While most of the focus last week was on Xenoblade Chronicles 3 within the Nintendo community, Bandai Namco also finally released Digimon Survive - a unique mix of strategy and visual novel gameplay.
Reviews have admittedly been a tad slow to surface online, but there are now enough to share a round up. Nintendo Life has also been able to review the game and thought it was a great experience - awarding this new Digimon title 8/10 stars.
With that out of the way, what did other outlets think? Here's a round up of some of the reviews so far:
Pocket Tactics gave it 8/10 as well - and while it enjoyed the game, it didn't quite scratch the Digimon "itch" quite like the World games. In saying this, it still thought it was a "truly impressive" game:
"The vibrant colours, dynamic soundtrack, and suitably grim story make Digimon Survive a truly impressive game. It doesn’t quite scratch the digital itch I have for the series like the World games do, but it does what it sets out to do fantastically."
PlayStation Lifestyle gave the game 7/10. It enjoyed the story, combat system and graphics, but but wasn't able to overlook some other things:
"Though not as successful as Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Survive has the workings of a cult classic mainly for Digimon fans. The story, despite a few insufferable characters, explores a darker reinterpretation of the original series to its favor, and the combat system is executed moderately well for as simple as it is. The game’s art style and music have its moments too from composer Tomoki Miyoshi and artist Uichi Ukumo. However, many plot points drag on longer than necessary, the Karma system is forced, and the UI is lackluster. Developer Hyde has a spark of a good idea here, but it might not last long enough to merit a sequel."
Sirus Gaming awarded another 8/10 - noting how the issues of the game are rolled and stomped by its greatness:
"Overall, Digimon Survive is a really good game and has the potential to be a unique storytelling game for Digimon fans. With the use of a light novel system and mixing it with RPG-style elements, I truly believe this game can appeal not only to Digimon fans but to gamers as well."
And GamerBraves went as far as awarding the game 9/10 - labelling it the "best Digimon game of all time" but also one of the best mystery Visual Novel titles:
"If you’re a fan of the previous Digimon games, you have to know that this is NOT a JRPG. This isn’t a grind-heavy JRPG like World 2 or 3, World DS, World Dawn/Dusk or Cyber Sleuth. This also isn’t a raising simulator like the original World, Re:Digitize or Next Order. This is a Visual Novel first, SRPG second. Sure, I’ll love a new JRPG or raising simulator, but Survive is such an incredible story-driven experience that makes it worth the development hell it was in."
When more reviews are published, we'll add them to this round up. What are your own thoughts about Digimon Survive so far? Are you enjoying your time in the digital world? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 17
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Did a preorder for the Switch version, but weirdly I got a message from the store telling me that they have some issues receiving stock for the Switch version. At the moment you can only buy the ps4 and xbox version of it here. The Switch version is nowhere in Europe.
It's very important for people to understand WHAT they are buying:
it's first and foremost a visual novel where your choices matter..then there are tactic gameplay phases but it's really secondary you will spend the majority of your time in visual novel mode.
I agree most with Playstation lifestyle review here. It's original, LOTs of good idea with a more mature/grim scenario for a change without spoiling but also some notable flaws that prevents it from going from good to waouh.
Seems that it's very good as long as you're into visual novels and most who are disappointed is just because they wanted something else. So great news for me as someone who loves visual novels and plays more of them than anything else. Won't be starting it until after I finish Xenoblade Chronicles 3 at the very earliest but got a physical copy ready to go when I have the time.
I have seen barely any Digimon Survive reviews on Metacritic
Also surprised a visual novel of all things got delayed so many times.
@LordPieFace It happens - the most recent game in the Science Adventure series was meant to come out in 2016 but finally came out in Japan the other week (Anonymous;Code)
I hope this is the last Digimon light novel and that Bandai makes a true game next time.
Absolutely loving it. Really glad for something completely different to the same old catch/grind/battle of these franchises. It's a deep and unique game, I've not played anything quite like it, definitely a 9/10 from me. Well done Bandai Namco good game!
Well, since I reeeeeeeeeally dragged my feet with Cybersluth, I still have a little over a game and a half to get through, so passing this one over won't really bother me much.
No gonna dump on it, just saying there are more appealing games (for me) out there just now.
Was this game every originally revealed as a visual novel, with about 20% of actual game play? I don't remember that pitch personally.
@Khyron5 For what it’s worth, I reeaaaally don’t recommend playing both Cyber Sleuth games back to back. They’re both fantastic RPGs, but the second one retreads so much ground from the first one that it really soured my experience. Would definitely suggest playing something else in between to avoid burnout.
I am almost certain it was originally announced as a TRPG game, but nothing about it being a VN at all.
Think that was only announced later on, after the development hell the game went through.
I am currently taking a break from XC3 to play Digimon and the further I get the more I am loving it. Honestly think going the VN route has been a really smart route, even if definitely did turn people off it, which is a shame.
The game is good, people just need to give it chance before judging it. It certainly isn't going to blow your mind with exploration like Pokemon Legends: Arceus but at least it won't look as worst as that one.
Bought it and started it yesterday. Have just made it to Part 3 a while ago. First and foremost it's an interactive Digimon Adventure anime, where you play as the current Goggles Kid in the Adventure sections. The rest of the human and Digimon main cast are obviously based on the classic Adventure 01 characters, though they have their own features so they don't feel like clones.
The story has been good so far, each of the characters has been well developed. Beginning is a little slow/long, though it helps to develop the setting and just how dangerous even Rookie Digimon are. I liked how the kids also wondered if they had traveled through time or if someone had triggered a superweapon when trying to guess what had happened to the school and surrounding areas.
Good so far. It's true that battles are often too easy, though I've just played on Normal, wonder if Hard will make much of a difference. Hopefully later battles will be more challenging. Gameplay mixes aspects from FF Tactics and Fire Emblem, such as backstab and attacks from the sides being more damaging, and some allied units aiding each other.
So far I'd give it a 8/10.
Got my 3 JPN cards PreOrder. But heck what's with the long pregame start game. I was like holymoses...that's one of the longest intro I played that I recall so far.
@CorePrideX even more surprised xbox got a physical release and in europe.
@ArceusSupremacy Out of curiosity, what is your definition of a true game? Because if your definition is not a visual novel, that's just subjectively wrong.
If you want to open the conversation about visual novels not being games in the first place, that's an entirely different can of worms, and a genre you'll find a lot of people enjoy.
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