It’s pretty safe to say that Nintendo had a strong strategy with the Switch this year, bookending it with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey, both of which have been universally well received critically. Though Super Mario Odyssey has only been out for a few days at this point, it was a foregone conclusion that it would go down extremely well with the fanbase, and now Nintendo has released some solid numbers on the title.
In a financial results briefing, Tatsumi Kimishima explained that the game exceeded 2 million in sales in just its first three days. Bear in mind that the Switch install base currently sits at around 7 million units, and these sales were achieved ahead of the holiday rush. Here’s what Kimishima had to say:
Furthermore, last Friday saw the release of Super Mario Odyssey in Japan and in overseas markets. This newest title in the Super Mario series received many awards this year at the largest game shows in Western markets, such as E3 and gamescom, and consumers had high expectations leading to its release. Although Super Mario Odyssey launched just a few days ago, the game appears to be meeting those expectations, judging by its high review scores from the gaming media and players’ positive comments on social media.
While about 7 million units of Nintendo Switch hardware have been delivered into the hands of our consumers around the world, we estimate that the global sellthrough of Super Mario Odyssey has already exceeded 2 million units in just its first 3 days. The holiday sales season will soon go into full swing, and we plan to make more Nintendo Switch systems available in the market. We will endeavor to further increase the number of consumers who want to purchase Super Mario Odyssey, and eventually we would like the game to be seen as an evergreen title that has longevity in the market beyond this holiday season.
What do you think? Did you pick up Super Mario Odyssey? How much of an effect do you think it’ll have on the Christmas sales? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 85
Very well deserved. It might just be my favorite Mario game ever. Everything is just so much fun.
2 Millions games sold ??
7 Millions Switch shipped ??
In THREE Days ?!
OMG... !
Nah, this will end up being a banner year for Nintendo! Can't wait to hear those year end numbers next spring! (either March or April, I forgot)
Go Mario go!
Wow! A million would have surprised me, but TWO?!
I also heard an ad for Odyssey on Aussie TV during Dr. Phil (I think) of all shows.
What a great year to be a gamer the switch is on its way to becoming one of my favorite consoles of all time!
Dang! That's awesome! I love the game and and it's many call backs to previous games. I just passed the section with Pauline and the whole festival..... It was amazing! So cool. I just love the younger game designers who are working on this, bringing new ideas while still celebrating the past with call backs and secrets.
I just got to the end credits in super mario odyssey. When I saw what I unlocked I had a big dumb smile on my face.
@Aurumonado I haven't finished it yet but I found a painting in the Luncheon Kingdom which took me to a part of what I think you're talking about. If that level makes you smile I'd find that painting as it refers to a game even before that one 😉 Couldn't stop smiling as it brought these games together 😃😃😃
Super Mario Galaxy launch sales by region:
US: Over 500,000
Japan: 251,000
UK: 77,000
Unlike Mario Odyssey, Mario Galaxy did not launch on the same day worldwide, but if you were to add up its launch sales in all territories, that sum would probably total to around ~1.3 million copies.
Mario Odyssey is handily outpacing Mario Galaxy in sales.
It’s somewhat odd that Kimishima says Switch has sold “about 7 million units” when their official statement is 7.63 million. He’s just slightly underselling it, is all. And to be fair to Switch, that’s not actually a “current” estimate like Kimishima says, because that figure was arrived at on September 30, and the system has no doubt exceeded 8 million units sold since then.
And the success just keeps on going.
Gosh dang, I'd like to have a Switch, but it's so damn expensive here in Canada...I hope there's a price drop in say...a year? Please?
Wow that's impressive. Well deserved too.
Finally got chance to play some and while it takes a couple of hours to get going, it's really getting good now.
I’ve only played for a couple of hours, but have been grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Just lovin’ it
Switch is my all-time favourite gaming machine - and I’ve been gaming constantly since 2600 days. Ireland negativity be damned!
