If you've been experiencing any difficulties with the online multiplayer component of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition let's just say it could be worse, depending on where you're located.
Since last week's launch, players in Australia and New Zealand have been experiencing ongoing connection issues. Local Nintendo website Vooks tested out the game across all platforms (Switch, PlayStation 4, mobile) and was able to confirm multiplayer would not work for more than a few seconds before disconnecting players. This issue has been present for nearly one week.
According to the same source, the game has now been pulled from the Switch eShop and PlayStation Store in this region. Not long after this, Square Enix shared the following statement via Twitter, explaining how all sales will be suspended until this issue is resolved:
We have had reports that some players in Australia and New Zealand are having difficulty accessing the multiplayer feature of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. This is being investigated at present and to ensure customers have the best possible experience, further sales of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition in the region will be suspended until the issue has been addressed. We understand that this is not ideal and would like to offer our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused. We’ll post the latest updates on Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition here, so please bear with us.
We had a look at this region's eShop ourselves and can also confirm the game has at least been temporarily taken down from Nintendo's digital store. If you've already bought it, you can still download it.
How's your experience with the online multiplayer in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition been so far? Tell us down below.
[source vooks.net]
Comments 66
So product with compromised online multiplayer experiences compromised online multiplayer performance?
Color me surprised.
"ongoing multiplayer issues"
Oh, so that's the term they're using for " Square gives giant middle finger to gamers wanting a local co-op option, like the original had"? 🤔😋
Squares' laziness is definitely an ongoing issue.
I'm baffled because Square Enix has made some of the worst business decisions and greedy practices I have seen and yet I barely see any real, well deserved backlash. People still love them and give other companies much more poop for less.
Of course in Australia, everything is upside down there.
@roy130390 I’m starting to realize this now. I guess they’re a bit more forgivable due to having some great games.... versus EA who buys good companies / games and runs them into the ground while monetizing every aspect....
@roy130390 You must have missed fan reception to Final Fantasy XIII, the original XIV and XV then 😂
@roy130390 Fans complain endlessly about FF, yet buy them in droves. The average player isn't part of that vocal minority online.
1. Shiney new Square product.
2. Buy blindly.
3. Repeat.
Never thought Square Enix would screw up this game's multiplayer this badly.
It’s a simple remaster. They could have at least gotten the bare bones online multiplayer right...
@bert0503 Or even better - deliver the untouched, original local co-op and call it a day.
What a disaster. Square should have just made it for Switch/PS4, but they spread themselves too thin pushing for that all-important mobile port.
They're probably regretting not just originally announcing it as a remaster for mobile, washing their hands of the issue after leaking it onto the App Store.
What an absolute ****show of a product. Mind-boggling that a company like Square could release the game in its current state.
This game was doa
@Ulysses Agreed. The remaster may have turned out much differently if they decided to focus on the console only. Hell, if it was just Switch only, local co-op MAY have actually been a thing.
@Xiovanni I still can't believe multiplayer is region locked. What in the world were they thinking? Was it that difficult to rework the original code?
@Xiovanni I can't believe I forgot that. And even worse, I can't believe Square did that.
If I needed any other reasons to hate Square Enix...
Man... what's next for this game? Game's code bricks Switches?
Well, I wasn't going to buy it anyways, unless they introduce couch co op.
Yes, I will continue saying that until they do.
Yeah, that port seems to be going swimmingly...
Final Fantasy - Murphy's Law Chronicles...jeez
I think at this point, its only redeeming feature is that they didn't ask full price for it...being Square, that's noteworthy...which is sad in its own right...
One of my friends was pretty excited for the game and was pretty disappointed launch day when he couldn't play online at all. Pretty pathetic by Square Enix. They couldn't have done a worse job with this remaster.
What an absolutely pathetic monstrosity of a release. As if customers needed any less reason to buy this.
Customers should absolutely be entitled to a refund. What other industry so frequently gets away with non-existent quality control?!
@EVIL-C That's... that's not at all why the game was pulled.
It seems Square is unable to create a decent remake, safe for FF7. I really hope they learn how to make goods remakes before tackling Chrono Trigger (which will probably never happen or be crap like the secret of mana remake)
Wait...a flawed Square Enix Game??? Colour me shocked!!!
