There’s a reason that James Rolfe’s Angry Video Game Nerd character has outlasted and out-performed so many imitators – the veneer of showmanship and the pantomimed, goofy, insincere anger are worlds apart from the genuine venom spewed by those he seems to have influenced. The Nerd isn’t a dangerous, hateful entity – he’s funny, he’s silly, because James understands that it’s absurd to get mad about video games.
With such popularity and longevity, it was inevitable that The Nerd would see a videogame outing of his own, and Freakzone’s Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures hit Wii U and 3DS in 2013 to a decent reception. An accomplished, confident quasi-masocore platformer, it was a short but sweet piece of AVGN fanservice with solid level design and a nice line in hidden content. Still, it was a surprise when sequel Angry Video Game Nerd 2: ASSimilation hit PC exclusively in 2016. Much improved from the original, we felt it was a shame that this superior follow-up never hit consoles – until now.
So here we have Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe, containing both games with a host of upgrades and extras. Most prominently, the original game has been massively overhauled with the far better graphical style of its sequel – the colours look superbly vivid – and copious improvements to the level design.
We can’t stress this enough; it’s so much better here, it’s like a totally different game in places. The continuous appearance of “death blocks” – disappearing and reappearing obstacles that instantly killed you – has been swept aside, 99 percent of them replaced by spikey balls that merely do damage. This reduces the challenge, yes, but in a meaningful way that simply makes AVGN Adventures better. There are also new secrets and some superb overhauled music. We let the game sit on the level selection screen just to listen to the excellent remix of the AVGN theme.
Sequel ASSimilation, then, is new to Nintendo fans, and it’s a welcome sight. There’s just one problem – it’s no longer better than the original! While ASSimilaton is very good (and has also seen tweaks from its original form), the improvements to the first game render it, in our opinion, a superior experience. It’s a bit of an odd situation to be in, but it’s best to look at AVGN 2 as an example of sequel escalation in every way. Much harder, it adds a clutch of new mechanics such as Mega Man X-style wall-jumping, and similarly-inspired unlockable upgrades (based on NES accessories such as the Power Glove) that grant The Nerd new powers; use of these abilities evens the odds a little, but the game still wants you dead with stages full of instant-death traps like the beams in Area 51, or the aforementioned “Death Blocks” appearing out of nowhere in the Monster Madness-inspired stage.
Despite this difficulty, the bite-sized stages don’t outstay their welcome, and checkpoints are placed liberally. It’s tough, and can be frustrating (have stages with limited visibility EVER been fun?), but it’s very compulsive – you’ll often die within sight of the next marker, driving you to succeed. There are numerous difficulty options, too, and the lower ones (including default) grant infinite lives, making things much more palatable – if perhaps a little rote in places without the tension that limited tries bring to the table. Higher difficulties will also bring back the “Death Blocks”, for the masochists among you. The main difficulty we had was with RSI – mashing the fire button to blast away at bosses got downright painful and we wished in vain for a rapid-fire feature.
It’s an absolute smorgasbord for Angry Video Game Nerd fans, with a metric ton of references, gags and nods to classic episodes of the show. Being based on the show that brought us “diarrhoea dumps” and “the Nerdy Turd”, you can expect a lot of scatological humour, but much of it works well – the boss of the Monster Madness stage is genuinely funny. Clearing both included games – they’re not very long, so this is very much achievable with perseverance – unlocks a brand new final world, replete with the gimmicks from the previous ones and some more contemporary AVGN episode inspirations – watch out for the Dynamite Headdy-inspired Big Rig.
Well-produced and undeniably fun, Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe will definitely lose something for non-fans, but it’s a world above the turgid likes of PoopDie. This re-release elevates the workmanlike original to the point that it almost outshines its formerly-leagues-better sequel, but both games are good stuff. It’s comfortably the best "YouTuber game", and this edition polishes it up in all the right places. If you’re a fan of the AVGN, it’s a must-buy. If you’re not, you’ll probably still enjoy yourself – Freakzone has crafted a meaty, responsive and rewarding pair of platformers that genre enthusiasts will get a kick out of. If you’ve already played both games, the extra chapter isn’t lengthy enough to demand a double-dip, but it is a nice inclusion regardless, and this version is undeniably the better option. (Whoops, we almost forgot the best news of all – the Nostalgia Critic has been entirely removed from ASSimilation. Let joy be unconfined!)
