Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is finally here, and generally, people seem to be enjoying it... but there are some interesting bugs in the game that have been amusing players since its release last week — and one of them features Team Galactic finally doing what Team Rocket never could.
In a clip from Reddit user u/mikeloud, a Team Galactic Grunt can be seen "accidentally" stealing the player's Ponyta, just by simply... scooting it off the screen. The Ponyta is, of course, outside of its Pokéball, using the Amity Square feature that lets you have your Pokémon follow you around.
Luckily, the Ponyta theft isn't permanent. If your Pokémon get stuck somewhere far away, they'll teleport back to you. Fooled again, bad guys!
Have you experienced this bug in the new Pokémon remakes? Or any other interesting bugs that made you chuckle? Let us know in the comments.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 27
A news article about a tweet about a graphical glitch.
I've been seeing similar posts like this on social media and the only glitch I hope they don't fix as I find these hilarious.
steal my Ponyta?
I say thee neigh!
I knew this article was going to be BS before I clicked on it. But I clicked on it anyway. So, no one to blame but myself.
@CharlieGirl please stop horsing around
@OFFICIALMichi wouldn't call that a glitch because it really isn't just saying
Two glitches at least at Sandgem Town the town signpost I ran right through it! In the cave by the Cycling Road you can turn the girl Mira you rescued invisible all the way to the end!
@WeltraumDreamer No, it's only (sort of) misleading.
I hoofed it to the comments section for the horse puns.
That's hilarious...please don't patch that xD
Such unbridled aggression will not stand.
Thanks for actually baiting me, Gee.
So many boring people in the comments. Why the long face?
@Astral-Grain Oh buck off and let her have her fun!
@MegaVel91 You didn't need to Trot all over them like that.
I'm not sure which is funnier, the clip or the comments. 😆
@Mauzuri Lumiose?
@CharlieGirl claps Well played
I think the games could be far more interesting if you could choose to steal or not to steal your opponents pokemon, or team whatever could actually do someting other than being a punching bag, there could be quests like team xy stole pokemon z from a trainer and you could rescue and all sort of things. But I guess it is easier to go along the same route for more than 20 years.
"Jessie and James would be so proud"

no they wouldn't, they always end up at odds with other evil teams as well as their own team. they got into scuffles butch & cassidy, iron mask maunder, team magma, team aqua, team galactic, team plasma, team flare, team skull, and even walked out on faba when he wanted them to kidnap lillie so he could use his hypno to suppress her memories.
@Rob3008 well! That's mean!
Another great article, Kate! Love your work!
Loved the article, Kate! Keep up the good work!
@KateGray Sorry, didn't mean to be. You're a great writer, you can just do much better than this piece.
@Rob3009 @Rob3010, screaming, I am flattered 😂
@Rob3008 I was a little under the weather yesterday and wanted to write something a little lighter than usual, that's all!
@NinTasha I got an actual glitch where my game loaded up in the underground but somehow I was floating above the floor. I couldn't talk to anyone or enter doorways and all I could do was either restart or exit the underground via the "Y" button.
I had a glitch to where every pokemon I caught, it was a lonely nature. It started when I went to find an adamant gible.
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