While the rest of the world enjoys a rekindled return to Lordran, us Nintendo Switch owners are left to wait patiently for Dark Souls: Remastered to finally make its way to our hybrid shores. To help fill that hollow void, one intrepid player has managed to recreate part of Dark Souls... in LEGO Worlds.
Entitled Dark Souls Re-bricked, the video is the work of one MythicMarty, who recently took to Reddit to unveil his creation (created entirely in LEGO Worlds, with a few post-production touches added in After Effects). It's a cute little creation and proof you can technically enjoy Dark Souls on Switch right now, you just need to build it first...
Check out the video above. What do you make of this cute rendition of Dark Souls in a sandbox LEGO game? Share your thoughts with the rest of the community below...
[source reddit.com]
Comments 76
@Anti-Matter I'm not sure I understand. This is a fan project, not a licensed Lego game.
Darnit, was hoping this was real. Would've been a buy for me.
I wish this was a real version lol.
Lol. Would’ve been day 1
@Anti-Matter Please be silent when someone creates something with such passion.
No one want to hear your mental issues in every thread. Damn you are annoying even in LEGO threads.
Sometimes you have to draw the line and shut up!
@Anti-Matter Just give it up already!
Not everyone wants things to be cute and happy, just because it isn't your preference doesn't mean you need to complain about it. I'm sure plenty of people here see articles or games that they couldn't care less about, but you don't need to preach about how much you hate it just because it isn't exactly how you want it. Sometimes it's better to not comment instead of starting a comments section so negatively.
But I think this lego version is actually pretty cool! Well done to the person that made it
I felt irritated to see a LEGO creation like that.
Am i not allowed to express my dislikeness when i feel really disagree ?
@Anti-Matter I think you'd HATE it if someone came along and said mean things about a fan project you made.
But it still.... from Mature titles, doesn't matter in LEGO form.
It just like hurting my feeling when someone turn the LEGOs into something like that.
I'm fine with Fan Project, but that case above was hurting my feeling.
Like how could someone use LEGOs for such a thing like that ?
How do i treat LEGO after i saw someone made such a thing like that ?
so this is why delayed the game...Switch can only handle lego bricks.
@Anti-Matter Sometimes there isn't a need to express your hatred, especially when it's someone else's work, this person will have put in some serious effort and I think they deserve some respect for that. And if you get irritated by Lego then you might need to reassess your priorities...
@Anti-Matter That's not the point I was making. If you made a Dance Dance Revolution remix in LEGO Worlds and someone came along and said they hated it, you wouldn't feel happy.
What's next, Lego Overwatch? Oh wait...
Woah, not the comments I expected to see lol. This is really cool, person definitely has a lot of creativity and talent!
@redd214 Yeah the comments section has become worse than the Blighttown in the original version of Dark Souls
Lol the comments. It’s drama
@Kimyonaakuma lol. Just hoping someone doesn't use cute little chibi characters to do something evil and mature, dudes head might explode haha😂
I would buy this brick for brick!!!
@Anti-Matter What do you object to in Dark Souls? Besides its M rating? Do you know the property, or is it the rating you dislike? Not trying to troll you, just understand you. I feel Dark souls is really reserved when compared to the Witcher 3 or most other M rated games.
Whenever I see "Dark Souls" in an article headline, all I want is for those words to be followed by "release date confirmed". I'm getting worried about the status of the game now.
Since Dark Souls hasn’t been released on a Nintendo console yet, the article doesn’t really fit this website, to be honest. This fan project is definitely directed to the Xbox and PlayStation audiences.
@Anti-Matter I am not going to sit here and tell you how to feel even if I don't quite understand where the emotion comes from.
I will say that this game would most likely not be rated M because of the Lego style applied to it. If anything, I would feel more comfortable with my kids playing a Lego version of Dark Souls.
You seem to generate more hate than the average 18+ game does. You appear to spend your whole life hating just about, well, everything.
@redd214 Haha I kind of want to see it happen just to see the reaction 😂
To be honest I feel like I might have gone too far with him but I've had enough of it! Oh well I guess I'll just be the bad guy until the comments die down...
@AxeltheBuizel I hope san diego comic con will bring more on that.
