Super Bomberman R's most significant content update yet has just gone live, bringing with it new characters, stages and items.
Three new characters are available in the shop: Vic Viper Bomber (from Gradius) Simon Belmont Bomber (from Castlevania), and Pyramid Head Bomber (from Silent Hill).
There are also four new VS stages: Conveyor Belt Classic, Panic Factory, Plain Floor, and Desert Fort. Two new series of accessories - Item and Snowflake - are also available.
Here are the other (less exciting) changes:
- Other than Battle Royale, the Team Battle is now available as a Battle Rule. In this mode, the team with the last survivor wins the match
- There are now more ways to win Gems and more Gems available (Previously Gems could only be earned in the League Battle, but now all VS modes provide Gems)
- Adjusted the movement speed of the Power Zone
- Other small bugs have been fixed
Have you tested the new update yet? What do you make of the new characters and stages? Let us know by lighting the fuse in the comments section below.
[source konami.com]
Comments 31
Oh, wait !
Can I just download the Vic Viper Bomberman ONLY ?
Because I don't like at all the other two.
Oh ya so Konami has no problem with Silent Hill cameos, but making new Silent Hill games is where they draw the line. WE WANT SILENT HILL P.T ALREADY(Not Resident Evil P.T)
@Anti-Matter You can just purchase the one you want.
Ah, thank you so much.
I'd like to get this, but not for more than £20. Guess I'll be waiting a while then...
So you can now earn gems in offline VS mode as well? If so, it's about time.
I never understood why this wasn't possible in the first place. I never earned many gems because I usually only play offline matches against my friends.
Man I so want a cheatcode for 100k Coins. I love this game and its so fun as a party game but the costs for every crap are so damn high (looking at you Pretty Bomber).
@patbacknitro Well that Silent Hill game was only scrapped because it was being made by kojima and whatever happened between kojima and konami caused konami to shut down and act like a 4 yr old so they scrapped what was possibly a game of the year contender over whatever happened.
@misfitpierce Ya but Konami is still making Metal Gear Survive without Kojima. What's stopping them from making a new Silent Hill?
@patbacknitro That piece of junk metal gear which is basically just a survival zombie game to milk the name for all its worth during the popular zombie era. Its a cash grab and kojima even said it makes no sense for it to be a metal gear game with its current style of play. Could they make silent hill? yes... Would it be trash... Most likely.
Cause you'd think a game that had a working demo already up wouldnt have been scrapped for no reason right? It looked amazing and would have made a bunch of good money, but whatever happened with kojima caused them to even fold that glorious project and scrap it evidently. Kojima still cant talk about it so maybe we will never know wtf happened.
Just in time, just got the cart for my birthday!
@patbacknitro Konami have been rather silent on the franchise.
Need to go back to Bomberman R and play as as Simon Belmont!
Yep, Pyramid Head will be my main from now on. But does he dry-hump mannequins?
managed get a cheap copy today for £25 so looking for forward to giving it a quick blast later boom boom
Does anyone have an issue online were the player carried on running even though you are not pressing anything, I found this really frustrating when I played online a few times. Do you think it might be a connection issue. Also barely anyone is online for this game which is worrying!
Haven't spent much time on it thought, got a few days before arms and realised what was the point, but it was free with traded in games!
Pyramid Head is just a weird/bad choice of character for this type of game. There's characters that make sense to add as DLC in certain games, like the other ones we're getting here, but not Pyramid Head in this particular game.
"now all VS modes provide Gems"
Best part about the update, right there. Should've done that from the start, but better late than never.
About time gems are in vs mode but frankly they should just be removed completely as they serve no purpose.
Cool I wondering if the update for Bomberman that downloaded last night was the one with the new content.
Okay, ARMS lost steam for me and we've always enjoyed local 4 player at the house. It is time to pick this one up.
This is awesome, and Konami deserves credit for taking this page out of Nitnendo's book. Definitely made at least one guy more interested in a purchase.
Weirdly, the most welcome change for me may be that gems are now available in all VS modes. This game's best portion is VS combat, and now I can play that during downtime against AI foes to improve and get gems at the same time. "Thanks Konami!"
I want it but it's too expensive, once it gets to £25 I'll get it.
LOVE this patch!
Teams is awesome, I'm so glad it was added.
I love the retro maps, conveyor belt was always my favorite.
More characters is fun!
Getting gems in multiplayer was really needed and is much appreciated!
Honestly, this game has gone from launch day disappointment to being an essential game for your Switch library. It's the only game to play if you have more than 4 people wanting to play.
I've been waiting for this update and glad Konami has actually been supporting this game. This will suck me right back into the game and add a gazillion more hours in the long run. :v
I picked up Bomberman, BoTW and Mario Kart when I got my Switch last month. Basically I haven't played anything but BoTW. I'm completely obsessed with it. I had Arms pre-ordered and I've got that now too. I have a brand new console and already I've got a three game pile of shame. I'm looking forward to getting into some Bomberman though.
@Retron Little known fact about Pyramid Head, when he's not torturing monsters in weird suggestive ways, he enjoys participating in sporting events and go karting with his friends.
Bombing is only another one of his skills.
Right on. Go Konami.
@Meowpheel Pyramid Head is just the manifestation of a person's sins and lust. So perhaps the Pyramid Head in Super Bomberman R is, in fact, the manifestation of the sins of Bomberman himself.
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