Over the course of the last three crazy days we saw a fair amount of Star Fox Zero, which is being co-developed by Nintendo and PlatinumGames. It's had a mixed reception, but is nevertheless one of the most anticipated games on the Wii U this year.
In the video below our man Alex tackles the confirmed details, the maybes and generally shows some footage that'll help you grasp what makes this new entry tick. Some aspects such as co-op are only potential features based on interviews, remember, so Alex tries to pick out what we know from what could come to the game in future.
Check it out below!
Comments 96
The best thing of the game is the logo.
It will be difficult for a Star Fox game to ever live up to the strong nostalgia that exists with fans... it may simply be a format/genre that isn't impressive in the modern gaming ecosystem.
But I have faith in Nintendo and Platinum... it's obviously a precious IP or they would have milked it further during the Wii shovelware era.
I think it looks like a promising start... I just hope ~5 months is enough to polish it up into the best it can be...
The big thing you guys missed was that you can turn the motion controls off. Iwata confirmed it.
No Tricky, no buy.
I'm getting used to the graphics. There are still better looking games on the system - I personally think XCX is miles ahead - but they're getting to the point where I don't notice them. Well as long as I remember to change my default 360p Youtube player to 720p. Whenever I forget that first scene w/ the water and mountains quickly reminds me.
Any word on amiibo? Starfox is 1 of 5 we own, just b/c he was the best looking one I could find on a store shelf before Christmas. I'm ok w/o amiibo in a game for a change, just wondering.
I guess this will be retail $60 even w/o multiplayer and the potential to be 2-3 hours long, huh? Any word on game saves, dieing and restarting? I never finished Starfox 64, once I died and had to start again from the beginning I never did.
Hopefully it will also be fully playable on the gamepad only as well?
rjejr... you may be interested in picking up the 3DS remaster if you have the console... I'm pretty sure it has a much more forgiving life system and the ability to continue? I could be wrong...
Hope they don't release it before it is ready. I'd rather wait some months after xmas to get a great starfox game.
The gamepad 3d sound thing sounds like how Alfred used to talk to you in Arkham City Armoured Edition.
The gameplay and the way the Arwing runs looks suspiciously like a certain Umbran Witch I know. And barrel rolls loom like the traditional Platinum dodge as well.
The type logo sucks. A big gigantic Japanese mark, just like Bomberman N64 ( which worked for Bomberman but this is Starfox people.
They are just trying to over-hype this. My assumption is that this game is just the story about his father which would make more sense. It would be awesome to play an game where Andross is the good guy as well.
By the way, you guys are wrong about branching paths. The game is linear, with different mission acting as the replay incentive rather than going to different levels entirely.
"In terms of what you saw in Star Fox 64, with the actual map with the different planets and lots of different branches, this time it will be simpler, but more variety in terms of different missions on the same planet," Miyamoto says. "We want it to be that you can complete the course of the game in the same amount of time you would spend watching a movie, so it's a cinematic experience. While there are still some branching paths, the main thing we are focusing on is having second and third missions available for each planet."
Article also highlights that there are no difficulty levels and such.
If this game doesn't sell then kiss goodbye to any future Star Fox installments.
I think it is possible to deliver on the high quality, there's still a few months left of active development. So I have hope.
@moomoo Wow.... I was holding out on a few things until I saw this.
The game looks WAAAAAAAAY to easy as it is now... if there is no difficulty adjustment this this cna be officially added to my "Baby's First..." list as Baby's First Flight Simulator/Space Shooting thingy.
I was also excited about the return of hte 64 map. I mean, holy hell almighty does Nintendo just NOT understand what elements of its games we like? I swear every sequel. EVERY sequel they scrap only the part that people like and drag on the crap that we didn't.
Really? The fact that Tricky isn't in the game has me jumping for joy. I associate that guy with failure when it comes to Star Fox.
Other than perhaps some simple textures, it baffles me how some people can complain.
Great video, folks! Much appreciated.
Now, referring to the game itself: the fact that you simply can't play the game without the GamePad is a huge deal-breaker for me. Unless they somehow revamp everything so that you can play with the Pro Controller I doubt I will ever own this game. I just want to play a classic Star Fox game in HD with normal controls. Not too much to ask.
