo is more likely to pick for NX if they are trying to learn from their mistakes - $250 or $350?"
Price isn't an issue if the value is better in comparison. That goes for EVERY product in EVERY business, so as long as people get more than enough bang for their buck, they WILL buy it. "Build it and they will come" so to speak...
If that is the case it would explain their drive to make mobile games. If it connects to your mobile device and plays all of the games it can, then this means that the mobile games would technically be NX games. Not a bad idea, but it is an odd one.
@TheRealThanos - ""
That article really doesn't say anything at all about NX. And don't you think Ntineod would just be excited to show off new hardware, even if it was primarily a VC machine capable of having 1 save point shared between home and handheld?
I don't care how wrong I am about any of this, but NX will just not be interchangeable the way PS4 and X1 are, it won't be that similar, Nintnedo won't do it. They said as much - "we don't want the other companies to steal our ideas". If they were just making a more powerful PS4/X1, why bother w/ any secrecy at all? They could just promote it the way Sony did w/ PS2 - they would be shouting - DON'T BUY A PS4 OR XBOXONE BECAUSE NX IS COMING!! But they aren't, why? All we get is Ninteod saying over and over and over - we aren't talking about NX.
I don't see how any of this adds up to anything good.
Who the hell would release a console in the summer? So bad rumor ugh
@TheRealThanos as for the price, I'm on your side on this. if we feel we got something off the chart, premium home console, good online network, etc, etc, I'm willing to pay. In fact, I just want nintendo to stop make wanna have a alternative gaming platform. If I could get everything I love about gaming (connectivity, awesome sale that goes beyond 10%, great graphics, integrated and FAST web surfing while playing, etc AKA STEAM) I,d buy it. But I know as of a business standpoint, I'm not the majority. so I get it.
like a bunch of other fellows, I don't think we are gonna see it in our homes next year but they will talk about it next 3e I'm sure. Now with this statement, it would make sense to think the next zelda is gonna come out on this one too. OR the next console will feature a retrocompatibility with wii u games.
but don't rush it nintendo. I must finish all the achivements in smash 4. so take your time.
@rjejr The media meeting I linked to was just to illustrate my point on the closed doors sessions: if you're not invited, you're not going to get in and in my experience you have to be of certain importance to be invited in the first place.
I don't believe this for a second. It will be released in 2017.
@TheRealThanos - "Price isn't an issue if the value is better in comparison."
After 10 mil Wii U I don't see how Nitneod could possibly make anything better than PS4 or X1 at a relative price and expect to sell it at a higher value. I'm pretty sure the low Wii price, which followed closely after the $99 Gamecube price - which didn't sell well, bu tstill sold DOUBLE Wii U, has Nintneod squarely in the "low price option" mindset of people. It's the Hyundai of videogame consoles.
Also - and very important - gaming is based on the razor and blade model - but Ninteod won't sell a home console at a loss, therefore they won't sell any hardware at anything that looks like a "value" to cost conscious consumers still living hand-to-mouth after the 2007-8 Great Recession. They won't do it.
They tried to sell 3DS at $249 and mere months later had it down to $169. They've learned from that mistake as well, don't put expensive hardware in your console b/c people DON'T comprehend value, only price.
Sony is expensive, it's an expensive brand, has been since the 70's at least, power cost money, people will never again see that w/ Nintendo.
I call BS on all that, especially if NX ends up being a home console. If they release it next year, it'll be too early and they'll definitely be on a similar road to ruin as Sega was. Also expecting sales that high, it's simply impossible for them now. They act as if mobile and their console competitors don't exist.
I can't believe Nintendo would be that stupid (though I do believe Iwata's Nintendo is quite stupid compared to Yamauchi's), so I call foul.
@hYdeks Um...I kinda like my Nintendo stuff,
@rjejr Well, it's a simple fact that people will buy anything as long as it seems like a good deal to them: that's sales & marketing 101, something that I've been doing in IT for more than 14 years. I've often times been able to sell companies more expensive equipment than what they were looking for, but I also took care that the added value was definitely there. And trust me: in consumer marketing it is no different.
Also, a concept that is different or offers different ways to play doesn't have to exclude similar hardware. It may be a new controller, AR, VR or something incorporating all of that and handheld gaming, who knows?
But they simply HAVE to get with the program since that will more than likely be the only way to get third party support back.
A flimsy product that costs less than $200 or something based on Android is definitely not going to achieve that.
It is sad that people are so desperate for a new console that quickly...July 2016...lolololol my ass lolololol
Let's take a look at the 8th gen consoles:
Wii U: Unveiled at E3 2011, Detailed at E3 2012, Released holiday 2012
PS4: Unveiled in February 2013, Detailed at E3 2013, Released holiday 2013
Xbone: Unveiled in May 2013, Detailed at E3 2013, Released holiday 2013
Since we are talking about Nintendo, let's take a look at their history from the past three generations (15+ years):
Gamecube: Codenamed as Dolphin in 1999, Unveiled at E3 2000, Detailed at E3 2001, Released holiday 2001
Wii: Codenamed as Revolution in 2004, Unveiled at E3 2005, Detailed at E3 2006, Released holiday 2006
Wii U: Codenamed as Café in 2010, unveiled at E3 2011, Detailed at E3 2012, Released holiday 2012
If Nintendo does not show us NX before E3 2016 AND at E3 2016, then there is no prayer that NX will be released in 2016. All consoles need at least two major press conferences worth of time to reveal, detail, and explain.
This rumor is simply garbage. July 2016 release??? People who actually believe that as a release date are literally insane. When the hell has any new hardware within the last 20 years been released in July, without a reveal the year before?? 20 million units sold in 12 months??? Wii was able to do that (in 13 months), but nothing is going to match the Wii's first 2 years of hardware/software sales. Nothing.
@rjejr refreshing to see a bit of sense on here! These sorts of rumours often take some basic facts and apply some spin or get lost in translation at source.
Absolute bogus. Why give details of the on your next home console at E3 2016 and release it a month later? Nintendo admits that they still have to satisfy their current Wii U owners, so I don't expect a new console coming within a year.
@rjejr Also, components used in the Xbox One/PS4 that cost a total of around $200 - $250 back then, now only cost half that, so going for a console that is priced around $300 is not only feasible, but will also take care of any power issues, because it's very easy to update that hardware to a point where it can last a decent amount of time alongside the competition.
I definitely don't believe the release date or the sales numbers in this rumor, so they will have some more time and that is of course also to their advantage. It'll probably be released nov/dec 2016.
@TheRealThanos - "And trust me: in consumer marketing it is no different."
It's not only different, in fact it's the opposite. Businesses spend other peoples money, consumers spend their own money. That's the BIG difference.
And Nintendo has never been very good at marketing and advertising. Even if they were to build a better more expensive console at a value price, do you trust them to get the word out properly to seal the deal? There's a reason you were able to upsell companies - you were doing your job. Your job was necessary, otherwise your company could just send the other company a web link or a catalog. It takes effort to upsell.
You were doing your job, Nitneod is very bad at the job of selling hardware. The more expensive it is, the harder it will be, the worse it will sell.
@TheRealThanos I'm with you on NX being on par with the current generation. Shigeru Miyamoto said that part of the Wii U's failure was because tablets were already doing more than the Wii U by the time it released. By that logic it would make absolutely no sense for them to adopt an android driven console. Plus the creator of Metroid Prime stated that if he were making a new Prime game it would definitely be on the NX, and I highly doubt an android powered weak console would have a game like that.
