If you watched the Pokémon anime back in the late '90s, you'll no doubt remember the tremendous PokéRap. You know the one – "I want to be the best, there ever was, to beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause... Electrode! Diglett! Nidoran! Mankey!"
Anyway, to recreate the PokéRap for the modern day, complete with every single Pokémon in existence as of November 2021, 927 different artists have been hard at work drawing each and every 'mon. The result is a 15-minute showcase featuring each artist's work, a custom vocal track, and a sprinkling of good old nostalgia. Take a look:

A complete list of artists (alongside the Pokémon they drew) can be found here.
It's a tremendous effort all around and certainly a positive moment for the Pokémon fan community. From us here at Nintendo Life, congratulations and well done to all those involved!
Thanks to Mairead for the tip!
Comments 17
O my God! They finally did it!
Some very nice artwork showcased in that, there are some talented peeps out there!
A bit overwhelming, but quite nice. (the credits scene was looooong)
The main female voice is pretty cringe and never "rapped" before. Just sounds like she wanted to be done asap.
This was actually pretty good. A few of the voice clips were cut short and it go a bit boring/repetitive towards the end but a great way to celebrate Pokemon and its artist.
It took them 15 years to be rapping for me! But just in time for the holidays!!! ⛄ ❤️
This might be a case of do it right or don’t do it at all.
And it would have looked a lot better if they had taken a leaf from the PokéRap of old and compiled screenshots from the series/movies instead. The disparate (and often grotesque) art styles and the unenthusiastic vocal performance make this a bit of a loser.
I seem to recall a similar project some years ago that probably covered up until Generation IV or V, and I remember that being quite good. This... far, far from it.
Furthermore, they could have kept the credits a lot shorter by having cards (for wanting of a better term) rather than a crawl, or even not have it at all and instead make a subtitle track that displays the social media handles of all of the artists when their contribution appears on screen.
Anyone remember that parody by collegehumor from a few years ago where the guy is forced for like 10 minutes to do it?
sorry but this is super lame
Cheesy, but I kinda liked it, at least the artwork. The mixing sounded a bit off though.
But it wasn’t as cringe as this (first four minutes):
Cool idea. I started watching, but the music aspect was so bad I couldn’t get far. It seems like they put all the effort into the drawings and none into the music, which led to a bad overall presentation.
Had to stop after I realised they can't sing or rap, so 15 seconds.
Eeeehhhh, I appreciate the effort, but not a huge fan. A lot of the artwork is subpar, not a lot of emotion from either the singer or rapper, and their rapping was out of sync with the music, which drove me nuts. The CollegeHumor one was much better.
I hate to say it, but the skills of the artists and sound quality of the video are all over the place...
The artists for the video are very talented.
I do feel the vocals fall a bit flat. In terms of sync and energy, I mean.
Jesus, the mix and recording is just terrible…
Meh. The clearly inexperienced rapper ruined it for me. No 'oomph' to her voice at all.
Still really liked the "updated" pokerap College Humor made, which did a great job of poking fun at the sheer bloat of the franchise (circa 2014 or so, so it's even worse now, lol).
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