Ninja Pig Studios has announced its latest game IQ Test will be released in the US on July 31st, at a special launch price of $3.99. After this short period the price of the Wii U eShop title will be bumped back up to an MSRP of $4.99.
Alongside this announcement was the official trailer reveal, which explains how players can graduate from a low IQ to genius as they tap their way through a series of challenges. A few of the selling points include "funny sound effects and cute game characters" and the chance to laugh at your friend’s stupidity – or at least something like that, according to trailer's voice-over.
Check it out below and tell us if this one is on your radar.
Comments 50
I have a feeling that something might be up with this game, but I can't put my finger on it.
I have a feeling that fun will be very limited.
Seems interesting, though it'll need quite a lot of content to justify a purchase from me. Especially since I can't even buy it day 1 so I'll be missing that special price.
On the Nook this is just 99 cents with multiple tests. On the Wii U this is $4-$5 with just 20 questions (only 1 test). I can't see a justification to charge five times as much, especially if we are getting less content.
Where did you get the info it was only one test with 20 questions?
Isn't this free for mobile devices?
@mike_intv I received a press code and beat the Wii U version. The developer/publisher confirmed that it is just the 20 puzzles I saw - one single test.
It's shovellin' time!
Thanks for sharing that! Only 20 questions is enough of a turn off, but the fact that the dev wants four to five times more for less content is laughable. I wouldn't pay a penny for this game based on principle now.
Seems like some sort of browser game. Not a $4 title.
I'll be spending my money on X Type Plus this week.
So the IQ Test is whether you're stupid enough to buy it I guess.
Entire game revealed? I mean, if it's just one test, and this seems to be that test...
@Kyloctopus @SurferClock @iphys @burninmylight @TG1 @mike_intv Just so everyone knows, I'm the developer and yes there are 20 questions. These questions are completely DIFFERENT to the original game. They are made especially for the Wii U GamePad and are about 100x harder. The reviewer Mike had to contact me multiple times for help because he couldn't pass the levels himself. It is a really difficult game if you don't cheat. At least give it a chance haha.
Well thank you for shedding more light on the game (or would "app" be a better term?), but I stand by my opinion. I still need more than 20 questions, no matter how challenging, to give up $5 when there are no shortages of free online IQ tests that have more content in them.
@burninmylight It's completely your opinion. If this is not the type of game you would enjoy playing, then don't buy it. This game isn't for everyone. If you are into puzzle games and trying to figure out what the right answer is, this is the game for you. If you like action games like MK8 or Zelda, this probably isn't the game for you. IQ Test is something you pass around the room once you know how to solve it, and watch your friends and family struggle since all of the questions seem so simply, but are almost impossible to get correct. Its been really fun to see people struggle with the game. Even the press can't beat it by themselves, it's so funny. I've done lots of internal tests by having random strangers play the game, then asking them what they would pay for it, and the average person said they would pay around the $5-6 mark. I put it at $5 but I'm doing a special intro launch sale for $4 since I want to offer fans a discount for the support. I would appreciate the support, but I can understand if it's not your type of game. I will guarantee that there will be enough content there for you if you do buy it for $4 though
I love brain games. So I certainly was intrigued when I read this. it looked sort of dopey. If you are marketing an intelligence game, chances are that demographic wont care too much about "funny noises and cute characters". By all means a vigorous brain exercise can come in any shape or form. I can go wrong with four bucks, less than a of smokes. But when I read its only 20 questions, assuming those pictures are some of the questions, then three of the 20 can be done by my cat. Thanks for the heads up, dude. Keep on truckin'
I will keep an eye out for it.
@mrchills Just so you know the pictures in the screenshots are the EASIEST questions. I didn't want to show the hard ones because it could give away spoilers. Everyone that has taken the test, can't beat it without my help. All the questions look simple, but have a twist to them. Just trust me, look at miiverse day 1 or 2 and you will see that everyone will be pissed that they can't get past question 4 LOL.
@ninjapigstudios Now I feel challenged! I might have to check it out.
Rock on!
@mrchills Thanks! If you do pick up the game, PM me anywhere (Twitter Email) and I would love to hear your feedback on the game!
@ninjapigstudios Have many reviewers have needed help on multiple puzzles so far? I only asked you for a solution on 1 out of 20 questions.
@TG1 basically all of them. Everyone agrees the game is really hard and it's taken them WITH HELP 2-4 hours. It's obviously different for everyone, because some people have lower IQ's than you. During my internal tests, it actually took someone 5 hours of constant playing to beat it. It all depends on the person.
Ha ha, I don't feel quite so stupid now at approx. 1 1/2 hours.
Nintendo really needs to step in and stop stupid crap like this game and The Letter from being released. Games like these are giving the eShop a bad name.
@ninjapigstudios I'm pretty sure nobody played a game for five hours.