This is why I like Sony. When you're looking forward to a PlayStation game you know you're going to play it with a DualShock. You don't have to worry about them doing something absolutely idiotic with the control scheme.
Thanks for that great summary video! I'm pretty pumped for this game and can't wait for it to come out. I'm a little unsure how I'll like the new features but I'm willing to try them out. Personally, I'm most excited for the classic on-rails gameplay.
@moomoo "We want it to be that you can complete the course of the game in the same amount of time you would spend watching a movie"
Jeez, he really said that? So a 2-3 hour campaign? That can't be good...
@jakysnakydx It's (sort of) confirmed that the amount of enemies is limited because otherwise it wouldn't run at 60fps.
@ricklongo Wow, and I thought my hype-o-meter couln't get any lower. 2-3 hours is way too short, and the game doesn't even have online multiplayer/co-op...
@ricklongo The same as Starfox 64...
@CamWFC91 some simple textures? This game looks WORSE than the gc version (they showed it in the previous star fox article), doesn't have multiplayer/co-op, isn't playable without the gamepad, apparently has sloppy controls and is unnessicarily difficult because switching between the gamepad and the tv is not fun. How's that unvalid complaints?
@rjejr Yep, after losing all my progress in Star Fox 64 when I died, I gave up. I wasn't going to deal with that crap.
@moomoo thanks for confirming you can turn the motion controls off, i love that, but the game being able to be finished in the time to watch a movie is definitely a bag thing! Most games give us hours of gameplay value, this sounds like the game is already WAY too short. I have a feeling I should wait for reviews on this before buying, a $70 game for a couple hours of gameplay isn't a good deal at all
@TheFurminator The graphics really doesn't look worse than Assault, they're certainly fine enough for the game to still be enjoyable. You can't knock it if you haven't tried it. Nintendo would not release a game that controls like crap.
What did you miss, Alex?
The complaining. That's what you missed.
Honestly, from Xbox 360/Playstation 3/Wii U to me graphics have gotten realistic enough for me to stop caring, as I can't really tell if a game uses the hardware well or not on such advanced systems. That said, even I could see that, even by "still in development" standards, this game could do a lot more. But I'm confident Platinum, after Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101, has grown accostumed to the hardware enough to be able to give the game a nice coat of paint before release. Even better - if Miyamoto handles the gameplay and Platinum takes care of the graphical aspect, we've got a new gem in our hands.
@CamWFC91 Look up the comparison to see for yourself. And also, the fact that there's even a debate over if a new wii u game looks better than a game from two generations ago is illustrative of the game's graphical failure. This is a triple A first party game. We as fans can expect the game to look a little bit decent right? I don't expect ps4 uncharted 4-esque graphics, but I think that expecting something that's actually not unpleasant to the eye isn't too much to ask. Gamexplain has spoken about the problem with switching between the gamepad and the tv, and Nitendolife also had their issues with it. I don't need to play it for myself because I trust people like gamexplain to be honest about their experience with the game.
I just can't see any pop up anywhere on this game!!!
it could be fun. I never played a Star Fox game before, so i keep an open mind.
@TheFurminator I did say that I can understand the concern about the graphics. I did see the comparison... I really think this looks better. You are right, the fact that there is a debate is not good. However I am not overly bothered about it.
They have gone back to the Starfox 64 style which is a huge positive and the missions shown on Treehouse looked very fun, I had completely forgotten about the graphics at that point... so the simplicity wasn't distracting enough to put me off. Regarding gameplay, plenty of journalists at the event came away having really enjoyed it. Of course everyone has the right to complain at what they like, it just baffles me on this occasion, especial since a lot of people though Nintendo wouldn't even revive this franchise over a year ago. People should wait before they dismiss it.
@AlexSora89 Nah, people will still complain. Just watch.
