
This year, Capcom will be bringing DuckTales Remastered and Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara to the Wii U, as well as other systems. Remakes of two beloved past classics, these titles are apparently just the tip of the iceberg.

Speaking to Polygon, Capcom's senior product manager Matt Dahlgren and associate manager of global marketing relations Dan Pantumsinchai have revealed that other fan favourites could get the remake treatment, too.

While the pair couldn't devulge exactly which games are in the pipeline, they did reveal the title which fans have been asking for the most: the 1994 side-scrolling 2D fighter Aliens vs. Predator. The game has never been ported to any home system — the closest it ever got was a rumoured conversion for Sega's ill-fated 32X, which never happened. As massive fans of the game — and the side-scrolling brawler genre in general — we'd love to see it get a second chance, assuming Capcom can negotiate a new license with 20th Century Fox.

What other Capcom classics would you like to see given a new lease of life? Ghouls 'n Ghosts? Knights of the Round? LED Storm? Strider? Willow? Post a comment to tell us.

[source polygon.com]