Sonic Rings

In this completely silly run of bite-sized features, we're going to write a new version of '12 Days of Christmas' with a Nintendo twist that will, hopefully, be good enough to sing.


The easiest line to shortlist, though there was tough competition from the rather obvious but equally worthy Five Golden Coins. In the interest of honouring multiple franchises though — and appeasing this writer's inner-fanboy — we've shown Sonic a bit of love. Someone has to...

Also this line is in block capitals as, traditionally, it's the only line everyone remembers and — as a result — it's often sung rather loudly.

So far, then, our song is as follows:

On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
A big chair in a Pear Tree.

On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Two Koopa Troopas
and a big chair in a Pear Tree

On the Third day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Three angry cuccos
Two Koopa Troopas
and a big chair in a Pear Tree

On the Fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Four calling Chatots
Three angry cuccos
Two Koopa Troopas
and a big chair in a Pear Tree

On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
Four calling Chatots
Three angry cuccos
Two Koopa Troopas
and a big chair in a Pear Tree

Be sure to share your suggestions for additional lyrics in the comments below; a classic Christmas song will be born.