One way to add some replay value... add a bunch of "bonus/side missions"... preferably some that be local co-opped... use the same assets, environements, but just mix it up... even if it has nothing to do with the main story.
i dont understand why so much rage about the game, that looks cool, ok, the graphics its a little low, but i guess the game still in denvelopment, they show a kind of beta demo in E-3, even if the game becomes even with this level graph is not that ruin so too, I'm waiting to play, star fox has been a game that I follow since the SNES and N64 so I guess it worth the incredible nostalgia of having again in the Wii U, so people calm down about it
I think they'd be better off delaying this and completely re-thinking the look.... and possibly changing the locks and not giving Miyamoto a key!
Some of the canyon sections etc do look quite dynamic and I've always liked the sense of scale in the Landmaster sections. But overall this looks soooo sloooow and not much fun... The Treehouse guy was having to slow right down to shoot things, where's the fun in that!?
@CamWFC91 I agree with you on that one, I'm still excited to see what it's going to be when it releases. I'm just very skeptical about some aspect of the game, and combined with my disappointment about te Digital Event it resulted in these grouchy comments.
Not-linear is not always a good thing. It's what I don't like about Yoshi's Story and Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars. Once you are dead, you start from the beginning and you have to go through the same path again if you want to see what is next just before you died, so it's very difficult to see 100% of those game (for most players). It looked like a cheap way of extending short games (both Star Fox 64 and Yoshi's Story are).
@TheFurminator I hear you bro, my reaction after the event was not great to say the least... Especially after the Animal Crossing fiasco, but let's not divulge!!
Ha! I can't believe all the whining about SF0. I've waited for a new StarFox game for almost a decade and now that I have one to look forward to I can't imagine playing much else. Sure, I lament the lack of more planets, but alternate missions don't sound so bad, and as long as I get the same shoot-em-up action I got from StarFox 64 with the same campy dialogue and allies crying for me to save their tails: I can be happy with it. Playing the SF64 remake on the 3DS was satisfying, but the real kick that brought me back to the game more often than not was beating my high score over and over again. Platinum has done phenomenally with Bayonetta 2 into baiting me to do so, so I don't doubt I'll be playing StarFox Zero as much as I can. Oh, and to complain about the logo is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Everyone's excited because Platinum Games is somewhat involved but people forgot that they only help, Miyamoto said they're in charge of the art of the game, but the levels, gameplay and everything else is done in EAD.
As for the game, complete utter dissapointment to me, it's Star Fox 64 all over again. shrugs I want new stuff. Don't say the walker is something new because it's something scrapped from STAR FOX 2, all the rest is the same thing all over. I want a story, I want movie cutscenes, I want new characters, new planets, new things.. not the same thing all over again!
I don't agree with complaints about length. SF64 is the perfect repesentation for this genre imo and it takes one hour to "complete." These games should focus on replay value.
@NinjaWaddleDee - I read your post 5x but I still can't tell if you are agreeing w/ me or mocking me. Most people on here make fun of my inability to adequately deal w/ adversity.
@burninmylight - Sorry, I didn't I think needed the for anything concerning Tricky, he's like a built in
@holygeez03 - Well if it did, hopefully it gets implemented in this. (I'm still mad that DKC:TF took out the ability to skip levels to get to the next, which seemed like a step backwards to me)
The video looks way better than the E3 digital presentation. Hmmm....I'm now interested in the game.
This game is gonna be awesome!
I think star fox zero looks freaking fantastic. It looks amazing. People complaining show exactly what is wrong with this current industry.
I think a lot of it comes down to gamers wanting options. I personally wouldn't want to buy a game where I'm uncertain about whether or not i'm going to like the gameplay. innovation can be a good thing but not when it's forced
It's not forced, you can turn motion control off. But mastering two sticks and the gyroscope will make for a much more fulfilling flight simulator than one stick. Any anyone who plays splatoon should know that the motion controls give you a huge advantage when you get used to them. It's faster more intuitive gameplay - we're just all used to an archaic layout from the 90's so we don't like change.
wait, so we are getting a 1080p, 60fps StarFox game made by Platinum, and you guys are still *****ing?
Nintendo has even worst fans than Sonic.
The gyro based control scheme looks/sounds great to me and I certainly won't be limiting my gameplay options by switching it off! (Splatoon, anyone?). This is precisely the kind of experience I signed up for when I purchased the Wii U - classic Nintendo IPs married to new/unique gameplay experiences (same with Fatal Frame).