I got my switch in August and I am still playing zelda breath of the wild. Unfortunately my university work means I have less time to play games. I'll get super mario Oddysey when the time is right.
Oh shiz that was fast. Though I like the game in it's basic sense something in me doesn't want it to surpass BotW though I'm sure it will. It's Mario, and Mario generally has always sold better than Zelda. I expect around 5 million+ sales by January.
@Anti-Matter the 7 million Switch things is in total, not in the last 3 days.
@arekdougy Nintendo looking at your comment: Hahahahahahahah no.
Well done.
@Yasaal Yeah. I don’t think Zelda ever comes close to outselling Mario, though. I do think BOTW will be the best selling Zelda and beat out Twilight Princess when all is said and done, however.
@roboshort Ya I expect BotW to outsell TP by late next year or so. If those BotW Explorer bundle rumors are to be believed they might increase drastically this holiday season as well.
The want this title to be evergreen! DLC confirmed?
If you want a Switch for Christmas, order early. Nintendo got it right this time. A new Wave Race would be the cherry on top.
Well deserved, it's wonderful. If they made some more cool levels for DLC, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I'm so happy for everyone involved. It is clear Nintendo have been very hard working. NVidia have to slap themselves on the back as well. I cannot wait for the future. From 80s / 90s arcades to 90/00s homes to 00/10s anywhere. LOVE IT!
Nintendo really are on fire at the moment. What a year it's been for them, they absolutely nailed it. Kimishima deserves a lot of the credit.To think next year could be just as good if not better.It usually is the 2nd year of any console's life that it comes into its own after all so exciting times are ahead. I've a feeling a huge Direct is coming in the next 2 or 3 weeks showing us what they have planned for well into next year while still keeping enough surprises for regular Directs through the year. I've honestly never been this happy as a Nintendo gamer since the 64 and it's only the beginning.
For me when Nintendo bring their A-game they are untouchable in the industry. Sony, Microsoft and all the 3rd party's would never really admit that but they know it.
@Yasaal Yeah. Nintendo should sell around 6 million Switches between October and December so I guess it could pass TP by the end of the year (not counting any rereleases).
SMO will be the best selling 3D Mario, just like BotW will become the best selling 3D Zelda.
Exciting times to be a Nintendo fan. Let's just hope they don't mess the bed next year.
@westman98 It makes me sad that everyone in the UK is PS4/Xbox obsessed and only 0.1% of people will experience Mario Odyssey!
@BAN His point is not to boast about 7m consoles sold but to point out that Odyssey has sold 2m even with only 7m consoles sold, and that lifetime sales of the game are expected to be many millions more.
I can heartily say that I can’t remember the last time I was this impressed by a video game. Truly an amazing game that is every bit deserving of its success.
@arekdougy i expect there to be good christmas time sales, thats when i will pick up my 2nd switch, the odyssey bundle
I am so happy I pre ordered and by doing so received my Switch day one! I never owned a Nintendo console (aside from gameboy handhelds) and it was so worth it!! I am really happy I put my trust in the Nintendo Switch the first time I layed my eyes on it. Its been a amazing year for the Switch so far and I am really enjoying Mario ^^
A great game. It is easy at first but gets better and you are rewarded for your skill and exploration.
There are places I have been in the game that you are not meant to go or don't need to go but have been rewarded with a stash of coins. It's like Nintendo knows good mario game players will try and get up everything.
@LtAldoRaine Weirdly, I'm cool with some DLC levels as well, even though I'm nowhere near finished with the game (only got 310 Power Moons). I would love if you could go back to the Ruined Kingdom pre-ruining.
I can't wait for the first Xbox and PS players to try out Odyssey and be like, "My goodness, I'm actually having... fun!".
As always, the tears of the naysayers provide a balanced breakfast.
And as always...
Ha ha, aha, yeah!
I've beaten the game yesterday and I'm preping for post game, but I gotta say, this game deserves every bit of praise and recognition
Wait, no day one 10gb patches? No season pass? No dlc? No microtransactions? No loot boxes?