Also I would say a holiday 2016 release date isn't impossible simply because if it does run on similar architecture as other consoles, then the third party games releasing next year could easily release on the NX at the same time as the others. I still firmly believe NX is a handheld and console hybrid that works similarly to the Vitas remote play, but better. This would allow them to merge their console and handheld divisions, and produce even more games for a singular console instead of having to support two at once.
I'll believe it when Nintendo announces a launch date.
I'll believe it when Nintendo announces a launch date.
Boy I should have separated that gross wall of text!
@NintendoFan64 They only showed a part of the Wii, not the entire console+controller.
@westman98 Nice info, but you need to add the only 2 numbers that matter.
Wii - 100 million sold
Wii U - 10 million sold
@napalmninja - There's an edit button on the bottom between reply and delete.
@rjejr With all due respect: what I told you is a sales & marketing model that has worked and held up as long as sales & marketing has existed and it isn't business or consumer specific, hence the effectiveness of it in both areas.
Hell, it even works in your local super market or drug store...
It is a known fact, training sessions and books are based upon it, so I KNOW that it is so, it is not simply my opinion.
@napalmninja You call THAT a wall of text?
@rjejr Yeah it wasn't popping up at first haha, but thank you!
The Wii U won't have a three-year or less lifecycle. With NX launching in November 2016, the Wii U will have had 4 years. Four years isn't necessarily good, but that's plenty for a console failing as badly as the Wii U. Four largely terrible years. There is no logic in sitting on this dead duck beyond 2016. Even Smash and Mario Kart failed to move units or reverse fortunes. That's telling that the console was not going to turn around.
And yes, we can totally make the "assumption" that Nintendo has nothing to fill out 2016 or go into 2017 or they would've shown us something at E3 this year. You know, like literally every other publisher did. They don't have anything else to continue to pad the console out beyond 2016. At this point, though, I expect StarFox to delay into early 2016 to let XCX support the console over December and January.
You believe that Nintendo has more games in development--I do too, just not for Wii U. Or they would've shown them to us, and that they are for NX is simply more logical at this point and perfectly in line with how they've dealt with consoles in the past. Once the GC, Wii, and Wii U were announced, there was an obvious and sharp decline in game announcements and releases for the then-current console. We're already seeing this decline for Wii U.
Nintendo is not making any major new Wii U games. Anything "new" we see from this point on will have already been in production for a very long time, and Nintendo has stretched production and releases for the Wii U longer than any console ever. XCX was revealed two years ago, and won't actually be out in the US until it's nearly been three years. They have been spacing out releases--as was once noted on this site by another user--in a sense of running back and forth putting out fires. There is a major drought between every release because there isn't a quantity of releases to fill the time. They are spacing these out to fake longevity of the hardware while they are clearly working on other projects behind the scenes.
That there was no major new announcement at E3 is extremely telling of this.
Your other point about the dwindling fanbase is a wider issue unrelated to the Wii U or NX specifically. Nintendo has been dwindling since the NES, and the Wii was a casual fad that found a new audience the way any other fad does. It was Nintendo's Macarena or Tomodatchi in that regard. A flash in the pan with no longevity. Outside of that fad, every Nintendo console has sold worse than the one before--they are simply fading from relevance, and have been for over 20 years.
The point is, those of you who have multiple 3DS systems "because moar Zelda" are going to buy NX no matter when it releases, how much it is, or when it comes out. Nintendo has no fear of pissing off these fanboys. The bigger problem is finding a way to actually, legitimately appeal to those of us who are gamers first and Nintendo fans second, and frankly, they have been failing at that a little more with each successive generation.
It doesn't matter if Nintendo angers a few core fanboys with this new release. It's more important that they try to get back the fans they've lost over the past 25 years, or to appeal to the much larger audience of new gamers. And that, unfortunately for them, may well be impossible.
The biggest hurdle most gamers and consumers now have is, quite simply, the Nintendo hardware itself. People find it increasingly difficult to justify purchasing the hardware just for a couple games they might not even finish. If Nintendo really wants to reach large audiences, the way to do it is to drop the hardware, and go third party. Nintendo fanboys constantly whine and moan about this, but as a gamer and a Nintendo fan, I'd prefer if their games were both A) easier to obtain by being on other hardware and B) actually found the audiences they deserve, which is only going to be possible by them being third party.
Their mobile strategy is a good first step, and it will illustrate this beautifully. Of this, I am quite confident. It's their first step to seeing how profitable and powerful they will be as a third party.
20 mil in the first year already kills this rumour. Ps4 took a little over 2 years to hit that.
Haha!! I can tell you one thing, I won't be one of the 20 million if this rumor is true.
@TheRealThanos - You know if you don't want to reply to me any more you can just stop, you don't need to resort to bold face, I can take a hint.
And I know how the method works, I've seen Glengarry Glen Ross, but Ntinedo doesn't hire people to stand in stores upselling NX to potential PS4 and X1 buyers. And they don't advertise on tv hardly at all. There's no blood or sex to attract the typical male gamer audience to NX.
So yes, the method works, but only if you employ the method. There are reasons for car salesman. I know what you are saying, yell at Ntinedo, not me, they're the ones who need to be yelled at if they want to sell a home console.
July 2016? I doubt it. That's too soon.
20mil units? Here's hoping Nintendo learns from its mistakes.
But yeah, July 2016 is too soon.
You don't seem to have any concept or understanding of what it means to be "Android powered." Android is an Operating System, not hardware. Android could be the OS powering a game console or a computer or pretty much anything else if configured to do so. It was designed for phones and tablets, however. But it is open and easy to use, which is why it's popular.
The PS4 could operate on an Android operating system and still be just as powerful. Being Android-based in the interface has absolutely nothing to do with hardware power or capabilities. To that point, we are likely to a level where the majority of Android-powered devices blow the 3DS out of the water in terms of visuals and power, and edge in on the Wii U. My phone is Android-powered and handily puts the 3DS to shame--and is full HD.
So when you say "Android-powered," you are illustrating that you don't understand even the most basic concepts of computing hardware. For instance, the Wii U is powered by AMD, IBM and Renesas. The operating system (which is what Android is), is just software made to run on this hardware.
@dkxcalibur @Kirk Yeah, I just meant not mobile as in not Android/IOS
@Quorthon Agreed on almost everything except
the release date and more importantly:the going third party bit. It would just feel off to me, besides the whole other hardware and non-Nintendo controller thing. And there's also the point that it's their core business to make consoles and games, so they'd have to overhaul their entire company after investing so much already in new headquarters R&D, new employees and what not. I don't see it happening.Well... if this rumor is true, at least they'll have one heck of a showing next E3.
@rjejr Why would I not want to reply? It seems to me like we're just having a normal conversation, I only used bold to emphasize a bit. No offense taken as far as I'm concerned. And Glengarry Glenn Ross is not on my list. Boiler room might be...
As for marketing and Nintendo: I have to agree with you that currently it definitely isn't a match made in heaven, but my guess is that with all the changes they are implementing and deals they are closing with the likes of DeNA it may come as no surprise that they are going to overhaul that department as well. But in the end, fun as it sometimes can be, none of all this speculating matters one single bit, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see which of the many commenters on here was "right". With all of these different views and ideas at least one of us must be close to the mark...
@Quorthon Yeah I guess android powered was the wrong way to put it. It's still a little early for me and I've barely gotten any coffee yet. But the point I was trying to make is that a console running an android os wouldn't get support from third parties, and the only Call of Duty games they would get would be Call of Zombies: Duty Warfare and various games like that. Seeing as how they blamed tablets for the Wii U's failure it would make absolutely no sense to try and compete with phones and tablets again by making an android based console. And even though Android is open and easy to use it still won't work well as a console, just look at Ouya and see how well that did.
