Image & Form has issued an update on the much-anticipated SteamWorld Dig 2, which is a mix of good and bad news.
The good news is that the game is 'pretty much finished', and though it has also been announced for PS4 and PC the Switch version is 'still the main platform'. The bad news is that the studio is pushing the release back a few months, setting a new window of 'late Summer / early Fall 2017'.
The following reasoning was given in a blog post.
When we plan the release for any SteamWorld game, we always want to finish as soon as possible so everyone can play and and have fun with it. But at the same time we want to create something new. It’s hard to estimate how long that’s going to take and at what point whatever we consider to be new is done. More often than not problems take a lot longer to tackle than anticipated. These extra months will take pressure off our team and give us enough time to give you the game you deserve.

Image & Form also shared some words around Wii U, 3DS, and Vita.
Even though we love Wii U and had great success on the console, there’s no denying that Nintendo Switch has firmly taken its place by now. For that simple reason, we will no longer make new Wii U games. Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita are still important to us. We won’t talk more about portable versions today, but rest assured we have not forgotten where we came from.
It'll be interesting to see what the studio does for 3DS, as it seems to be hinting at some content in that post; it's little surprise that it's now moved on from Wii U.
Are you looking forward to SteamWorld Dig 2 on the Switch eShop, and are you happy to wait a little longer for it?
[source imageform.se]
Comments 34
Really looking forward to this one. These guys only make great games.
Delays after delays for Switch games....
This is one of the games that really stands out on the Switch IMO. Day one purchase for me. BuuuUT! I want it now!
So when is it due on Wii U?
Sorta wanna wait on the inevitable physical version but I think I'll day 1 this.
"Even though we love Wii U and had great success on the console, there’s no denying that Nintendo Switch has firmly taken its place by now."
I mean, it's not like there's much of a choice when the company that created it publicly hung it in the town square for all to see. Given their relationship, this almost sounds like something a nintendo PR rep asked them to throw in just to drive the point home.
I sure it will be awesome when it does release...but what will fill its spot in the summer months?
@RedMageLanakyn: I just pictured a Wii U being suspended in a cage on a gibbet with a bunch of Switches watching the entertainment in the town square....
@Tyranexx Also, Reggie in an executioner hood
@RedMageLanakyn: With Bill officiating.
Bill: Any final words?
Wii U: silence
Reggie: My body is ready!
Reggie breaks out a Power Glove and slowly unplugs the Wii U's components, finally ending the torture with one swing from the Master Sword....
@N8tiveT3ch Oh maybe play Shantae if you haven't yet. Splatoon, Mario&Rabbids, Ever Oasis, BOTW DLC. I just started Tokyo Mirage Sessions for the first time. Just dig into that backlog buddy. 😉
@BezBot To be fair, games get delayed all the time, and perhaps even more so on other gaming platforms. You'll see a significant amount of delayed games on Xbox and PlayStation, and a lot of the times the delayed games turn out to be disappointing when they finally release. The delays aren't that bad on the Switch.
Mmm... I was more looking forward to a sequel to SteamWorld Heist, to be honest.
You know, as someone who is very happy with the consistent flow of first and second party games from Nintendo and great indie titles and has a PS4 (or Xbox) for the occasional third party game, I don't really mind a delay of such short notice, as long as it makes the game better. Especially since I've never played the first one and so this wasn't exactly on my radar when it was first announced. Also, I do. own the first game on PC, but a game that starts with O and ends with verwatch has kept me from playing anything else on my PC for the past year.
Can't wait to try this game out on my Switch!
Can't wait for this but would prefer a physical release.
This was going to be my big game of the summer...now what??? I'm not that excited for Splatoon 2 since I don't have internet at home. Hmmm...guess I could get back to my NES classic. It's modded with 90 games.
Day onesies
gives me a little time to work on some backlog
Looks like it's coming to 3ds and Vita, think I will sell my wii u and buy a few games with the money
I don't mind the wait really because It's going to be good either way. I'm really looking forward to this but i can wait.
Got Steamworld Dig and Steamworld Heist on both 3DS and Wii U. Great games, so this one is gonna be a day one buy for me. Can wait for it to be as good as they want!
Coming to PS4 now too I hear?!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Even though we love Wii U and had great success on the console, there’s no denying that Nintendo Switch has firmly taken its place by now. For that simple reason, we will no longer make new Wii U games.
The delay is fine with me, not in a desperate rush to play the sequel. Did really enjoy the original so this time to polish might be best filled by me finally getting round to Steamworld Heist, heard nothing but good things about it.
I like the idea of a fall release. Something about this game makes me want to curl up all Cosy on the sofa....
And now I want a Steam World Heist II.
The first one as awsome BEFORE they dumbed down the difficulty.
Waiting for 3DS.
@SanderEvers I misspoke. It's actually Steamworld Heist, not Dig 2 that's on iPad
Ay caramba, I haven't even gotten around to playing HEIST yet, even if I have had it on my Switch since launch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE No Wii u version
The Wii U is dead
"The game finished!"
"Release now?"
"No man, chill. I developed something NEW for the game! We need 3 more months to fully implement it! We must have this NEW thing in it, the people can wait for they get something NEW which they will surely like because its NEW!"
I say, thank God they don't sell the NEW as DLC and rather grace and elevate their main game with that NEW stuff! Patience will be rewarded.
All Heist players beware though: It's easy to accidentally get your save file deleted in the end of the game.
Sorry to hear it's delayed, but to be honest, it's good to ser that some developers still dare delaying games, instead of releasing half finished betas, with the first three to six months spent patching.
Take all the time you need.
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