Hearing that Platinum Games is involved pretty much sealed the deal instantly - I absolutely adore their wonderfully crafted action games (still missing W101 - so many great games on Wii U).
It looks good and I trust Nintendo and Platinum. My only issue is that Star Fox is usually a short game and I'm getting used to playing games that offer a longer experience.
My bad. I should get better about picking up sarcasm. I figure that no matter how much everyone should loathe a character, there's always going to be that one person in the fanbase who white knights the guy. I'm just glad it's not you.
@Savino It Works for some games.
@holygeez03 Frankly, all they had to do, to please me would have been
... going with the StarFox 64/3D formula
... while scaling up the tech, meaning graphics, objects in the world, physics-based explosions and all such fancy (which noone needs, but everybody enjoys seeing anyway)
... plus, last but not least, add features previously impossible, most critically online multiplayer, quite possibly even co-op
There you have it, that so hard?
No? I didn't think so.
From the looks of it, they managed the first one, and not much else really. Well, they did take a shot at the second one as well. It has to be good enough ... although good enough is not the kind of label I ever wanted for the StarFox =/
The graphics still really bother me... Needs more gritty, looks way way too clean, also the lifting is very of, is like very little contrast between shadow and light... Also there seems to be no detail other than texture maps on things... What about normal maps? Even just bump maps? It's like everything looks very very flat and artificial...
Well, if this game really is 2-3 hours long, then perhaps they can clean it up a bit before launch. Regardless, everyone here should be okay with the way it looks and plays since games can now improve with DLC and patches. I won't point fingers at anyone specific, but my last sentence is what many people assert is true. Remember, a delayed game is eventually good and a bad game is bad forever.
@FLUX_CAPACITOR - 3DS XL is on my birthday wish list for next month. But after this week, maybe not.
@burninmylight - Its OK. If it makes you feel any better I don't hate Tricky as much as most people do, he's not as bad as Jar Jar. But then, who is?
@FLUX_CAPACITOR - "even if the new ones revealed this week are a little meh"
Not looking forward to AC: Home Designer?
@FLUX_CAPACITOR - I hear there's an AC Wii U game where you get to uh watch guys move. (sorry, my kid has been watching too many peanut butter gamer vids in my kitchen and he's in my head)
graphics are terrible! But im sure it will be a fun and great game!
@rjejr I'm agreeing with you. I love the gameplay, but I can't stand the save system, and therefore it's unplayable for me. I don't mock anyone on the internet, it's not worth it lol.
@FLUX_CAPACITOR @rjejr - They did say that the board game is just one part of the game, they will reveal more at a later date. Still doesn't look like something I'd buy though.
Well, you can bet they're working day and night on the graphics now.
@element187 Because I wanted a game that did not look like a rehash of Star Fox 64 with gamepad controls tacked on and an HD coat of paint.
Why does this game not have online multiplayer? I'm sorry, but Star Fox games are not that long. Why should I get excited for what looks like a 60 dollar rehash of Star Fox 64?
Starfox Zero 3!
My favorite game of E3 !!!!! Star Fox Zero Rules !!!!!!
@PonyoBellanote That's not what they said about Platinum at all. They are at least designing the boss encounters according to what was said while they were being interviewed in a Treehouse live segment.
Also, this is not the N64 version again. All of the boss encounters will be new save one or two homages that will significantly change how you must approach them. In other words, look the same but conquer in a completely different way.
The first stage is there and I'm sure there will be touch points to that game, but this is going to be mostly new with new game play opportunities throughout. I was actually relieved that it is as close to those games as it is. It's not like there are many games like this that are any good.
Such a negative perspective!
Why is it a rehash? Why does it have to have that negative connotation automatically attached to it simply because it follows the formula of a previous game?
So when people were complaining that they wanted a new Star Fox because he hadn't received a proper title in such a long time, JUST LIKE METROID, do you think people were asking for a game like Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Command- games critically panned and hated by fans everywhere? Or do you think people were crying out for a return to the Star Fox 64 formula? You know, the game critically acclaimed and loved by fans everywhere?