@darkswabber I don't even play Overwatch and I'm pretty excited. I would like to see a line of Sonic the Hedgehog sets though, as they do have the rights to that.
@Anti-Matter "dislikeness" isn't a word. You can express your opinion but please, you're not Shakespeare. Use proper English or don't bother.
@Anti-Matter Oh it is fine to have an opinion.
But your thing is NOT an opinion. This is pushing your agenda against things you do not like.
That is why most people speak against you. The fault is ALL on you.
For someone who claims to like calm and kid-friendly things you fail miserably. There is more HATE in you than in DooM, Wolfenstein and Dark Souls combined.
@PhilKenSebben Don't even bother trying to decipher it. It's just a list of every dark, mature, or even slightly violent game ever made.
@AxeltheBuizel I’d like some of the minifigs from sonic in LD and I really want a robotnik/eggman bigfig. Rumour has it lego has some plans for some of the LD licenses. Although watching the leaks it looks like it’s mostly going to be pop culture brick headz.
@Matthew010 I think you'd HATE it if someone came along and said mean things about a fan project you made.
Fan projects are above criticism?
@Crono1973 No, but Anti-Matter being negative about every single thing he hates has now made 18 out of 38 of the comments here negative arguments back and forth between him and readers who are sick of his negativity towards "the devil''s M rated games".
@Crono1973 his critisism isn’t about the fan project. It’s about a M rated game being used. He doesn’t care wether the fan project is good or bad, he cares that his feelings were hurt because the creator combined a “childs” toy and an “adult” game series and he has a deep hatred towards anything adult.
If he critised it there wouldn’t be a problem, there is a problem because he let his emotion speak instead of using well thought out critisism.
Looking at it the other way, its quite a fun idea to tone down adult games to a cutesy, playful version.
Id love to see a lego version of Call of Duty, that tickles me...
Praise it! 🌞😀
Feels silly to be adding more to Lego Worlds like this. I picked it up early hoping for something interesting and it's probably one of the most incomplete games on Switch. Super poor performance, weird bugs, unclear menus, seemingly nonexistant online, quests that glitch out constantly to the point they can't be completed, etc. This is one of those games that makes me think the Switch needs a refund option similar to Steam.
@Matthew010 I'm still waiting for his ban, if he does enough to trigger one.
@Anti-Matter ....
Why should he be banned? He doesn’t do anything that’s against the rules, even though he’s very stubborn when it comes to violent games. He’s just stating his (to many people annoying) opinion, and it happened to be the first comment this time, so people felt the need to start arguing with him again for no big reason. Why not just ignore him and calm down? Yes, his hate may be childish, but this シットstorm doesn’t improve the situation.
@Sgt-Jack-V I've not read the rules for this website because I've never needed to, but I don't think @Anti-Matter would qualify for a ban.
Sure he's negative at times, can't really accept other people's opinions and only talks about the same things all of the time but is that worthy of a ban?
I wouldn't mind his comments if it looked like he actually put some thought into his comments but he doesn't seem to look past his narrow view and write something which is interesting or sparks any (good) discussions, and no this whole argument was not a good discussion!
I think we just need to accept that people have different opinions and respect that, I don't mind him the majority of the time but when they try to force some ridiculous opinion on someone else I think a line should be drawn. I understand if someone has a somewhat quiet life and just focuses on the few things that they like but that doesn't mean that everything else is wrong.
If he was banned for his comments and posts for being different then we would be just as bad as him when he says that everything that isn't kid friendly is bad. Yes he's different but that doesn't mean that they should be banned. The best we can realistically do is try our best to respect his views and not cause another one of these comment sections, because it's completely overshadowed the hard work which this article was highlighting.
This is absolutely AMAZING! Imagine if someone made the legend of zelda and the brick of time...
Am I the only one who found this kind of anemic? (The bits where he simply walked off the ledge were funny, though.)
The title of the article was clickbait; I thought the head honchos over at LEGO went crazy for a second there until I found out it was fan-made. Seriously, what's next? Bayonetta, Infinite Climax LEGO? Let's be serious, here. lol
I genuinely became excited until I read this was a fan creation. Eh, props for being creative at least.
