Last week, Nintendo UK held a post E3 event in London where the gaming press that didn't make it to LA were able to sample some of the latest games for the Wii U and 3DS.
We were in attendance and got a chance to chat with Jonathan Biddle of Curve Studios — the man behind the brilliant Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark and its forthcoming Wii U eShop sequel. Stealth Inc 2 was unique in that it wasn't shown off at E3, so those at the event in London were some of the first to see it in motion.
Biddle took Nintendo Life Editor Thomas Whitehead through an early build of the game, and explained elements of the gameplay and storyline. But don't take our word for it — watch the video below to see the entire play-through.
Stealth Inc 2 is tentatively scheduled for an October release — are you looking forward to it?
Comments 17
looks kawaii. a title to keep my eyes on
My friend had the original and I loved it! Can't wait for this!
Yah I'm excited for it. I think most people who played the first one will be ready for this.
I'm not huge on stealth games, but I do like the presentation. Might give this a try.
I really enjoyed Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark on PS Vita — plus I'm a hooge fan of Curve — so I'll definitely be all over Stealth Inc 2 on Wii U later this year.
Like puzzle platformers? Like sneaky sneaking? Yes? You'll LOVE Stealth Inc, I assure you!
Sweet! Day one buy
Looks great! Might haffa snatch dat up!
Looks lovely! I have heard plenty about, but never played the first one. Looking forward to this release.
Yes, this is on my wishlist.
Seeing as I LOVE stealth games this definitely one I am keeping my eye on!
I enjoy steath games. I haven't played many serious console ones, but I enjoy them (and stealth elements in other games) nonetheless. When I was younger, stealth WAS horror. Heheh.
I'll keep my eye on this one...
Boy, with all of the game announcements lately, I kind of wish I could win the lottery... That way, I could get what I needed with my newly won dosh and throw all of my paychecks at these upcoming games.
looks very close to Mark of The Ninja, good game!
Sounds like they're leveraging the Wii U features to it's fullest, which is great. Also most Curve Studio developed/published games get rave reviews so this is definitely on my radar.
I'm surprised to see the lead singer of Midnight Oil has gotten into game development!
Just kidding! But I like that he says 'metroid area" right at the start of the video...that is what he said right?
@vonseux I loved that game when I got it on my PC. This one looks pretty good too! Looking forward to it.
The interviewer didn't really seem to like to talk to much in this video I felt, maybe it's just me
the first one is beautiful, I'm playing it now on the Vita.
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