Your question is why should you get excited for this? For the same reason that you love Star Fox 64 as one of your favorite games of all time! That's the game that made you fall in love with the series no? That's the game that set the precedent. And when people want a new game, guess which game they want it to be like? Right. StarFox 64. Just like Metroid fans all want the next one to be like Prime (or the really old-school fans want a 2D entry, point is they want the games to be like the beloved classics of old).
So why should you be excited for a $60 rehash? You shouldn't. You should be excited for a full-fledged game that follows the beloved formula that made you fall in love with the series to begin with.
And how are gamepad controls tacked on when the whole system was built around the freaking gamepad? That's not being tacked on- that's using the controller that came out of the box. The one that people were rioting and protesting wasn't being used enough games. Now they start using it in games and people complain they don't want to see it used. This fanbase I swear.... If Splatoon has taught us anything, it's that games properly utilizing the features of the gamepad are far superior to those that don't. Gyro/analog is a killer combination. And did people or did they not flip their sh** over wanting games that properly utilize the second screen?
And by the way, all current gen games have an HD coat of paint. This is a good thing. Unless of course you'd like to go back to standard definition games.
And one more thing, some food for thought to leave you with. If a StarFox 64 port on the standard definition handheld is worth $40, and it most definitely is worth every last red cent, how is a brand-new game that you've never played before, with full high-definition visuals, brand-new game mechanics, brand-new worlds, stages and missions, how is that not worth an extra 20 bucks?
I imagine Starfox to be something like FF12 alongside the original SNES games. Fat chance on that but about Tricky. Tricky was just for that "Rare" game that barely was released. It would be kinda stupid to see an Dinosaur king flying around in vehicles and stuff.
I really want this to be the story about Foxes Father and what happen back then. We get to see Pigmadangar betray him at the end.
The only thing about Starfox ( all of them so far ) is the lack of ability to capture the SNES games simplicity. If they was to drop the realism act; and just keep Starfox to an simplified level we could see some crazy gameplay action as with Starfox2.
StarFox N64 is not really worth the DLC it is, or even purchasing it for the 3ds at all. The game is more or less an great feat of the N64 that led to the change in development for the Zelda:OOT.
StarFox command could be worth something if your able to control the arwing like an normal arwing.
The biggest problem I am having with the Starfox name is the lack of content. The Gamecube "Dinosaur Planet" was just "Starfox inside another game" with some content from StarFox. Like the one space battle with Andross. The game afterthat was like "Attack of the bugs" and is the reason why the game did not sell well. Then of course "The borg" and team ( both Fox and Wolf ) members getting killed off..........inside an game about Bugs.
However it is safe to assume the lesser ending of all Starfox games happens and not the super happy badarsery that is featured in the "hard path" or "hard mode".
Like seeing StarWolf destroyed and then rebuilt or Andross transforms into an fictionalized devil of some sort.
@NinjaWaddleDee You just described about 95% of all video games before the 32/64 bit era. That being said, a campaign that saves your progress after every completed level is a very convenient modern feature that is almost universally used these days, so they'd be crazy not to include it.
@JaxonH While I support most of your points, I have to disagree with your description of "Star Fox Adventures." It's a very good game with critical appeal (82 on Metacritic) and only hated by Star Fox fans who can't get over the idea of the franchise switching genres (kind of like a lot of the initial disapproval of "Metroid Prime: Federation Force").
Is it really rated that high? Wow, could've fooled me. All I ever hear is people complaining about that game. I own it but have never played it. But @rjejr swears by it, so maybe you're right.
It probably is another of those "fans want only this and nothing else will suffice" situations. Still, I do think when people imagine a new Star Fox game, they imagine a game like Star Fox 64. I know I do anyways. When they showed footage for Zero, I got a rush like I did when I first saw Tropical Freeze. It's the Star Fox game I've always wanted, and then some! The dual screen integration and more precise gyro/analog combo ala Splatoon is perfect, and Platinum as a developer with Miamoto at the helm is more than I couldve ever hoped for. It looks and plays exactly how I always imagined it would. And those Star Fox 2 ideas are icing on the cake. Gotta love the chicken walker!