Am I dreaming of something?
But, but, Microsoft said it's hard to make money off single player games.
That’s good, it’s a really great game.
@electrolite77 That's because you can sell microtransactions and loot boxes as a cheap way to make money off of multi-player games. EDIT: I just read the article, and this person seriously thinks that what gamers want is higher resolution graphics. Now, while that may be true for some gamers, most gamers just want fun games. Why does she think the retro indie market is so popular? Not because their games are super-realistic 4K, that's for sure.
Also, it's amazing that they've sold 2 Mil in just 3-4 days. I'm sure this is selling systems.
I bought it day and date with all the pre-order perks from Best Buy and the only challenge I have had is resisting the urge to play it all day long without breaks. My favorite Mario game of all time is 64 and this game FINALLY feels like a true successor to that game (sorry Sunshine).
@AlexSora89 After watching the 45 minute Sony presentation yesterday at PGS I'm pretty sure Sony players don't want to have fun, just pain and suffering. Oh, and misery too, can't forget the misery.
I'm hoping Sony knew it was Halloween today so they were playing up the horror angle, b/c they went dark hard. Not saying it was bad, I still want almost every game they showed, but I'll need to play a Nintendo game in between the Sony games so I don't off myself.
Fun? There's no place for fun in video games. 😆
(Traded in my Xbox 1 for a Switch last week, MS had no games for me, fun, dark or otherwise.)
Please elaborate, because I sense a fun thread in the making.
well deserved if it wasnt for the fact that ive been working doubles this whole weekend i wouldve been playing more! truly a games that makes you smile and have fun!
@rjejr playing ninty in between sony games so u dont off yourself LMAO!!! inbetween Odyssey im playing the original Persona on my PSP that way im completely balanced lol!
Hey, Sony had a good showcase. Spider-Man is looking amazing.
@AlexSora89 Higlight of the 45 minute Sony show yesterday.
Which ended with this.
That should be all the elaboration you need. 😀
@WanderingPB I realized after I wrote that I've been gaming that way for 20 years now, going back to PS1 w/ Resident Evil and Parasite Eve and GameCube w/ Pikmin and Starfox Adventures. Sony and Nintenfo balance.
I'll be your 1up girl.
@AlexSora89 ok, further elaboratiin. You know your show is dark when the President of the company has to elaborate on how dark it was.
@roboshort Breath of the Wild is currently sitting at around 4.7 million units sold on Switch alone. Mario's got a way to go to catch Link, but I think when all is said and done that Mario will outsell Breath of the Wild.
@rjejr ur really dated urself my friend but yeah i remember even further back when i used switch it up with genesis altered beast and mystic defender and nes super mario and bubble bobble...a healthy game balance is never a bad thing
speaking about parasite eve now that is a game that deserves a proper remake since there are really no survival horror rpgs in the market. but to keep it like the first game since the 2nd was more like a RE2 copy and the 3rd was...well a fun game and impressive for the psp but not really a true Parasite eve game. but i can imagine a true remake kinda like Shadow of the colossus hd which from the conference looked phenomenal
There was never any doubt that this game was going to sell huge but considering the still relatively small fanbase of the Switch 2 million is really impressive. I hope this game causew Switch sales to skyrocket, I have a feeling the Switch is going to be the must have item to get this holiday season, something I never thought the Wii U would be even once.
I'm totally with @Anti-Matter on this one!
Still haven't bought...I think my gf already got one and hiding it until Christmas...😕
I am glad to see Odyssey do so well. I was sold on the first trailer with Mario in New Donk City...could kinda tell this one would be special.
I have no regrets over the following.
I guess I am one in 2 million.
Yeah I think Microsoft are wrong. They're trying to make out single player games are difficult because for years now they've wanted to push gamers online and milk then for games as a service.
