Earlier today, we shared the news that Monster Hunter Rise has hit another major sales milestone by shifting a whopping six million units in a single month. That's an impressive feat on its own, but it's even more impressive when you look through Capcom's history.
As it turns out, Rise's six million sales figure makes it Capcom's second best-selling game for a single platform. Looking at the company's list of Platinum titles, only the classic SNES version of Street Fighter II has sold more with a total of 6.3 million units (thanks to Alex Aniel for the spot).
Other games have sold plenty more – Capcom's best-selling game of all time is Monster Hunter: World on 16.8 million and counting, and plenty of Resident Evil games have sold seven million plus – but these launched across multiple systems and therefore had a much larger consumer base hoovering up copies. Rise is currently only available on Switch, and with another 300,000 more sales, it'll become the highest-selling game that's exclusive to one platform.
Of course, with a version of Rise set to launch on PC in 2022, the game won't be able to hold onto that title forever. Still, if nothing else, it certainly shows just how hungry Nintendo fans can be for new Monster Hunter games.
[source capcom.co.jp, via twitter.com]
Comments 42
Well deserved, it's one of the best Switch games.
Who says it will sell more on PC?!
Far from guaranteed, weird thing to add really.
Edit: Ignore me, I'm dumb.
Hopefully now Capcom will develop Switch exclusive Resident Evil and Street Fighter games.
@TheFullAndy it will atleast sell one on pc so it will sell more.
Hopefully, this sends a message to other third party companies that good games designed for Switch will sell well. [I'm looking at you, EA].
So... games built for hot systems do really well...?
I'm gonna need a minute to process all this.
Congratulations Capcom. One of the best graphics on Switch for sure! Other companies struggle with simple graphics and have only 10-20fps...
@nkarafo That's because those games weren't built for Switch they were built for higher end systems, not really fair.
@gcunit apparently certain publishers are also unable to comprehend this. They still throw measly scraps and ports at the Switch, at best.
Disagree, there are games built specifically for Switch but look and run a lot worse.
Can't wait to pick this up one day bc I loved Generations Ultimate(Even though I haven't finished it).
Yes I looked up the figures today and it seems to be the second highest selling monster hunter after beating Icebourne this week.
It’s got a long way to go to ever get close to world but I think lifetime will settle around 10m once PC launches
I’m keen to see how stories does on the back of this....as the first game only sold sub 400,000.
Just been playing what with the huge new update and its nice seeing a big up in challenge. As someone whose been with it since the early days i'm so happy the series has got so big while not losing sight of what makes the series so special and unique, Capcom have really done well by the series. Rise is easily going to be a contender for GOTY come the years end with only RE Village i think having a chance of beating it providing it lives up to the hype, either way Capcom is in top form right now and i'm very excited to see what their E3 showing brings.
@nkarafo Yea.. Whenever I see a gorgeous game like this, I look back on how many crappy games were released on switch. Then I look at ps4/xbox versions of the game and I get really annoyed. I understand they are much more powerful systems, but it doesnt mean we gotta have ps2 looking titles. It sucks that most devs just dont care enough to push the hardware. Thats why Ill never buy Bloodstained.
Just goes to show, put some effort in on a game built for the Switch and the sales numbers speak for themselves, so many developers missing a massive opportunity with the Switch and it's massive installed customer base, which will only grow bigger.
The best-selling Capcom game ever on a single platform is the PS4 version of Monster Hunter World, which has shipped around 9 million copies. This includes sales of the Master Edition that comes bundled with the Iceborne DLC.
Switch version of Monster Hunter Rise should reach that figure within the next 12-18 months, especially once the DLC/G version of Rise is released.
I didn"t like the Demo, but this Series is deserving it.
Nintendo Life is happy to report that it could milk 2 articles out of sales data for one game.
Yeah but it's too bad they won't count the PC sales numbers though as these sales figures only applies to physical sales only.
@westman98 Iceborne was the G version of Monster Hunter World. Technically it's a new episode since the G episodes are always counted separately like on PSP and 3DS.
Job well done to the Capcom team.
Congratulations to both Nintendo and Capcom.
While I always said for a game like pokémon sword and shield it's absolutely not deserved, it's absolutely deserved here. You can just feel the love put into this game when you play it and it's so good, well deserved to sell this well.
@HamatoYoshi "Hopefully now Capcom will develop Switch exclusive Resident Evil and Street Fighter games."
I don't need them to be exclusive. I just need them to exist on the Switch. Street Fighter 6 across all platforms with cross play.
That's the dream right there.
"How much did World do on just ps4?"
Take this with several grains of salt.
Tweet from Nov 2020:
"Capcom MHW sales numbers were leaked.
