Bertil Hörberg is a name that will be familiar to many Nintendo fans, as this one-man team is responsible for Gunman Clive and its sequel. Aside from the Gunman Clive HD Collection in 2015, we haven't heard anything from Hörberg, but he just recently shared some footage of the game he's been working on.
There's no name yet, but it appears to be a 3D action platformer that utilizes the same art style from Gunman Clive. It looks pretty cool, but Hörberg has said that development is proceeding exceedingly slow, and he doesn't seem to be all that committed to the project. Here's the footage:
What do you think? Would you like to play a full game of this? Do you think he'll finish it? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 53
Looks neat. Would love a 3D Gunman Clive.
Hard to say with no combat, looks like an iPhone runner right now.
Hm... very inusual graphic style.
Given love for gunman Clive, I'd give it a try.
Looks kinda cheap and unpolished but who knows when it will be released. Good luck.
First video made me remember El Shaddai. Now that game made this kind of artstyle great.
I'd love to see it completed as this one man team has more talent than a lot of large studios.
I think the art style is really cool and it could be a solid base for a great game. You never know how good it can be without seeing things like combat and the style of progression. I'd love to him continue with this though, I was a big fan of the Gunman Clive games.
Visuals are great so far.
Looks good. Kind of reminds me of Okami. If he can make it even half as good as Okami was, this could be better than what a lot of these bigger studios churn out.
Considering this is pretty much a early proof of concept looks pretty Ballin
Heck yeah I'd play it.
Mario of Persia? Looks good
I enjoyed Gunman Clive 1 and 2, this looks fun, some of the platforming is like Tomb Raider meets an old game called Pandemonium on PS1.
I love it. I'm especially impressed if this is yet another solo effort from Mr. Hörberg. To say that it looks good "for a one man team" feels like an insult considering the amount of effort and craft than he has poured into this. Absolutely amazing. He has my support. What is on show here already reminds me of BotW and Tomb Raider. I can only imagine the potential of Mr. Hörberg working in a team, but as long as he continues to do as he does best, then I'm happy with that too. Keep up the amazing work!
I'd buy Gunman Clive 1+2 in a heartbeat if he releases them on Switch.
Please make this. I loved Gunman Clive 1 & 2. Would love to see them on. SWITCH. I think this game looks amazing. I can see the combat in my mind's eye. Though I imagine crafting a fluid combat system is what will take the most time.
I remember the good ol' days when you found out about a game via being at a friend's house and rummaging through his stash. Good times, good times...
I would be willing to give this a try. I did enjoy Gunman Clive
woah! this looks really neat, i hope the creator considers finishing it. but i wouldn't be upset if he didnt.
still, this looks really neat. if he dose decide to finish it. i'll pick it up on whatever platform he plans to put it on!
Looks great! I'm also a huge fan of the artstyle.
I'm posting here just in case Hörberg is reading comments.
I really like the art style which is also what made me buy both Gunman Clive games back in the day. The footage looks good and I would definitely buy it if it came for the 3DS or Switch.
Art style is great. The character model looks out of place though, a simplified model like Gunman Clive's works better than that detailed shaded one.
This guy has some outstanding artistic sensibilities. I really need to remember to pick up Gunman Clive someday =/
Maybe its time to finally get some assistance. I'd play it!
I'd buy this.
Reminds me of Prince of Persia with a bit of ninja gaiden ,need to see the combat mechanism.. Nice art style
"Kind of reminds me of Okami"
I was thinking the same. Looks pretty interesting. Could be something, if he continues it!
Like the whole style of it, nothing better than a man with a big sword, the visuals are that different makes it very interesting.
Big fan of gunman Clive, the art style and the gameplay, This looks like a 3d version of that and to me that sounds good as long as he invests the time in gameplay as he did in other games.
Nice work! The palette is fitting well to the atmosphere and has a richer lighting and shader effects, yet they are in soft coloring.
Thanks to the 3D movement and camera It looks like a living comic book more than in Gunman Clive.
Hope it comes as a real game, but making a game like this maybe a huge effort. So, I hope he gets the funds and dedication to develop it.
Lol some men are bigger than others,so women say lol
Looks good but I suspect he may not finish it as long as he remains a one man team.
@NintySnesMan And some men say that its not the size that counts. We all know that is wrong!
Lol yeah bro
Liking it.
You really should! In fact, it's 50-60% off on the 3DS and Wii U eShop right now. It's about €2-3 for both games!
"This guy has some outstanding artistic sensibilities. I really need to remember to pick up Gunman Clive someday =/"
I bought Gunman Clive because it was so cheap, and I sure got my moneys worth.
If it's not expensive, it's day 1 for me.
I looks pretty nice. Gunman Clive is amazing, so, I hope this is as well.
I hope he does make it, but perfectly understandable if he can't since he's a one man band. Gunman Clive (as well as a few others) was further proof that quality can exist even if it is just one person, which was what I tried to explain to RCMADIAX for at least 2 years.
It has that classic comics style, I like it a lot. If it ever gets finished, I'd buy it.
Don't agree that it looks like Gunman Clive, though. It's a completely different art style. Just because it's all hand drawn and/or comic-like doesn't mean it's the same.
I love his art style so I may eventually have to check this out.
"I looks pretty nice."
Do you, now?
This game looks interesting... I hope that he finds the inspiration to continue with it.
@Ooyah hahahaha, maybe that was my narcissistic friday moment. Thanks for the catch.
I love how it looks. As long as the combat is good, I would definitely buy this.
i havent played gunman clive (tho i think i own it) but this looks amazing
It really looks pretty accomplished for a first look. The graphical style works wonderfully, and the gameplay mechanics on display, while quite simple, look very solid for a work in progress. I look forward to what the full game holds. I really hope he completes it, even if he needs to find help to do so.
"Clive of War"
Kidding aside, I hope he sees this through. Looks fun.
Looks awesome, I would love to see this finished! Both Gunman Clives were great!
It's not a one-man-team. It's a one-man-one-woman-team. His wife does all the music.
Gunman Clive 1& 2 were great so I will keep my eye out for a new title from the Horbergs.
Looks interesting. Both GC games were good. This looks generic, but it would, since it's a prototype concept. Sorta... I'll be keeping my eyes on it, until, & if I lose interest.
Looks somewhat like Okami.
Bertil is a one man army, and I can appreciate that he sticks with a visual style that is recognizable.
I'm up for playing his new thing if it's as bonkers-yet-sensible as the Gunman Clive games.
I want it! I hope finishes that. It looks absolutely incredible. I'm a Huge fan of Gunman Clive.
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