Nintendo's latest Wii digital re-release for Wii U in Europe is Kirby's Adventure Wii - AKA Kirby's Return To Dream Land. This Wii title from 2011 is a back-to-basics adventure that puts Kirby into familiar territory - there's no need to complain if you're in North America, you get the brand new Kirby and the Rainbow Curse instead!
As this might be an opportunity to play the game for the first time, Lee shares his first experiences of the game with you; hopefully you'll be able to make up your own mind about whether or not this is the game for you. Our Kirby's Adventure Wii review from 2011 might also aid your purchasing decision.
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Comments 60
Want this to come to NA soon
Please dont pull a DKC here, NOA! This is one of the few first party wii games I dont have.
I'll wait for it to be on sale. I can't justify it being £18.
Does this game support game pad or is it still just Wii remote? Not seen anything come out that actually allows game pad yet despite Nintendo saying there would be games allowing it.
I never played Kirby when I was growing up.The first Kirby game I played was the 3DS one, and I've since played Epic Yarn, Canvas Curse and Rainbow Canvas so I'll definitely be picking this up!
@FragRed Wii Remote only, I'm afraid!
When there are coming wii games what will have gamepad support? They announced it but there is not a singel game yet..
@Bass_X0 Why? Because it's a download?
@rippertnl basically, is a game has Classic Controller support, it should support Wii U controls. The only game released so far is Punch-Out!, only available in North America. Sun & Punishment 2 and Pandora's Tower are on the way, but no release dates yet.
lol. That sucks that Europe got such a sucky name for this game. Return to Dream Land is much better than Adventure Wii. I'll continue calling it Return to Dream Land like I've always known it to be.
"You can suck, you can blow." - Lee
Holy crap a Corbie Dillard review. What ever happened to that guy? He and James were the best writers for this site. Do miss.
@sinalefa me too. It is quite pricey to get a physical copy. I am ready for download NOA.
Gah, even though it's only a little over 3 years old, I have such good memories with this game! My three younger brothers and I got it for Christmas in 2011 and I'm so happy it is four-player because playing my brothers the whole time was great fun! It was my first traditional Kirby game (I had played Canvas Curse, Epic Yarn, and Mass Attack before I got Return to Dream Land.) so I was a little unaccustomed to Kirby's copy abilities. I always played as Bandana Dee instead because I though he looked adorable and spear was one of my favorites. Not to mention, I didn't have to worry about losing his abilty if I got hurt. Geez, my brothers and I played that game to death. And our reactions toward the end reveal was just great! We all really felt betrayed.
Such a great game and I'm so glad I got it when I did since everyone else seems to be saying that it's hard to find and the prices for it are so high.
I tend to agree with this guy, most back to basics kirby games are far less interesting, than the epic yarns, canvas curse's, mass attacks, at least from a gameplay element type of game. than being said Kirby's Triple Deluxe has got to be on of my favourite back to basics kirby, its generally more challenging than its counterparts, and the 3D foreground/ background, and push elements are a great addition.
This game looks fine, but doesn't make me go Ooooooh
Guess I will see about getting this once it comes out to NA...got to beat all TA's!
No discount at launch, no buy
For those questioning the price, it's still $49.99 at Gamestop, both new and used if you can even find it, so $20 is unfortunately a bargain.
My kids found this to be a lot more enjoyable than the way too easy Kirby's Epic Yarn. I havne't played either myself, not a fan of 2D platformers.
If this was £8.99 discount price I would buy it but not willing to pay £18 for it
Wish NOA would release this game here in the US, because I don't want that crap that they Call Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. And also they need to get there A$$ in gear and release the Donkey Country games from the SNES on the Eshop to.
SUCH a fun game. I bust this out a few months ago and played it in Wii Mode to re-beat it. Just plan old-fashioned simple fun. When I'm too tired after work to focus on a game with heavy story or requiring quick reaction, I sometimes just like to play a game with simple gameplay mechanics and charm that lets your mind melt. This is one of those games.
@LeeGarbutt Iam in europe so no game with any support yet!
Sun & Punishment 2 i gone buy for sure but Pandora's Tower i dont now because there are so many mixed reviews about this game!
After playing Kirby Epic Yarn (which you cannot die), it seems to me that Kirby is geared towards young kids and thus not interested in other Kirby games anymore. This game, without doubt, is for young kids.
We'll see it anytime between 3 and 6 months probably if we do get it.... That seems to be the trend for stuff for NA these days.
