Thank for welcoming me on your forum. I am Mika, from France. I am new to the Switch and to connected consoles.
I just bought my 8 y.o son his first Switch with Nintendo sports pre-installed. My wife and I created an account, and we created a child one for Matt. We all created a profile on the Switch. We also created several players in the NSports game.
Now when I try to play, for instance, bowling online on NSports, I can only have the full experience if I chose Matt's player in the game. If I chose mine, i have a message saying that here is no profile connected to an account and a trial version... I thought the profile in the game and the one on the homepage were different...
So I am a confused and would like to know if it's possible to play online games for any profile, using one and only account.
Don't know if I'm clear here... But I'll be glad to explain again otherwise.
@Mika13 Just a little disclaimer - I don't have Nintendo Switch Sports, so I can't speak on the game itself. But as far as I know, you'll need a Nintendo Account and a Nintendo Switch Online membership (or an NSO trial) to play online, if that's what you're wondering. Pretty sure that each Switch profile needs to have their own Nintendo Account. So if you want to use your own Switch profile, you might want to make your own Nintendo Account. (If other folks know otherwise or know more about this, feel free to correct me or add to what I wrote.)
Another thing that could help is a family membership for NSO, up to eight people can be on it, and you'll also save some money that way. I also recommend checking out Nintendo's support site if you're having trouble, it's helped me quite a bit. Hope I did a good job explaining all this and that this all helped.
"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."
ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995
Playing: Sonic X Shadow Generations
Thanks for the reply.
We do have a 1 year subscription for NSO.
I other words, I thought it would work for all profiles on this switch.
I'll keep exploring, thanks again!
@Mika13 You can also reach out to Nintendo France support and ask this question to them as they will know more about account issues and setup. They might have also have links to account questions as wel.
@Mika13 Regarding switch user profiles and nintendo accounts: For offline games, switch user profiles without nintendo accounts can play offline games. I made a few extra switch users for extra playthroughs of Breath of the Wild and for Splatoon 2 & Splatoon 3 single player.
MarioVillager92 is right, a switch user profile will need to be linked to a nintendo account to play a game online, or access NSO subscription & it's features, or access eshop.
In the future, if you ever transfer to a new console, the switch will only allow switch users linked to nintendo accounts to transfer. I learned this when I upgraded to the OLED😆. But it was ok, since the extra switch users I had created were redundant for me.
Topic: Profiles and account
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