Ubisoft caused quite a stir when it announced Beyond Good & Evil 2 at the end of its E3 press conference earlier in the week. Despite the stylish cinematic trailer, however, details have been scarce.
Nevertheless, a sign-up on the official website listed PS4, Xbox One and PC as platforms, leading some to say Switch will not get the game. Michel Ancel, however, used Instagram to post a screen of in-game visuals and to clarify that no platforms have been announced, also talking down rumours of potential Switch exclusivity.
Hi, that registering thing is a little buggy as we did not mention any consoles yet. The Ubisoft teams are going to fix this asap.
No Switch exclusive as far as I know.
Hope there will not be exclusive console, thank you!
Ultimately we'll have to wait a while, in all likelihood, before Ubisoft reveals more on the hugely ambitious game. Good things come to those who wait.
[source instagram.com]
Comments 61
Interesting. I'm going to remain hopeful since I'm sure it won't be out anytime soon.
It's not going to come to Switch. Platforms haven't been announced because the game is only early on in development. AAA third party games just aren't coming to the system as the E3 presentations made clear.
I'm excited that the game is happening... but to put it in perspective all we've seen so far is a pre rendered trailer with no actual gameplay. And no matter how shiny it is, Ubisoft aren't above over egging the graphical pudding in a trailer.
But.....but.. Laura Kate Dale said Beyond Good and Evil 2 WAS going to be announced yesterday as a Switch exclusive!!!!
Honestly though, who takes her word seriously? Remember Mother 3?
Judging by the 2008 teaser trailer and 2009 leaked footage I'd guess PC, PS5 and Xbox Eleven.
No triple aaa for switch. E3 showed to usar.
Unless the Switch gets an upgraded model in a few years(Switch 2Wii), this will not be on Nintendo hardware. The game is probably a few years away from release itself anyway. This E3 finally showed that Switch is pretty much screwed when it comes to AAA 3rd party support. Another myth dispelled.
@Dakt It's been announced and reannounced so many times over the years it's hard to keep track. I have no idea how far along the game could be considering Ancel has started over at least once. I really don't know if this game is ever really coming out. This is not the first time we've seen a CGI trailer.
I would say they mistakenly put the platforms out too quickly and then took them back off as fast as possible to avoid negative publicity during E3.
They will in few weeks announce that it's the platforms already mentioned today, PS4, XBone and PC and then everyones really outraged for a little while and then remember that it's business as usual.
@Senpai_Bruh NL do for some reason. "Games journalism" eh
@Frank90 aaaaaaaaa
What is this 'myth' you speak off? I believe most people who bought Switch were well aware that they should not expect triple A 3rd party titles (with parity to ps4 Xbox one) on Switch. I honestly don't really care if Beyond good and evil 2 comes to Switch or not, but looking at that trailer, people that do want the game on Switch shouldn't get their hopes up.
@Gex91 Some people seemed to think that 3rd parties were keeping their games as surprise announcements at E3. There were 2 3rd party games in the Spotlight video, Mario + Rabbids Battle Kingdom is a collaboration and was the industry's worst kept secret for probably at least half a year. The other game, Rocket League, has been available elsewhere for the past 2 years. And that was it. The only other game throughout all of E3 that I know is coming to Switch is another game from Ubisoft, StarStink, a toys to life game most likely aimed at the kiddie market.
Edit: You know what? It'll be interesting to see which game comes out first, Beyond Good & Evil 2 or Metroid Prime 4. I think both will be at the next 2 E3's.
Calling a no-show on the Switch. Hope I'm wrong.
I will only be interested in this game if it's coming to a platform that I own.
@Menchi187 Well, someone has to show her ridiculousness.
Just port the BG&E HD to Switch !!!
Since E3 generally teases games that have already been in development for a few years, few if any third parties were going to have something ready for a system that released just three months ago. The third party AAA (or at least AA) stuff will come next year, particularly if the Switch hardware continues to sell as well as projected.
Anyway, I'll take some Ubisoft, Capcom, Square Enix, EA, Game Freak and Atlus till then, all of which are making (or in some cases rebooting) games for the platform.
@Senpai_Bruh Doesn't really work when they basically cite her as a credible source though....
This is somewhat promising...they have no reason at all to not say it is coming to PC, the HD Twins and the ProClones. So It might go to switch...maybe.
I'm still pretty burned by the reveal so atm I don't really care either way. But it would be a nice 3rd party support feather to have.
