
While the Shantae franchise has been best known for its appearances on portable systems — which will continue with Shantae And The Pirate's Curse on the 3DS eShop — Wayforward nevertheless decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign in order to fund a HD entry in the series: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. With a target of $400,000, it was set up as a title destined for practically every major system, including the Wii U.

The positive news is that the target has now been hit with 10 days remaining, guaranteeing the release that's currently estimated for October 2014. There are still stretch goals in place, of course, which includes a Risky Boots campaign at $500,000 and Bonus Chapters beginning at $600,000. It's been a steady progression to its initial goal, and it's certainly on the cards that one or two additional pieces of content could also be funded.

You can check out the pitch video below, while if you want to know all about the game's origins, design approach and objectives for expanding the franchise you can check out our interview with WayForward.