Comments 66
Yeah, I actually liked the first one on 3DS. It was proper kusoge while still being playable. If the second is an improvement then I’m glad I can play it on a console now.
I'm surprized AVGN is still going strong for 12 years, I guess some people still get a kick out of somebody angrily cursing blindly or are nostalgic for him idk
I had this on the Wii U. Loved playing it there. Playing it on the Switch today. Almost done with the first game. Beat 6 levels already. Definitely going to work on the rest of the game, and the 2nd one too. I've always liked the game. Happily picked it up again on the Switch.
@Jakiboy He’s actually been around for about 15 years. I can’t really be bothered with his skits since I’m now older than 12 lmao but his reviews are solid.
I wonder if James Rolfe got any royalty from all these games using his character. Would also be nice if they make a game based on his BS Man character from his sister series, Do You Know What's Bulls***? It would be very interesting cause each stage could be about bs items or practices the BS Man had to go through like warranty, scissors, GPS, and hotel.
No one buying this game should think it's gonna be anything BUT vulgar. That's kinda his thing. Lol
im angry no physical release with a bottle opener inc
@Jakiboy Still going strong for 16 years. His first video came out in 2004.
@Jakiboy Or he's good at what he does!
I remember downloading the 3DS game but barely playing it for some reason. Think I may DL the Switch 1&2 "collection" now depending on price. If a bit too high may wait for discount
@Maulbert thats crazy, whats even crazier is that his show today is around the same age as what Simon's Quest was when he first reviewed it.
I’ve been watching him since 2007, still one of the best youtubers around. And no, you don’t have to be 12 to enjoy some silly goofy fun and to laugh at really bad games. Gonna buy this ASAP!
He's gonna take you back to the past...
glad to know avgn is one the longest lasting gamers on youtube who hasn't been busted for grooming minors
srsly tho, these games are actually p good
One of the very few youtubers I regularly watch (both his AVGN persona and normal James). Normal James has a lot of the same movie interests as I do, so I like those reviews and when talks about that stuff. AVGN is just so over the top that I like it. Mike Matei I can only stand for so long, but I do like when he gets James to play new games or obscure ROM hacks.
I have and finished the first game on 3DS, but I'll definitely get this. The games are supposed to be hard and stupid and cheap since they're based on that type of stuff AVGN reviews and makes fun of.
I hate to be the downer in this comment section but this series has been going downhill hard ever since Screenwave took over.
I'm not saying there's no joy to be had in AVGN anymore, it's just not nearly as entertaining or well made as it used to be.
Liked this a lot more than I thought I would on the 3DS. Very challenging. Lots of nice callbacks to the web series.
@John_Koshiro Well he has grown up as well since he started. He just doesn't have the time to do big projects now like he used to be able to do.
What was that about the Nostalgia Critic? I'm OOTL.
I still enjoy watching AVGN now, James recent horror short The Head Returs shows his potential as a horror director as does the Polybius episode. Back to the game though and yes its much improved over the original, with some bosses and enemies more relevant to the shows and probably the most fun I've had on any game for a few months. Even without the Nerd references, this is a genuinely good platformer, oh and if you want the old challenge back its there in all its glory as well as even harder modes
I like AVGN but I never got these. Gonna check this out.
@Jakiboy idk I think he's still funny, engaging and I didn't watch him much back in the day. His episode with Macaulay Culkin was hilarious!
Just beat the whole thing myself and while the collection kind of felt redundant for someone who already experienced the first two games, I still think the $15 is worth the price for playing AVGN II (my favorite of the three) portably alone...and I mean "alone". lol
And this is just me, but I find these games more funny than frustrating...
the Nostalgia Critic has been entirely removed
Honestly, I think this is a good change. I like the Critic myself, personally, but having him as the villain in AVGN II just didn't make any sense to me.
I noticed they changed the boss in Super Happy Candy Funtime. Theres a lot of differences. I would like to see a side by side comparison sometime, but so far I’m just enjoying it for how it is.
@Jakiboy He’s been around a lot longer than that, and for good reason. And that’s a pretty reductive summary of his videos. But thanks, I always love the “I don’t like this thing so others should not like it” comments. Never feels pointlessly condescending or anything.
@Jakiboy ...or because he's actually a really talented and entertaining person? Stop sounding like a kid mad at someone saying swear words, and this is coming from someone who started watching and liking him about a year ago, so no need to pull the "you only like him cause of nostalgia" card
@Doofenshmirtz @BAN
Fanboyism is one hell of a drug
So you can unlock the original version?
