New Super Mario Bros. 2 arrives in Europe on 17th August and will be the first retail download title on 3DS eShop. While this is already underway in Japan and Nintendo of America has revealed details of its distribution, Nintendo of Europe has been relatively quiet on its own plans.
In a press release today it's been confirmed that eShop retail downloads in Europe will earn double the normal Club Nintendo stars for four weeks after launch, which is great for those that particularly enjoy Nintendo-themed folders, playing cards or real-life Mario Kart 7 trophies. It won't just be New Super Mario Bros. 2 in the eShop from 17th August, but also Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! and New Art Academy, which were retail releases in Europe alongside 3DS XL on 28th July.
The same statement says that many more 3DS games are on the way, without any details, while pricing hasn't been formally confirmed; previous comments from Nintendo suggest that the downloads will be at the full retail price. Are you tempted to download any of these next week?
Comments 26
'Many more' on the way
Please let one of those be Thearythm: Final Fantasy -crosses fingers-
Sweet I was hoping I could download NewArtAcademy sometime
I'm still thinkin' that Freakyforms Deluxe should have just been DLC.
Oh well.
Still not interested in retail downloads... especially after I get an XL and want to be able to choose which system to play games on.
The original Freakyforms will be removed from the eShop, it said when I looked in it. I don't remember the date, but I think it was 16th or so.
@19Robb92 That would be a perfect download. I already got the physical copy, but I think that's a game I would buy digitally if I hadn't.
@Marow Oh really? That's good then.
I like having games on my system that aren't available anymore.
That is actually one of the games I've been hoping would be downloadable too! Double the CN stars is a nice incentive if they do that for Australia, it would make saving up stars so much quicker.
Tempted to get New Art Academy as a download!
The Art Academy boxart is just too beautiful to get the download version.
But as soon as Freakyforms Deluxe drops to a price i'm willing to pay i'll get it. Download or not.
@19Robb92 I agree. That would be nice.
NAA will be mine. NOA confirmed it a little while back, and I'll DL it.
Fuu I just bought Freakyforms thinking it wouldn't be a download.
I bought new art academy but if i downloaded it again would my data still be saved or do i have to start all over?
Will these come to NA as well?
It would be great if they realease Pokémon Conquest. It's only available in the UK in Europe, but Downloads in all of Europe shouldn't be a problem, right?
This statement and release dates are for EU(not UK only) but it will probably be on the US e-shop too. Nintendo said almost all of their new games will be digital and retail, so why not these 2 also..
Don't live in UK but AA as a DL makes it a better purchase for me. I wouldn't have bothered if it was retail-only. Drawing apps just make more sense as a digital DL than retail, and this new AA has some new features I wished was in the original AA. Hope it's cheap though.
@audehtv You'd have yo re-buy it and the save data is on the cartridge so you'd keep your work on the cartridge but it would be missing on the download.
I DEF wanna get New Art Academy, how much will the download cost? Same as retail copy? And I'm assuming there will be a retail copy for sale, too, for probably the same price, right? If so, I'm getting a retail copy just like NSMB2.
I would love having it the other way around, and getting downloads as retail games, kinda like what thatgamecompany is doing with its games in August.
I would buy a Pushmo/Sakura Samurai/Rolling Western retail compilation in a heartbeat.
@sinalefa Great idea! 3DS E-Shop Retail Value Bundles! Because, believe it or not, there is still a tiny portion of society that doesn't have accessible internet. Why should they be denied awesome e-shop downloads?
I'd definitely consider going digital for New Art Academy and numerous other games, but I can't see myself taking that plunge with Nintendo unless 1) their retail games are any cheaper to download than to buy physically and, much more importantly, 2) purchases are tied to an account and not the system itself.
I can see digital for me in the future for some things, but not those. Animal Crossing would fit the bill nicely maybe.
I'd love to download some of these AAA titles, but if I'm using my bandwith and my storage space - I want a healthy price cut (compared to the boxed version) to compensate me.
Event though I've got them,I wouldn't mind knowing how much they charge for them.
I got Freakyforms for £25,and Art Academy for £23.
Ugh... Okay, okay. I'm not buying these at all. Has Nintendo forgot to give us FREE stuff? The "last" free app we got was Netflix and that wasn't even really free after that trial ended.
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