It's another Monday, the nights are drawing in and the festive season — with its associated shopping madness — approaches. Yet some things remain constant and reliable, such as new screens for Super Smash Bros. being posted by Masahiro Sakurai on the Super Smash Bros. Director's Room Miiverse community board. That will surely go on until the game arrives on Wii U and 3DS, and we're not sure we'll ever get enough.

Last week was light on reveals, which is unsurprising as the week before had unveiled a new Super Mario Galaxy stage on the Wii U. Some small details were outlined, such as the following description for the Windy Hill Sonic Lost World stage.

The giant wind mill in the right-hand side of Windy Hill. It keeps on turning even though it can't fit in the screen, so you'll find yourself in trouble if you're on it for too long.

Check out last week's images below, and as always click on the date headings to see the original Miiverse posts.

18th November


19th November


20th November


21st November


22nd November


Some attractive images last week, even though the 3DS version was — unfortunately — absent; it returns, fear not! Let us know which is your favourite in the poll and comments below.

What's your favourite Smash Bros. screen this week? (333 votes)

  1. Starship Mario looks dashing in HD11%
  2. Marth has a nap over Skyloft6%
  3. Mario and Sonic get athletic at the windmill11%
  4. The Super Mario 3D World cast team up49%
  5. Luigi, with an enormous nose, lurks behind Marth17%
  6. Um, I can't decide2%
  7. To be honest, I don't like any of them3%

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