@Jakiboy Lol wait are you actually trying to say that you think there’s such thing as an AVGN “fanboy”? Haha.
@Bass_X0 That's partly correct but it's more so that he has simply lost the passion to play the Nerd.
It has been stated several times by Mike, Kieran, and even James himself that he wanted to end the series several times but Screenwave swooped in to capitalize off the AVGN/Cinemassacre brand to do pretty much everything else for him other than the acting.
James doesn't want to play the Nerd anymore but he has a family and AVGN is his most lucrative property so he has reluctantly kept the series going.
yeah, I'm replying to one as you read this
(they're so easy to wind up, no? lol)
@NintendoPete not exactly, just the hard difficulty restores all the original death blocks which makes it play very close to the original
@Jakiboy Yeah, I'm so tired of the random yelling. "HAHA HE SAID THE F WORD REALLY LOUD! WHAT A MASTER OF HIS CRAFT! XDDDDDD"
@BAN He's a youtuber, of course he has fanboys. THey all have their little cults, where do you think they're getting thousands of dollars on their patreons from, or all the random buttpatts on twitter all day?
"... Whoops, we almost forgot the best news of all – the Nostalgia Critic has been entirely removed from ASSimilation. Let joy be unconfined!"
That now makes this a must buy! Can't stand to even look at the Walkers & Co. since the Not So Awesome Document.
@Retro_Player_77 Well, James promoted AVGN 1 and 2 when they were originally released, and he had some say in the development of AVGN 2. He's also been advertising this new version since it was announced,
Either he is just being super nice and supportive, he's getting paid royalties, or both. Probably both.
I've never played the game, but I've been a fan since his early days. Him and his crew have become more then AVGN. They still do gaming, but I also love their film discussions and the Board James series was awesome.
Great to hear that the first game is MUCH better now; had a few issues with it when I played the original a few years ago. Also good to hear that the Nostalgia Critic has been removed from the sequel; was dreading seeing that has-been when I got to this game.
"Where did you learn to fly?"
@Jakiboy or maybe he just produces great content. He’s funny.
Avgn actually has a lot of good gaming facts and history thrown in with the silliness. I have learned a lot from that show and still got a laugh. People who underestimate it aren't paying attention.
Given I can still binge watch more serious stuff like SNES Drunk and gamesack too.
@Jakiboy He still puts out good content. I know the way he does reviews may not be everyone's cup of tea given the vulgarity of his show, but he covers some interesting games, systems, and topics and does it in a way that's enjoyable.
He's also not scared to call out sacred cows of gaming like Earthbound and Majora's Mask and knock them down a few pegs by showing some of the flaws those games do have.
I think his reviews are pretty in-depth. Under all the cursing and number 2 jokes, he covers the games pretty well.
I opted for no more heros instead but now I kind of wish I grabbed this. I'll still get this in the next couple of months either way. Glad it reviewed well.
12 years or whatever and I’d never seen an episode of AVGN until we went into lockdown and I was off for a few weeks. I like it! I binged all of it with all the free time. James just seems like a genuine person underneath the character and there’s a lot of love for the medium that comes through.
Always assumed it was made for immature children, but after giving it a shot, I found it was actually for immature adults. I hope they keep making videos for a long time.
I've always wanted to try this game, but I do have other stuff to buy first before trying this out. Plus, I saw how difficult the first one was (on that one AVGN episode), so it's a bit intimidating.
I can't stand AVGN/James Rolfe, if he gets royalties from this game then I refuse to buy it.
Also why have they removed The Nostalgia Critic and what's with everyone's issue with him?
I don't like his skits and skip past them whenever they do them.
I just beat AVGN 2. Got all the Nerd carts, but only could clear a few stages without dying. I didn’t notice anything special about the ending, unless theres an alternate one altogether for not getting the carts... so Fred Fuchs is the villain, and its based on the recent jungle episode and joke... and I heard Gilbert’s voice in my head as I read his dialogue... so I guess its a welcome change. So was the final boss changed to suit it? I didn’t play the original 2. Not sure why everybody is glad Nostalgia Critic is gone, but they still thank Channel Awesome in the credits.
EDIT: Yep. They removed Dark Onward and Death Mwauthzyx for a different final boss. That kinda bums me out.