But guys, see! This was ALL FOR THE BEST, because otherwise Switch and PS4 players wouldn't be able to play with mobile gamers!! This feature alone meant it was vital for them to ditch local co-op in favor of forced online and cross platform play, and you'll see the value in it when after a dozen disconnected attempts, you are able to finally connect to other players who have no tactile buttons in a game that absolutely needs them! This whole nonsense with the entire game now being completely inoperable to the point of having to pull the game from sale until its fixed is just a necessary speed bump. IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT!! Save that money for when it gets relisted, because CROSS PLATFORM PLAY WITH MOBILE IS THE FUTURE, BABY!!!
(he said, facetiously)
And this is coming from someone who spent hours in college when the original came out, jumping through the dozens of hoops to get the damn thing running with four PLAYERS and four GBAs. That local co-op led to such incredible golden moments, but all of that magic has now been removed.
Screw cross-platform play in a game intended for couch co-op. This needs to be a hard lesson learnt on the part of Square Enix in what NOT to do in a remastered port, but eh, we all know better...
"Give developers a bloody break!"
UK switch version. Had no issues here so far in the 30 something hours I have played. Been mostly playing online with 2 friends/randoms when they're not around. Solo for stamps. Nice to be the anomoly sometimes.
Got a copy of the original so I'm good.
I've actually really enjoyed it. I totally agree som things are lackning in the multiplayer department, like all players getting myrrh and not being able to share items among other things. But that aside, i feel that when you get used to the online functions (which ive had no problems with btw) it is fine for me. Nostalgia is tough to argue with, but I feel this version gets more hate than deserved!
Australia falls under the PAL region for releases right? It's no surprise that there are connection issues then when it's trying to connect with Europe if that's the case.
Why would you region lock this game when there is no direct communication besides preset phrases? It's not like language would be an issue in that case.
Apparently Square Enix uses Ubisoft and EA as company models to follow.
@Pat_trick Nah, because those companies release online multiplayer games that actually work online, buggy as hell sure, but squenix can’t even get the fundamentals right...... I used to want them to make a square collection with threads of fate, the musashi games, vagrant story, the parasite eves, Xenogears, and the chrono games but I’m not too sure they wouldn't screw it up now.
@jbreez00 That's true. It got to the point that I dread Square Enix's re-relases.
@Real_Obsi Yeaahhhh... No.
I am old enough and have actually enjoyed the original. The setup wasn't convoluted, it was just expensive. If you had buds who had a GBA then all was pretty much fine. It wasn't perfect by any stretch but at the time, it was the only way to have the needed information at each person's disposal.
And like @PeterAndCompany said, the hoops one had to jump through were worth it. Playing with 3 friends was magical. And this is coming from a guy who bought the game, went to his friend's house to get a game started, and then they screwed me over by finishing the game without me.
So you see, I was greatly looking forward to experiencing these magical moments with my kids. On one Switch.
Did they have to rework the entire system because of a lack of a secondary screen? Yes, they would need to do that to make couch co-op work. But aside from the "secret mission" mechanic, what else was really an integral part of the game that can't be done on our main screen?
We can do without the map. We can do without the treasure locator. Equipping stuff? Real time ring menu á la Secret of Mana? Heck, Diablo 3 pauses the game for you and I didn't mind. You only equip and adapt stuff in downtime moments anyways. Gives you a time to talk with your mates about the strategy for the next bits. Even the secret mission mechanic only needs a little bit of imagination to fix. Just assign different vibrations to each secret mission and let the controller vibrate before each dungeon. And that's just something I thought of off the top of my head. I am sure with a little bit of thought someone can come up with an even better solution. Or... You know... Just ditch it.
And hey, online multiplayer was also NOT present in the original and as such also had to be built up from the ground. And what is the difference between local Switch to Switch and online then? Why is that not present?
So yeah, I have a "legitimate" reason to "complain". I mean, at the end of the day, it's just a game, no life threatening stuff, but since this is a website discussing videogames and I was looking forward to this game and am disappointed by the lack of certain elements, I voice that complaint.
Not to badger or badmouth Square Enix, but at least make it known that this is not what I expected, in the hope that they address the issue and do things to make me want to buy the game. You know, a little bit like how Sonic's movie design was, in fact, pretty bad, and after the backlash they changed it and the movie turned out to be an unexpectedly big success.
And well, if you think you can fix a community you feel is toxic by telling them they are "f***wits" who are only throwing out "idiotic sh*tstorms", maybe you should take your own advice to heart and pick, or at least voice your complaints properly.