And Golden Sun 2.
It's probably because you can buy the disc for this game for cheaper.
Funny... because my EB games had it $19.99 new and $14.99 used. Unless it was a promotion or sale... I don't know.
Yeah I don't understand what the delay I for the DKC games? That's a pile of money they are dragging their feet on. They could release all three at one time and many gamers, like me, would instantly buy all 3! They've more than made their money on Returns, Returns 3D, and Tropical Freeze. So it's not like it would hurt those games.
I may get this, I told myself I would get it on the Wii. I never did though.
You say there's no reason to complain for not getting this game, but it's definitely one of my favorite Kirby games and I definitely want it more then Rainbow Curse.
I'd get it if it came to NA.
PLEASE ANSWER-I'm thinking of getting this and I have a question. Is this a good game to start off with by someone that hasn't played a Kirby game ever and has played New Super Mario Bros Wii??? I'm talking in terms of control and difficulty, as in is it an easy game, a decent difficulty game that beginners can learn and improve or hard and not recommended for beginners. I'm asking on behalf of myself and my brother(who's birthday is coincidentally today.)
@shonenjump86 It's £17.99 on the Wii U eshop and it's like £30+ in my local GAME store. So if price was a factor, then this is definitely the version to get. If price wasn't a factor, then here's your chance I guess...
@Takerkaneanite6 This is a pretty easy game, and the controls are very similar to the controls in NSMBW, so you should have no problem playing this game. It's one if my favorites, so you should enjoy it.
@Takerkaneanite6 Kirby games are usually easier than Mario Wii and Mario Wii U. They are geared towards young kids and young gamers.
While I'd have loved another 50% in the first week, I'll still be getting this one soon. Always love me some Kirby, but never bought it back when it first released (was probably not really looking at Wii releases anymore), so will be nice to finally play this one! And of course it's not going to be overly hard, I mean, it is Kirby after all. I mostly enjoy playing challenging games, but it's still nice to take a break and play with the Pink Puffball for a little while.
I would much rather be playing this tonight after work than Rainbow Curse, which I don't plan to buy. Hated Canvas Curse on DS so I don't see why my opinion would be any different with the sequel.
Fantastic game! This better come out on the NA Wii U eShop.
@Bass_X0 I don't understand why this is the only downloadable Wii game to not be 50% off during the first week of release, but I hope there will be a sale for it soon.
The way NoA is dealing with these things is like pouring salt into an open wound. This is unacceptable especially when you think that 4 months ago Europe were able to play DKC on their Gamepads while NA got nothing even now. I predicted it would come in March but now I'm even doubting that.
@KyogreInSeattle There's a simple reasoning and that's the first 3 games (SMG2, DKCR/Punch-Out, MPT) were a special discount treat and all future games will be full price from day 1. I'd expect that all future Wii games released on the eshop won't have the discount either.
gah tempted to get this when it reaches NA but then id have to start all over. i just bought it last year but havent had the time to finish it.
After Epic Yarn I never got around to picking up Return to Dreamland...though without GamePad controls, I don't really see the point of buying it digitally on WiiU when playing it inside Wii Mode is the same exact thing...
@foodmetaphors You wouldn't have to start over because these Wii U eshop versions of Wii games read your Wii save data.
This game is pretty great, but it did not feel as exciting as Adventure or Super Star. Give it a try by all means though.
You can tell people who call this too easy never played hard mode.
This is one of the best Kirby games. If you haven't played this on the Wii, you need to give this a go here. Excellent game.
Aw sweet, please release it here, Nintendo! [drools]
Nintendo of America need to pull there heads out of there a$$es so they can actually start releasing games like this and the Donkey Country games for the SNES on the ESHOP.
Nintendo I hate you so much, I want this game so bad not the new one...... They shouldn't of started releasing wii games in wii u if they couldn't handle 1 wii game each week to the Na eshop. Nintendo all your doing is burning whatever bridges you have left with your consumers and the wiiu, I'm really sick of NOJ decisions because nothing is decided upon unless NOJ says yes. Fire Iwata already.....
Sega, when are you making another platformer? Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong all have a unique Nintendo feel in it. We need variations.
Fire Iwata and let him take his games Kirby, Smash, and EarthBound with him! That's what real fans want!
But really, can they please stop Wii and focus on bringing more new games? Like Rainbow Curse in Europe!