@Anti-Matter Uhh.. LEGO has been doing this for years? there's plenty of stuff that they've based off more "edgy/violent" things, at least in your eyes.
Someone should go all of the way and make a full video of LEGO Dark Souls!
If I was any good at making games then I would but 3D modelling/animation is all that I'm good at
I don't see any reason to ban Anti-Matter. I don't agree with his opinion at all, and I find it pretty rediculous and over the top, but banning people just because we disagree with them is crossing the line. People should be free to express their honest opinion on things (within reason, of course. Obviously, serious hate speech should not be tolerated on this website). Otherwise, that's not freedom of speech at all.
His opinion and the way he expresses it is pretty out there, but he's not hurting anyone. Just leave him be.
As for the actual LEGO Dark Souls thing, that's extremely cool. I thought it was an actual game and got pretty hyped until I realized that it was a fan project.
This is the Dark Souls of LEGO games
Please stop acting like a small child who's upset over the mean LEGO monsters. It hurts to read.
@Anti-Matter LEGO itself has licensed products of more violent movies and media such as the super hero movies. They even have Deadpool in some of them, which is a mature M rated movie.
@BezBot they had deadpool before the movie.
There was a second deadpool set planned in 2016 but due to the populairity of the movie it got cancelled and replaced with a doctor strange set. (Which than caused every MCU movie to get a set afterwards)
Although word has it lego is focussing on more pop culture and collectible stuff for the coming years so the change of more mature stuff in lego form being more regular is pretty big.
I like to use serious terms to mock people on the internet.
@Anti-Matter I honestly can’t make up my mind if you are some kind of genius whi]o has created this bizarre alter ego who’s super power is the hate 18 rated games or your just about the saddest person who ever existed. Whatever it is please shut up. You have become beyond boring and in all truth you sound like a certifiable mental patient. I’m sure in ten years there will be a film about how you went on a killing rampage in the office of Bethesda or Rocksteady whilst proclaiming how you are saving their evil souls from their wrong doings. Please just go away.
So much salt... delicious.
I got a lot of feedbacks.
Okay, let me tell you something about LEGO.
The ONLY LEGO game that i played until finished was JUST LEGO City Undercover (3DS, Wii U & Switch). There was something about LEGO City Undercover before i accept that game.
I knew about LEGO City Undercover for the first time from 3DS version and that was the first time i feel in love with the game because i really like to play as a Police to save the city from criminals. But.... before i bought the game, after i found something about LEGO City Undercover 3DS & Wii U from internet, i was SHOCKED and Dismayed. Peoples in internet called LEGO City as a (rated 18) game for Kids due to similarity. I was very upset and my feeling was hurt by that reality. I mean, how could Tt Fushion made a game like that ? And when i realized Nintendo was also a part of LEGO City Undercover (Mario's hat, Invincible Star, Cheep Cheep, Green Pipe, etc), i felt like Why did Nintendo allowed that (rated 18) idea in LEGO City game ?
For a while, i was very broken heart, was in between want to buy or not want to buy LEGO City Undercover. But, after i deliberated very long time and considered it was still under supervised by Nintendo and STILL Rated E10+ / CERO B / PEGI 7, i believed Nintendo still was NOT Crazy to suddenly turn the kids games into something dangerous, it could damaged the Nintendo brand image. So, after i got my hope and trust back, i decided to buy LEGO City Undercover 3DS version and guess what ? It was my FIRST 3DS game that i bought and i had finished the 3DS version until 100% Complete, followed by Wii U version & Switch version (Double Dip). I had finished also the Wii U & Switch version, but still not 100% due to Tons of things to be unlocked.
And how was my impression about the game ? Well... actually i enjoyed the game quite a lot, despite there were some Missions that i had to pretend to be a "Bad" guy in order to find Rex Fury. I enjoyed to play as a Cop to arrest some criminals, But i still refused to "steal" the cars from garages (Burglar's Mission) and brought them to another places.
And the best part, guess what ? I like to wandering around LEGO City ...... in Six pack body. I dressed up Chase with Barechested Six pack skin from another disguise, mix and match with another costumes , All my Chase Mc Cain's custom disguises are Six pack dudes (And they were looked cute in six pack body).