@Einherjar yeah but there’s like $40 worth of dlc, which is a lot of the “new” features that were touted pre-release.
@Daniel36 just off the dome: what if each player just got points for damage dealt, enemies killed, allies cured/raised, treasure looted, and time touching the chalice? No secret mission system required. Just play the game.
@Wak_mbpt Exactly. There are pleeeenty of possible solutions to this "problem".
This game was meant for couch co-op, it's as simple as that. And just like games such as Diablo, Moon Hunters, Castle Crashers, etc. the inclusion of online is an absolute given and perfect for people who can't round up enough players nearby, but that still doesn't warrant an exclusion of the couch option.
@Daniel36 I bought the game, knowing that local co-op wasn’t an option. I decided to try to recreate the local experience my wife and I had way back by getting a copy for PS4 and for Switch. I was floored to learn the the online doesn’t allow for caravans to play together and that it was exclusively one-off levels. And then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s the archaic method of sending rotating invite codes to everyone to party up again after every. single. level. I’m almost not even mad, it’s quite impressive how bad they managed to make it.
@Infinete I’ve been playing the iOS version in solo. It’s great! There are no decent IAP-free dungeon crawlers on mobile.
@Roto13 I was being facetious. 😕
@Wak_mbpt Yeah, saw the DLC as well, but haven't looked into it much. On first glance, it looked like mostly cosmetic nonsense though. But it leaves a bad aftertaste nonetheless.
Well...the whole port does.
It's just such a missed opportunity. The games concept lends itself perfectly for a proper remake.
Heck, it would have been the perfect opportunity to use Nintendo's companion app as a GBA replacement.
You could have so much nonsense with this game and they pretty much half arsed every part of it... a shame really...
Given that Squenix made the best games in the SNES era, I'm always saddened with how they handle their remasters, starting with the Mobile/Steam ports of FFs
unfortunate but perfectly acceptable
Uh uh. Why don't you go ahead and read post #43 by @Wak_mbpt and accept the fact that this is much more than a perfectly acceptable patch fix; this is atrocious programming, and shameful for such a big publisher like Square Enix to mishandle their stalwart Final Fantasy brand, regardless of being a spinoff title.
I'm old enough to have played the original on Gamecube if it weren't for requiring so many GBA's, so instead I grew up playing other couch co-op games on Gamecube like Lord of the Rings: Two Towers and RotK (which was great fun)
I did however play the Crystal Chronicle titles on DS and enjoyed local wireless co-op with my friends, so I expected at least a manageable wireless local co-op option. Not only did they get lazy with including multiplayer options despite being a multiplayer game, but Square Enix went out of their way to make the one multiplayer option as convoluted and inconvenient as possible, by design.
Before I found out about all of this, I was actually excited for this game! This was one of my anticipated 2020 releases, so my disappointment is not merely topical.
@Wak_mbpt You know what? You are right! It is REALLY impressive how much they missed the mark on this one. Especially after they treated us so well with the Secret of Mana collection finally having SoM 2 in English, and Romancing Saga, it's like... They obviously know WHO they are appealing to with these games...
The whole thing just doesn't make sense.
@Wak_mbpt What are you talking about with rotating invite codes? Those are only to play with randoms. I'm playing with three friends and we haven't touched a code since River Belle. If you're playing with anyone for more than one dungeon, you send a one-time six-digit friend code to each other, then you can always join each other's party code-free.
I love the original FFCC and this port has a lot of problems (and does nothing to improve the fact that CC is a not-great game to begin with) but please don't straight-up lie to make the game look worse. It doesn't need that.
Such a squandered opportunity....I have no intention on buying this flaming pile of crap that is this remaster, however, nearly a week after launch and there still is no listing for the Android mobile version of this game... probably for the best. Square should come out with an apology.
@Grapplegeek The Android version is available for me. I'm in Canada with a Galaxy S8 and I see it in the store right now. It may be a region or incompatible phone thing?
The website said the mobile editions would show up after launch, but they're already out.
And yet the game is almost on top of the sShop charts. So we - the online Karens - are really the minority here.
@EVIL-C Agreed. By the way, wasn't that reply meant for Nessisonett? I feel that it answers perfectly what he replied to me.
These are the people who think they are too good to allow their legacy content to come to NSO? The type of big 3rd party that is apparently upset with Nintendo and people say Nintendo should bend?