@accc Most developers can't even afford to put their game up on the eShop. You should be lucky any content at all is coming to their platform when the cost to publish something is so high. If you don't like the kind of game I'm publishing, or The Letter (which you can't even compare mine too), then don't buy it. Only half a million people have played my games and IQ test has an average 4 star rating on other platforms, but obviously according to you it's such a bad game. Hahaha okay.
@Lucs100 you wana bet haha! There are some really unintelligent people I paid to play the game through
I do have concerns. It looks like a basic Flash browser game. There doesn't seem to be a quality presentation or style to this game like the Brain Age or Big Brain Academy series. I think that worries others on here too.
@FJOJR @Lucs100 @accc @TG1 @mike_intv @burninmylight @SurferClock @iphys @Kyloctopus @Noonch @NickieBoy @KodyDawg @Iggly @TreesenHauser @JusticeColde
From reading the posts here, there is a lot of confusion surrounding what IQ test actually is. The game is not actually an IQ test, but rather a series of puzzle teasers that build upon one another. If you miss one of the questions, you have to start from the very beginning to get back to the question you missed. So lets say you get question #1 and #2 correct, if you fail #3, you have to go back and recall and redo the correct answers for #1 and #2 before you can get back to #3.
Although the title is the same, the questions on the game published on Nook, are NOT the same as the questions for the Wii U. This is a completely new game, with new questions. Those of us that enjoyed the game on the Nook, have been reassured by the developer that all the questions for Wii U are new, and are not repetitive from the original Nook game.
The Nook version was a family friendly game for all ages. The amount of game play time varied from person to person. But what difference does the game play time really amount to? I have beat games that I have bought on Steam in one day, which cost a lot more than the few bucks the developer is charging for IQ test. It didn't upset me that I beat the Steam games in one day, because I enjoyed my time playing the game. In my opinion, it's about the entertainment value, not the amount of game play time.
Why does this look like Impossible Test on iOS?
Read my comment above your post. The Nook version of IQ Test is nothing like Impossible Test. They may fall in the same category of puzzle/brain teaser games, but the content is not the same.
Did you also comment that the tubes in the Flappy Birds game are just like many of the Mario games? Did the fact it had similar tubes prevent the international Flappy Birds craze?
Just because IQ test may be in the same category as other games, it doesn't mean that it isn't worthwhile entertainment. There are plenty of racing games and other first person shooters that are similar in nature, but different game play. So what's the big deal with IQ test falling in the same category as other brain teasers/puzzle games?
I can go to Subway and buy a sandwich for lunch for $5. I buy IQ test for slightly less, beat the game myself, then let my friends and cousins play it when they come over for entertainment. Next week I won't remember the $5 Subway sandwich, but I will remember I have a game to watch my family, friends and cousins play when we hang out.
@weirdwonz Game play time isn't as big of a concern for titles with strong replayability. IQ Test (by the devs own admission) doesn't have replay value by traditional definition. I think that's the point many are trying to convey.
You seem to really like the game, which is cool! It'll be interesting to see how a new audience responds with it's move to Wii U, and all it entails.
@TG1 Most of the replay value is in social settings where you watch your friends attempt the puzzles only to fail at every turn. It's much more a social fun party game than anything else. I'm super excited for the Wii U since I feel like this will be the perfect market for the game to be successful in.
How do you define replay value? When I beat Super Mario Brothers, I did not go back and play the game again. When I beat IQ test on Nook, I didn't go back and play the game again either, but I did give my Nook to other people when they came over, and watched while they played it. So I guess replay value is determined by the user. Several of my friends played Super Mario Bros over and over again. I guess the game had replay value to them. But after I beat it, I didn't play it a second time. So does that mean Super Mario does, or does not have replay value? Does it have replay value to others and just not to me? I personally think replay value depends on the individual buying the game.
Fun Run is an Indie game that came out a few years ago. I downloaded it for free on my phone, and still play on again off again today. It is a game which was inspired by Mario Kart. A few of my friends no longer play it, so does that mean the game does or does not have replay value? I think giving a replay value to a game is subjective. And if the end user makes their primary buying decision on what others say on a forum about "replay value", they may be missing a bigger picture.
I am glad that there are more Indie games to choose from these days, and we as players are not limited to just what the big box stores THINK we should play. @accc said they want games to be vetted by Nintendo. I feel quite the opposite, I am glad to see Nintendo offer more Indie games. I don't want to be limited or told what I should and should not like, nor do I want to spend $50 on a game. I want options. I think Nintendo is taking a step in the right direction. That's my $.02.
In the case of IQ Test, I think the developers own view on the game's replay value is a fair one to go on. I'll leave it at that ... except to say that I still replay Super Mario Bros. to this day.
Again, glad you are enjoying IQ Test as much as you are. I've no reason to return to it now that the solutions are known, but perhaps I can find plenty of friends who will enjoy checking the game out. Time will tell.
Thank you TG1 for your response. I do look forward to the Wii U version of IQ Test, and am excited for the new questions. I hope the Wii U users enjoy the game as much as the Nook users have. I bought the game on Nook the first day it was out, and enjoyed playing it. Obviously others on Nook liked it also since it maintained a very high rating. I am looking forward to more Indie games on my Wii U, and am glad Nintendo is branching out to give users more choices. Nintendo has been listening to their users. Way to go Nintendo!