Well, that was the truth behind my decision to accept LEGO City Undercover , but in under one condition and after i deliberated very long time.
Even the video and sound editing are on point. I don't even know how much is improvised or in the game itself.
@Anti-Matter You're either an amazing actor or I'm just really confused...but how did you come to this conclusion?
So you read online that Lego City Undercover might be rated as a Mature game, which you were against, but then you bought it anyway after people's speculations were wrong. And then you refused to do anything in the game that could be considered a crime because that's supposedly bad...and you still bought the game three times!?
And all of this "heartbreak" you had before doesn't matter because of some shirtless Lego guys!?
I'm lost here... I'm not even sure how this even relates to this article or your original comment. Does anyone understand this because I'm kind of confused...
And as a side note I'll just add that Nintendo isn't really against "Mature" games are having exclusive content in mature games coming to their consoles. Just look at games like Bayonetta 1/2, or how Nintendo published games like Devil's Third or Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. As long as it isn't a Mario-related series, Animal Crossing, Kirby or Pikmin there is usually something to be found somewhere that isn't "kid-friendly".
@Anti-Matter But this isn't even an official LEGO project; it's fan-made. It's not like Lego is suddenly adult-oriented because someone used Lego bricks (or video game) for his own use. I get you're upset but you do know it's unlikely that the guy who made this had "What's a good way to REALLY damage the Lego brand?" in mind. Dark Souls, while being M rated, is honestly tame compared to other M games. I also like to point out, how did this hurt you and how is Lego unforgivable because of a fan's actions? A fan's creation shouldn't tarnish your views on something. People do these kind of things all the time.
As a side note, I wouldn't even mind if Lego branched out to more mature themes.
I answer your confusion.
I had very serious issue before accepting LEGO CITY Undercover. Never before happened a game that caused me to deliberate very long time due its controversy. During deliberation, i had compared LEGO CITY Undercover with other Kids Sandbox games to analyze the impact level from the games. Also, i tried to watch first the gameplay of LEGO CITY Undercover so many times, analizing the consequences if i play that game. And i remembered if that game still supported by Nintendo (the Mario's references), so considering from Nintendo support and targeted to Kids market, with Acceptable Age rating (E10+ / CERO B / PEGI 7), by Win-Win solution (Considering the theme was Police, a good guy, the main goal of the game, the consequences of some nasty attitudes) i decided to accept LEGO CITY Undercover, but under some specific circumstances:
1. I will not doing Car stealing, but i still "borrow" other cars from street due to Chase said Sorry first before borrowing cars from someone.
2. I destroyed some objects due to Objection in the game to collect a lot of Bricks to assemble New constructions, so i will not feel guilty by destroying brick objects because the objects eventually will be respawned after Loading screen.
3. Actually i don't like to do Dirty job when Chase had to disguise as criminal in order to find Rex Fury by stealing some stuffs, but it was under conducted by the Chief. So, i tried to imagine some of police job that had to disguise as bad guys to arrest targeted criminals.
To answer your confusion about shirtless LEGO, from beginning i was temptated by Boxer outfit as Disguise costume. I have interest with Boxing and shirtless six pack guys, so the existences of Boxing outfit and Six pack skin was Sold me out. Actually i wanted to create a Custom Boxer LEGO with six pack wandering around the town, but unfortunately, i couldn't give a pair of Boxing gloves for Custom Disguise, so.... my Custom Disguise were just only six pack dudes without Boxing gloves.
At least, it healed my broken heart a little bit, but still... i had some things that i allowed and don't allowed during the gameplay.
Note: Oh, one more thing. Off topic.
I played Dillon Dead-Heat Breakers on my New 3DS XL lately due to AmiiMals & the mini games.
As much as Anti-Matter's diatribes against adult content grate on my nerves sometimes, one thing worth keeping in mind is that his opinion here is actually ABSOLUTELY in line with the LEGO philosophy. The LEGO Group are staunchly against associating their brand with violent themes, and have been since the company was founded. This is why their Police theme never features gun violence, and why they don't produce any purely military sets.
