Coming to download!

Last month we brought you our First Impressions of upcoming PROPE project Ivy the Kiwi?, as well as an exclusive interview with the game's creator Yuji Naka. In Japan, the game received small versions available via WiiWare and DSiWare, so naturally our intrepid reporter Corbie Dillard asked about the possibility of these games heading to the West, to which Mr Naka replied:

We're looking into it right now, but we're still not sure if we can bring it over to the US or Europe right now.

With Rising Star Games previously confirming they'll bring the full games and their Mini counterparts to Europe, North America will also be able to get some downloadable kiwi fun as the ESRB has rated both games as E for Everyone with Comic Mischief.

Corbie and podcast host James Newton recently sat down to discuss Corbie's experience at E3 and amongst the impressive titles on display was Ivy the Kiwi? Check out the latest episode of the Nintendo Life podcast to hear what they had to say about this upcoming avian adventure.