The irony is lovely though. The same week MS say that, Nintendo have a smash hit with Mario and yesterday Sony had a PlayStation presser where almost everything announced was a single player game. So it seems single player games are only 'complicated' for Microsoft.
@chardir That would be a plausible explanation if he had just said that off the cuff in response to some question in an informal interview or something. But he didn’t. The quote is from his official address as chief executive in a financial briefing on his company’s quarterly performance, a situation that calls for specificity.
@AlexSora89 @rjejr
Yeah, the trailer for The Last of Us Part II has completely overshadowed the fact that there was child abuse in the Detroit Become Human trailer.
Sony is focused on dark gripping stories more than anything right now.
@AlexSora89 Since you're already tainted the day keeps getting cheerier and cheerier over there.
I didn't see what antimatter wrote but I know him well enough to guess.
@IceClimbers I still think he killed her but I guess not. But admittedly it's my Achilles heel. I'm all about sex and violence but I draw the lines at kids for both. I feel like 90% of the people ok with it don't have any kids of there own. It changes you. Or at least it should. I just don't see why anybody would want to play a game where you watch a child get beaten to death. It's absurd for me to even write.
Though I did really enjoy a tv show called Constantine who's main premise is the hero is haunted from summoning a demon who tore a child to pieces and condemned her soul to he'll so I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrit. 🤔
@WanderingPB The only way to date me is with carbon.
Parasite Eve was the reason I got a PS. I tell everyone it was FFVII so I don't have to explain myself, but I played PE twice before I even got 7. And you are so right about PE2 being RE, thats what I said while I was playing it. I ignored PE3 on the PSP. Now I have to go home and check ifI stil have the disc, having lunch at McDs before grocery shopping. 😀
@rjejr lol carbon touche
metal gear solid brought me over to the PS1 and was so good i just had to play twice w/ some starfox64and goldeneye in between! 3rd Birthday (PE3) is just not the direction fans of the series wanted kinda like federation force but nonetheless is a good game for what it is. the overdrive mechanics keeps the pace and action going by going from body to body shooting the enemies in the spirit of the overdrive in XCX its a gets even better when u master it and impressive for a psp game
call me krazy but i thought the trailer for that sucker punch game was going to be a new tenchu game...still i agree with what you said im pretty much going to buy all of them except that racing one...that was meh
Well deserved sales!
Odyssey's a great game. Polished, brings plenty of fresh content to the table, and doesn't forget what made earlier entries great. Haven't had so much fun with a Mario game since the days of Sunshine. It's a good feeling!
@AlexSora89 Man, the library is so dark you need a flashlight to see that the games are different from each other
@WanderingPB I played MGS on the Dreamcast with a disc called Bleamcast. It was supposed to be the next big thing, PS games in HD, but they never got past MGS. I still have all 3, I should sell them as some weird trivia set to a collector. Nah, can't part with my Dream cast.
I thought the SP game was Genji 3. The 2nd got a lot of grief for the historically accurate giant crab, and really it just wasn't that good, but the first game was great. It was the first game I ever got to jump onto the roof of a house. I was jumping with excitement, telling my wife - "Look, he can jump on a roof." I think it was after Onimusha 3, so I was used to playing at a slower pace. This was before DmC and all of its crazy frantic antics. But that trailer really didn't show us much game play wise, so we'll have to see. I'm more of a button masher, so many games these days have QTE and timing and strategy. So we'll see. I'm still waiting to see about Spiderman. GoW has to be better than the erased from history GoW4. TLoU2 should deliver. Detroit, well violence or not I don't like that style of gameplay. Concrete Graffiti looks good. They purposefully skipped some stuff I think in their drive to make the audience commit suicide en masse. Ni No Kuni 2 is January. Kingdom Hearts 3 should release next year. DQ11 in the west. It isn't all doom & gloom, just yesterday's focus. 😯
I didn't check either, but I know the poor guy must be shaking with rage at M-rated games right now.
"Nintendo is getting hype and they're clawing their way to the top of the industry once again, they get way too media coverage... what do we do?"