The LOTR theme from a few years back was a massive departure from their anti-violence policy, and even it focused heavily on the less violent aspects of the films. Of all the LOTR sets produced, only two sets revolved around the Battle of Helm's Deep, and the other two major battles of the movies were not even hinted at. Boromir's death scene and the Battle of the Pellenor Fields were totally ignored in favor of more family-friendly scenes, and one set based on Isengard featured the birth of an Uruk-Hai as a totally kid-friendly affair rather than the pretty intense sequence in the movie. The amazing and demonic Balrog from FOTR, which many AFOLs wanted from the minute the LOTR theme was first teased, never made it into a LEGO set.
As an adult LEGO collector and a massive LOTR fan, it was a little weird to see how far TLG went to make these fairly mature movies and books into something kids could play with. The LOTR theme was and remains my all-time favorite LEGO theme, but it was short-lived and was definitely a very toned-down version of LOTR.
Point is, TLG almost definitely agree with Anti-Matter on this one, and there will never, ever be an official Dark Souls set.
I forgot how important are six pack dudes to Anti-Matter.
One thing is to have a feminine side but this is total confusion.
You might have gender dysphoria along with the other issues you spoke about back in the days.
@Anti-Matter Yes it is unusual for sure ...
Just take it easy with attacking fan-made projects.
Someone could decide to make a torture/slaughter house in Portal Knights with lots of gore and guts spilling out. I guess you would freak out.
@Mew Examples of "edgy-violent" things LEGO have officially produced, please? I mean, I can tell you categorically that they have not. Ever. TLG are a totally family-friendly company. They do not produce sets based on mature content, period.
The closest they've ever come to it is Lord of the Rings, which is still a PG-13 series and which was massively toned down for the LEGO version, see my comment above.
Deadpool? No, not really. The Deadpool in LEGO sets has always been comic-book or animated Deadpool, not movie Deadpool.
I guess you could say the Nolanverse version of Batman skirts the boundaries, but again, TLG always favored the comic-book Batman and only made one or two sets based on the Nolan movies. They've never, ever made sets based on the really hardcore parts of the movies. The LEGO Joker does not come with a pencil!
Well, I would argue that Lego loves to license brands that usually are rather violent/dark and turn them into cutesy versions of the original. Examples would be Batman (as you mentioned), Lord of the Rings, Jurassic World, the other superhero-games, ...
They like to draw in adults with those licenses to broaden the peer group. The brands gladly accept because it also surely works well the other way round: drawing the younger audience in with innocent Lego appeal and getting them interested in Marvel/DC/whatever movies. They surely have a rather diverse fanbase and try to cater to all of them with their games. It also is well proven by their Dimensions-lineup that they love to cater to their adult audience aswell. And only because the figures are Lego does not distract from the fact that you fight in most (?) games and destroy a whole lot of furniture for money.
About the whole Artwark-Debate:
I don't really get why he is upset, but there have been some very inapropriate responses towards him. I think both sides should relax a little bit, especially because I think there is a lot of misunderstanding due to the language barrier involved here.
He might have some odd convictions, but I am sure he means well and (hopefully) is not half as supressive towards other peoples' taste as he sometimes comes across.
@zionich After Warhammer Adventures I'm waiting for Grand Theft Auto: LEGO City.
Entertainment at its best
@Anti-Matter Hmm fair enough, your priorities when it comes to buying games are quite different to most but I guess people do what keeps them happy
I really wouldn't worry about mature content in Lego games though, my family has played every (yes EVERY) movie-based Lego game since Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga (2007!), and I've never seen anything that would be inappropriate for children. Anything that could possibly be a problem is always turned into a funny moment instead, it's probably why these games have been going for so long.
In my opinion you take the whole "mature" thing way too far, games are for fun so just relax about it! Besides some kids like games with darker themes sometimes (well I did!), and I turned out 92% okay in the end
I really don't think shirtless guys would solve my problems with a game, especially Lego ones but I guess people have their own.....interests
@Zuljaras How does any of this look like it's related to gender dysphoria? I doubt that Lego and America's Next Top Model enough to diagnose that even if it was the case.
@Anti-Matter “1. I will not doing Car stealing, but i still "borrow" other cars from street due to Chase said Sorry first before borrowing cars from someone.