What those two numbers tell me is that the NX will not have the "Wii" brand name, which goes with Nintendo's statement that "NX is new hardware, and it will start from zero."
Those two numbers do not tell me that NX is a 20 million units per year selling platform that will be fully unveiled, detailed, and released - all within the first 7 months of 2016.
20 Million? That's an extremely optimistic number unless the NX has an amazing launch line up. Are they going to pull the Zelda game on both the new and old console game thing they did with Twilight? I also think this number is highly unrealistic unless it's a replacement for the 3DS, where Nintendo doesn't have competition.
@RCMADIAX Aren't you that developer that makes shovelware on the eShop? Like the Flappy Bird clone and BLOK DROP U.
@TheRealThanos - I really need to see Boiler Room and Wolf of Wall Street. Watched Wall Street on free tv the other night, man that looks so old and unexciting.
Well whoever gets the speculation right I still hope it's you. There's always hope.
@rjejr @TheRealThanos It's really nice to see a normal adult conversation on the internet that doesn't break down into a full blown knife fight.
@AyeHaley That may be true, but they still showed the Wii U with it's controller in 2011.
So they won't launch games in the summer because 60% of their sales are in Oct, Nov, Dec, but they'll launch their brand new system? I doubt it.
Rumor or not, I am very excited to see what comes of this. Day one buy for me, as always.
20 million in a year? Is Nintendo crazy?
I call BS.
@Kirk @Quorthon
While I agree releasing NX in 2016 only 4 years after the Wii U could potentially PO the Wii U owners, myself included, I would like to point out that there are 90 million Wii owners who won't be POd, and another 12 million Gamecube owners (based on 22m GC sales) who haven't bought a Wii U yet so they won't be POd, and that's 102m potentially happy NX purchasers vs 10m POd Wii U owners. And some of those 10m Wii U owners will buy NX regardless, just b/c.
And that's why I think NX is a cheap Wii replacement, not an expensive Wii U replacement. PO 10m to gain 100m, that's just smart business.
On the bright side, 1 system means way more games, b/c if you add up both Wii U and 3DS games, and stop the duplicates like MK and SM3DL/W and SSB and Mario golf/tennis that's a whole lot more games. Whether it's $200 or $400 the NX "platform' under the hardware will play games both on handheld and portable, their won't be separate game lines. If they can manage to get XC running on new 3DS, they don't need dedicated PS4/X1 power for any of their games. Just Dance can probably run on an old AM/FM transistor radio. Same for Super Mario Maker. Even Hyrule Warriors is running on 3DS and that's 1 of the best Wii U games. Nintnedo won't compete on power.
@Quorthon Ive purchased three 3ds units. Wanted the xl for a bigger screen. Wanted "new" 3ds for the extra buttons&nub the hardware should have had to begin with. Gave the other two units to my friends so I'd finally be able to enjoy smash&mk with them since the cube era.I don't think I've ever purchased three versions of the same hardware ever. I won't be doing it again.
After the Wii U I resolved I'd never be a day one adopter of Nintendo hardware again. Aside from some excellent first party games the system was a let down to say the least. You're aware of the system's shortcomings, so I don't need to go into that.
I feel like I've been burned with my Wii U. I've spent quite a bit of cash on digital/retail games, and now the system is done.I sure don't feel like I got my money's worth like I did with ps3&360.
Nintendo keeps saying they've learned from past mistakes, but in not convinced of that. And I can assure you I won't be blindly rushing out to purchase NX come launch day.
Maybe we should wait until Nintendo actually tells us themselves, the only thing we know of is the codename.
20 million? Sounds more like a handheld, then. I don't know how they could produce that many consoles and expect those numbers.
Honestly, though, this sounds fishy to me.
@napalmninja @rjejr I always assume that it's an age thing. After 40 we still have some rage left, but we reserve it for an appropriate occasion instead of in a comments section on a website. Then again: I could be wrong...
Yeah, not gonna happen.
@TheRealThanos Maybe, but then again I'm only 24 and I try not to fight. I would also consider myself a pacifist so maybe I'm in the minority.
Then why'd you click on it
@Quorthon Oops! My bad on the maths
"It doesn't matter if Nintendo angers a few core fanboys with this new release. It's more important that they try to get back the fans they've lost over the past 25 years."
Well like I say; I think that's the last thing that will happen if it doesn't show that it's fully committed to its consoles; through the good and the bad. The same thing happened with Sega, where consumers simply lost any trust that it would properly support whatever new consoles it released—they simply didn't trust that it would support them for very long before dumping them and moving on again—so basically nobody bought them. So Nintendo could potentially lose a large chunk of it's still loyal but wavering fans and it probably wouldn't make any lapsed fans feel good about buying its new console; if they see that it just totally messed up with the Wii U and then dumped it like a bad smell the first chance it got.
The NX might get some new gamers, if the idea is unique and compelling enough and I guess we'll have to see on that one, but if Nintendo doesn't handle this right then it might ultimately just do more damage than good. I mean the Wii was a massive hit with the casuals but I'd argue it ultimately did more damage than good in many ways—losing a lot of once loyal fans, core gamers and potential customers by the time it released the Wii U—and God help Nintendo if it's going for the same approach with NX.
This could be true though apart from release month (July). Lets take a look at the facts shall we. Zelda got delayed from 2015 into 2016. Now would Nintendo delay it again till 2017 and make fans go totally mental again? Doubtfully. 2016 seems already a dead end for Wii U and gamers can't wait much longer than that anymore. Nintendo would want the game to hit shelves simultaneously on Wii U and NX otherwise NX version would not help with NX sales if released much later (there would not be enough interest in a game left anymore). They also can't abandon Wii U version since they made a promise it'll come to the system. Now the only reasonable launch date is holiday 2016 on both systems.
Something like october 2016 is the earliest plausible date, or else Nintendo would probably reveal it this year, which they've said they won't. Then again, maybe they're really taking this "transformation" thing seriously and completely changing how they release consoles, but it sounds highly unlikely.
@rjejr @Quorthon @Kirk
I think it might be more beneficial to point out the install bases of the PS3 and 360 instead of the GCN or Wii. Even by November 2016, there will still be a MASSIVE number of people (millions upon millions) who haven't upgraded from their PS3/360 yet. Those people are who Nintendo should be targeting.
It's a bit like fishing on a river. You cast your line so that it hits a pool of calmer water that fish get carried into by the fast currents. You want to catch the fish that are getting carried by the currents. Nintendo needs to be catching those fish - the people upgrading from their PS3/360.
Convince those people that the PS4 and XB1 aren't the best place to play the multiplats (PC aside of course).
The only problem with a 2016 release date is that 3rd parties won't necessarily have enough time with the system, considering they supposedly just saw it at E3 this year.
#Quorthon sux
@Quorthon At this point in time it makes no business sense for Nintendo to stop making hardware and go third party ; you keep mentioning this in many of your posts across many articles on here , but without any reasoning or justification. Just your preference as a 'gamer'. "I'd prefer if their games were both A) easier to obtain by being on other hardware and B) actually found the audiences they deserve, which is only going to be possible by them being third party." Why would their games be easier to obtain ? I am assuming by the statement 'the audience they deserve' you are referring to an increase in sales. Outside of the well known IP that you so regularly deride in the comments section , no I don't think they would.