PC USA: 1.616mil
PC EU: 1.570 mil
PC Asia: 2.531 mil
PC NonJP Total: 5.717 mil
Sony USA: 2.392 mil
Sony EU: 1.702 mil
Sony Asia: 1.414 mil
Sony NonJP Total: 5.509 mil
PC Japan: 236k
Sony Japan: 3.184mil"
That would put the PS4 version at 8.7(ish) mil.
Questionable source:
@NotoriousWhiz Stands a better chance than V did. V only came into existence because Sony threw money at Capcom in time for the Capcom Pro Tour, and the quality of the game initially suffered because of it. It took a massive turnaround before V gained its legs, and Capcom will remember that.
Didn't street fighter II launch on multiple systems in its day just like monster hunter world has in current times. So why is its being treated as if its somehow different.
Regardless it has sold very very well for a 3rd party game. If this doesn't make publisher's realise they should be making games with Switch in mind, nothing will. The release of PS5 and XSX/S should leave wiggle room for smaller dev teams to make something for Switch, instead of trying to hamfist something onto new Gen and failing to gain any audience because of bigger studios and budgets.
@FlashmanHarry it did, but the original SNES version sold the most. The Mega Drive and later versions are not included in the 6.3 million. SNES street fighter 2 was also Bundled with the console (it's the exact console and game combo my family bought at launch), which will have also contributed to the figure.
If only Konami showed half the love Capcom does for its properties.
@Yosher while I don’t play Pokémon games, apparently customers spoke with their wallets for Sword/Shield and didn’t care about the issues. It would be nice if Game Freak would respond to the community, but if sales are high they may not care. Whether it’s deserved or not, that’s strictly on interpretation. It’s nice to see Monster Hunter is enjoying crazy success on the Switch. Sounds like a quality game compared to Sword/Shield.
So, party at Capcom HQ?
But, surely, if this is [currently] the second highest individual platform sales of any of Capcom's games (and it will likely be first in a couple months or whatever) then it doesn't matter if it also comes to PC too, as the achievement of selling more units on one particular console still stands, no? Unless other Capcom games have sold more units on one particular platform but we're somehow not considering those higher numbers here just because those games also happened to sell on other consoles additionally?
Amen to that brother...Konami might as well have fallen off the planet after HK left. I mean MGS is apparently dead as far as ever getting another main line release. Still MGS IV is the game they should remaster (for switch and the x86 gang). I am tired of hearing excuses on how the game was so made for PS3 cell processors it just couldn't be done on anything else....BS..they could build a new engine and then use updated assets. Give the game to PanicB to do the Switch port and I bet they could do a nice job....Konami owns two of the most iconic IPs in the industry in MGS and CastleV and they just can't seem to do anything to make something new....sad.
And Monster Hunter World only sold well because of its deceptive e3 trailer that made people think it was another over the shoulder ps4 style walking simulator, when they realized its a completely different kind of game they traded it in. I remember my friends working at gamestop saying its the most traded in game they ever seen.
And there's gonna be people being like "YEAH WELL IT STILL SOLD WELL" sure, that's fine, too bad those sales dropped off with iceborne. Iceborne did about ten million less in copies sold. SoooooooOOOoooo shows you that World was mostly bought by people who were curious about it, but if they don't return for future installments of the franchise, it was kind of a wasted experiment.
And I'm a huge mh fan, but I'm glad Rise is selling as well as it is. Good to see it surpassing iceborne, hopefully capcom will realize their mistake of trying to westernize the game so much.
So, I guess the Switch passed Capcom's test.
@IronMan30 That's nothing compared to the entire front page of articles all from the Sony sales numbers data over on PS
I extrapolated a best fit curve from the data we have to make predictions on MH Rise sales.
Should be roughly at 3 months for 7 million, around 9 months for 8 million, and about 2 years for 9 million.
This is if current trend continues, so it doesn't account for holiday period increases, sale increases, etc.
With that in mind, I think MH Rise will, at the very least, top the 8.5m that World sold on PS4, setting the record for highest sales on a single platform, and as you said, that was including Master Edition versions of Iceborne. This is the base game. Once the Ultimate Edition releases it'll blaze past that.
@NEStalgia I haven't checked there in quite a while, but I believe it. Meanwhile, nothing from NL on the NA sales figures for March (that I've seen). And last month (as with the others PS5 has been on the market) Switch still managed to outsell the PS5. Kind of odd since this is a Nintendo fan site.
Congratulations Capcom. Well deserved, it's an amazing game...
Very well deserved. Its going to take something very special to knock this off my GOTY. Capcom have really given us a belter here.
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