I would hardly call the gyro/analog setup perfect. In theory it makes sense, but Splatoon for example, the gyro only seems to control one axis of movement for some bizarre reason.
It works on both, just not enough to be turning or anything. Otherwise The sensitivity would have to be up way too high in which case you wouldn't be able to aim accurately anymore. Best way to turn his head down on the analog and then tap why quickly and the camera will swing behind you
Watching some of the Treehouse demo of this game and seeing how the guy playing spent most of the time looking down at the gamepad screen in his lap made me realize I don't want to play this.
I have a giant HD TV. That's what I want to concentrate on. Not a tiny SD screen.
I don't even think a pro controller would be an option because it appears the gamepad will be required for certain levels/ship forms.
I'm hoping they release Statfox from snes and Starfox 64 on VC in the future as well, but I wont hold my breath.
@Caryslan rehash? did the previous games have vehicles that transformed into land mechs?!?! Wow I guess I didn't play far enough in the last two console games in the series.
The game is going to be great because of Hideki Kamiya... Nobody creates epic boss battles like he does. Graphics are nothing are silly thing to get pissy about. We are several months out and the gameplay, level and content design can be developed in completely offices let alone by different studios across large geographical regions... Graphics are nothing but pixel maps and 3d models that can be dropped in.
But as I mentioned before, Platinum Games has never made a boring game, and Nintendo fans were begging Nintendo to let PG and Kamiya have a shot at Star Fox all through last year. Nintendo listened and the "fans" are just b****ing like spoiled children that they apparently are. They don't know what they want. They b***ch at Nintendo when they don't listen and they b***ch at Nintendo when they do listen. If I was Nintendo I would ignore the fans. If ninty listened to their " fans" at every turn they would be as defunct as Sega by now.
The hard part of development is over aka the core game. They just have content and visuals to work on until it releases.
This game still looks like a HD Version of a Gamecube game. The art Style is so generic that it looks bland and lackluster. Texture quality is meidum at best and horrible at worst sometimes.
The gameplay looks very slow and way too easy. And the "stealth" missions look really boring.
If this is what Nintendo wants me to buy i will pass. And if this game does not sell it will be Nintendo's fault. This is not what i expected and not what i wanted. Shame to have to pass on this game even if that means we will never see another Star Fox game.
To me this might be the most disappointing Nintendo release ever.
@JaxonH @BulbasaurusRex - Star fox Adventures is my 2nd favorite game. It still might have the best graphics I've ever seen in a video game, even now. The combination of fur, scales, spaceships, color, action, puzzling, landscape, voice acting (ok, not Tricky) made it such a complete game play experience in a complete living breathing world. Sure, the slowdown slideshow battles could have used a few more CPU, and I need a jump button in all my games, but it was just that good. Fox spends half his time looking down at his watch -looks like Fallout Pipboy- that would be great for the Gamepad.
Jak and Daxter 1 is first, it was Star fox with a jump button. FFVII is 3rd I guess, though the remake may become 1. Uncharted 2 is 4, but it is the best interactive movie ever.
With a list like that, this Star fox isn't very high on my list, not a big fan of dogfighting and/or on rails shooters. And I'll be doing plenty of that it seems in the beautiful Skylanders world on Wii U.
Oh, and I never play games before the 32bit Era b/c of the save system. It was ok on my Atari 7800 way back when I was a teen after school, but what choices were there? I still have never gotten past the first haunted house AND more importantly the save point after it, in SMW. Probably never will, b/c choices.
OK Jax, now it's lunch time and I completely missed breakfast. My NLife addiction is worse than your amiibo sickness, at least you gave things to show for it.
Starfox Wii U should play like TIE Fighter. That's a 20 year old game and if the same with better graphics and the starfox characters it would be perfect.
coming up..
Stunt Race FX Zero...
god i loved that game
Okay, I have noticed quite an influx on complaints about the graphics. Could it be that the reason everything feels a bit unpolished and the animations are stiffer than we would like is because they are going for more of a 'Thunderbirds' esthetic? Miyamoto said years ago (and in the direct itself) that he always envisioned the series this way. Nuff' said.