Nothing is impossible, but since Zelda is coming in 2016, we all know that it will be the swansong for the Wii U and may follow Twilight Princess' path of a dual release (Wii U/NX). And more than likely, Zelda will be out Holiday 2016, which would be one guaranteed good launch game. Other than that, the wind down time of 3DS is logical, the Wii U wind down time is questionable, but since we haven't heard of any blockbusters for the Wii U intended for 2017, it does give "decent" credibility to this rumor. Oh, and... E3 2016 will unveil the NX. Nintendo cannot afford to show their product, wait until say, Holiday 2017 so their competitors have time to steal their idea(s), so they will HAVE to release by holiday 2016... July 2016 is too soon, imo.
Ouya had a slew of other problems outside of the Android OS--which was arguably it's biggest strength as it allowed a plethora of games to be released on it (the library is surprisingly large). So to blame Ouya's problems on the Android OS is grossly negligent and ignorant of the platform's actual woes. I actually own one (as well as the ill-fated GameStick that GameStop murdered), and the Ouya has other issues that are far more damning. One of which was a lack of notable marketing funds or heft, and a big one was the "every game has a demo/trial" which ultimately devoured potential profits and sales as studies have shown that demos actually appear to be damaging to sales, not beneficial to them. Which is why you don't see nearly as many any more.
And again, if the PS4 ran on Android, it would still be just as powerful and just as supported, because it's the PS4 and Sony knows how to get the 3rd party support. Pretty much the only reason it doesn't use Android is because Sony is a big enough company to build their own flashy proprietary OS, which is actually, arguably, the best OS of any game console ever made--and a far cry from the PS3's "worst OS and user interface ever."
Get over the whole "Android console" thing. The only reason those microconsoles used Android was because it was cheap, easy, and versatile. It has absolutely nothing to do with hardware heft, game content, or game quality, and to say so is powerfully ignorant.
@napalmninja Yeah, it was a bit of a jest. I know I can't stereotype everyone younger than me, but I do see a lot of rage on websites and besides making me shake my head it also baffles me how much time people invest in ranting and raving against someone they don't even know. Sometimes I waste a lot of (too much) time reading through a comments section from a YouTube video and I find some of the comments astounding in their hostility. My dad would probably give me an old-fashioned smack on the head if I even tried to talk like that back when I was of that age...
But luckily there are also quite a few smart young people around, so it's not like I've lost all hope.
There is some truth in this I think. Foxconn makes chipsets specifically for compact solutions. Nintendo shot down Android rumor, but I am sure that the Nx is going to have a proprietary compiler that makes it super easy to Port apps to the Nx. I would guess a lower price point for Part of the system too. NX is going to probably a network more than a console. You buy a portable that doubles as a controller for a hub that can ad-hoc portable games or host local multilayer sessions. The hub will probably let you "sling" your portable screen to your TV too. Nintendo has been trying to unify their portable and console business since the Gamecube. The Wii U honestly feels like a public release of R&D rather than a fully realized product. Nintendo is leveraging cell phone and tablet developers with NX, but they need to bridge the gap in both price and performance of traditional console and micro-console.
What is wrong is the date. Nintendo isn't going to release NX right after they announce it. It also arguably might cannibalize the Wii U sales from The Zelda U release. However production for retail shipment may be in full swing in July as Nintendo gears up for what will be a multi-piece console.
I really don't think that valve would clash with nintendo so steam could run on a console, seeing as valve is trying the console market itself. AND, I don't think that nintendo would want to pay valve the huge amount of money it would take to make this possible. As I have said before, I think the NX will be nintendo's next handheld as the 3DS is the oldest of the to. But, if you think about. Nintendo actually merged it's business alongside the QoL reveal so that the homeconsole and the handheld development teams function as one. If anything this could be a sign that the NX really is a hybrid console. I dunno, but I'm excited.
If you actually bothered to read any of my posts, you'd have actually seen ample justification and reason for Nintendo to go third party. It's not my fault that you refuse to pay attention. Is it a waste of my time to mention those points, yet again? Will you just ignore them again? Or will you bother to read them?
Because they are really quite simple:
1. Nintendo's hardware is unwanted by the vast majority of consumers. They want the games, but not the hardware. If Nintendo wants to reach these people, they need to start putting the games on other hardware.
2. Nintendo's hardware, outside of flukes like Wii and DS, sell worse with every generation, which means that the games are reaching smaller and smaller audiences every time. If Nintendo wants to reach a wider audience, third party is key--and they recognize this on mobile. They'll sell way more software on a platform with nearly a billion users as opposed to their portable system, with only 50 million.
By the time this generation closes out, the Wii U will not have even sold over 12 million (an estimate based on current failure to garner sales). But the PS4 will likely be a 100/130-million-selling platform, and the XBO will probably be quite close, around 80 million. That's potentially a consumer base of around 200 million people, as opposed to the 12 million that the Wii U might not even reach. I suppose you think appealing to a small number of people is better?
The Wii helps us understand this. The Wii had 100 million in sales, and Nintendo's properties sold some of their biggest numbers on there--Mario Kart Wii itself outsold the N64 console resting at a staggering ~35 million in sales. If the hardware is in enough hands, Nintendo's games sell pretty well. But Nintendo has a history of being terrible at selling the hardware, and people--as noted--do not want it.
But if those games are on hardware people do want or already have? They'll sell.
This concept could not be simpler to understand. Unless you have your raving fanboy goggles on and fingers in your ears. I guess we'll see if you plugged everything up and avoided this explanation yet again.
This incredibly fake that I can't believe this is even being reported. Nintendo said they won't even talk about the NX until next E3. No way they would sell it a month later. Unless they WANT to destroy themselves in Sega's footsteps.
@schizor right on the money. Hybrid all the way and I am excited about it.
One more point, and a very important one though is this: GAMES. "What" will be available at the start, and how fast will the games come "after" that? This is a make or break point for a system. At this point, 3rd parties probably haven't even gotten a taste of the NX, so what "could" they develop in a short window as this? Further, even if Nintendo is moving projects from Wii U to NX, will "they" be ready? 2016, as far as the games themselves, seems sadly, unrealistic. I guess we'll see.
@Retro_on_theGo They never specified E3. All they said was that they'd reveal it in 2016. They could very well reveal it before E3. In fact, they should reveal it prior to E3. E3 should be about the games.
@hYdeks Or you can buy a PC and have the best of both worlds instead of wasting your money on something that don't even have that many exclusives (at least exclusives that interest me) and nobody, even hard core Nintendo fans, believe this.
Anyway this rumor sounds all kinds of wrong to me. After Wii U, I wouldn't expect Nintendo to be so full of their selves to expect 20 million in the first year. Unless the NX has a really good launch and just overall sounds good, that'll never happen. Not only that, but the NX will be shown off at the next E3, there is no way it going to be launching literally a month afterwards.
If those third parties are starting with ports--which is most likely the case, then they will have plenty of time with the system to get them out, especially if Nintendo was smart for once and built it on x86 architecture and it's friendly to modern game engines. Yeah, big IF, I know.
But that's over a year until NX releases, which is plenty of time to get ports under way, especially if they are engine-friendly. Say, if NX can handle Unreal 4, then porting an Unreal 4 game would be relatively easy.
But you're right to the point that Nintendo should be targeting the 130ish million X360/PS3 owners who haven't upgraded yet, and try to steer them away from PS4 and XBO. The problem there is that Nintendo would have to be offering up something insanely compelling to do so. I'm a gamer on both of those platforms, I have my Xbox Live profile and my PSN profile, and I have histories with them--Achievements, Trophies, friends lists, account and game download histories, etc. These are incentives that keep my attention to those systems.