"What we always do: show them we're at the other extreme end of the spectrum!"
And the rest is history.
Fun fact: [adult swim]'s deconstructively religious series, Moral Orel, took religious extremism and turned it on its head, with the hypocrisy of the usual American '50s suburban town being a frequent target, with Davey & Goliath visuals for the joke to come full circle. But for [as]'s execs it was not enough, and as such they asked show creator Dino Stamatopoulos to make Season 3 as dark as humanly possible. They got what they wanted with Alone, the darkest episode of the show, which caused the execs to backpedal to the point they canceled the show and shortened Season 3 down to thirteen episodes.
Long story short: be careful what you wish for!
Is anyone honestly surprised? The Switch is selling like cold water on a hot day and this is MARIO. Probably still the most well know name in gaming.
Quite simply a masterpiece!
@Anti-Matter The 2 million Mario games shipped in 3 days is indeed fantastic news. Just to avoid confusion; the article refers to a Switch install base currently sitting at around 7 million units, so not the amount that's sold in 3 days, but 7 million units have been sold over its lifespan so far.
@electrolite77 There is hope for single-player games yet Still, Mario is the most widely recognised brand of single player games, a reputation that's been built by publishing high quality games over a course of decennia. A single-player Mario game being successful does not undermine the statement that publishing single-player games is hard. Nintendo has worked ridiculously hard and deserves to be at the top.
As expected!
Amazing * Damn phone!!
@AlexSora89 Nice Moral Orel story. I don't know what that is as I don't watch any of the Adult Swim stuff but I probably would like a lot of it but I get all I need from South Park. I was a big fan of Toonami way back when, think that's been subsumed now.
My wife and I did watch all 4 episodes of God, the Devil and Bob back in 2000 and thought it was hilarious, before getting shut down by religious fanatics with no sense of humour. (redundancy alert) I need to get that on DVD so we can watch the rest.,_the_Devil_and_Bob
@rjejr ive heard of the bleamcast but never had it. MGS twin snakes for the GCN hooked up with wii component cables makes MGS look impressive though more “explosive action” cut scenes and better kinda sorta gamebreaking aiming...but yeah i still have my dreamcast with the one game that was reason enough to own a dreamcast MvC2...honorable mentions to Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue and RE code veronica...i wonder if the dreamcast controller somehow inspired the Wii a far away dream Sega themselves will create a dreamcast mini and the world will regret letting the dreamcast down...or maybe we’ll get dreamcast games on the switches virtual console!...oh and phantasy star, power stone and canon spike many classics
ive never played Genji anything but overall the PGS looked pretty great and depending on prices i should have a PS4 before Ni No Kuni comes out fingers crossed
All you need to get from Adult Swim is Rick & Morty.
I'm not one of "those" R&M fans (you know, the annoying meme spammers), I just happen to find the show the only adults-only show done right I've ever seen.
@AlexSora89 Rick & Morty
I watched 2 minutes of that once, about all I could handle. I'm more of a MR. Bill kind of guy.
@WanderingPB Dreamcast to me was worth it for Skies of Arcadia and Grandia 3, which for it's time had to me a revolutionary battle system based on character movement. But yeah, the whole industry owes it to Dreamcast. It had a web browser, built in modem, online service, screen on the controller, and that screen became it's own game console which everybody used to play Chao Garden. And a wide variety of games. Only lasted 2 years but it's my 2nd favorite console after the PS2. It's also the console that started photorealistic graphics with games like NFL2K and Virtua Tennis. We'll never have another leap like that from all the consoles before Dreamcast to Dreamcast, then PS2, Gamecube and Xbox. Yet it somehow sold worse than the Wii U. Sega Marine Fishing will always be the best fishing game ever. I still have the pole.
Don't be fooled by Rick And Morty's first few minutes, the true genius of the series only awards those willing to watch more than a few episodes. The second season opener is amazingly creative.
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