@Senpai_Bruh @Menchi187 I know, remember how she totally made up that Mario/Rabbids crossover game. What sort of fool would make up something like that....
BG&E isn't a mature game. You don't have to worry about F bombs on any console.
Good things come to those who wait. I wonder if they played duke nukem forever...
Anyways I am looking forward to this game, but if it's not on switch, I'll prob end up not getting it.
@Senpai_Bruh she has been right about a ton of stuff and one of the many jobs of a pr person is to lie. See Reggie for details
@SLIGEACH_EIRE there are quite a few third party games we know are in development that did not show. Remember that for next year.
@penfold007 She also said some nonsense about the Switch being a hybrid console, as well as the exact dimensions of the device with and without joy-cons attached. What a fraud!
@Ryu_Niiyama Were you put off by the swearing?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nintendo this e3 was good better then last year.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE monster hunter. Pokemon not the fighting a RPG.yoshi,Kirby,Mario,METROID.a few I didn't add but all good games.pokemon RPG yes said that twice.all will sell fine
@Slim1999 I don't understand what you're saying.
@Moshugan No I first saw it with no sound (was at work at the time). Watched it again later and my impressions haven't changed. It doesn't feel like it is set in the BG&E universe to me; the quirky charm and the stealth action adventure hybrid themes seem to be gone for more flashy bombastic flare. It feels like a reboot more than anything to me. Also the fact that it is a prequel and the online emphasis is off putting. This is great for those that want it but this isn't the BG&E game I was waiting for. They Warrior Within-ed it (look at the differences between PoP Sands of Time and Warrior within...same sort of changes imo) and thus it is no longer my cup of tea.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I think he is rattling off first party games which is not your complaint. You do seem to have forgotten that Suda 51, Atlus, Marvelous and Namco are working on big third party titles for the system tho. They were announced during the direct at the launch of the system. I'm sure many more will be coming in 2018
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I honestly don't know why you spend so much time on a Nintendo-focused site when all you do is criticise Nintendo. You'd be better off with a PS4 and waxing lyrical on Sony forums.
The guy says he hopes there isn't an exclusive platform and all true gamers should hope for the same.
Leaves some hope but I'd be surprised.
I predict that if 3rd party titles start coming onto the Switch, it will only be once sales break certain "lines". The Wii had a fairly decent 3rd party line up of exclusives that weren't shovelware, they just tended to be rather niche or suffered from being compred to their HD brethren.
The failure of the Wii U all bit drained confidence in Nintendo and so most 3rd parties decided to do a wait and see approach. Now that early signs of the Switch's potential market success is starting to show, 3rd parties are now possibly taking notice and making preliminary concepts for possible future titles.
We can only hope they dona good job and offer unique experiences rather than half slap dash ports or variations.
Isn't this the same guy who flat out denied they were showing this game at E3 this year?
Yeah, there aren't enough grains of salt in the Dead Sea to take with this guy.
Tbh that trailer did not convince me why I should even care about this title anymore. A bunch of f-bombs doesn't entice me in any way to play a game, in fact it's less appealing.
Neither is it doubtful that this game is coming to the Switch, but neither is all the other mature rated games. They just don't feel confident that they would sell well on a "kiddy" machine. They overlook that we could be playing Far Cry & Assassin's Creed anywhere on the go, but nope. Filling their games with excessive cussing is too important to them.
@faint She's in PR? Had no idea. If that's the case, then she's doing her job right.
@Ryu_Niiyama Alright, I think I know what you mean.
I kinda took it in "as is", and the trailer was fun and the world and characters seem interesting. (I thought the swearing was a bit unnecessary tbh. Maybe Ancel thought that the original fans are all matured so it's okay.) I don't mind them making the game different to the first one, as long as it's good.
Where did you read about an "online emphasis"?
EDIT: Oh, it's mentioned in the official site. I wouldn't call it an emphasis though.
Sure, sure. It's not intended for Switch and likely never was--just like pretty much every other new/upcoming AAA third party game out there--let's all just accept the cold, hard truth.
@Moshugan Anyone that equates being mature/adult with swearing, sex and gratuitous violence is thinking like a child. Nothing wrong with those things, but an adult they do not make. But that isn't it; the atmosphere of BG&E has been lost somewhere in dev purgatory. You could have put another title on that game or called it Beyond Good and Evil: System 3 or Pirates of System 3 and I wouldn't have known the difference.
Ubisoft mentioned the online aspects but here is an article for you:
@Senpai_Bruh the guy speaking for ubisoft who says no confirmed platforms is. Did you even use context clues when you read my post?