IDK, I played the first one on 3DS, and it was pretty rough. It had some semblance of quality, but overall, it was not that well-designed.
@Kabloop James's real passion has always been movies. And he and the AVGN are not the same, AVGN is just a character he plays, one that IS known for cussing and yelling.
Thanks - and good to know. Didn't consider the first one very difficult and I kinda liked the death blocks
@John_Koshiro You're not the first to think that. The quality has gone downhill and his involvement has been minimal. He has writers now and mostly just collects paychecks. Some have found inconsistencies in his videos to show he doesn't even play half of the games anymore, but just watches the videos that the Screenwave team have made for him AKA: Justin and the four.
@ivory_soul Oh, I'm well aware that I'm not the only person who thinks AVGN has gotten worse.
@Doofenshmirtz agrees with my thoughts!
@Divinebovine There’s a massive difference between “fan” and “fanboy.” They can’t be used interchangeably. I say with complete confidence that AVGN doesn’t have fanboys. That’s just something people say online to dismiss other people’s opinions that they don’t agree with.
@Jakiboy Oh my god, good one. You totally got me. And I’m so wound up over this. This brief exchange of banal comments about a video game youtuber. On a site called nintendo life. This is very serious.
A bit late to reply back, but okay kid whatever you say 👌
@Jakiboy Whilst the Nerd isn't really my cup of tea, my SO enjoys AVGN, and I enjoy his more straight forward playthroughs with Mike Matei.
Thing is with the Nerd, he nailed the character first try, found a winning formula, and hasn't deviated much. He knows what people signed up to see, and he's loyal to that, even if it is stupidly over the top faux anger at bad video games. He has fun, the show is fun, and he has kept committed to it.
I think that's why he's still going after 12 years, not going to lie. He's still enthusiastic, he still plays a role the audience loves, he's got momentum to keep the show going for a long time.
Funny thing is, I'm the one who's going to get this on the Switch. I love Nintendo Hard and Kaizo levels games, but my SO doesn't lol
@John_Koshiro I follow that sub frequently. It's sad that he's sold out so much, but I firmly believe he's just holding onto the channel for easy income as his dream of being a major filmmaker isn't happening. Especially after his movie bombed.
@ivory_soul I get that his movie failed but he needs to accept the situation that he's in. He shouldn't resent the one thing that got him to where he is now by putting in the least amount of effort possible.
By watching classic AVGN, you can see he has a knack for dynamic camera angles and clever dialogue. He has potential but he also has that habit of eccentric creators by doing something completely strange (i.e. Death Mwauthzyx) and never budging on dropping them, regardless of whether or not it makes the story worse.
I think by embracing the creative rot that his channel is in right now, he is giving up opportunities to grow as a filmmaker. Plenty of great directors like Hitchcock didn't stun the world with their first film and they took that criticism to heart.
James got defensive over the negative reception over his Sega Activator episode by saying people didn't seem to get he was going for a silly slapstick tone even though many people did in fact understand what he was doing, myself included, and we thought it just bad. Something tells me this is how he reacted to the negativity over his film. He just brushed off critics as people who "didn't get it" when we knew, as longtime fans, he was trying to make a "so bad, it's good" film and it failed, plain and simple.
Hopefully, if his upcoming horror film that has been in limbo gets made and succeeds, he'll either finally just let AVGN end so Truthers won't have to put up the cringe fest it has become or, in a less likely scenario, it will reignite some his passion to actually make the series watchable again.
@John_Koshiro I think if he went on a hiatus and came back in a year the series might be better. The issue is that it's his main income and has been for a decade. The channel just needs to be fully paused including keeping Mike and the three stooges away. Let the contract run out and come back later. You can just tell there's series fatigue in every single episode. I haven't watched any episodes in the last 4 or 5 months, but I'm sure they're no better.
@ivory_soul You're right, they are no better, arguably worse. The Nerd reviewed Ecco The Dolphin as if it were a bad game, cussed his way through rather than actually analyzing it, and he didn't even bother to get to the final act which had plenty of potential for material considering how crazy it gets.
@John_Koshiro the recent episode was so incredibly phoned in. He barely played the Las Vegas games at all and spent much of the review on a skit based on some movie I never watched.
@ivory_soul Well Mike is gone now.
@Divinebovine No one is like that anymore and hasn’t been for many years.
@Bass_X0 That's funny. One of the Screenwave guys went on Reddit last December to talk about how they were going to be making better AVGN episodes for 2021.
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