Drop the Wii support already. Everyone has a Wii, the games are all available. We could have already bought them all. In fact most of us have those games already and can play them on Wii and Wii U! No need to waste time making extra download versions. So please stop it. I'm very disappointed I paid 50 bucks for Kirby's Adventure Wii and 50 bucks for Super Mario Galaxy 2 just 3 years ago, and you can get them for 20 or 10 now on Wii U???
Same for Metroid Trilogy. Paid 150 bucks for the games, and now fans can have it for only 10?? Sucks!!
@SparkOfSpirit You can tell people who call this game hard are non-gamers, who are not used to playing video games with legit degree of difficulty.
Best Kirby game I've played!
Porting these games to the eshop should take very little time and work, since it's still just a Wii game that runs in Wii mode, the only diference is that you run it from the Wii U menu. No need to complain...
Was a good game back when I had the retail disc & its still a good game. Not as good aa Canvas Curse & Triple Deluxe, but probably next best alongside Mass Attack & NES version imo
@RaphaBoss Wasn't complaining. Just referencing posts above and joking because some people think 20 bucks is too much for a pretty good, relatively new game that's 40-50 bucks anywhere else. I guess Nintendo should have added HD to its title and sell it for 59,99 and everyone would be happy.
@GreatPlayer What a strange sentiment. While K:EY and Kirby games at large are accessible to a younger audience, that doesn't detract from the excellent level design, music, and myriad visual styles that routinely provide an excellent gaming experience. When playing K:EY, were you fixated on the lack of deaths, without looking around to see the brilliant stage designs? Did you fail to hear the excellent OST? You'd really do well to lose your fixation on audience and enjoy good games.
@1upsuper A typical Nintendo fan defending Nintendo's game! I did not say anything about level design - I just stated the fact that Kirby's difficulty geared towards young gamers and there is nothing wrong about it. Nevertheless, I received so many feedback from Nintendo fans arguing that the level design is great, the graphics is beautiful, et ceteria. I have played video games since NES era and this game is easy compared to other games.You are really doing well in defending your Supreme Leader - Kim Nin-tendo, when there is no need to.
@GreatPlayer There's really no need to resort to the tired, strawman Nintendrone approach. I was responding to your wholesale and frankly misguided discount of the Kirby games based on their accessibility, disregarding their obviously well-designed elements. I've been gaming since the NES as well, so don't assume (as you may or may not be) that I'm inexperienced with games.
@1upsuper Please do not continue to impose your "Hail, My Supreme Leader Kim Nin-tendo attitude" to everyone. I am responding to your Procrustean attitude that everyone should praise Kirby games, disregarding that your subjective opinions may not be shared with anyone else. I can imagine that those high on autism spectrum would impose their own subjective opinion to everyone else, without acknowledging the diversity in people's opinions. If you have read my comment carefully it was not even talking about the quality of the game - I was commenting on the difficulty level of the game.
@GreatPlayer I'm going to ignore your absurd remarks and focus on your line: "If you have read my comment carefully it was not even talking about the quality of the game - I was commenting on the difficulty level of the game." I invite you to reread /my/ comment: " I was responding to your wholesale and frankly misguided discount of the Kirby games based on their accessibility." I am not supposing that everyone should enjoy Kirby games, but I was providing a subjective (if the subjective element was understated in my comment) defense in response to your disregard of the games based entirely on accessibility.
@1upsuper Feel free to ignore my comment if you are better in censuring than reading. My comment on the game is solely on its difficulty. My disinterest in easy games has nothing to do with its quality on young gamers. Some people like easy games and this explains the reason Nintendo keeps maintaining the difficulty of Kirby games. Because my brain is normal, I do not even understand your comment 'disregard of the games based ENTIRELY on accessibility.' Did I even say something like 'Kirby games are bad ENTIRELY due to its low difficulty level'?
Shame there was no launch discount.
Shame also that there is never discounts for Virtual Console games. So this will forever stay in the 20€ price level. Oh well, it's a lot better than the rip off 60€ prices that auction sites are having for the used disc versions.
Also yeah, the European name for the Wii Kirby game was really horribly stupid. You can't get more bland and lame name than "Adventure Wii"
Return to Dream Land has at least a swing to it.
This game was one of my all time favorite Wii games and i cant wait till it releases in NA! I dont really understand the business strategy behind releasing certain games at certain times in different territories, but then again i didnt redifine and altogether save the video game industry from the brink of destruction like Nintendo did, so who am i to talk, but i will say that Nintendo if you do decide to bring this to NA, you already got my money!
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