@WaveBoy so playing anywhere is not a feature for you. Got it
@faint No, I did. I was just being a little sarcastic.
Suddenly Nintendo fan boys are not interested in this game lol ! ... it's a beautiful game and TBH even if it turn out coming to switch ( which I don't think so from the trailer ) I still rather playing it on my Xbox one PS4 pro with 4K graphics
Again ... switch is not that powerful other wise any company will love to port thier games to it because they will make more money !! But Nintendo switch can't handle a powerful games that requisite a lot of spec that not avaible on switch
@faint future is 4K and VR !
@peeks lol definitely nope on the vr. I'm actually can't figure out why Sony spent so much time on it. They have sold about 2 million vr units and 60 million PS4s. You would think they would devote their money and time to the bigger install base. Personally I think the future is in portability and service apps.
@peeks actually a lot of companies have built scalable engines like Ubisoft. Install base is the issue at the moment.
Ancel once said they hadn't made the sequel because the tech didn't exist yet. Will be VERY interesting to see what he thinks couldn't be done even 5 years ago. And certainly seems to leave Switch out if he was waiting for the bleeding edge.
Then again, between the lack of Jade and the addition of gratuitous cleavage and "look-at-me-I-learned-a-bad-word!" script.... this seems like a pass anyway. I would have bought a Switch for it, now I'll buy one for Prime 4!
@speedracer216 https://www.giantbomb.com/lyn-engine/3015-3976/
@speedracer216 you'll notice beyond Good and evil 2 listed in the wiki on the engine
Kinda crazy how much Ubisoft has been "teasing" but really just pulling people's legs over this game for nearly ten years. It's like every year that they keep confirming it's not vaporware, but continue to not release it or give any reall gameplay trailers/updates. I was thinking that it wouldn't be exclusive since the first wasn't, but with how shady Ubi's been acting over it, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo, MS or Sony will have to publish it.
@Ryu_Niiyama Yeah, I'm sure there's a PR reason the silence on their part, especially since every other game in the Ubi presser had systems listed, but I have no [term I was surprised to see in the trailer redacted] clue what it could be. That this game is coming at all is clearly due to fan demand and not because it will make a huge profit, and as far as I know Nintendo players were as demanding as anyone else, so they almost have to bring it to Switch because they can't ignore any portion of the already limited audience. That's what I hope, at least.
@peeks Not really. Did you even play BG&E 1? The trailer they showed for 2 had zero charm. I felt like I was watching a Die Antwoord short film, not a trailer for BG&E 2. What the bleep happened?
@FX102A There are 3rd party games coming, though mostly Japanese so most of them will be shown at TGS rather than E3.
For Western 3rd party support other than THQ Nordic and Ubisoft, we need not only console sales but also strong sales for Skyrim, FIFA, Rocket League etc. It seems Nintendo understands this.
Lord lf the third party dooms day crowd need to chill out. Switch is a brand new system. Many of the third party games shown are 3/4 done for existing sysyems
We all know the issues with N and third party but if Switch keeps selling strong then next year E3 will look at bit different. Publishers are shy bevause of WiiU wipeout.
The system is closer in power to current gen then last so plenty can be done with it. BGE2 could likely be trimmed to run but will they bother? Maybe if demand is high enough.
Really Ubi did more to support WiiU than anyone other than N, They signed on to the second screen concept and ZombiU, Rayman, and SplinterCell all did more to use gamepad then most things N did. I thought technically AC4 and WD showed they mastered the hardware. Ubi still has the best relationship with N of any of the western third party and mario+rabbids shows thats still allve.
Sowe may get it but if not we will likely get some other unique IPs from Ubi which is good too.
Ubisoft changing their minds on making a game exclusive to one system? Well, color me surprised. -_-
Based on the trailer(which i do realize wasn't gameplay footage), there's no way the Switch's hardware could handle this game. They would have to downgrade it so severely it would be pointless. I am not even sure the base PS4 and Xbone can handle it.
I'm pretty sure they'll know if the game is coming to the Switch and I'm pretty sure it actually won't be coming to the switch. It'd be a wise move to say now, rather than give people the hope it could be on the switch.
The Switch version would involve a downgrade from the other systems and would involve a different team to make a version fully compatible. So... They know!
"Leading some to think Switch will not get their game"...?
Guys, if Switch is not listed, unless Nintendo pays up some of their newfound share-related wealth, Switch owners won't get the game.
Am I the only one who hated the first game? They can keep their sequel!
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