2. I destroyed some objects due to Objection in the game to collect a lot of Bricks to assemble New constructions, so i will not feel guilty by destroying brick objects because the objects eventually will be respawned after Loading screen.
3. Actually i don't like to do Dirty job when Chase had to disguise as criminal in order to find Rex Fury by stealing some stuffs, but it was under conducted by the Chief. So, i tried to imagine some of police job that had to disguise as bad guys to arrest targeted criminals.”
Seriously that’s deep man. You’ll have trouble 100%ing games because you treat games like real life.
Your stealing a car in the game without saying thank you because your stealing the car IN THE GAME. It’s a game not real life
@JasmineDragon And later they made those great orcs (pardon, "trolls") and dwarfs as well as an odd elf for the blindbags. Too bad they went with power-rangers style for their medieval sets again, but I guess they sell.
The Dwarf Slayer (or "Battle Dwarf") in one of the recent blindbag sets was a fun surprise though! I wonder if we can expect a Witch Hunter/Inquisitor-looking fella or a "ratman" sometime soon
@Kimyonaakuma On another thread he was talking some weird stuff and that is why I think that he might have some issues.
I hope this is NOT the case but it seems like someone who might struggle with this sort of thing among others as you can see in his posts on various game threads.
@Tiefseemiez I don't really disagree with you there, but to keep things in proportion, all of those movies are rated PG13. Even the Dark Knight, definitely the darkest of all the "main" superhero movies, is still PG13. It's not like these are movies full of gore and violence. They are mostly family movies with one or two scenes per movie that push the envelope. My kids have seen all the Marvel movies, all the LOTR and Hobbit movies and two of the Jurassic Park/World movies without any issues.
Batman, Wolverine and Deadpool are probably the edgiest mainstream superheroes in film. TLG does not have or seem to want a license to produce sets based on the films of Wolverine or Deadpool, so they have only made sets featuring the comic book versions. And Batman, well, he can be out there sometimes, but again, it's PG13 at worst. There are definitely a few Batman movies that are not appropriate for all ages, but they are not even close to truly "mature" content. Out of all the Batman movies, I would say only Batman Returns and The Dark Knight are absolutely not okay for smaller children to be watching.
Deadpool really shows what a difference there can be when a superhero goes after an R rating, and that kind of movie never gets LEGO treatment. They just aren't interested.
Now, an argument can and has been made that Dark Souls itself does not really deserve a mature rating. There are parent reviews out there saying that if you turn off the gore there's nothing particularly wrong for kids to see there. I can't really say either way as I haven't played any Dark Souls games. But from long experience with LEGO I do know that they won't ever associate themselves with anything that has an R or an M rating, whether the rating is deserved or not. They just won't. TLG are far more protective of their family-safe image than Nintendo ever were.
@SmaggTheSmug Right there with you! I really dislike the Nexo Knights theme, hoping they'll go back to something like the old Fantasy theme (Dwarves vs. Trolls) in another year or two.
@JasmineDragon cough lego just nabbed the activision blizzard license away from mega bricks which was pretty violent and adult cough
Although I highly doubt lego will contineu the COD license, they will make sets based on overwatch (winter 2018/2019 wave). Not really adult but it’s fanbase is pretty adult and the game is kind of violent. Also I’m sure they will contineu the destiny theme that mega bricks was doing if overwatch sells well.
Also lego did lobo this year who is a edgy, gorey and brutal bounty hunter. And lego has done carnage who is a serial killer in all it’s incarnations. Also red lantern will get a set in the winter wave, the red lanterns get their powers from pure hatred and their projections are made of their blood. They have a set based on the dark knight including heath ledgers joker.
Praise the Sun!
Victory Achieved
@Anti-Matter lol, calm down, OK? We've talked about this before, no need to express your opinion whenever you see something you don't like. Just ignore it. Or at least try to be a little more respectful.
@Anti-Matter There are 2 types Kid Friendly and Adult. You choose what to play with.
Just don't tell other people that Adult games and stuff should NOT be created.
There are plenty of games/toys for all ages.
Stick to your things and never leave your comfort zone.
Games/toys are not only restricted to kids. That is why there are parents that should supervise their kids.
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