As for the gameplay, I feel like they are trying to do more of a Star Fox 2 game, especially considering Miyamoto mentioning doing 2 or 3 different kinds of missions on a single planet. Star Fox 2 was similar in that you would visit many different planets to find a switch to open the base and destroying the core at the center of it, which was actually shown in the direct, and compared to Star Fox 2 in the video in this article. (chicken walker shooting at an HD replica of Star Fox 2's base core)
You also had to intercept incoming forces, missiles, and take down battleships that were creating those aforementioned threats to finally face off against the big bad himself while on an overworld screen, which was not shown in the reveal, and nowhere have I seen it said that all of the missions would be in a linear sequence. Miyamoto even mentioned he wanted it to have a more 'episodic TV show' feel with small skirmishes all around Lylat instead of one big blockbuster movie like the past games have gone for.
At the end of the day, E3 was a reveal of some of the gameplay Star Fox Zero would have to offer. Based on what I have seen, I think what we got was just an underwhelming taste of the Vegas style buffet that Nintendo is planning to release. All I have to say is if this is Star Fox 2 re-imagined, they had my money 20 years ago, and they can have it again.
drops the mic
@NinjaWaddleDee - "I don't mock anyone on the internet, it's not worth it lol."
Wish there were more people like you, myself included.
@rjejr Adventures is up there with my favourites. Recently rebought it and really hope I don't have a misplaced nostalgia for it. Still got my 5.5 inch TFT GameCube screen, at least the visuals won't be blown out on these fancy new TVs!
@BrizzoUK - I was thinking about replaying it. It looked so good on my 36" tube tv though I don't want to ruin the memory. Even the Wii games looked good on that tv. But SD on HD tvs not so much. I bet on my old tv it would look as good as some PS3 games though. Nier was a good game but not a graphic beauty.
@rjejr Yeah I do get afraid of hooking them up, don't have a CRT anymore (I was naive in the HD change and didn't think of ever wanting to replay old game...). Only game I can cope with on my HD that is SD is Epic Yarn that I recently downloaded in prep for Wooly World (much like Nintendo, I phased out of gaming in the later Wii years so catching up on the few gems!), that game would look great on anything!
@rjejr lol thanks
Might be a cool game in the end, but it definitely doesn't sit with the big boys when it comes to the art.
I was super excited about this game but the lack of on-line play has in my mind changed it from a day one purchase to a rental. Way to drop the ball, again ninty. Well when the end comes ill never be able to say i didnt see it coming.
@polarbear Me too. I've been voting for a short delay until Spring, even though I'll hate the wait. I really want this to be the best game that it can be as we never know when we'll get another "Star Fox".
Hideki Kamiya has nothing to do with this game. He is not working on it.
Hashimoto also addressed a commonly asked question: Is Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya, a vocal Star Fox fan, involved in development of Star Fox Zero? No, he said, "not in any way shape or form." Kamiya's only input, Hashimoto said, is "Do your best."
From what we have seen so far, this game definitely lacks the artistic flair and frenetic action seen in other Platinum-made games. I think Platinum's contributions to the making of this game aren't very much.
Do they turn off the need to have to look at two different screens?
Long overdue and it is going to be epic. I hope the style of the N64 has been mimicked for the most part. Not so stoked about the Walker. The drone could be good though.
The extra control options aren't that big a deal unless it will really have a good advantage/usability ratio. Graphics could be better, but hey, it's Star Fox, the gameplay is reason enough to play it. I would play Star Fox 64 over almost any graphically advanced game now without a doubt anyway.
@LUIGITORNADO No, but they seem to minimalize it. There's an option to show what's on the bottom to the TV with the press of a button (basically switches what is on which screen), so you won't have to switch your eyes constantly. So at the very least, there's that. I don't think you'll be able to play it without the gamepad though.
I'm just glad its not a remake of Star Fox 64. The more we can get away from Star Fox 64 the better. I don't wanna keep reliving this...
Star fox 64 was one of the best in the series, but I get where your coming from.
I really just want a game, new galaxy but this will do if they do it right. I also really want a multiplayer online, you can have clans or fleets. Build/draw your own icons/logos. Give us a create a character from the previous character models etc. This game could be epic if they just grew with the times abit more.
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