Yes, it was fun to start over in a sense when I switched from X360 to PS4 this generation, and build up my PSN profile instead, but I still have my Xbox profile and I still go back to it.
The other thing is that Nintendo has grown a number of unsavory reputations where gaming is concerned. They're the kiddie company. The casual company. The Mario, Zelda, Pokemon company. Nintendo is not where you go unless you want casual, kiddie, or MZP fare. And even then, if you want some of that stuff, Nintendo is still a hard sell because it's going to lack so much else. Nintendo is the company known for stupid gimmicks like motion controls and the GamePad. Nintendo is the company known for having weak, backwards policies for online gaming. Nintendo is the company that is totally unfriendly to streaming and video services. You can't play movie disks on Nintendo hardware.
These are all red flags that Nintendo has had for generations now, and they need to magically over-turn all of these issues if they are to appeal to those X360/PS3 owners waiting to take the next-gen plunge. Yes, they should still try to, but it's an awful lot to try to conquer. And I still don't see them interested in competition or actually trying to do something worthwhile on this front.
Nintendo has already "Sega'd" itself, but instead of too much crappy hardware, it was with stupid peripherals and badly implemented motion controls and gimmicks. Nintendo gimmicked themselves into the same position Sega was in years ago. They are in the same position now that Sega was in before the launch of the Dreamcast. A company limping to an early end of a console while trying to get their new "saving grace" ready for the public to hopefully make everyone forget. The Wii U is their Saturn.
The only difference is that Nintendo has the generally successful handheld and more money in the bank, but that won't last if they can't actually turn things around.
We don't want or need new hardware. Release games for the Wii U!
"If Nintendo does drop support for Wii u we won't even notice any difference".
Um, I beg to differ on that. We just got Splatoon, one of the best new games to be released in years. That game alone would be noticeable if absent. Then you figure all the Wii U games still coming as a result of either 1st party development or partnership- Mario Maker, Yoshi's Wooly World, Fatal Frame, Devil's Third, Star Fox Zero, Mario Tennis, Xenoblade Chronicles, SMT x Fire Emblem, Zelda...
You're telling me it would go unnoticed if none of those games were coming to the system all of a sudden? The Wii U is getting a ton of support from Nintendo right now. In fact I don't think any other developer or publisher in the entire industry is releasing as many games on any platform as Nintendo is on the Wii U.
@rjejr You played Xenoblade right? There was certainly some blood. Besides, whats with the craze about blood and realistic gore? Its stupid imo.
Hahahaha im a man because I play games like GTA. I love going on mass murder rampages for fun! (gta is a good game)
@Quorthon A valid point in theory, but whether or not this would be a lucrative business idea? I don't think anyone in the forum has any clue whatsoever about what would be a smart move on the consolemarket. We have ideas sure, and your idea doesn't sound dumb in theory, but to put your answer in such a simple format "All they need to do is...." is not just arrogant, it's unrelieable; because you and none of us sees the big picture.
This is how I am just going to feel about Nintendo from now on.
This sounds just entirely made up.
@Quorthon. Stop trolling people. Nintendo stocks out perform Sony, Microsoft, and even Apple on a daily basis. The ROI on AAA console games is dwindling. More than half of third party publishers have closed in the past 10 years. PS4 is still in it's infancy and relies on Activision, ubisoft, 2k and EA to create content that sells the system. The architecture change was for the publishers, not the developers. If sales across.PC, X1 and PS4 don't grow in ROI then most of these companies will move to higher Roi sectors like mobile. Without the first party exclusives like Nintendo has Sony and Microsoft are going to be exiting their current console era on a flat note.
That you can't see the big picture does not mean I cannot. That is a bold and unsupported assumption.
Nintendo going third party would allow them to reach the audiences their games deserve. The hardware is an obvious barrier to this for most gamers and consumers. This will be supported or not once we see their mobile titles start rolling out--in which they will be acting as a third party.
Once the barrier of the Nintendo hardware is removed, the games will sell to wider audiences and far more people. Again, on a platform with high sales, Mario Kart managed over 30 million in sales. On a platform with fewer than 10 million sales, Mario Kart's numbers fall well short of that.
Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, even Pokemon. These franchises have long since ceased being titles that sell hardware. And because of this, they aren't reaching new consumers or growing their audiences. This will continue being a problem as long as Nintendo forces people to buy their hardware to play them.
Clearly, the hardware side is not benefiting them or aiding them anymore. The Wii U and 3DS are selling below the GC and GBA, continuing a downward trend for the company since their peak with the NES.
Nintendo once took over this industry because their games were available in a wide variety of places allowing them to build a reputation and presence. This helped them when they finally released the NES--on top of their draconian business practices that largely killed any competition. But people were aware of things like Mario Bros and Donkey Kong before the NES ever saw the light of day.
These games aren't being played by anyone but core Nintendo fans anymore. No one else is finding or enjoying Zelda for the first time with rare exception. I'd prefer the company to continue to grow and reach more people. Every single time you people argue against them going third party, you are stating that you want them to continue shrinking to ever smaller audiences, because that is exactly the pattern established.
@Quorthon Well it's not quite "Sega" yet but if it's not careful, and smart, it might slowly put itself into a similar position.
Lordy! These rumors are getting out of hand!!!!!!! And I remember the "Project Café" rumors getting out of hand in the months before the U was unveiled (and I remember the crushing disappointment too ) Same thing seems to be happening with the NX...which will suck (for all you, hyping the machine up to no end) All I hope for in the end, is that the NX is a handheld (in some way, shape or form) and is successful, for Nintendo (20 mil in a year!?!?!?!?!??! Not happening...though)
Right now, here are stock prices:
Nintendo: 21.34
Activision: 24.54
Sony: 28.36
Microsoft: 44.22
EA: 67.47
Apple: 126
You are demonstrably wrong and full of crap. Congratulations on defining what it means to be wrong. Not only isn't Nintendo's stock out-performing everyone, it's the lowest of these companies.
Numbers taken from CNN Money.
The rest of your post is equally full of nonsense. Given that you stated demonstrably false information, it would seem you are the one trolling.
They didn't say E3 2016, they said 2016
I Feel this is bogus since we just read a statement a day ago that Nintendo of america doesn't like summer release because "people aren't in the mood to buy".
but i do believe the NX will be here next year.
After those titles that were already announced I meant
@Quorthon Unless a company pays dividends, which most don't, performance is measured by growth. A high price per stock is evident of a holding pattern or impending decline. Your concept of the stock market lacks understanding.
@Quorthon Indeed, there's a lot of things to overcome. Also can't believe that I used a fishing analogy for video games. Worked decently enough though. Only wish fishing licenses weren't so damn expensive...
Anyways, I think that Nintendo may find themselves at issue with their mobile games. Simply put, people might not care about them. I predict that one of their mobile games will be really successful, one will have moderate success, and that the other 3 will fail completely. The catch: the one that is really successful is the one with the most shady business practices.
@Quorthon Unfortunately , I have read quite a few of your posts - time I will never get back. There is little reasoning or justification in the majority of them. There is a lot of opinion , speculation and low level trolling. I was clearly referring to the console business ; Nintendo are in partnership with DENA for mobile work. So I don't know why you are bringing that up. All I will say on the mobile point is there might be a billion users , but how many will pay 3DS prices for Nintendo games ? The two simple facts you have stated are not facts or "ample" reasoning by a long shot.
