Tag: Level 5
News Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road Worldwide Beta Test Kicks Off
Update [Fri 29th Mar, 2024 06:30 GMT]: Here's your reminder the 'Beta Test Demo' of Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road is now available for Switch. You can compete against players from all over the world in the game's "competition mode" and also provide feedback, impressions, and bug reports via the official website. There's a survey to fill out...
News Yo-Kai Watch Will Be The Next Pokémon, Claims Viz Media
"We are certainly bigger than Pokémon in Japan"
Viz Media - the firm which is handling the release of the Yo-Kai Watch comic and TV show in Europe and America - has confidently claimed that the series will be "the next Pokémon". Waell Oueslati, EMEA associate brand manager at Viz Media, is clearly bullish about the chances of the franchise in the...
News Yokai Watch Yo-Kai Pad Sells Out in a Blink in Japan
You don't even know what it is, but now you want one
So that Yokai Watch game, right? It's gargantuan in Japan and slowly working its way westward, even bringing its anime along with it. It's enough to make any '90s kid relapse into the Pokéjitters waiting for this franchise to arrive--just what is so amazing about it?! Well, it'll still be a...
News Yokai Watch Anime Spiriting Westward
Level-5 also teasing an even "bigger" franchise for next year
It's already pretty well known that the runaway hit franchise Yokai Watch has had plans to spread out of Japan and peacefully annex the West into its empire. But in case you were worried they were beginning to forget about us, Level-5 head Akiro Hino recently confirmed that the anime will...
It’s a wonderful Life
Fantasy Life, Level-5 and Brownie Brown’s life sim and action RPG, is a game with a long and storied history. Originally announced in Japan for the Nintendo DS/DSi generation of consoles back in 2009, it spent three years in development, seeing a platform upgrade to the Nintendo 3DS, finally releasing in Japan-only on 27th...
Preview Fantasy Life is Waiting to Become Part of Yours
Gotta live 'em all!
Originally released in Japan in late December 2012, Level-5 and Brownie Brown’s part life sim, part action RPG Fantasy Life was announced for the West at this past E3 and will see release in Europe on 26th September and on 24th October in North America for the Nintendo 3DS. Selling over 300,000 copies in its native Japan and...
News Yokai Watch Western Release Targeting Next Year, With Toys Also Planned
No detailed plans revealed as yet
Level 5 has been clear that it's exploring its options to bring Yokai Watch to the West, though quite what form it'll take remains intriguing. The popularity of the first title gained additional momentum when the animated TV show took off in Japan, and the sequel — which is a dual release — has well exceeded the...
News Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright Art Books Coming West from UDON Entertainment
Top-notch finger-pointing for your coffee table
Art direction fanatics who can read this are in for a treat now that UDON Entertainment will be bringing two new art books to English-speaking territories; one for Phoenix Wright's latest "I can't shout OBJECTION! on the bus" screen-tapping epic Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies and another...
E3 2014 Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to Finally Have Its Day in North America
Slated for a 29th August release
One of our time's greatest mysteries has finally been solved: When in the blue-suited, top-hatted blazes will Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney finally make it to North America!? The answer, dear friends, came following the Nintendo Digital Event. North American puzzle-lovers can look forward to...
News Level 5 Is Hard At Work On A New Game That Will "Surprise" Us
CEO hoping to move the gaming industry along
Level 5 is a thoughtful company, and not only because it is the developer behind the brain-bending goodness of Professor Layton. The studio is careful and considered in its evaluation of the current gaming industry, and is interested in how ''technology advances'' and is always striving to defy...
News Level-5 Announces Wonder Flick, A New RPG Coming To The Wii U In Japan Next Year
Flick 'em up
During Level-5's Vision event today in Japan, the company behind the popular Professor Layton series announced it has a new game in development: Wonder Flick. The title will be a touch-centred RPG and is set for release on the Wii U in Japan in 2014. It will also release on other platforms such as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3,...
Review BUGS vs. TANKS! (3DS eShop)
The Guild01 series brought 3DS owners three completely different, off-the-wall, and well-received games. The second iteration of this series, appropriately named Guild02, is already off to another fantastic start with the recent release of The Starship Damrey, a story-heavy science fiction adventure. Now, we’re lucky enough to experience...
News Level 5: Fantasy Life Will Become A Series
Not just a fantasy
Cutesy 3DS title Fantasy Life has been selling like hot cakes over in Japan with so many copies sold in its first week that the game has reportedly sold out. It's unsurprising then to learn that, during a recent interview with Famitsu, Level 5 has earmarked Fantasy Life as a new franchise for the studio saying it will be made...
News 3DS RPG Fantasy Life Already Sold Out In Japan
Hopes of a Western release boosted
Level 5 has a few 3DS games out in Japan that are yet to be confirmed for Western release. Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has been out since the end of November and just before the New Year the ultra-cute Fantasy Life was made available in both physical and digital form. Fantasy Life is actually developed by...
News Penélope Cruz Has the Answer in Professor Layton Advert
Cruz control
Movie star, Oscar winner and one-time moustache-wearer Penélope Cruz has returned for another stint at Nintendo advertising, this time turning her considerable talents to Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. During a break in filming, Ms Cruz and her sister Monica are playing the latest entry in Level 5's puzzle series. Penélope...
News Professor Layton and the Last Specter Out This Fall on DS
Professor still has puzzles to solve
Level 5's multi-million selling Professor Layton series is still going on DS, with Nintendo set to publish the fourth chapter, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, later this year. Expect more puzzles, more mysteries, more animated cut scenes and shedloads more dodgy Cockney accents when the game launches on DS...
News Inazuma Eleven Looking to Score in Europe on Friday
But where's the marketing?
You'd think a football game from the creators of the Professor Layton games would be enough to pique the interest of games retailers, but judging from the complete lack of awareness and availability in the marketplace you'd be greatly mistaken. Inazuma Eleven for Nintendo DS launches across the UK and Europe this Friday,...
News Drool at this Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Trailer
Such lovely animation
You know when Level 5 is involved you're going to get some high quality animation, but this animated trailer for the upcoming Professor Layton & Phoenix Wright crossover for 3DS is possibly the studio's best work yet. Why? Because it features more top hats, finger-pointing and Objection!-shouting than anything we've ever...