@weirdwonz Well, I didn't mean to offend you. It just looks like it has the same background as Impossible Test. I don't see where the comparison between Subway and IQ Test falls into this. It was just a comment.
Thanks DB, I wasn't offended. Very kind of you to chime in and address the dialog, so thank you. I just wanted to point out that the game play is different even though some of the art/graphics may be similar. When I first played Flappy Birds, I thought the tubes were wildly similar to other games we all know. I wasn't the only one that noticed those similarities. But.....it didn't change the craze that followed.
The Subway quote was in reference to this entire thread and wasn't necessarily directed at you. My point being, what in the heck can we buy for 5 bucks anymore? Lol. Not much right? If I can get a few hours or a few days worth of entertainment for 5 bucks or less, bring it on!
This thread seemed to take a really ugly turn about an Indie game that hasn't even come out yet. Even the reviewer said he had to get help with a question because he couldn't figure it out. It makes me wonder how long it would have taken the reviewer to beat the game if he had not received that help? So does that mean its a good game or a bad game? No, it means that the review is somewhat jaded because the reviewer didn't really completely beat the game on his/her own. Is that going to stop me from buying and trying the game? No, I already played the first version, and enjoyed it. So it makes perfect sense if there are new questions, and new game play for me to make the same investment I would make if I went to Subway for lunch. That's where I am comin from.
@weirdwonz Thanks for being nice about it. People are throwing insults at an Indie game that hasn't even come out yet? That would only be excusable if it was a sequel to The Letter.
@weirdwonz I was really only curious what was the average playtime it would take to beat it. It's good to know that these questions are difficult, though it would be nice to have a free update to have extra questions after maybe atleast 6 months of its release since after you play the game a lot you'll start to know the answers. This is why I usually take long breaks if I want to replay games like Phoenix Wright.
Sounds interesting, my initial thoughts are I would like it to be a tad cheaper, but I can see it being an interesting group game (and the gamepad looks to be the ideal platform for it).
@Iggly in the Nook version, the average game play in our family varied depending upon the persons age, and or their experience with mobile devices. No idea what the game play time will be for this new version. The developer has already been commenting on this thread, so hopefully the studio will respond to your comments.
@ninjapigstudios I'm keen on this type of game, I like puzzles and 'brain teasers' , especially if there is a good sense of humour thrown in. I'm in the UK so any info on release dates and more importantly price?, the uk gets a raw deal on exchange rates very often!!
Also, I would suggest scheduled dlc and added content for this type of game to keep intrest high and stop people complaining about content. For example, a monthly puzzle, future free updates or challenges.....a little more episodic maybe?
Also, the guy in this trailer has a very boring voice, doesn't so allot to make the game sound 'fun'!!
@weirdwonz That explains the feeling I had about this game, it devilishly makes you look stupid for messing up and I like it.
@ULTRA-64 @Iggly Thank you so much for the ideas and constructive criticism. Updates / DLC all depends on the desire from the MiiVerse community and sales. My hope was that MiiVerse could come up with new test question ideas
I'm friends with the developer of this game. When he was putting the polish on the final version he let me test it out. I was worried it would be an easy toddlerproof game that I would whiz through and feel no sense of accomplishment in. I found myself stumped on almost every single puzzle in the game. It's definitely something I would spend my money on if I hadn't seen all the ways to beat each level It's a fun/challenging game that really will test your way of solving traditional puzzle type games. If you're bored and feel like your library of games isn't satisfying you, definitely buy this game. It's something refreshing and new.
@ninjapigstudios Seems like a good idea, hopefully you get good sales since I'm pretty sure the Miiverse Community would love to give some ideas. You'll probably just have to let them know that you'll take some suggestions. As for me, I'll be sure to pick this up once I'm back from my vacation because my Wii U is back at my place. Looking forward to conquering your questions.
My son bought your game today, and I have enjoyed hearing him laugh from the other room. I don't want any spoilers, so I am waiting to play it until after he beats it.
It looks like you have lots of MiiVerse followers already with lots of positive feedback! Love all the fan art being posted! Thanks for joining in and being part of the Wii community. My son is really enjoying seeing you on the Wii. He will always remember emailing you and getting his gun selected for your gun app on Nook. The stickers you sent him are still on his bedroom door. Hope you will consider uploading more games on the Wii. Thank you again for being a positive role model to young children. My son said he is interested in taking some coding classes in hopes of creating games some day. Thank you for being an inspiration.
@ninjapigstudios if you design another brain game, please seek my assistance first. As soon as I read that ill worded ad, I didn't expect much. I am a published author and I always do these brain game exercises. I could supply you with lots of good questions. I hope you had a great weekend and I hope I can help you.
@mrchills Wow awesome! I shoulda asked haha. Did you try the game yet what do you think?
@ninjapigstudios Even the letter is better than this.
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