How do you know that people want Nintendo games , but not the hardware ? According to you , Nintendo fanboys will buy anything with Nintendo on it , multiple times. They don't buy third party games. They don't buy other hardware. So , by your 'reasoning' everybody who wants Nintendo games buys Nintendo hardware. The amount who want games from Nintendo , who don't own a 3DS or Wii U must be tiny. People buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo games. Yet , you are now insinuating that a lot of PS / XB owners want Nintendo games. Outside the well known IPs , I would suggest that they would be pretty indifferent. If not , devs would currently be falling over themselves to create Nintendo style games on those platforms.
History suggests sales of Nintendo style games on those consoles would never make the same amount of money as Nintendo make by releasing them on their own dedicated hardware. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale sold around 1 million across PS3 and Vita. Smash Bros has already shifted over 4 million units on Wii U and 3DS. The total PS4 / XBOX market may end up in the same region as the numbers that the Wii sold. Smash Bros Wii sold around 13 million. Do you think the extra copies they could potentially sell as a third party on those platforms would recoup the extra costs in development and publishing , as well as covering the losses from not having dedicated Nintendo hardware ? Apply this to all Nintendos best selling IPs and multiply.
Nintendo has always seen the hardware as a means of creating value in their software. The biggest change in gaming today is the cost to make a game. In the days of the SNES new games cost £40 and upwards here in the UK - Streetfighter II was £60. Games today cost the same in the shops here. So , with inflation and currency depreciation between markets the game of today costs less in real terms than in 1992 / 1993. But how much more does a game cost to make ? Especially the games that third parties make ? Yes , the market share is bigger - but not big enough to make up the difference.
In the gaming business Nintendo have made the biggest profit for the longest time. They have struggled recently due to the Wii U's sales and the increased development costs due to the transition to HD. However , as is well known , they have plenty in the bank. I am sure they would succeed as a third party. But why would they alter a business model that has brought them profit and success for nearly 30 years ? Because you say so ? Of the top 15 game franchises that have sold over 100 million units , Nintendo has 7. All sold on their own hardware.
By limiting their hardware , Nintendo fight this deterioration of value in their software. By going third party they become part of the better graphics / faster processor chase, meaning their development costs would spiral for a diminishing return. All their programmers would have to learn how to use different tools , different engines etc. All the arguments you give to support third parties attitude to the Wii U , would apply in reverse for Nintendo development teams working with 'strange' hardware. The EAD folk have been schooled in working the Nintendo way for many years. They couldn't change their way of working overnight. They would lose money during the transition period. Ubisoft hire a team to do a Wii U port for roughly $1.5 million. Would Nintendo do the same to port to Sony / XBox ? If they did , would it still be classed as a Nintendo game ? Would it be a glitchy mess ? Could it be done as cheaply as a game can be made for their own hardware ? Without their hardware the value of their software is diminished.
Why would Nintendo write off the profits they make on their hardware ? Why would they cut the profits of their software ? ( as a rough guide ; they sell a game on their own platform and make £25 to £30 ; on another platform they would make £15 to £20 due to publishing rights etc ) They would have to sell , roughly , a third as many copies as they do now for the same profit. That is assuming the costs to develop a game remain the same , but , as outlined , that is very unlikely. Do you think they would sell enough copies of Mario Party , Kirby , Yoshi , Captain Toad , Splatoon et al on PS4 to make the same profit ? Of course they wouldn't. The odd game like Mario and Zelda might sell more , but the majority wouldn't.
In all other realms of business profit is king. Except in gaming according to fanboys like you. Then it's all about units sold. Until Nintendo sell the most. Then it doesn't count because of gimmicks. Or it's a fluke. Or it was only bought by casuals and grandmas. Apologies to other users for the long post.
@Quorthon The only source we have to conclude from is the gaming news we get from the internet. That is what your comments are based on. News/information, not facts. You put pieces the puzzle together from what you read, AND THAT makes your statement simple and arrogant. I'm not saying that I know what Nintendo needs to do to grasp former succes. All I am saying is that it would be humanly impossible for you to know everything about the matter (the big picture). btw I understood your point in the first post so you didn't need to describe it again. I respect your view but am mearly pointing out that your conclusion, as wonderfully simple as it is, might really really not be the smartest solution in this case. Deny it again and I would still disagree. Good day sir.
@RCMADIAX You made me laugh pretty hard with that, glad I wasn't taking a drink when I looked at the "NX".
I doubt it.
@Peach64 I was thinking in the same direction. But, also possibly an "add-on," like the Gboy player for gamecube. The Wii U has a total of 4 usb's, not to mention you could possibly stream (everyone seems to be doing it. PS4 to Vita). I don't think it will be a graphical powerhouse, but instead hardware that is "easy" to develop for (along the lines of PS4 or Xbox).
"20 million sales target"
Well, I think there are to much zeros in this number (at least one, maybe more).
I might get a couple of this after hearing these news
The Feb/Mar 2016 release date is rather implausible: I bet on a late 2016/early 2017 release if Nintendo is working on NX launch games
@Quorthon hey just created an account to tell you to make sure to take your arrogance with you when you close the door on the way out. Ta. You may think that you're the omniscient God of videogames, but in reality you just come across as an insufferable know-it-all. This isn't the first article where your bias and arrogance have shown, I'm sure you're aware. In all honesty, you bring up some good points and you hit the nail on the head with a few, but just re-read what you post in future. Across IGN, Gamespot, Nintendo Life and others, Nintendo haters for me have almost 100% of the time shared these two main points of view:
1. That the Wii or DS were 'flukes'. Honestly I've read that so many times it's untrue, to call either one is bold but BOTH!? Give credit where its due, to not do so you just come across as a troll and a hater, negating your pervious good insight.
2. You would love Nintendo to go 3rd party. This is my favourite, the Nintendo haters who haven't played their amazing games I just pity but I always love finding a good one like you who knows how good Nintendo really are, and would love a future where Zelda is on the PS5 or Metroid on the Xbox or Xenoblade on PC. Face it bud. It. Will. Never. Happen.
Like I say your arrogance really shows so try to contain it, it will look even more embarrassing if the 'NX' sells well, but then again it's Nintendo so it's a fluke, eh?
Nintendo always releases their consoles in the fall. The only exception is the Super Nintendo...
@Kirk In response to #80, the NX is indeed a home console. Reggie basically confirmed it in a recent interview with Forbes.
@IceClimbers It probably will be a home console but unless it's something really special then I think Nintendo is just creating issues for itself.
Nope, I'm calling bullcrap. This is way to early, no way it's real.
Ah, gotchya
@placidcasual - Yeah, all these video game players, and it seems like nobody has ever heard of "the telephone game".
I could see NX releasing next November, but for Nintendo not to talk in detail about it until June 2016 and then release it in July of the same year seems a little rushed. Still I'm game for whenever it releases and am excited to see what gaming experiences Nintendo has in the works.
Hopefully next console they sell, they learn from their mistake and release a AAA title with it. The Wii U launch was weak, full of ports of games almost everyone had already played with promises of games that were on the Steam flash sales but a few bucks instead of the 60 dollar console prices.
Either way, I will skip the NX.
My dream would be for Nintendo to release a console that is also a Steam Machine. The more I think about it, the more it makes a lot of sense.
Not like it's going to happen though.
@Ryno My favorite gif
I don't think that'll happen. Too soon, too rushed and litterally middle finger to Wii U user.
