
Topic: Animal Crossing New Leaf Town Name Ideas/Suggestions

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Hello to to all of you.

As the title would suggest, I am requesting some help with deciding what to name my town in the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I don't really want something too generic like "MyVille", but I don't really want something too outrageous either. Also, to not make this self-centered on just me, I hope that you as the community will join together and help each other decide on each others' town names (I'll help out, too! I like to be helpful).

Thank you, that is all.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2307-0614-2423 | My Nintendo: Dj64Mk7 | X:


Im not quite sure myself, but i was thinking Animitus, Animaltus, Animotus, or Animuet

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This thread sounds like fun! I similarly have no idea what to name my town... In fact, a town is one thing I can never come up with names for...

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I think this is actually the third thread he have had for this

I wonder why is town naming so popular.

Anyway, I'm thinking of naming my town Monocot or something else flower related.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok



Backloggery. Now playing: 3D Dot Game Heroes, Donkey Kong, EarthBound Beginnings, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.


How about...
-New Nook City
-Nook City

See where I'm going with this?



Does anyone know how many characters you will be able to use for your town name?

Cosmo 1547-5360-6061
Rock Safari - Dwebble, Pupitar & Barbaracle



[13:12] LordJumpMad stick his thong out at eme
[17:24] LordJumpMad: I will never male you happy >:[
[21:11] LordJumpMad: You insluted my words >:[
[16:32] turtlelink: gdi emmy. You'...



i already see my self sitting there with my new copy of the game and having no idea how to name my town

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Mine is Hooterville.

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


I called my town Pines in Wild World.

@Midnight3DS Hooterville is great! I wonder if most of the younger ones here know about Hooterville loved that show!

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.


City 17.

"We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers." - Carl Sagan

3DS Friend Code: 4055-3525-4443



@JonWahlhren Since you can openly discuss the game, can you confirm the character limit? If 10 are allowed, I'm going with Dinkelburg.
Kudos to anyone who gets the reference. :3

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