They seem like a pale shadow of their past selves.
@LunchLoser so let us all know how it is playing with your friends with only one person at a time is getting any story progression. And if you are referring to the invite feature to invite friends to your group, that never worked for me. The invites never showed up, and had to send codes every time. I’m glad that it worked well for you, though.
@Wak_mbpt The first two days I didn't seem to get the invites properly, but now they've been working. And either way, once you get invited by a friend, the lobby will appear at the top of your 'join lobby' list, so it's really a non-issue. When people were complaining about the rotating codes at the start start, I expected way worse than this, but it seems like that complaint is just pointless. The progression is annoying, so we've mostly been doing one "full clear" of a dungeon, then three quicker runs to farm for artifacts. It's really baffling how they made the decision to only do story progress one at a time.
Honestly, what makes me more upset than the online is the fact that they didn't make any changes the game desperately needed. They could've improved the chalice-carrying system, put Defend on a dedicated button, and made attack combination take a bit less time, but the game is still just as mediocre as I rember it. I loved CC for its atmosphere, with the voice introducing each stage, and the shiver-inducing music; it's really a feeling that even the later Chronicles games didn't capture. I just wish they made a good game to go along with it.
@LunchLoser I’ll have to try again if invites have started working properly. At least having to repeat levels over for everyone’s progression let’s everyone get a couple more artifacts. I personally don’t mind to much managing the chalice, since I play a Yuke from the back anyway. I kind of enjoy the challenge of juggling chalice management, team healing and range damage. I can totally agree with the attack combo rhythm being totally slow and out of whack, and the defend not being on a dedicated button makes it virtually useless. I think the only time I’ve ever used defend is to aggro an enemy, and have it stand still while attacking me to let the others cast holy/gravity.
Just add local multiplayer and skip the online multiplayer altogether
@EVIL-C because people want what final fantasy they CAN buy, but want better features etc. When people complain about games (like i did about destiny 2, even though ppl that still play it claim i have no right to), it's because we want better. To go all that time w/o a final fantasy, then expect the masses to know it's bad before they play it is unrealistic, as even gamers don't read all reviews (most have 1 or 2 sites they're loyal to & trust, but find things in the game that may not be mentioned, or have complaints for any reason). That can't be the metric used by gamers if we're being fair, because it's not realistic to expect me to skip a game I've been looking forward to for 5+ years. I bought FFXV anyways because i thought i may feel differently about it than the reviewers, but i never finished it & have no desire to & am very critical now & then & wish i hadn't have bought it, but it's too late. That's how this works in the real world & sadly the publishers know that & take advantage, but maybe it will change with social media shaming. We never had that tool in the past, but it's not realistic to ask me to skip FFXVI, even if the reviews are mediocre.
why does this game have micro-transactions?
i mean i'll give it a go when they do the usual 50% sale next month
@twztid13 Gamers should expect this mediocrity from Square by now. It's nothing new. 🤷♂️
How I miss the days of Square. Eenix was the worst thing to merge with what a disgrace it has turned them to. Same thing is happening with Acti-Blizzard.
@Yanina But is that position in the charts based on sales only or does it include the free downloads? Because that distinction means a lot.
@Daniel36 Seeing that other free games like Fortnite is not appearing in the charts, I would assume it is the "bought with money" version. Even on #1 in japan.
Why are they removing until it's fixed if it's only the multiplayer aspect tht isn't working? That makes no sense right? Why do big companies make nonsensical decisions like this? You send out a public statement declaring the glitch/problem, then you patch it out with an update...like a normal game developer would do. Am I missing something here? Who would be angrier, someone who buys it and discovers they will have to wait few weeks for an update to fix multiplayer, OR somebody who goes to buy it and finds its been removed temporarily, meaning some ppl still have it and can enjoy single player but you can't. I really must be missing something here.
@Yanina Ah, yeah that makes sense.
Well... I suppose I am a Karen then. Time to upgrade my hairdo.
On a sidenote, I decided to ask colleagues for spare GBAs. I am going to play the original. Still have plenty of cables.
Final fantasy 7 remake shows us how good Square can be. It's funny how they tend to act to the other title's like they don't even care to put out a good product. But I will always have hope that they will do better .
How the hell they did almost everything wrong with this remaster? WTF are they thinking?
The question is:
Did Squaresoft or Enix Co make better SNES games.
The whole "karen" thing is politically correct garbage.
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