He isn't being arrogant. He is the first among a really, really large number of Nintendo weary to put effort into his comments. Why would anyone even try half as hard given the current state of the company, I don't know. But at least he tries.
There are die-hard, loyal Nintendo customers who have followed this company from the early 90s unwaveringly, into 2015. I would be one of those. I have purchased nearly every last console and every last handheld them. And countless games on their systems, from many publishers.
On top of these facts, a few more will give you the full description of this die-hard customer. I am not the cliche. But your idea of the 'Nintendo hater' ought to give away how stereotypical your 'Nintendo customer' really may be.
1. The Wii and DS were definitely flukes. Unfortunate, unsustainable, and regressive flukes at that.
2. Nintendo may or may not go third party, this contention is the last of my worries. However, since the option is left completely open to 'may go third party' I guess I already fulfilled your two points of being a Nintendo hater. (tip: I am not).
3. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was a horrible, gut-wrenching disappointment of a perversion of a series the first time I saw it, and I hold the same opinion of it, to this day. Opinions do not change.
4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was as bad.
5. Nintendo has made a cartoony mess of itself and its games from the GameCube onwards. In fact, I detest what Shigeru Miyamoto has done to the company after the Nintendo 64 days.
6. In the here and now, I definitely think Nintendo is history and cannot recover from the atrocities of its last three consoles and handhelds. Their hardware is based on gimmicks, people will tell you the same thing endlessly. The last great console was the Nintendo 64, perhaps a marvellous Godsend of a fluke in its own right, since its success has never been repeated again. To add to this, no future Nintendo console could hope to achieve Nintendo 64 level greatness without gargantuan, competitive, graphics to boot. Making another Sunshine or Galaxy, will definitely, deeply not cut it, the sophistication and atmospheric sobriety needs to revisit the classicism of Super Mario 64.
Conclusion and open thought: classical design itself is what Nintendo has lost. A qualitative thing to lose, a challenging thing to lose, something with deep repercussions. No wonder someone like me feels so different about Nintendo's contemporary stuff. This has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the tone that another user puts into his comments. I will never buy another Nintendo product again unless the sophistication and classicism return as seen in Super Mario 64.
This is Step 1.
@westman98 - "Those two numbers do not tell me that NX is a 20 million units per year selling platform that will be fully unveiled, detailed, and released - all within the first 7 months of 2016."
What th eWii and Wii U numbers were supposed to tel you is that even though Ntinedo has only put out new hardware every 5 years it's possibly they won't wait 5 eyars between Wii U adn NX b/c Wii U isn't selling.
You can't just say - that's the way they always did it - means the same thing as - that's the way they always WILL do it. Extenuating circumstances and all that.
@TheRealThanos @napalmninja - "After 40 we still have some rage left, but we reserve it for an appropriate occasion instead of in a comments"
Says the guy w/ the Thanos avatar.
I like to think of it more like Rocky 3. Neither of us is throwing the fight, but all of our fights are "hand picked'.
@IceClimbers - 3 problems at least trying to win over the PS3 install base -
FF7, Shenume 3, TLG, Uncharted 4, R&C re-imagining-aning. And PS4 will get a price drop before any of those 5 release which NX will have to match.
But you did remeind me of something I forgot before. Half of the 22 mil PS4 owners never had a PS3, so you can probably write-off another 10mil Wii owners, leaving 80mil of those. I know what you're thinking, some of them are Xbox360 owners, which is true, but they probably also owned a Wii.
I'm just not feeling the gamers coming back under any circumstances, I can't make the pieces fit.
NX may very well be released in 2016. But in July?? One month after E3?? One or two months after major production is supposed to begin, as this rumor states?? 20 million units sold in a mere 12 months??? This particular rumor is bullsh*t. The source, while not some random blog or website, is known for being incorrect, particularly regarding big consumer electronic companies (Google "Digitimes Apple Rumors").
@jord he/she was definitely arrogant. Not just in one comment or thread, they have been for a while. Brandishing all Nintendo fans as 'fanboys' who buy anything Zelda related and 3 3DSs, never giving Nintendo credit and diminishing any and all arguments to the contrary of his/her own. I don't care about the facts, as well as your own as I've read it all before and I admit it, it's mostly all on the right points, but there's a way to present it, especially as he/she regulates it over and over and over, as if anything is new or not known. I also don't care about your opinion of Zelda lol what was that about? I just wants to express my opinion at the way this individual expresses their own, you don't have to doom and gloom EVERY article.
About the two points you referenced, Nintendo may go 3rd party, OK I'll give you that, but then again the NX may sell 20 million in a year, that's the problem with these haters, never looking on the positives at all (but let me re-iterate they won't go 3rd party). It's apparently all set in stone according to Mr Nintendo hater, NX launch in 2016, failure, Nintendo 3rd party, and he/she attacks anyone who disagrees. That's why I can't stand them and had to make this account.
Oh and Wii and DS a fluke bit, cute how you say it's undeniable in bold but then give us no evidence to back it up. You saying it's easy to sell 100 million consoles? It was inevitable? What about Wii Fit (from your beloved Shigeru) a fluke too? Just like Frozen, IPads and the PS4? All flukes? Oh obs not, they're not Nintendo. Oh and PLEASE tell me how Nintendo managing to DESTROY the freakinb Gamboy was a fluke. I'd also argue the 3DS is almost as impressive, considering Smartphones and Tablets, but the DS was a stroke of genius, and the only reason you're denying it is bias, I'm afraid.
@westman98 - "is known for being incorrect,"
Incorrect as in compeltley missing the mark, or incorrect as in off by a bit?
I don't believe July, and I don't believe 20m the first year, but I do believe if I were signing a contract w/ a company I would like them to start delivering the product TO ME before I started putting them on store shelves for sale, and also I would want them to give me a ceiling number of what they are CAPABLE of producing in a given time frame if I asked them too.
Considering all the stock issues Nintneod is having w/ amiibo it wouldn't surprise me that Ntinedo might say - we'll we only NEED 10m the first year, but if these things start selling like PS4 we want an option for another 10m in the first year, can you accommodate that?
Technicalities and legalese like that usually don't'make their way thru the rumour mill.
Are you familiar w/ the $6m the Yankees either do or don't owe A-Rod for his home run? That's written in a contract that many lawyers have read yet they still can't reach an agreement. You don't think ti's possible rumours can have inaccuracies but still have a basis in truth??
The GameBoy/DS debate can go on, and on, and on.
Close caption, concise response: The GameBoy had the Godlike masterpiece that was Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, arguably, the crowning achievement in classic game design and the easy contender for 1st place, over Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; its direct successor.
The DS? The DS had jack Sh** instead.
@jord so in the end it's just your opinion then? Lol OK then. Can't believe I gave you the time of day (though it's night where I am TBF). Thing is, my favourite Zelda game is Skyward Sword, a game I would be amazed to find you consider the anti-Christ of gaming /s. I liked, in fact liked a lot, Phantom Hour Glass and Spirit Tracks. Link's Awakening? Eh. See that's the great thing with opinions, we all have unique ones, but what they definitely are not are indisputable facts that eradicate any and all other opinions or facts. Some of my favourite games were on DS, Chrono Trigger remake, Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney (started on GBA but I played on DS) and I much preferred the Pokemon games on it too. But what I don't then do is call the Gameboy a fad, fluke or s*** because I know a lot of people loved it! and I respect their opinions. The Gameboy and the Gameboy Advance really only have one game that I love between them- Mother 3. The DS/3DS? Oh boy I don't even want to begin to imagine, we'll be here all day. But to sum up, I think you should accept that your opinion isn't fact or right, because we all know, Skyward Sword is truly the best game ever made/s
Some of Digitimes' rumors are actually true, except that their timing is 12-18 months off (or more).
Other times, Digitimes' rumors are just completely false.
Ewww no thanks. I'll be playing my Wii U and PS4 this time next year. Nintendo may have abandoned it but I sure haven't!
Summer 2016 is a bit early for my liking. I'd want the Wii U to be supported for a but longer than that. However, it might be better in the long term for Nintendo to change focus quickly on to the NX since the Wii U isn't selling very well.
With no hesitation, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was my second favorite Zelda game. There is no close contender.
On to the more important things about all this: yes, I know people have different opinions. The tease, here, is not which opinion is yours or mine and why it is okay that they are different. The tease is specifically that, over decades, Nintendo has put its consumers in a zone where they have wildly different opinions from one another to a degree that is irregular or unusual among media producers.
Highly unusual. The company you know is effectively not the company I know; if our exchange has anything to say about it.
Let us zoom out for a second. I brought up classic versus... What comes after, the Nintendo of today, "Nintendo's newer stuff," if you will.
I truly believe (and namely why I defend others like Quorthon on here), that Nintendo cannot survive in this day and age based on the changing, modernizing gaming atmosphere. What you played may well be meaningful to you. Yes. But this experience will not endure, this is partly why the rage-debates are so frequent.
The major disagreements among consumers must be the single best indication that Nintendo's future will not be what you and I probably knew it as. The mobile landscape, will eventually, overtake Nintendo if it hasn't already. The aesthetic, the design of mobile games, have erased the classic design emphasizing button control. Touch gameplay is not even a strong Nintendo 3DS centrepiece - it is an afterthought.
On the home console front, Nintendo will have to switch design gears real soon, because it has been losing all its attempts there as well. How incoherent has the Zelda experience been? Do you truly believe this is a matter of subjective opinion? This is a matter of design incoherence — not from my standpoint — from their own.
Whatever Nintendo does with its IP, it is not working right now for them the way they are doing it. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword should have been the game they released instead of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with a better story, and better graphics. Not with any design changes. No matter what style the game was played, motion-controlled or on an N64 controller.
They are BEHIND THE TIMES. There is A MAJOR paradigm shift in the gaming industry which they have MISSED way, way, way early on! This is not just about what is going on around them in the industry. This is also about them being unable to coherently transition their design improvements from simply one title to the next (without the erratic tabula rasa they pull every damn time a new game is made).
How many game design innovations do you think Link's Awakening really had? Short answer: so, very many. The actual quirky, mysterious, lovable characters came from this game, Link to the Past did not have it to that extent. The single most concise overworld in any Zelda game that was. The ocarina itself, the music as a major narrative plot device. Above all, the extremely powerful narrative, something the heads at Nintendo would hope to never engage with again in any game going forward!
The problem with Nintendo is that they do not know how to innovate, not that they do or don't.
@jord well thank you for that, I must say I am genuinely surprised to find someone who disagrees with Nintendo's current decisions who actually likes Skyward Sword, that's usually synonymous with people's hatred of modern Nintendo. Who knows, maybe there will come a time when people judge this game on its merits, and not comparing it to Skyrim or The Witcher.
As for your other points, it's late and whilst you do bring up a lot of good points I will just finish by saying a disagree with what you're saying. The day Nintendl stops changing and innovating, I think will be the day I lose interst myself. You say they are behind the times, and there are lots of factors in your favour, but with Splatoon for example, I'm having too much fun to worry about Voice Chat, or Ranking systems or any of the modern trends in other online shooters. That's why I'll mainly play Nintendo games, look at Mario Galaxy for example, putting Mario into space? Interconnected planets? That amazing soundtrack? I honestly consider that to be one of the greatest videogame innovations ever, literally no one but Nintendo could've throught of it, and they executed it brilliantly, deserving it's accolades..
Also they own Monolith Soft and if you haven't played Xenoblade I'd fully recommend it. Modern Nintendo classic, can't wait for X..
Just finishing off on Zelda you consider its design incoherent? I'm not sure what you mean by that, both SS and TP were very, very good IMO and stuck to the roots of a Zelda game (puzzles, dungeons, sword-based combat, wacky items, hidden collectibles, the traditional story etc). We'll just have to wait and see how they handle open world with the new one, I am very optimistic they will nail it, it's not a new concept and every company has had a fair crack at it with some stellar success, why not Nintendo with Zelda?
@kensredemption I wouldn't go so far as to properly insult him, he's entitled to his opinion and does know what he's talking about to a degree, but he comes across all wrong, the fact he hasn't replied to me signals he's just here to troll as well so maybe I am giving him too much credit? Ah well, back to Splatoon
"Another element of the report which sets alarm bells ringing is the claim that Nintendo hopes to ship an astonishing 20 million NX consoles in its first year of sale"
Its possible....if it is a smartphone, wich isn't unlikely!
@LilC You're absolutely right. I don't believe anything that doesn't come from Nintendo directly. And if anyone was of these "bloggers" were paying attention to the Nintendo E3 Direct, they would have heard clearly when Reggie said they won't be talking about the new console until the 2016 E3. Which means it probably won't be out until 2017 (late).
I don't think anyone knows what trolling really is anymore.
@RCMADIAX does it come with the memory cards, or those sold separately? I like the stackable quality of it... Place another item on top, no loss of shelf space. Nintendo, you're brilliant!
@Kimite seen that tech... Still not impressive, even after twenty years of development. and no, it does not look at all like it does in the ads. I know people are gonna be up in arms that I said this, but i just don't care. Gimme a well polished game that's fun over "wanna-be" VR anyway. AR what we got after VR failed to produce uniform results. Can't wait for this fad to die yet again (what would this be, it's third or fourth death in twenty years?) but everyone will decry that AR is a step in the right direction....ROFLMAO, it's truly a step back from VR.
Sounds too early, I´d say it's November or December of 2016.
@rjejr "Says the guy w/ the Thanos avatar. "
Yeah... that's one of the few things that does enrage me: having to add "TheReal" to my avatar name because even though I've been using this game name since the 70's, the advent of the internet raised the problem of there being thousands upon thousands of Thanos'es registered on various websites. Since I didn't want to call myself Thanos7853 I decided to make clear that besides the Marvel version I'm the only true Thanos. In Europe anyway, even though I'm still American at heart...
Missed this conversation. Will just say: If the fusion thing happens to the extent that there is one product that is supposed to cover the handheld space and you plug it into your TV to cover the console space, I'll be so disappointed.
It would mean that any new Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Star Fox game will be ~2 generations behind in graphics capabilities. I'm not a big graphics person, but those games can really benefit in creating a visual environment that convincingly transports you via hints of realism at least.
I can barely watch 3DS videos on the internet. I don't want that (relative to consoles) for another 5 years on my TV as the prime example of Nintendo visuals. Sigh.
That was hilarious! Do you have anymore jokes, or just the one?
Considering they won't even tell us anything about NX until next year, I see a 2017 release as a lot more likely.
Hi, sorry for being a bit late ;^^.
Anyway, I have to say I prefer good/amazing/mind blowing games over the current VR technology just saying .
I think right now AR technology are more suited for games if done right than VR. (Who wants to play a VR RPG on the coach by todays VR standard). I think if VR is truly going to be good/functional, it has to reach the point where it can be like a Amusphere from Sword Art Online and I would play a Zelda VR game in full-dive mode .
But the most important thing is that the games are good .
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